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1、(1)A simplified form of the English language based on 850 key words was developed in the late 1920s by the English psychologist Charles Kay Ogden and 1 publicized by the English educator I. A. Richards. Known as Basic English, it was used mainly to teach English to non-English-speaking persons and 2

2、 promoted as an international language. The complexities of English spelling and grammar, however, were major 3 obstacles to the adoption of Basic English as a second language. The fundamental principle of Basic English was that any idea, 4 however complex, may be reduced to simple units of thought

3、and expressed clearly by a limited number of everyday words. The 850-word primary vocabulary was 5 composed of 600 nouns (representing ), and things or events), 150 adjectives (for qualities and 6 properties 100 general operational words, mainly verbs and prepositions. Almost all the words were in 7

4、 common use in English-speaking countries. More than 60 percent of them were one-syllable words. The basic vocabulary was created 8 in part/ partially by eliminating numerous 9 extending words which have the same or similar meanings and by the use of 18 basic verbs, such as make, get, do, have, and

5、be. These verbs were generally combined with prepositions, such as up, among, under, in, and forward. For example, a Basic English student would use the expression “go up”10 instead of ascend”。 (2) To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community: I have always said if there ever came a day w

6、hen I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apples CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come. I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee. As far as my successor go

7、es, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple. I believe Apples brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role. I have made some of the best friends of my life at Apple,

8、 and I thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you.(4)Employment rates for new college graduates have fallen as sharply in the last two years, _as_ have starting salaries more for those who can find work. 2 Whats _more_, only half of the jobs landed by these new graduates ev

9、en require a college degree, reviving debates about after all whether higher education is 3 “worth it aftel all.“I have friends with the same degree as me, from a worse school, but because of who they knew or when they happened to graduate, _happened to_ 4 theyre in much better jobs,” said Kyle Bish

10、op, 23, a 2009 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh who has spent the last two years waiting tables, delivering beer, working at a bookstore and entering data. “Its luck 5 more about _luck_ than anything else.”The _median_ starting salary for students graduating form fouryear colleges in 2009 an

11、d 2010 was $27,000, down from $ 30,000 for decline those who entered the _work force_ 7 in 2006 to 2008, according to a study released by the John J. Heldrich Center for Workerforce Development at Rutgers University. raise That is a _decline_of 10 percent, 8 even before taking inflation into account

12、 9 account.Of course, these are the lucky ones the graduates who found a job. Among the members of the class of 2010, just 56 percent has held at least one job by this spring, conducted when the survey was _conducted_10 .That compares with 90 percent of graduates from the classes of 2006 and 2007.(6

13、)Although, as we have seen, people generally long to leave their places of work and get home, ready to put their hard-earned free time to good use (n.), 1 all too often they have no ideawhat to do there (home). 2 Ironically , jobs are actually easier to enjoy than free time, because like (pre.) flow

14、 (happy) activities they (work) have built-in goals, feedback, rules and challenges, all of 3 which encourage one (anybody/ worker) to become involved (join) in ones work, to concentrate and lose oneself (be absorbed) in it. Free time, 4 on the other hand (on the contrary), is unstructured (unorgani

15、zed), and requires much greater effort to be shaped into something (meaningful) that can be enjoyed. Hobbies that demand skill, habits that set goals and limits, personal interests (tastes), and especially inner discipline(n./vt.), help to make leisure (free time) what it is 5 supposed to be chance

16、for re-creation . But on the whole (in general), people miss the opportunity to enjoy leisure even more 6 thoroughly (completely) than they do with working time. It is in the improvident (unwise/ wasteful) use of our leisure time, I suspect (think), 7 that the greatest wastes of American life occur.

17、 tourism and recreation industry Mass leisure, mass culture, arid (meaningless) even high culture when only (they are) attended to (actively) passively and for 8 external Reasons such as the wish to display (show) ones status are parasites (寄生虫) of the mind. They absorb (=exhaust) psychic energy wit

18、hout providing substantive (considerable) strength 9 in return. They leave (=make) us more exhausted, more disheartened (depressed) than we were before. 10 Unless a person takes charge (control) of them, both work and free time are likely (possible) to be disappointing. Most jobs and many leisure ac

19、tivities especially those involving the passive consumption of mass media are not designed (intended) to make us happy and strong, or to make us learn to enjoy our work.(8)Popular Music is music produced for and sold to a broad audience. Types of popular music include jazz, music from motion picture

20、s and musical comedies, country-and-western music, soul music, and rock music. 2 Shaped by social, economic, and technological forces, popular music is closely linked to the social identity of its performers and audiences. Early musical styles were also very influential in shaping popular music.Anot

21、her important development at the close (end) of the 20th century was the influence of digital 5 technology, including storage media such as recordable compact discs (=CD) and DVDs (Digital Video Discs), the Internet, and MP3 compression, which allows 6 sound files to be compressed to less than 10 pe

22、rcent of their original size. The transformation of musical sound into digital files allowed music to be transmitted (convey/ transfer), reproduced, and 7 manipulated (process) in a virtual form, easily passing from one computer to another in a different part of the world in just minutes (or seconds

23、). This has raised legal and technological questions which will no doubt shape (form/decide) the 8 course (route) of American popular music for years to come: What kind of rights does a consumer 9 purchase (buy) when they buy a copy of a recording? What does it mean when a consumer licenses the righ

24、t to download and use the contents of a(n) 10 album rather than buying a physical copy of it? How will the transformation of music into pure information affect musicians and how they are compensated? What will the music industry of tomorrow look like?(12)In the past, young people in America usually

25、lived with their parens until they got married. Today, some still do, yet, most young people live a more independent life. They have a job. They travel. They rent or own their own apartment or house. They wait longer to get married. While waiting, they date.Often a friend will plan a meeting between

26、 two unmarried people who do not know 3 one another. This is called a “blind date”.The people involved are not 4 blind. They just have never seen each other. However, most unmarried people have to find their own 5 dates. Many go to public eating, drinking or dancing places. Every city in America has

27、 them. Some places are 6 popular with young people. Others are for older people. Many Americans want to go where they are sure they can meet people with similar 7 interests. For example, they may go to a bookstore. Some bookstores in America now serve coffee and food. Many 8 offer special programs (project) and social activities for single people. Other singles join health clubs to exercise and to meet people. 9 Or, they may join groups for people who like to take long walks or watch birds. When they 10 get along well enough, they may decide to spend the rest of their lives together.

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