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1、牛津译林七年级上册句型转换和词汇专题知识点一 句型转换【知识梳理】一、肯定句改否定句的方法1.在be动词后加not。如:is not , are not , am not2.在can,should,will等后加not。如:cannot, should not;3.上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否定形式dont/doesnt/didnt。(动词变原形)4.some 改成any,and改成or如: I am a girl. I am not a girl.You should sleep. You should not sleep. You shouldnt sleep.He has a bag

2、 and a pen. He doesnt have a bag or a pen.二、肯定句改一般疑问句的方法1.把be动词放在句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,and改成or,I改成you,my改成your,)句点改成问号。2.把can,shall, will等放到句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,and改成or,I改成you,my改成your,)句点改成问号。3.上述都没有的,在句首请助动词Do/Does/Did帮忙,剩下的照抄,(动词变原形,some 改成any,and改成or,I改成you,my改成your,)句点改成问号。注意:句首的第一个字母要大写,句尾标点应为“

3、?”。如:I am in Class 6. Are you in Class 6?Birds can fly.Can birds fly?He comes from America. Does he come fromAmerica?4.一般疑问句的回答一般疑问句有两种回答,即:肯定回答和否定回答。其中,肯定回答用yes,否定回答用no。 语句顺序为:Yes + 主语 + am /is/ are/can/do/does/did.; No + 主语+ am not/ isnt/ arent/cant/dont/doesnt/didnt. 如:Are you an English teacher?

4、Yes, I am. /No, I am not.Is that a bird? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.三、对划线部分提问“对划线部分提问”是小学阶段英语学习的难点,但是一旦掌握了规律,就变得容易多了。 小学英语对划线部分提问之答题口诀 :一代:用正确的疑问词代替划线部分。二移:把疑问词移至句首三倒:颠倒主谓语,但对主语或其定语提问时除外(动词变原形,some 改成any,I改成you,my改成your),四抄:照抄句子剩余部分。如:I went to Shanghai yesterday.When did you go to Shanghai?I went to

5、Shanghai yesterday.Where did you go yesterday?I went to Shanghai yesterday.Who went to Shanghai yesterday?I went to Shanghai yesterday.What did you do yesterday? 特殊疑问句的结构1)疑问词+一般疑问句如:What do you want?你要什么?When do you have English class?你们什么时候有英语课?How does he go to school?他是怎么去上学的?Where are you ?你在哪?

6、2)疑问代词作主语或作主语的定语时,语序与陈述句相同。如:Who teaches your brother Japanese?谁教你弟弟日语?What is in the box on the table?桌上那个盒子里装的是什么?特殊疑问词的含义及用法疑问词含义用法when什么时间问时间who谁问人where在哪里问地点what什么问东西或做什么事What time什么时间问时间(指具体时间)What colour什么颜色问颜色What day星期几问星期几how怎么样问情况,或问什么方式、手段、天气How old多大问年龄How many多少问数量(后加可数名词复数)How much多少问

7、价格,问数量(后加不可数名词)【例题精讲】句型转换1. I am listening to the teacher.改为否定句:_改为一般疑问句:_对划线部分提问:_2. Mike did his homework at home.改为否定句:_改为一般疑问句:_对划线部分提问:_Keys:1. I am not listening to the teacher. Are you listening to the teacher? Who is listening to the teacher?2. Mike didnt do his homework at home. Did Mike do

8、 his homework at home? What did Mike do at home?【课堂练习】1. His mother bought him a new toy car.(写出同义句) His mother _ a new toy car _ him. 2.The Chinese people like eating noodles and dumplings .(对划线部分提问) _ _The Chinese people like eating? 3.Peter made some mistakes in his homework. (写出否定句)Peter _make_

9、mistakes in his homework. 4.We had a good time at Chineses Palace last week.(变成一般疑问句) _ you _ a good time at Chineses Palace last week.5. Mily has a Chinese class.(改为现在进行时)Mily _ _ a Chinese class.Keys:1.bought;for 2.What do 3.didnt;any 4.Did; have 5.is having【变式练习】句型转换 1. Is Kitty good at dancing?

10、(同义句) Does Kitty _ _ in dancing?2. Sandy has some books to read. (改为否定句) Sandy doesnt _ _ books to read.3. Tom and I play basketball after school every day. (改一般疑问句)_ Tom and _ _ basketball after school every day?4. She is playing badminton over there. (对划线部分提问)_ is she _ badminton?5. His cat looks

11、lovely. (对划线部分提问)_ _ his cat look?Keys:1.【参考答案】 do well 【解析思路】考查同义句转换。对比上下句,可以判断少了词组be good at,可以用do well in来替换,主语是Kitty,用第三人称单数,所以借助于助动词does,后面do还原。2.【参考答案】 have any【解析思路】考查否定句。原句中有行为动词,改否定要借助于助动词,主语为Sandy用三单,后面has还原,同时some要变成any。3.【参考答案】Do; you【解析思路】考查一般疑问句和答句。原句中有行为动词,所以借助于助动词,主语为两个人,用do,第一人称I要注意

