1、PENG SIJING(Stone)T TF FN NC onservation TheoryMyra Levines1.CONTENTSCONTENTSMyra Levines Conservation TheoryJournals presentationCase studySummarize2.Myra Levines Conservation Theory3.Myra Levine“Although she never intended to develop theory,she provided an organizational structure for teaching med
2、ical-surgical nursing and a stimulus for theory development(Stafford,1996)”(Alligood&Tomey,2010,p.226)4.Myra Levines Conservation Model“Focuses on conservation of the persons wholeness.Adaptation is the process by which people maintain their wholeness or integrity as they respond to changes in their
3、 environment and become congruent with their environment”(Kearney-Nunnery,2008,p.27)Conservation“The way complex systems are able to function even when severely challenged”(Alligood&Tomey,2010,p.229)5.Major Concepts“Wholeness emphasizes a sound,organic,progressive mutuality between diversified funct
4、ions and parts within and entirety,the boundaries of which are open and fluent”“The process of change where by the individual retains his integrity within the realities of his internal and external environment”Perceptual EnvironmentOperational EnvironmentConceptual Environmentpart of the environment
5、 that individuals respond with the sense organsAspects of the environment that are not directly perceived(cannot see,hear,feel or smell)Language,ideas,symbols,concepts and inventions.KEY CONCEPTS(Conservational principle)Conservation Conservation of energyof energyConservation Conservation of person
6、al of personal integrityintegrityConservation Conservation of structural of structural integrityintegrityConservation Conservation of social of social integrityintegrityMyra Levine described the Four Conservation Principles.These principles Theory focus on conserving an individuals wholeness.She adv
7、ocated that nursing is a human interaction and proposed four conservation principles of nursing which are concerned with the unity and integrity of individuals.Her framework includes:energy,structural integrity,personal integrity,and social integrity.7.FrameworkConservation of EnergyConservation of
8、structural IntegrityConservation of social integrityConservation of personal intyegritRedundancyHistoricitySpecificitySuccessful Successful adaption-adaption-best supports best supports conservationconservation with least with least energy energy expendedexpendedResponsibility Responsibility of Nurs
9、ing of Nursing during during vulnerable vulnerable time of time of dependencydependencyHealth Health&Disease&Disease are patterns are patterns of adaptive of adaptive change change Importance Importance of nurse of nurse support in support in process of process of adaptionadaptionOptimal Optimal Hea
10、lth is goal Health is goal of adaptionof adaptionConservation8.Framework MANEvironmentAdaptCONSERVATIOnEnergyStructural IntegritySocial integrityPersonal intyegritExternal or internalperceptionaloperationalconceptualRedundancySpecificity Historicityorganismic responseLevel of integretionFlight or fi
11、ghtInflammatoryPerceptualStressWholeness Framework 9.Myra Levines Conservation TheoryName:StonePeng Sijing.The Meaning of The Icon RepresentsMyra Levine described the Four Conservation Principles.Her framework includes:energy,structural integrity,personal integrity,and social integrity.Adaptation is
12、 the process of change,and conservation is the outcome of adaptation.Adaptation is achieved through the“frugal,economic,contained,and controlled use of environmental resources by the individual in his or her best interest”The environment completes the wholeness of the individual.The individual has b
13、oth an internal and external environment.The person is a holistic being who constantly strives to preserve wholeness and integrity and one“who is sentient,thinking,future-oriented,and past-aware.”The wholeness(integrity)of the individual demands that the“individual life has meaning only in the conte
14、xt of social life”The person is also described as a unique individual in unity and integrity,feeling,believing,thinking and whole system of system.The Meaning of The Icon RepresentsMyra Levine described the Four Conservation Principles.Her framework includes:energy,structural integrity,personal inte
15、grity,and social integrity.Adaptation is the process of change,and conservation is the outcome of adaptation.Adaptation is achieved through the“frugal,economic,contained,and controlled use of environmental resources by the individual in his or her best interest”The environment completes the wholenes
16、s of the individual.The individual has both an internal and external environment.The person is a holistic being who constantly strives to preserve wholeness and integrity and one“who is sentient,thinking,future-oriented,and past-aware.”The wholeness(integrity)of the individual demands that the“indiv
17、idual life has meaning only in the context of social life”The person is also described as a unique individual in unity and integrity,feeling,believing,thinking and whole system of system.StrengthsConservationaConservational principlel principleValuestheholisticapproachtoallindividual,wellorsickValue
18、spatientsparticipationinnursingcareComprehensivecontent,in-depthScientificprinciplesareemphasized.Providesdirectionofnursingresearch,education,administrationandpracticeLogicallycongruentShowshighregardtoadjunctivedisciplinestodeveloptheoreticalbasisfornursing.LimitationsConservationaConservational p
19、rinciplel principleLimitedattentioncanbefocusedonhealthpromotionandillnessprevention.Nurse has the responsibility for determining thepatientabilitytoparticipateinthecare,andiftheperceptionofnurseandpatientaboutthepatientabilitytoparticipateincaredontmatch,thismismatchwillbeanareaofconflict.Themajorl
20、imitationisthefocusonindividualinanillnessstateandonthedependencyofpatient.Journals presentation15.16.Testing a Theory of Health Promotion for Preterm Infants Based on Testing a Theory of Health Promotion for Preterm Infants Based on Levines Conservation Model of NursingLevines Conservation Model of
21、 NursingObjective:Test a middle range Theory of Health Promotion for Preterm Infants based on Levines Conservation Model of Nursing Measurement:A descriptive correlational ex post facto study design with data collected from existing data17.Testing a Theory of Health Promotion for Preterm Infants Bas
22、ed on Testing a Theory of Health Promotion for Preterm Infants Based on Levines Conservation Model of NursingLevines Conservation Model of NursingThe Journal of Theory Construction&TestingFRAMEWORFRAMEWORK K.Confirmatory factor analysis(CEA or measurement model)test of the respecified Confirmatory f
23、actor analysis(CEA or measurement model)test of the respecified model,standardized solutionmodel,standardized solutionThe Journal of Theory Construction&Testing.Testing a Theory of Health Promotion for Preterm Infants Based on Testing a Theory of Health Promotion for Preterm Infants Based on Levines
24、 Conservation Model of NursingLevines Conservation Model of NursingThe measurement indicators used in this study are classic indicators of infant health status and remain in widespread clinical use,but this sttidys retrospective nature is a limitation.Providing consistent nursing caregivers remains
25、a great challenge in acute care settings of all typesAlthough successful testing was performed on a simplified model,it should be noted that mathematical constraints limited testing of the originally specified a priori model.A potential risk in testing a respecified model is that the model may t)e d
26、riven by the sample data rather than by the theoryWEAKNESS.Case ScenarioA 75 year old man currently staying in a long term care facility.He has a history of congestive heart failure and generalized weakness.Currently he states that he has been feeling“depressed”due to his inability to do his own personal care.He also states that he misses his old friends in the community.As a nurse,how could you use the four principles of conservation to address his needs?QUESTION.Thank youStone22.谢谢您的观看!.