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1、(完整版)大学英语第二单元教学设计方案阿克苏职业技术学院单元教学设计方案课程名称新编实用英语综合教程1教学项目名称Unit 2 Giving Thanks and Expressing Regrets本项目学时数8学时课程教学团队基础部大学英语教学团队学习目标分析知识目标:1。掌握本单元单词及常用词组 2。掌握表达喜悦感激之情、致歉、请求原谅的常用句型3.听懂表达喜悦感激之情、祝贺及回应、致歉、请求原谅的常用句型4.冠词的正确使用5. 会用英语写感谢条、礼物卡和祝贺信技能目标:培养阅读能力和一定的听说读写译能力,学生能够用本单元所学句型表达喜悦感激之情、祝贺及回应致歉、请求原谅等。情感目标:

2、掌握语言学习的方法,培养自主学习能力,提升自身素质,加深内涵.学习者分析学习内容分析Section 1: Talking Face to Face learn to Expressing pleasure and thanks on receiving a gift or help; Congratulating and responding to congratulations; Expressing regrets and asking for forgivingness.Section 2: Being All Ears practice listening comprehension

3、to expressing pleasure and thanks or expressing regrets and asking for forgivingness。Section 3: Maintaining a Sharp Eye Passage I Understand the passage as a whole; Learn to use the strategy of scanning to locate specific information in a passage (reading。 skills development) ;Master some useful exp

4、ressions in Passage ISection 4: Trying Your Hand learn to write thank-you note and apology letter. Grasp their format and some basic expressions。 Review the usage of article。教学策略在语音室上课,使用多媒体课件. Section 1对话部分用任务教学法,情景教学法; Section 2 听力部分用视听法; Section 3 阅读部分用引导发现法,讲授法,任务教学法; Section 4 写作语法部分用引导发现法,讲授法;

5、学习成果通过本单元学习,学生能够在熟读样例的前提下,模仿所给的短小精悍的对话,根据课本提供的语言环境,掌握表达喜悦感激之情、致歉、请求原谅的常用句型,进行对话练习。掌握课文所给的句型和短语;根据提示语境灵活运用句型和短语.会用英语写感谢条、礼物卡和祝贺信.教学评价根据学生课堂及完成活动任务的表现,以教师给学生评价和学生互评的方式,对本堂课的教学反思及心得做出小结教学过程设计(I)步骤教学内容时间分配明确任务Unit 2 Giving Thanks and Expressing Regrets Section I: Talking Face to face 5项目引导1.Why do you n

6、eed to write a gift or congratulation card?2。When do we send these cards?3.How should you reply if you receive one?10知识讲解1。 学习新单词。2. 教师范读对话,并讲解重点单词及核心句型。15操作训练1. 学生跟读MiniTalks:imitating MiniTalks2. 小组编对话:Acting out the Tasks25知识深化1. Studying Gift and Congratulation Cards2. Following sample dialogues

7、25归纳总结总结如何用英语表达谢意和祝贺及回复,道歉和请求原谅时的英语表达。7作业布置Putin Use: P212.Remember the new words in mind.3.Make up a dialogue on giving thanks or expressing regrets。3课后体会教学过程设计(II)步骤教学内容时间分配明确任务Unit 2 Giving Thanks and Expressing Regrets SectionII: Being All Ears5项目引导1。学生表演对话。2.把学生所用句型写在黑板上,最后教师将要点及重要句型介绍给大家。15知识讲

8、解1. New words and useful expressions 2。key points and difficult sentences20操作训练1.Listen and Decode2.Listen and Read 3.Listen and Respond20知识深化1.Listen and Repeat 2.Listen and Match 3。Listen and Conclude20归纳总结通过本次课的学习,学生应该掌握从对话中获取信息,掌握听力材料中所涉及的重点及常用词汇短语的含义及用法,同时提高听力能力。能听懂关于表达谢意和祝贺及回复,道歉和请求原谅时的句子,并在听后

9、复述。5作业布置背单词预习: passage15课后体会教学过程设计(III)步骤教学内容时间分配明确任务Unit 2 Giving Thanks and Expressing Regrets SectionIII Maintaining a Sharp Eye5项目引导Passage I Different Attitudes Towards GiftGivingWarmup questions:1。 When do Chinese usually give gifts to others? 2. What do you know about the American peoples hab

10、its of gift-giving?15知识讲解1。 Information Related to the Reading Passage 2.New words and useful expressions in Passage I3. key points and difficult sentences in Passage I20操作训练1. The students read the passage first, then understand the meaning of sentence by sentence with the help of teacher.2. Read a

11、nd Think3。 Answer the following questions according to the passage20知识深化1. Read and Complete2。 Complete each of the following statements with words or phrases from the passage20归纳总结通过本次课学习,学生应该掌握 Passage 1 中所出现的生词和短语,理解课文大意,了解不同国度对待礼物的不同态度,并掌握重点句型及用法。5作业布置1. Fill in the blanks with the proper words

12、or expressions given below, changing the form if necessary2. Read and Translate;3。 Read and Simulate4。Preview Section IV冠词的用法5课后体会教学过程设计(IV)步骤教学内容时间分配明确任务Unit 2 Giving Thanks and Expressing Regrets Section IV Trying Your Hand5项目引导Practicing Applied WritingWriting Sentences and Reviewing Grammar15知识讲

13、解1。 The format of thank-you note/card and congratulation card, some useful sentences,2。 The usage of Articles20操作训练1. Read the two samples of a thank-you note and a congratulation card and translate them before learning to write your own。2. Translate the following thank-you note into Chinese3. Trans

14、late the following letter of apology into Chinese20知识深化1。Write an English congratulation card according to the information given in Chinese2。定冠词的主要用法;不用冠词的几种情况20归纳总结1. The format of thank-you note/card and congratulation card2. The usage of Articles5作业布置1。 Write an English congratulation card according to the information given in Chinese2. Correct the errors in the following sentences。3. Translate the following sentences into English5课后体会

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