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1、DIONEXWPS-3000Nan/Cap Well Plate Microautosamplerfor the UltiMate 3000 SystemService InstructionsRevisio n:VI.0Date:Jul y 1,2006 2006 DionexWPS-3000 Series Well Plate Nan/Cap Microautosampler Service InstructionsTable of Contents1 Introduction.11.1 Ho w to use these Servic e Instruc tio ns.11.2 Ad d

2、 itio nal Do c uments.21.3 General Info rmatio n.21.4 Instruc tio ns fbr Returning Instruments o r Parts.32 Preparatory Measures.42.1 General Care and Prec autio ns.42.2 Safety Prec autio ns.43 Identifying the Instrument Version.53.1 Avail abl e Co nfiguratio ns.53.2 Instrument Mo d ific atio ns.54

3、Electrical Connection.65 Injection System and Principle.75.1 Operating Princ ipl e.75.2 Injec tio n Princ ipl es.85.3 Sel ec ting the pro per Syringe,Buffer Tubing and Injec tio n Lo o p.86 Instrument Checkout.96.1 Chec king the Po sitio n o f the Need l e Pair.106.2 Chec king Po wer Suppl y Vo l ta

4、ges and Signal s.116.2.1 Vo l tages and Signal s o f the Po wer Suppl y Bo ard(S/N 2620601).126.3 Chec king Main Bo ard Vo l tages and Signal s.136.3.1 Vo l tages and Signal s o f the Main Bo ard(S/N 2620601).156.4 Chec king the Mo to r Driver Vo l tages.177 Chromeleon Service Functions.187.1 Ul tiM

5、ate 3000 Servic e Panel.187.2 The Auto sampl er Servic e Panel s.187.2.1 The Sampl erChange Panel.207.2.2 The Sampl erAl ignment Panel.207.3 Servic e Level Co mmand s and Pro perties.237.3.1 Chro mel eo n Servic e Mo d e.237.3.2 Co mmand s and Pro perties o f the Devic e Sampl er.247.4 Servic e Co d

6、 e and Servic e Mo d e.328 Maintenance and Repairs.338.1 Repl ac ing the Fuses.348.2 Repl ac ing the Syringe.358.2.1 Remo ving the Syringe.358.2.2 Instal l ing the Syringe.368.3 Repl ac ing the Buffer Tubing.378.4 Repl ac ing the Sampl e Lo o p.388.5 Repl ac ing the Syringe Val ve.39WPS-3000 Series

7、Well Plate Nan/Cap Microautosampler Service Instructions8.6 Repl ac ing the Need l e Pair(Punc turer and Sampl e Need l e).408.6.1 Repl ac ing the Need l e.408.6.2 Repl ac ing the Punc turer.418.7 Repl ac ing the Injec tio n Val ve.428.8 Remo ving and Instal l ing the Sid e Panel s and the To p Co v

8、er.438.9 Remo ving and Instal l ing the Rear Panel.468.9.1 Remo ving the Rear Panel(No Co o l ing Optio n instal l ed).468.9.2 Remo ving the Rear Panel(Co o l ing Optio n instal l ed).468.10 El ec tro nic s Unit.478.10.1 Repl ac ing the El ec tro nic s Unit(S/N 2620601).498.10.3 Repl ac ing the Po w

9、er Suppl y Bo ard(S/N 2620601).538.10.4.A Safety Test for the Switching Power Supply Unit.548.10.5 Repl ac ing the Main Bo ard(S/N 2620601).578.10.6.A Replacing the Fuse on the Main Board(S/N 2620601).598.10.7 Injec tio n Val ve Co ntro l Mo d ul e.608.11 Peristal tic Pump.618.11.1 Repl ac ing the C

10、artrid ge.618.11.2 Repl ac ing the Peristal tic Pump.618.12 Repl ac ing the Leak Senso r.628.13 Repl ac ing the Do sage Unit.638.14 Repl ac ing the Mo to r/Gear Bo x Assembl y.648.14.1 Remo ving the Mo to r/gear Bo x.648.14.2 Instal l ing the Mo to r/gear Bo x.648.15 Repl ac ing the Ho rizo ntal Dri

11、ve.658.16 Repl ac ing the Heat Exc hanger.668.16.1 Remo ving the Heat Exc hanger.668.16.2 Instal l ing the Heat Exc hanger.678.17 Repl ac ing the Displ ay/Keybo ard Assembl y.689 Calibration and Adjustment Procedures.699.1 Displ ay Brightness and Co ntrast Limits.709.2 Leak Senso r Sensitivity.729.3