12、改成you,答句要用we。4.【参考答案】Where; playing【解析思路】考查特殊疑问句。根据划线部分为地点状语,所以用where提问,原句中有be动词,同样问句也要用be动词,其余不变。5.【参考答案】How does【解析思路】考查特殊疑问句。看划线部分是形容词,所以用how来提问,原句有行为动词,所以用助动词,主语为单数用三单。知识点二 词汇ABC【知识梳理】词汇A:请根据中文提示、英文释义、音标或句意,写出句中所缺单词。(5*1)词汇B:请根据句意从方框中选择合适的词,并用其适当形式填空。(5*1)词汇C:根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空。(5*1)(考时态)

13、注意:名词的单复数及所有格、动词的时态、人称代词的形式、形容词变副词、基数词变序数词、固定搭配等【例题精讲】1. Look at _(长颈鹿) necks. How long they are!【参考答案】giraffes【考查内容】中文英文+名次所有格【解析思路】根据中文提示可知填giraffe,根据句意可知需要填长颈鹿的复数形式的名次所有格形式2. He likes to do the shopping in the s_.【参考答案】supermarket【考查内容】首字母英文单词【解析思路】根据购物可知,是在超市里。词汇B:请根据句意从方框中选择合适的词,并用其适当形式填空。not b

14、edowatchhavefly1.-Sam, come down, please. I need your help.-Wait a minute, Mum. I _ my homework.2.Look! He _ the latest newspaper in his hand. I want to read it.3.Sandy, with her friends, _ kites in the park the other day.4.-_ they _ film this coming weekend?-Yes, they are.5.Nancy, my cousin, _ inte

15、rested in films any more now.Keys:1.【参考答案】am doing【考查内容】现在进行时【解析思路】根据对话形式可知我正在做家庭作业。2.【参考答案】has【考查内容】一般现在时【解析思路】根据look可知需要填现在进行时,但是have在表示“拥有”的时候不可以用进行时,所以是has3.【参考答案】flew【考查内容】一般过去时【解析思路】根据the other day可知需要填一般过去时4.【参考答案】Are;going to watch【考查内容】一般将来时【解析思路】根据this coming weekend可知需要填一般将来时,根据回答可知需要填含有b

16、e动词的一般将来时,所以是用be going to do的结构5.【参考答案】isnt【考查内容】一般现在时【解析思路】根据句意可知我表姐现在不再对电影感兴趣了,描述一种状态,be interested in 固定搭配词汇C:根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空。sendtalkflydrinktell1.He _ to his friends at the moment.2.Mike _ to Shanghai next Friday.3. He _ a letter to his boss last week.4.My father always _ stories to u

17、s.5.Mary _ tea every morning.Keys:1. 【参考答案】 is talking 【解析思路】根据at the moment 可知用现在进行时。2.【参考答案】will fly 【解析思路】根据next Friday 可知用一般将来时。3.【参考答案】sent 【解析思路】根据last week可知用过去时4.【参考答案】tells【解析思路】根据always可知用一般现在时5.【参考答案】drinks【解析思路】根据every morning可知用一般现在时【课堂练习】请根据句意从方框中选择合适的词,并用其适当形式填空。goodreadmemberswimhope

18、1._ English for an hour every day is very important.2. My friends like singing and they are _ of the Singing Club.3. He plays football very _ . He is my favourite football star.4. Each of us _ that we can have a good time in the school tip.5. Millie has _ lessons twice a week.Keys:1.【参考答案】Reading【解析

19、思路】考查动词。根据句子分析,谓语动词是is,所以前面缺主语,用动名词做主语。2.【参考答案】members【解析思路】考查名词。根据括号提示以及横线后面的of可以判断横线上填名词member,再看主语是they,所以要用复数。3.【参考答案】well【解析思路】考查副词。根据括号所给提示,在分析句子是要修饰play football,所以用副词well。4.【参考答案】hopes【解析思路】考查动词。根据提示以及分析句子可以看出each of us是主语,要填的是动词,根据语境判断要用一般现在时,主语为单数,用三单。5.【参考答案】swimming【解析思路】考查名词。根据固定搭配have

20、swimming lessons有游泳课,所以判断要填的是swimming。【变式练习】1. How many _ (年级) are there in your school?2. I dont know all my _ (同学) age. 3. Jay Chou is one of my _ (英雄).4. What he said is _ (真实的), you can believe him. 5. Lets _ (go) to the Reading Club this afternoon.6. What about _ (meet) at the school gate?7. Ex

