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1、小学英语测试题听力部分一、听音,选出正确的图形,在其编号下圈圈。(10分)1 2 A B A B3 4 A B A B5 A B二、听录音判断对错,对的打“”,错的打“”。(20分)1. 2. 3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5. 6. 7. 8. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )9. 10. ( ) ( )三、听录音标号,并把数字填在括号里。(10分)四、听录音,选出你听到的词,将其编号写在括号里。(10分)( ) 1 Aear Beye Cnose( ) 2 Aface Bfoot Chand( ) 3 Ahand Bhead Cmouth( ) 4 Aleg Barm Cfing

2、er( ) 5 Abody Bfoot Chead五、听录音,选出你听到的图形,在下列( )里打“”。(10分) ( ) ( ) ()() () () ()()六、听录音画画。(10分)七、听录音选出正确的答语。(10分)1( ) AGood morning BGood night CBye Bye2( ) AHes John BMy name is John . CThis is John3( ) ANice to meet you. BYoure good CGoodbye4( ) AHello! BMy names Sarah. CIm Sarah5( ) AOK BNice to me

3、et you CThank you笔试部分八、看图连线。 Hi,this is Mike. Nice to meet you. Good afternoon Lets go to school. Touch your foot. 3.eye5.head九、看图完成下列句子,把该填空词的编号. (10分)7.mouth1. I have a big _. 2. I have 2 _ s. 3. I have a small _ . 8.face4. My _ is big . 2.nose5. I have a _ . 10.ear6. I have 2 _s . 4.foot8. My _s

4、are long. 9.arm9. Stamp my _ . 10. Clap my _s. 1.hand 6.leg 试卷名称:小学英语三年级第一学期第二单元测试题小学英语三年级,第一学期,第二单元测试题,听力考试。现在开始。一、听音,选出正确的图形,圈其编号。本题听两遍。1. Good morning, Misschen. 2. lets go to school, together. 3. Touch your nose. 4. Touch your ears. 5. Stamp your foot. 二. 听录音判断对错,对的打钩,错的打叉。本题听两遍。1. Nice to meet

5、you. 2. This is Sarah. 3. Stamp your foot. 4. Touch my ear. 5. Touch my head. 6. Lets play . 7. Hello!8. Goodbye. 9. This is my crayon. 10. Touch my face. 三. 听录音标号,把数字填在圆圈里。本题听三遍。Hi I am zip . I have a mouth and a nose, I have 2 eyes. I have two small ears . My arm is long. My hand is big. This is m

6、y finger. I have short legs. My foot is big. Look my body is big , too. 四. 听录音选出你听到的单词,将其遍号填在括号里。本题听两遍。1. Look at my big nose. 2. My face is red. 3. My head is big. 4. My leg is long. 5. Shake my body. 五. 听录音,选出你听到的图形,在括号里打钩。本题听两遍。1. Look at my puppet . 2. This is its arm. 3. That is its eye and nos

7、e. 4. This is its face . 5. that is my body. 六. 听音完成下面脸谱。本题听三遍。I want to have a nice face. Draw two big eyes. A big nose . draw a small mouth . draw out two big ears. 七. 听录音选出正确的答语。本题听两遍。1. Good night. 2. Whats your name?3. Byebye. 4. Hi. 5. Lets go to school together. 三年级第一学期待Unit2 测试题答案. 一. 听音,选出正

8、确的图形,圈出其编号. 1. A2. A3. B4. A5. A二. 听录音判断对错,对的打 ,错的打 . 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. 三. 听录音标号,把数字填在圆圈里. 1. mouth2. nose3. eye4. ear5. arm6. hand7. finger8. leg9. foot10. body四. 听录音,选出你听到的词,将其编号填在括号里. 1. C2. A3. B4. A5. A五听录音,选出你听到的图形,在下列( )里打“”。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )六略。七、听录音选出正确的答语。1B2B3A4A5B八、看图连线。 Hi, this is Mike. Nice to meet you. Good afternoon. Lets go to school. Touch your foot. 九、看图完成下列句子,把该填空词的编号. 1. I have a big _. 2. I have 2 _ s. 3. I have a small _ . 4. My _ is big . 5. I have a _ . 6. I have 2 _s . 8. My _s are long. 9. Stamp my _ . 10. Clap my _s.

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