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1、Wel ding pro c edure spec ific at io n(WPS)焊接工艺规范LINCOLN 同|fc ELECTRIC1What is a WPS?什么是焊接工艺规范(WPS)?焊接工艺规范是为了制造符合规范要求的焊缝而提供指导的、经过 评定合格的焊接工艺文件。它或其它文件可用于对焊工或焊机操作 工提供指导似保证符合规范要求。A WPS is a w rit t en qual ified w el ding pro c edure prepared t o pro vide direc t io n fo r making pro duc t io n w el ds

2、t o Co de requirement s.The WPS o r o t her do c ument s may be used t o pro vide direc t io n t o t he w el der o r w el ding o perat o r t o assure c o mpl ianc e w it h t he Co de requirement s.LINCOLN!J2ELECTRICWhat is included by a WPS?WPS的内容 一份完整的WPS应当包含在WPS中所采用的、对每一种焊接方法而言的所有重要变素、上重要变素和当需要时的附

3、加重要变素。样表见图1。焊接工艺规范其实就是规定某一焊接工艺的各种焊接变素。The c o mpl et ed WPS shal l desc ribe al l o f t he essent ial,no nessent ial,and,w hen required,suppl ement ary essent ial variabl es fo r eac h w el ding pro c ess used in t he WPS.Fo r t he sampl e,pl s see t he fig ure 1.LINCOLN,3ELECTRICWho take charge of

4、compiling WPS?WPS应该由谁制定?每个制造者或承包者应按照焊接规范的规定编写合 理的WPS.具体的说WPS是由代表厂家的焊接工程 师编写的。Eac h manufac t urer and c o nt rac t o r shal l prepare w rit t en Wel ding Pro c edure Spec ific at io ns w hic h are defined in c o rrespo nding w el ding c o de.LINCOLN!ELECTRIC4Avail abil it y o f t he WPSWPS的可得性用于产品焊接

5、的WPS,应当在制造现场便于获得,以供查考,并供授权检验师(AI)检查。A WPS used fo r Co de pro duc t io n w el ding shal l be avail abl e fo r referenc e and review by t he Aut ho rized Inspec t o r(Al)at t he fabric at io n sit e.LINCOLN!ELECTRIC5Simpl e c o nnec t io n diag ramWPS关系简图c o mpil ed by w el ding eng ineerac c o rding

6、 t o qual ified PQR焊接工程师根据评定合格的工艺评定 记录(PQR)制定恰当的焊接工艺规范(WPS)Aut ho rized by AI授权检验师检查Remarks:PQR is the qualified welding procedure procedure and test results record.备注:PQR是经过评定合格的焊接工艺数据 及相关试验结果记录c o nduc t ed by w el der焊工或焊接操作工 根据WPS进行生产supervised by AI授权检验师检6ELECTRICHow is a WPS created?如何创建一个WPS?

7、接头形式j oint typeFCAW药芯焊丝保护 焊SAW埋弧焊GM AW气保焊 SMAW焊条电弧焊 GTAW铝极嬴弧焊焊接方法 welding process+StructuralWelding Code-SteelANSVAWS DI.1-96 An American National Standard建造规范 construction specificationLINCOLN】ELECTRIC7REVIEW SPECIFICATION,LIST AlLEPI:n.4,一匚我;福Equipment,PersonnelServices,Space”*i j8:理二宝,,Svf?浏览规范,列

8、出可行焊接方法T修订可行焊接方法PRACTICAL CONSTRAINTS_ _ _ _ 一.一._ ,二,、二 三二二务%摩福 Consumablos,Properties,Location,Position _7_FUNCTIONAL CONSTRAINTS 一 _REVISED LIST OF ACCEPTABLE PROCESSES:6r.:二一 r&j 一 f.评估生定成本EVALUATE PRODUCTION COSTS(lUal Costs;Not Just Weld Costs)-;:K.:,-4 考7/成我选择MAKE CHOICE:强窦1港W矍差蠢茎晦IMffc妾可一Wel