21、cuse me, _ (be) your sister in Sunshine Middle School?8. Millie with Daniel and classmates _ (wash) clothes every day.9. Only one of my friends _ (study) English, French and Japanese at school.10. - What _ your brother _ (look) like? - He is tall and slim.Keys:1.【参考答案】grades【解析思路】考查名词。根据中文提示填名词grade

22、,横线前面有how many,所以后面用复数grades。2.【参考答案】classmates【解析思路】考查名词。根据中文提示判断填名词classmate,横线前面有all所以用复数,横线后面有age,所以要加所有格。3.【参考答案】heroes【解析思路】考查名词。看中文提示可知填名词hero,再看one of可知后面要填复数,根据句意确定不需要填所有格。4.【参考答案】true【解析思路】考查形容词。根据中文提示可以判断填形容词,true或者real,再看修饰的是“他所说的话”,所以用true,real是强调事物的真假。5.【参考答案】go【解析思路】考查动词。固定搭配let sb. d

23、o让某人做某事,所以填动词原形。6.【参考答案】meeting【解析思路】考查动词。根据固定搭配what about doing sth.,判断横线上用动词ing,所以填meeting。7.【参考答案】is【解析思路】考查动词。这是一句一般疑问句,句子当中没有动词,所以用be动词,主语是your sister,用is。8.【参考答案】washes【解析思路】考查动词。时间状语every day,判断是一般现在时态,主语只看Millie,为三单。9.【参考答案】studies【解析思路】考查动词。根据句意判断是一般现在时,主语为only one of看做单数,所以加三单。10.【参考答案】doe

24、s; look【解析思路】考查动词。这是一句特殊疑问句,有动词look,所以用助动词,主语为your brother单数,用does,后一空还原。 课后练习A. 根据中文提示,英文释义或句意,写出句子中所缺单词,是句子通顺。1. Do you know his _ (年龄)? Yes. He is twelve years old.2.We are _ (happy and nice) to meet you here.3.I cant see the blackboard clearly. I must wear _.4.What a l_ cat it is!5.At _ (Saturda

25、ys and Sundays of a week), we always have fun.B. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 they draw hero jog play 6.Amy and Sandy are my _. I love them very much.7.These cats are lovely. Who looks after _?8. Are he and his brother basketball _? Yes. They are in our school basketball team.9.He often goes _ with his mother i

26、n the evening.10.He is a member of the _ Club in our class.C. 用方框中所给动词的适当形式填空。 not have look go feel fly 11.Eddie doesnt know how _ after e-dog.12.His family _ lunch at home on Friday.13.Reading is fun. It makes me _ great.14.My brother often _ a kite with me in the park on Sundays.15. What about _

27、shopping with me on Sunday? Good idea.句型转换1.I am a girl from China. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ a girl from China?2.There are some orange dresses on the red. (改为单数形式)_ _ orange dress on the red.3.Tom has some meat for lunch every day. (改为否定句)Tom _ have _ meat for lunch every day.4.He often does homework after scho

28、ol. (对划线部分提问)_ do they often _ after school?5.Whats the matter with him?(同义句转换)_ _ with him?Keys:词汇:A: 1-5.age glad glasses lovely weekendsB: 6-10. heroes them players jogging Drawing C: 11-15. to look; dont have; feel; flies; going句型转换:1. Are you 2.Theres an 3.doesnt have 4.What; do 5. Whats wrong词

29、汇A. 请根据括号中的中文提示,英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。1.What about_(邀请)them to go on a picnic?2.There is _(a lot) of rain in summer in this place.3.There are not enough_(长椅)in the park now.We need some more.4.Tom _(want to know) who to ask for help when he was in trouble.5.Dont make any noise!please keep _when you

30、 are in the library.B. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。Visit, sudden, west , ninety, little1.We Chinese celebrate the _birthday of the Chinese Communist Party in many ways.2. I like Chinese food ,I dont like _ food.3.We were having a meeting._a woman came in and shouted at us.4.There are at _1000 s

31、tudents in our school.5.The books on the shelf are those_.B.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。 show,plan,buy, be, go 1. Listen!Simon with his classmates,_a trip to the museum next week. 2. Didnt you know that the earth _around the sun?3. My father _a new car the day before yesterday.4. There_new film

32、s in the cinema tomorrow evening,wont there?5. -_your cousin_them around the new library this Sunday?-Yes,he is.Keys:A)inviting plenty benches wondered quietB)ninetieth western Suddenly least visitorsC)is planning goes bought will be is going to show句型转换 1. The man in the car is Millies father.(对划线部

33、分提问) _ _is Millies father?2.Mr frank taught his little son to play ping-pong last Sunday.(改为否定句)Mr frank_ _his little son to play ping-pong last Sunday.3.Kitty is a helpful girl!_ _Kitty is!4.She went to school,but didnt take the umbrella.She went to school_ _ umbrella.5.I was in Beijing two months ago. _ _ in Beijing two months ago?Keys:Which man; didnt teach; How helpful; without an; Were you

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