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1、土壤石油污染组员:崔杨组员:崔杨 华杰华杰 王王嘉嘉良良 郁文皓郁文皓目目 录录土壤石油污染现状土壤石油污染途径及危害土壤石油污染处理处置技术石油污染案例土壤石油污染现状土壤石油污染现状作为世界十大产油国之一,我国勘探开发的油气田和油气藏已有400多个,分布在全国25个省、市、自治区,油田区工作范围近20万km2。据估算,截止2018年,我国石油企业每年产生落地油约900万t。石油对土壤的污染主要是在石油勘探、开采、运输以及储存过程中引起的,油田周围大面积的土壤一般都易受到严重的污染。油田区土壤受石油污染相当严重,在油井周围100m范围内所采集的绝大多数土样中油含量远高于临界值。据测算,每口井



4、,途经粉土层、粉质粘土层和砂层到达地下水位,有机污染物在随降水下移过程中,分别以不同的相态滞留在不同岩性的地层中。比如粉质粘土层中的吸附态、干砂层中的气态、地下水以及土壤水中的液溶态和游离态,无论在何类岩性地层中,有机污染物都是以一种动态平衡状态存在,即不同相态在不同岩性中存在着相对稳定的比例。2024/5/18 周六2024/5/18 周六石油污染土壤处理处置技术土壤石油污染处理处置技术ADDYOURTEXTADDYOURTEXTAdd Add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your idea

5、s ideas thank thank you you add add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank thank you you add add your your text text here here and and write write down your ideasdown your ideasADDYOURTEXTADDYOURTEXTAdd Add your your text text here here and and write

6、write down down your your ideas ideas thank thank you you add add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank youthank you由于石油的流动性大、渗透性强、对土壤黏附作用显著等特点,石油污染土壤具有体系复杂、范围广、治理难、周期长、危害大等特点。目前根据修复原理,石油污染的修复技术目前主要有物理、化学、生物三种修复技术。根据污染物的浓度,可以初步确定采用相应的处理技术。土壤石油污染处理处置技

7、术ADDYOURTEXTADDYOURTEXTAdd Add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank thank you you add add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank thank you you add add your your text text here here and and write write

8、 down your ideasdown your ideasADDYOURTEXTADDYOURTEXTAdd Add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank thank you you add add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank youthank youl物理修复技术物理修复是指以物理手段为主的客土法、焚烧法、

9、物理分离法、溶液淋洗法、固化稳定法、热脱附法及电动力法等污染治理技术。其中前几种方法是早期的石油污染土壤治理技术,虽然可以取得一定的修复效果,但投资巨大,污染物消除不彻底,潜在危险性较大,已逐渐被淘汰。取而代之的是热脱附法、电动修复等一批技术经济可行的新工艺。土壤石油污染处理处置技术ADDYOURTEXTADDYOURTEXTAdd Add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank thank you you add add your your text tex

10、t here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank thank you you add add your your text text here here and and write write down your ideasdown your ideasADDYOURTEXTADDYOURTEXTAdd Add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank thank you

11、you add add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank youthank youl化学修复技术化学修复主要包括溶液淋洗萃取法、光催化氧化法和化学氧化法等。相对于其他污染土壤修复技术,化学修复技术发展较早,也相对成熟。但其修复过程可能严重影响土壤的物理结构和生物学活性,技术成本较高,容易产生二次污染。到目前为止,化学修复技术只适宜在特定的情况下使用。土壤石油污染处理处置技术ADDYOURTEXTADDYOURTEXTAdd Add your your t

12、ext text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank thank you you add add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank thank you you add add your your text text here here and and write write down your ideasdown your ideasADDYOURTEXT

13、ADDYOURTEXTAdd Add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank thank you you add add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank youthank youl生物修复技术生物修复是利用生物的生长代谢过程对有机污染物进行降解转化的方法,具有安全可靠、修复成本低的特点。石油污染场地土壤生物修复的基础研

14、究始于20世纪70年代,工程实践始于20世纪80年代。在欧美等发达国家,目前已形成了比较完善的技术体系,包括关键工艺、修复制剂、配套设备等核心技术系统和指标评价、工程软件、风险评估等支撑技术系统。生物修复作为土壤污染治理技术发展过程中的一个里程碑,已得到世界各国环保部门的认可。土壤石油污染处理处置技术ADDYOURTEXTADDYOURTEXTAdd Add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank thank you you add add your your

15、 text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank thank you you add add your your text text here here and and write write down your ideasdown your ideasADDYOURTEXTADDYOURTEXTAdd Add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank t

16、hank you you add add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank youthank you国内外基础研究和场地实践的结果表明:土壤生物修复效果受污染物性质、土壤介质中微生物的种类及数量、土壤的理化性质及水力学性质、土层中的含氧量、营养物质、湿度、pH 值、温度等环境条件的影响和制约,是一个复杂过程。生物强化修复场地试验必须解决三个难点:第一由于有机污染物组成复杂且对微生物有毒害作用,微生物难以在受石油污染的土壤中生存、生长及繁殖;其二是土壤对微

17、生物的吸附作用及石油烃的疏水性强和在土壤中的“老化”使得它们的生物可利用度很低;第三是利用分子生物学分析技术监测与评估土壤微生态。土壤石油污染处理处置技术ADDYOURTEXTADDYOURTEXTAdd Add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank thank you you add add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas t

18、hank thank you you add add your your text text here here and and write write down your ideasdown your ideasADDYOURTEXTADDYOURTEXTAdd Add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank thank you you add add your your text text here here and and write write dow

19、n down your your ideas ideas thank youthank you由于石油污染土壤的特殊性及其对土壤结构和生态的严重破坏,使分析污染土壤的微生态非常困难,如石油烃和盐污染物对于土壤DNA 分析的干扰等。因此在修复过程中需要通过利用分子生态学技术来得到更为全面和可靠的土壤微生态的信息,揭示土壤微生物多样性与石油烃降解能力之间的内在联系,进而指导土壤微生物生态的构建和生物修复过程的强化。小节Add Add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas t

20、hank thank you you add add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank thank you you add add your your text text here here and and write write down your ideasdown your ideasADDYOURTEXTADDYOURTEXTAdd Add your your text text here here and and write write dow

21、n down your your ideas ideas thank thank you you add add your your text text here here and and write write down down your your ideas ideas thank youthank you石油类污染土壤的修复是世界性难题,主要难点在于:1、土壤系统作为石油类污染物的最终承纳体,系统内物质分布不均匀,可控性差;2、石油类产品成分复杂,不利于单一菌种的生物修复;3、石油产品的生物降解性随其组分的种类和大小的不同而改变;4、重质含量较高,生物修复速度慢,修复后毒性较强;5、污染物在系统局部形成动态相平衡及化学平衡;6、有毒有害污染物改变了土壤生物系统的正常生命行为;7、石油类污染物的疏水性降低了生物反应活性;8、影响土壤微生物修复的因子较多,研究较困难。THANKSTHANKS SALUTE TO APPLE.INC

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