9、d Process Selection焊接工艺选择The“ideal”welding process is that which achieves the minimu m specification requ irements at the minimu m cost.完美的焊接工艺是那种以最小成本获得 规范要求的最低水平The Practical Welding EngineerLINCOLN!ELECTRIC9Variables焊接变素 重要变素essential variables影响接头弯曲和拉伸性能的因素Affect the bend ability and tension abi

10、lity of joint 非重要变素non essential variables对弯曲和拉伸不能产生明显影响的因素Cant produce visible affection on bend ability and tension ability of joint 附加重要变素supplemental essential variables影响接头冲击性能的因素Affect the toughness of jointLINCOLN!ELECTRIC10Essentials listedinAWSDI/lAWS对各种焊接方法重懑辘飕盥;Tat)Ie iChanges Requiring W

11、PS R&qualification forGMAW.FCAW.and GTAWElectrodeEssential Varuble Changes to PQR Requiring RequahficabonProcecsSMAWSAWGM AWFCAWGTAWFUIer MetalI)Increase in ftJkr metal classification strengthXXX2)Change front low bydrcen to doo-1c-hydrce n SMAW electrodeX3)Change frcca one electrode or flux electro

12、de ckufication to any othe r electrode or fluxlectrode classification1XXX4)Change to an electrode or flux-ek i/32in.0.8 mm increaseAny increase Any increase or decreaseAny increase 1716 in.1 j6 mm increase or decrease11)Change in number of elect rodec.XXX12)Clwm群 in tungsten electrode type as sbgn i

13、n AWS A5.12XEssentials in GM AW or FCAWGM AW and FC AW中的重要变素(A WS).Filler填充材料 Inc rease in fil l er met al c l assific at io n st reng t h增加填料的强度 Chang e fro m o ne el ec t ro de c l assific at io n t o any o t her el ec t ro de c l assific at io n,l imit ed t o FCAW从一种焊丝型号改变 到另一种焊丝型号(只限药芯焊丝)Chang e

14、 t o an el ec t ro de c l assific at io n no t c o vered in AWS 人5.1845.20/528队5,29.焊丝变为在人/7$中没有的型号 Electrode焊丝 Chang e in no minal el ec t ro de diamet er:焊丝直径变化(实芯焊 丝),焊丝直径增加(药芯焊丝)LINCOLN!ELECTRIC12Essentials in GM AW or FCAWGMAW and FCAW中的重要变素(AWS)Electrical parameters焊接参数 A c hang e in t he ampe

15、rag e fo r eac h diamet er每种焊丝 直径的电流变化超过10%A c hang e in t ype o f c urrent(ac o r de)o r po l arit y and mo de o f t ransfer(GMAW o nl y)电流放性妄化或GmAW过 渡模式变化 A c hang e in t he vo l t ag e fo r eac h diamet er,surpass 7%电压改变超过7%An inc rease o r dec rease in t he w ire feed speed fo r eac h el ec t ro

16、 de diamet er surpass 10%送丝速度改变超 过10%LINCOLN】ELECTRICEssentials in GM AW or FCAWGMAW and FCAW中的重要变素(AWS)A c hang e in t he t ravel speed surpass 25%焊接速度改变超过 25%An inc rease in heat input surpass 10%热输入增加超过 10%Shielding gas 保护气 A c hang e in shiel ding g as fro m a sing l e g as t o any o t her sing

17、l e g as o r mixt ure o f g as,o r in t he spec ified no minal perc ent aae c o mpo sit io n o f a g as mixt ure,o r t o no g as保护气从单种气体变 为其它单种气体/混合气体LINCOLN】ELECTRIC14Essentials in GMAW or FCAWGMAW and FCAW中的重要变素(AWS)A c hang e in t o t al g as fl o w rat e气体流量增加大于50%或减小超过 20%A c hang e t o a shiel

