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1、Join in 五年级 Unit 4 What do you collect? 1. Listen and number: 听音标号。( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2Listen and do a survey. 听采访,完成下面的调查表。 Whats your name?What do you collect? How many?3.Read and write.根据上面的调查表,完成下面的调查报告。 Pit, Pat, Toby, _ and _ all have got collections.(收藏品) Pit has got _ _. P

2、at _ collect autographs. Pat collects _. Toby _ football pictures. He _ got _ football pictures. _ is a girl. She _comics. _ has _ _comics. Timmy _ _ stamps. Timmy _ _. He _ _ 38 _.4. Do the puzzle and answer the questions.下面3个小朋友都收集了什么,走走迷宫,你就知道了,然后完成填空。 (1) Rita, what do you collect? - I collect .

3、 - How many have you got? - . (2) - Mike, what do you collect? - I collect . - How many have you got? - . (3) - Emma, what do you collect? - I collect . - How many have you got? - .5. Choose the right answer:选词填空,将代表正确答案的序号填在题前的括号内。( )(1) Ben _ toy cars.A. collect B. collects. C. collecting( ) (2) M

4、y parents love football games. collect football pictures.A. They B. He C. She ( ) (3) Mike _ _ coins.A. dont collect B. doesnt collects C. doesnt collect( ) (4) Sue _ collecting stamps.A. like B. likes C. liking ( ) (5) Peter likes _ pictures of horses.A. collecting B. collects C. collect( ) (6)Sand

5、ra collects comics _ postcards A. or B. of. C. and( )I _ _ autographs. A. dont collect B. doesnt collects C. doesnt collect6. Read the text and draw the pictures. 读下面一段话,把最漂亮的粘贴画到下面的房间里吧。Stickers, stickers, stickers, I love stickers.Look! There are many stickers everywhere.I stick them on my bed. I stick them on the lamp.I stick them under the clock. I stick them on the curtains and on my trainers. Is my room nice?

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