12、 Al ignment o f the Need l e,Wash Po rt and Tray Po sitio n.739.3.1 Preparatio ns.739.3.2 Tray Po sitio n.759.3.3 Wash Po rt.769.3.4 Need l e Height.7710 Troubleshooting.7910.1 Hard ware Pro bl ems.7910.2 Erro r Messages o n the Fro nt Panel.8010.3 Erro r Messages in the Chro mel eo n Aud it Trail.8

13、511 Firmware Download.8712 Spare Parts Lists.88iiWPS-3000 Series Well Plate Nan/Cap Microautosampler Service Instructions13 Technical Appendix.9313.1 Maintenanc e o f the Injec tio n Val ve.9313.1.1 Cl eaning and Repl ac ing Parts.9313.1.2 Disassembl y o f the Val ve.9313.1.3 Reassembl y o f the Val

14、 ve.9413.2 Pin Out.9513.3 El ec tric al Bl o c k Diagram.96mWPS-3000 Series Well Plate Nan/Cap Microautosampler Service InstructionsA Important:Warning:1 Introduction1.1 How to use these Service InstructionsThis manual enabl es yo u to effec tivel y so l ve pro bl ems that may o c c ur with the WPS-

15、3000 Series Nano/Cap Well Plate Microautosampler.Befo re perfo rming any repair o r maintenanc e pro c ed ures,pl ease read the Operating Instructions and Service Instructions tho ro ughl y to o btain a general id ea o f the instrument.Note:The servic e manual is intend ed o nl y fo r Dio nex(o r au

16、tho rized)servic eperso nnel to assist in the maintenanc e and repair o f Ul tiMate 3000 series instruments and sho ul d no t be mad e avail abl e to o ther ind ivid ual s.Note:It is assumed that the ind ivid ual using this manual has suffic ient training inthe servic e o f anal ytic al instrumentat

17、io n and is aware o f the po tential hazard s inc l ud ing(but no t l imited to)el ec tric al hazard s,c hemic al so l vent hazard s,expo sure to UV rad iatio n and the expo sure to pressurized so l vents.The servic e manual is intend ed as a suppl ementary guid e to the Operating Instructions fo r

18、q ual ified servic e engineers.Fo r the l atest info rmatio n,al so see the Product Support Bulletins(=PSB)fo r the WPS-3000 Series Nano/Cap Wel l Pl ate Mic ro auto sampl er.Dio nex c anno t be hel d l iabl e fo r any repairs o r maintenanc e wo rk c arried o ut by unq ual ified perso nnel.Al mo st

19、 al l d esc riptio ns in the manual appl y to al l mo d el s o f the WPS-3000 Series Nano/Cap Wel l Pl ate Mic ro auto sampl er and c o ver bo th the stand ard(stainl ess steel)and the bio c o mpatibl e versio n.Therefo re,the term the auto sampl er is used thro ugho ut the manual.If so me d etail a

20、ppl ies to o nl y o ne mo d el o r versio n,the mo d el(versio n)is id entified by name.Note:The d evic e c o nfiguratio n may vary;therefo re,no t al l d esc riptio nsnec essaril y appl y to yo ur partic ul ar instrument.Note:The d esc riptio ns in this manual refer to firmware versio n 1.11 andChr

21、o mel eo n 6.70.At vario us po ints thro ugho ut the manual,messages o f partic ul ar impo rtanc e are ind ic ated by the fo l l o wing symbo l s:Ind ic ates general info rmatio n intend ed to o ptimize the servic e and maintenanc e steps o r the perfo nuanc e o f the instrument.Ind ic ates that fai

22、l ure to take no te o f the ac c o mpanying info rmatio n may resul t in d amage to the instrument.Ind ic ates that fail ure to take no te o f the ac c o mpanying info rmatio n may resul t in perso nal injury.Tip:WPS-3000 Series Well Plate Nan/Cap Microautosampler Service InstructionsThe info rmatio

23、 n c o ntained in this manual is subjec t to c hange witho ut no tic e and sho ul d no t be c o nstrued as a c o mmitment by Dio nex.Dio nex assumes no respo nsibil ity fo r any erro rs that may appear in this d o c ument.This d o c ument is bel ieved to be c o mpl ete and ac c urate at the time o f

24、 publ ic atio n.In no event shal l Dio nex be l iabl e fo r inc id ental o r c o nseq uential d amages in c o nnec tio n with o r arising fro m the use o f this d o c ument.CHROMELEON is a registered trad emark o f Dio nex Co rpo ratio n.Al l o ther trad e o r c o mpany names mentio ned are subjec t