18、 ding g as no t c o vered in。改变为不包含在 AWS A5.18,5.28,A5.20,A5.29中的保护气。.General 一般条件 Fo r t he PQR g ro o ve area,an inc rease o r dec rease 25%in t he number o f passes对手与PR坡口面积相同的,焊道数改变超过 25%A c hang e in po sit io n no t quaHfied焊接位.改变为未经评定的位置LINCOLN卜 ELECTRIC15Essentials in GM AW or FCAWGMAW and F

19、CAW中的重要变素(AWS)A c hang e in diamet er,o r t hic kness,o r bo t h,no t qual ified by Tabl e 2工件直径或厚度未在评定范围之 外。A c hang e in base met al o r c o mbinat io n o f base met al s no t l ist ed o n t he PQR 母材未经评定 Vert ic al Wel ding:Fo r any pass fro m uphil l t o do w nhil l o r vic e versa立彳旱:任何焊道从上到下焊接

20、 或相反 A c hang e in g ro o ve t ype(eg,sing l e-V t o do ubl e-V),坡口形式变化(例如,单V到双V)LINCOLN!ELECTRIC16Essentials in GMAW or FCAWGMAW and FCAW中的重要变素(AWS)A c hang e in t he t ype o f g ro o ve t o a square g ro o ve and vic e versa从住何坡口形式改变为直边或相反 A c hang e exc eeding t he t o l eranc es,inc l uding dec

21、reasing o f g ro o ve ang l e,dec reasing o f ro o t o pening,inc reasing o f ro o t fac e,坡 口角度减小,坡 口间隙减小以及钝边增加超过公差范围 The o missio n,but no t inc l usio n,o f bac king o r bac k g o ug ing取消桌垫或清根 Dec rease fro m preheat t emperat ures by 15 Cel sius deg ree预热温度降低超过15度LINCOLN 强 ELECTRIC17Welding Pro

22、ceed除颔fj o3MplUWES),区r r._r r 1 i PREOpALIFIED_ QUALIFIED BY TESTING小早-1 3丰IP 衣f Irr ROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORDSIdentification e(POR)Yes PQR 231Company Nane _RRD 工 nu_Wekfng Procesefe*s)PCAW_Supporting PQR No.(8 PQR 31Rwision 工 Oata 12一1一。7 Aj uthonzed by J-Jo nea TypeManual|Machrie*E3By W.Lyo_Da

23、te 1-8二Semi-Automatic JkJAutnaticJOIHT DESIGN USEDType:皿七七_Sineo._ASTM A 3工_Type onj&nade_ThicineEle*31ro-F1ux(Class)Flow Rate 45-5 5UPH _ Gas Cup Size PREHEAT Prefieat Temp.,Min 300_Int&rpess Temp.,Min Q Max 3 50 0PTransfer M二-de*(GMAW)Short-Circuiting|Gidoular 区 Sprary ICurrent AC1_|DCEP12L DCENj

24、_ Pulsed|_|Other _Tunosten Eleotrode(QTAWi Size:_Type:-TECHNIQUEStrirvE-ror Weave Bead:_MuHps or Single Rase iper sid。,Mu.t:2pagg Number of Eleotroie&to Work Distance _1/N-_Peening None_Interpass Cle*snin9 wire BrumnPOSTWELD HEAT TREATMENTTemp._N A_Time_M.A 0_WELDING PROCEDUREPass or WekJ Laryens)Pr

25、o o fsFiller MetalsCurrentVoltsTravelSpeedJoint OtaisClassDiam.Type&PolarityAmps:or Wire Feed Sf&edA工工FCAWE71T-X.045-/DU-igureX8O-22OA1.WPSs.白表25-26Vample8-X2 pmw I I IicolnWELECTRICType of qualification testWPS评定试验项目及试样数量、类型 The t ype and number o f qual ific at io n t est s required t o qual ify a

26、 WPS fo r a g iven t hic kness,diamet er,o r bo t h,shal l c o nfo rm t o Tabl e 2(CJP),Tabl e 3(PJP)o r Tabl e 4(fil l et).Det ail s o n t he individual NDT and mec hanic al t est requirement s are fo und in t he fo l l o w ing subsec t io ns:评定WPS试验的项目及数量应遵照表2(全焊透接头),表3(部分焊透接头)或表4(角接头)。主要有以下几种试验项目

27、。(1)Visual Inspec t io n 外观检验(2)NDT无损检验,含RT,MT,UT,PT等(3)Fac e,ro o t and side bend面弯,背弯及侧弯(4)Reduc ed Sec t io n缩截面焊缝拉伸(5)Al l-Wel d-Met al Tensio n全熔敷金属拉伸(6)Mac roet c h 宏观浸蚀LINCOLN】ELECTRIC19Number and type of test specimens and range of thickness qualified-CJP评定焊缝的厚度和试验数量及类型(全焊透接头)I.Tests on Plat

28、e1,2Table 2WPS Qual ific at io nCJP Gro o ve Wel ds:Number and Type o f Test Spec imens and Rang e o f Thic kness and Diamet er Qual ified(see 4.4)(Dimensio ns in Mil l imet ers)NominaJ PlateThickness(T Tested,mmNumber of SpecimensNominal Plale,Pipe or Tube Thickness 4Quality;d,mmReduced SectionTenb

29、unFig.4.14)Rod Bend(see Fig.4.12)Face Bend(se Fig.4.I2Side Bend(mm?Fig.4.13)MinMax3STS 1022232TIOT252432T25 and over243Unlimited2.Tests on Pipe orTubing1-7NominalPipe Size orNominal Wall Thicknessk T.mmNumber of SpecinxmsNominal Duunetet of Pipe or Tube SizeQualified,mmNontinal Plate,Pipe or Tube Wa

30、ll Thicknc小 4Qualified,mmReduced Section TensionseeFig.4.14)Rooi Bend(see lug.4.12)Face Bend(sec Fig.4.12)Side Bed(sec Fig.4.13)MinMaxJob SizeTest Pipes6003T 10222lest di;in).and over32T10T2024Test diam.6003T 10222Test diam.and over32T10T2024600 and overT/22TTN 2024600 and over10UnlinuiedSkirid4irdT

31、est Pipes50 nun OD x 6 min WT or 75 mm OD x 6 mm WT22220 through100320150 nim OD x|4 mm VT or 200 mm OD x 12 mm VT24100 and over5Unlimited20h ELECTRICNumber and type of test specimens and range of thickness qualified-PJP评定焊缝的厚度和试验数量及类型(部分焊透接头)Table 3Number and Type o f Test Spec imens and Rang e o f

32、 Thic kness Qual ified一 WPS Qual ific at io n;PJP Gro o ve Wel dsT est GrooveDepih,T in.mmNumber of Specimens1,2Macroelch for Reduced-Weld Size(E)Section4.10.2 T ension Root Bend Face Bend Side Bend4.10.3(see Fig.(see Fig.(see Fig.(see Fig.4.10.4 4.14)4.12)4.12)4.13)Groove DepthQualification Ranges3

33、-4Nominal Place.Pipe or T ubing Plate T hickness,in.mmMin MaxI/8ST S3/83WT S 103 2 2 2 T1/8 3 2T3/8 T 41IOT 253 2 4T1/8(3 UnlimitedBASIC REQUIREMENT SNoles:I.One test plate,pipe,or luhing per position shall be required(see Figure、4|0or4 11 for test plaic).Uy the production PJ P groove detail for qua