25、 to the c o pyright and the pro perty and trad emark rights o f the respec tive c o mpany.Al l rights reserved,inc l ud ing tho se fo r pho to mec hanic al repro d uc tio n and sto rage o n el ec tro nic med ia.No part o f this publ ic atio n may be c o pied o r d istributed,transmitted,transc ribed

26、,sto red in a retrieval system,o r transmitted into any human o r c o mputer l anguage,in any fo rm o r by any means,el ec tro nic,mec hanic al,magnetic,manual,o r o therwise,o r d isc l o sed to third parties witho ut the express written permissio n o f Dio nex Co rp.1.2 Additional DocumentsIn ad d

27、 itio n to the servic e instruc tio ns,the fo l l o wing d o c uments are avail abl e:Operating Instruc tio ns Warranty Return Fo rm and Servic e Return Fo rm(inc l ud ing Dec o ntaminatio n Certific ate)OQ/PQ Instruc tio ns Spare Parts Catal o g Pro d uc t Suppo rt Bul l etins SOP Perfo rming Maint

28、enanc e o f Ul tiMate 3000 HPLC Systems1.3 General InformationThe WPS-3000 Series Nano/Cap Wel l Pl ate Mic ro auto sampl er is mad e o f high-q ual ity c o mpo nents and material s whic h keep maintenanc e req uirements to a minimum.A Important:Use o riginal Dio nex spare parts o nl y.Substituting

29、no n-Dio nex parts may impair the perfo rmanc e o f the instrument,thereby vo id ing the pro d uc t warranty.In ad d itio n,Dio nex assumes no l iabil ity fbr d amage c aused by repairs with third-party parts.The painted surfac es are rel ativel y resistant to weak ac id s and to al kal ine o r o rg

30、anic so l utio ns.Neverthel ess,al l so l vents o r o ther l iq uid s spil l ed o nto the surfac e sho ul d be wiped up immed iatel y,using a l int-free c l o th o r tissue(avo id rubbing).Warning:Maintenanc e and/o r repair wo rk sho ul d be c arried o ut by q ual ified perso nnel o nl y.When o per

31、ating the auto sampl er with the enc l o sure o pen,spec ial c autio n sho ul d be taken bec ause o f the l ine po tential.In any c ase,o bserve the warning no tes in the servic e instruc tio ns2WPS-3000 Series Well Plate Nan/Cap Microautosampler Service InstructionsWarning:The fl uid c o mpo nents

32、o f the auto sampl er may be fil l ed with to xic so l vents.Befo re starting maintenanc e o r repair wo rk,rinse the fl uid ic s with a suitabl e so l vent and put o n appro priate pro tec tive c l o thing.Befo re yo u start wo rking,c hec k the fuses fbr the c o rrec t rating and repl ac e,if appr

33、o priate(f Repl ac ing the Fuses,page 34).A Important:When turning o n the unit fo r test purpo ses,o bserve the instal l atio n instruc tio ns in the Operating Instructions.The auto sampl er is shipped in a c o ntainer that is spec ial l y d esigned to pro tec t the unit d uring shipping.If it is n

34、ec essary to return the unit to the fac to ry(via yo ur Dio nex subsid iary o r d istributo r),pl ease make c ertain that it is returned in this shipping c o ntainer and o bserve the stand ard RMA pro c ess(fsec tio n 1.4,page 3).If the unit is no t shipped in the o riginal pac king(f Spare Parts Li

35、sts,page 88),the pro d uc t warranty wil l no t be ho no red.1.4 Instructions for Returning Instruments or PartsTo return any instrument o r part fbr repair o r fo r exc hange und er warranty,return it to yo ur Dio nex subsid iary(o r d istributo r).They wil l return the instrument o r part to the f

36、ac to ry,o bserving the stand ard RMA(return material autho rizatio n)pro c ess.The pro c ess c o ntains the fo l l o wing steps:Req uest an RMA(Return Material Autho rizatio n)number fro m Dio nex So ftro n at.rmaso ftro n.d e Ind ic ate the RMA number o n the ad d ress l abel o f the pac kage and

37、al l d o c uments attac hed to the c o nsignment.This hel ps us to pro perl y trac k and ac c o unt fo r the instrument.Fil l in the Servic e Return Fo rni and enc l o se it with every instrument o r part returned to the fac to ry.Al so fil l in and enc l o se the Warranty Cl aim Fo rm if nec essary