34、lification.?ll plulcs.pipes,or tubing shall Ik visually inspected(vc 4.8 I).2.If PJ P bevek or J-groovc weld is to be used for T-joints or double-bevel,or double-J-groove weld is to be used for corner joints,the Ixitt joint shall have a temporary restrictive plate in the plane of the square face to

35、simulate a T-joint configuration3.See the pip diameter qualification requirements of T able 4.24.Any PJ P qualification shall also qualify any fillet wess qual ified hal l be 1/8 in.3 mni|.2 Al l w dded l est pipe aikl pkiies skil l be visual l y inspec t ed per 4.8.13.Sec Tabl e 4.22)fo r pipe diam

36、et er qual ifk出io n.4.When t he w el ding c o nsumabl es used do ncM c o nfo rm l o t he prc qudiHc d pro visio ns o f Sec t io n 3.and a WPS ust nc t he pro po sed w el ding c o nsum-ibl eshis no Zn esiabhshed by t he Q)nt riao r inc o nl bmiinc e w nh eit her 4,9 o r4 10.1,a CUP g ro o ve w el d l

37、 est pi4ne shal l be w ekl ed in c o nfbmunc e w it h 4.9.COLN22ELECTRICClassification of base metal母材分类Tabl e 5Prequal l fl o d Base Mo t alFil l er Met al Co mbinat io ns fo r Mat c hing St reng t hG r o u pSteel Specification RequirementPiller Metal RequirementsSteel SpccifBcationMinimum Yield Po

38、mt/StrengthIcnshilc RangeProceAWS Elec node SpecificationElectrode ClimificaKionkMMPakMMPnASTM A 36(3/4 in 20 mmi3625058-0400-550SMAWA5.1E60XX.E70XXASTNf A 53Grade B3524060 min415 minASTM A 106Grade B3524060 min415 minA5.53E70XX-XASTM A 131Crude A.B.CS.D.DS.EM2a5-7l400-4WASTM A 139Grade B3524160 min

39、414 minSAWA5.17F6XX-EX3CX.F6XX-ECXXX.ASTM A 381Grade Y353524060 min415 minF7XXEXXX.F7XX-ECXXXASTM A 500Gnadc A3322845 min310 minGrade B4229058 min400 minA5.2 岁F7XXEXXXXX.ASTM A 5013625058 min400 minF7XX43CXXX-XXASTM A 516Grade 55302055S-75触SISGrade 603222060-0415-550GMAWA5.I8ER70S-K E70C-XCASTM A 52

40、4Grade I35240415-580k/OC-XJVt(Electrodes with theIkGrade II30205570380-550-GS suffix shall be cicludedASTM A 570Gmdc WJO2054。minM0 mmA5.28JER70S-XXX.E70C.XXXGrade 333323052 min?60 minGrade 363625053 inin365 nunGrade 404027555 inin3so minRCAWA5.2OE6XT-X,E6XT-XM.E7XT-X.E7XT-XMGrade 4545310I Electro de

41、%with the 2-2M,-3,ASTM A 573Grade 65352406S-774504 即-10,.I30-14.and-GS suffixGrade322305544)(140)Uiall be excluded and electrodesASTM A 709Grade in36250so400-550with the-11 wffix shall be excludedAPI 5LGride B3524060415fur tliiLknebbCb.fcuicr thanGrade X4242290604151/2 in.12 mm)ABSGmdc A.B.D,CS,DS58

42、 7140a 400Grade E*51U7I40(3)A5.2E6XTX-X.E6XTXM.E7XTX-X,E7XTX-XMASTM A 5291 tns讪hJ 42 k乂,Iub txvn(ccnanued)LINCOLN!卜 ELECTRIC23Classification of base metal母材分类Tabl e 5(co nt l nued)GSteel Specification RcquircntcnlFiller NfcUl RequirementsrMinimum YieldTctuulcAWSuPoincZStrengthRangeElectrodePSteel Sp