38、.A c o py o f bo th d o c uments is inc l ud ed in the Operating Instructions fbr the instrument.(In ad d itio n,the fo rms have been d istributed with a pro d uc t suppo rt bul l etin(PSB).)A Tip:The Servic e Return Fo rm inc l ud es a Dec o ntaminatio n Certific ate.Fo r safety reaso ns,we c anno

39、t start repairing the instrument o r the part if the Servic e Return Fo rm is missing o r if the Dec o ntaminatio n Certific ate is no t c o mpl eted.Make c ertain that a c o py o f the Dec o ntaminatio n Certific ate is attac hed to the o utsid e o f the pac kage.Careful l y pac k the instrument,o

40、bserving the pac king instruc tio ns and preferabl y using the o riginal shipping c o ntainer,and ship it to the ad d ress bel o w:Dio nex So ftro n GmbHDo rnierstrasse 4D-82110 GermeringGermanyA Tip:The pac king instruc tio ns are avail abl e fro m Dio nex So ftro n o n req uest.3WPS-3000 Series We

41、ll Plate Nan/Cap Microautosampler Service Instructions2 Preparatory Measures2.1 General Care and PrecautionsThe WPS-3000 Series Nano/Cap Wel l Pl ate M i c ro auto samp I er is mad e o f high-q ual ity c o mpo nents and material s whic h keep maintenanc e req uirements to a minimum.The painted surfa

42、c es are rel ativel y resistant against weak ac id s and al kal ine and o rganic so l vents.Neverthel ess,immed iatel y wipe up al l l iq uid s spil l ed o nto the instruments surfac e,using a l int-free c l o th o r paper(avo id rubbing).If surfac es are expo sed fbr l o nger perio d s,these l iq u

43、id s c an c ause d amage!2.2 Safety PrecautionsBefo re starting any maintenanc e o r repair pro c ed ures insid e the enc l o sure,take the fo l l o wing measures to prevent o perato r injury o r d amage to the instrument:If nec essary,rinse to xic so l vents fro m the instrument.Avo id inhal ing an

44、y vapo rs.Al ways wear gl o ves and go ggl es.If the instrument is c o nnec ted to Chro mel eo n,sel ec t the Disconnect c o mmand in Chro mel eo n to terminate c o mmunic atio n with the d ata system.Turn o ff the instrument.Disc o nnec t the po wer c o rd fro m its so urc e.Warning:Do no t o perat

45、e the WPS-3000 Series Nano/Cap Wel l Pl ate Mic ro auto sampl er when the enc l o sure is o pen!So me c o mpo nents insid e the enc l o sure c arry l ine vo l tage.Warning:When wo rking o n the el ec tro nic s,verify that the po wer c o rd is d isc o nnec ted fro m its so urc e.We rec o mmend that t

46、he perso ns perfo rming the repair use appro priate gro und ing pro tec tio n to avo id el ec tro static d isc harge,whic h may resul t in d amage to el ec tro nic c o mpo nents.Warning:The c o o l ant used in the WPS-3000 Series Nano/Cap Wel l Pl ate Mic ro auto sampl er is based o n ethyl ene gl y

47、c o l o r pro pyl ene gl yc o l(kno wn as antifreeze).Avo id getting it o n yo ur skin.Warning:Avo id inhal ing any vapo rs.Al ways wear gl o ves and go ggl es.4WPS-3000 Series Well Plate Nan/Cap Microautosampler Service Instructions3 Identifying the Instrument Version3.1 Available ConfigurationsThe

48、 WPS-3000 Series Nano/Cap Wel l Pl ate Mic ro auto sampl er is avail abl e in fo ur basic versio ns.Whil e the fo ur versio ns d iffer as d esc ribed bel o w,the user c an c o nfigure a unit to meet the prec ise req uirements o f the appl ic atio ns(e.g.instal l ing d ifferent syringe,need l e o r b

49、uffer tubing).Fo r mo re d etail s abo ut the d ifferent c o nfiguratio ns,refer to sec tio ns 8.2-8.4(f pages 35-38).Part No.Description5820.0010WPS-3000(witho ut temperature c o ntro l)inc l ud ing:-2.4 jiL need l e-25|iL syringe-50 jiL buffer tubing-1|1L sampl e l o o p5821.0010WPS-3000B,bio c o

50、mpatibl e versio n5820.0020WPS-3000T,with temperature c o ntro l5821.0020.WPS-300TB,bio c o mpatibl e versio n with temperature c o ntro l3.2 Instrument ModificationsSerial Number(a)Modification(s)Comment2620601El ec tro nic s units eq uipped with a switc hing po wer suppl y.The mo d ified el ec tro

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