43、ecifkatiooksiMPiksiMPaProcessSpecificationEkctnxfe ClassificationASIM A 303/4 in.|2U mm)365U-W400-550SMAWAME7015.E70I6.E7U15.E7O2SA STM A 131Grades AH32.DH32.EH3268心470-585Grades AHK DHg EH365171-90400-620A5 53E70l5-X.E70l6-X,E70|g.XASTNf A44I40-50275-34560-70415-48$ASTMA516Grade 65A5八575450-585A ST

44、M A 529Grade 70GruJc 50.5070-0070-100485-620 485-600SAWA5.I7P7XX-EXXX.F7XX-EC XXXGriJe 55节力LI CO 4S5-oiOA STM A 537Clan*1-4530310 345 6500 4SQ-62OAS.2yF7XX-KXXX-XX.A STM A 570Grade 505065450nxx-Ecxxx-xxGrade 555538070480A STM A 572Grade 424229060 min415 minA STM A 588A STM A 595Grade 50Grade 554 ill

45、.100 mtn and under)Grade A5055505534538034538065 min70 min70 mm65 min4 1 2 in 150mmi38065 min450 min1/2 in 12 mm)A STM A 80R2-1/2 in.(65 mm and under)20060 mm415 minASTM A 913Gmdc5034565 min450 minE7XTX-X,E7XTX-XMASTM A 也250-65345-45065450API 2MGrade 4229062-80Grade 5034570 min485 minAPI 2WGrade 424

46、2-672XM6262 mm427 mmGrade 5050-75345-51765 min448 minGrade 50T50-80345-55270 min483 minAPI 2YGrade 4242-67290 46262 mm427 minGrade 5050-75345-51765 min448 tninGa/“JT50-S0.U5-55270 min4X?minAPI 5LGrade X5252360,J455-495ABSGrades AH31 DH32.EH3245.531571-90490-620Grade*AH36,DH36.E吟5135071-00400-620ivo

47、nunuc JiLINCOLN!卜 ELECTRIC24Classification of base metal母材分类Tabl e 5 o nt l nued)G Steel Spccifkaticn RcquinemcnteFiller Metal Requirementr Minimum Yield lensiku Pomt/Strcngth RangeAW 3ElectrodeP Steel SpecificMion ksi MPa ksi MPaProcess SpecifKaticn Electrode CkssificalionAPI 2W Gmde 60 60-00 414-6

48、21 75 min 517 minSMAW A5.3 E80I5-X.E80I6-X.E80IS-XAPI 2Y Grade 60 60-W 414-621 75 min 517 minASTM A 572 Grade 60 60 415 75 min 515 minSAW A5.23 P8XX-EXXX.XX,Giadc 65 65 450 80 milt 550 minPXXX-ECXXX-XXIH ASTM A 537 CUwl2 46-0 315-115 80-100 550-690GMAW A5285 ER80S-XXX.ASTM A 633 Grade E2 55-60 38041

49、5 75-100 515-690E80C-XXXASTM A 710 Grade A.CI2 2 m|50mm|60-65 415-450 72 mm 4Q5 minASTM A 710 Grde A.Class3 2 m 150 mm|60-65 415150 70 min 45 minR?AW A5.295 E8XTX-XASTM A9131 Grade 60 60 415 75 min 520 minE8XTXXMGrade 65 65 450 80 min 550 minSMAW ASS$E9015.X.E90I6-X.E90I8-X.BJ0I8-MASTM A 700 Grade 7

50、0W 70 485 90-110 620-7MSAW A5.23、P9XX-EXXX-XX,F9XX-ECXXX-XXASTM A 852 70 485 90-110 620-760GMAW A5.283 ER90S-XXX E90C-XXXPCAW A5.2Q EOXTX-X.E0XTX-XMGeneral Nc es:In j o int、invo l ving base nw t al i o f dif&rc nt j mqp eit her o f t he fbUo uiag t il er aic t il、may M med:(I)t hat w hic h o ul c he

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