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1、Word Revision主教练总是,一直换句话说bring up本性如此.一夜成名、一下火了在全国的球迷中巨人如果必要的话对他的队友粗鲁主导比赛(不)礼貌的攻击性的自私的无私的the head coachall the timeLets put it this way.抚养sb.;提出.(供讨论);呕吐出.It is in ones nature to doan instant hitamong basketball fans nationwidegiantif(it is)necessarybe rude to his teammatesdominate the gamebe/get us

2、ed to sth/doing sth(im)politeaggressiveselfishselfless大家好Words recently learned related to basketball球场球场篮圈篮圈篮篮大前锋大前锋小前锋小前锋中锋中锋得分后卫得分后卫控球后卫控球后卫 court裁判裁判进攻进攻防守防守灌篮灌篮跳投跳投定投定投三分球三分球罚球罚球hoopbasketpower forwardsmall forwardcentreshooting guardpoint guardrefereeattackattendslam dunkjump shotset shota 3-p

3、oint shotfree throws大家好Get to learn more words about basketballIf players have a collision in a game,it may cause serious .collision n.injuries大家好 play for the same team while play against each other.teammate(s),opponent(s)Teammatesopponents大家好slim adj.stout adj.1.What people are slim?Whats the best

4、 to way to become slim?2.What people are stout?大家好commit a foulIf you commit a foul,who will stop the game?And during the suspension of play,what does the fouled player do?大家好The fouled player will shoot the penalty during the suspension of play.大家好a bandage around the headShe is covered with a blan

5、ket大家好bandage,blanket,collision,injuryteammate,opponent,slim,stout,commit a foul,suspension,shoot the penalty绷带绷带毛毯毛毯碰撞碰撞受伤受伤队友队友对手对手瘦高、苗条瘦高、苗条肥壮肥壮犯规犯规暂停暂停罚球罚球What do you think we are going to learn about?大家好Dizzy Heights of School Basketball Module 1 Reading practice大家好Discussion:Do you think baske

6、tball is safe or dangerous sport?Why?大家好Dizzy Heights of School Basketball 12大家好a.Basketball is one of the safest sports.b.The players energy is partly directed upwards,so theres less risk of a collision between two players.c.Although basketball players wear socks and sneakers which are specially de

7、signed to absorb the energy when they bound into the air,they wear no other protection.d.If there is an abrupt change of direction in their energy,theres a real danger of personal injury.Activity1:Read the entire passage and choose the sentence which best describes the writers conclusion.13大家好1.Why

8、is basketball the safest sport?Because the players energy is partly directed upwards,at a 90-degree angle to the ground,and over the heads of the others.So this is less risk of a collision between two players.2.When is basketball also dangerous?When there is an abrupt change of direction in their en

9、ergy,from vertical to horizontal,there is a real danger of personal injury.Activity2:Scan for details to answer the questions.3.Which sports are dangerous?A.wrestling B.boxing C.baseball D.American football14大家好Activity3:Scan for details to finish exe.3-43.Choose the best description of the writer.H

10、e/She is probably _.(a)a novelist(b)a basketball journalist for a national paper.(c)a basketball journalist for a local newspaper(d)a basketball fan who is writing in a basketballteam magazine15大家好4.Choose the best answers.1.Basketball is one of the safest sports because_.A.the direction of the play

11、ers energy means there is less chance of a collision B.the players are well-protected C.the players make abrupt changes of directionD.the players accelerate across the court,bouncing the ball16大家好2.According to the writer,a typical basketball player would be _.A.able to accelerate and bounce the bal

12、l at the same timeB.fast and weighing about 80 kilosC.tall and slimD.short and stout17大家好3.The foul was caused by _.A.the referee interrupting the matchB.Sackler passing the ball over Joes headC.Joe lowering his headD.Sackler falling over Joe18大家好 B B4.The referee thought Sackler was seriously injur

13、ed because _.A.Joe ran into himB.Sacklers nose was bleeding and he lay very stillC.Sackler was dizzy when he stood upD.They put a bandage on his head,a blanket round his shoulders and called an ambulance.19大家好Scan the entire passage for the following words and underline them as quickly as possible.r

14、isk,adequate,sneaker(s),absorb,abrupt,accelerate,interval,appoint,howl,bleed,still,considerate,confirm 20大家好riskadequate sneaker(s)absorbabruptaccelerateintervalappointhowlbleedstillconsiderateconfirm Now,match them with their definitions.51.sports shoes2.speed up 3.a break in a game4.not moving5.a

15、possibility of danger6.take in(gas,light,heat,etc.)7.(good)enough8.lose blood from injuries9.check and make sure10.sudden and unexpected11.choose sb.for a position12.always thinking of other peoples feelings13.make a long,loud cry716102311138412921大家好risk,adequate,sneaker(s),absorb,abrupt,accelerate

16、,interval,appoint,howl,bleed,still,considerate,confirm 1.In sports,a pair of strong can well protect your ankles.2.A black T-shirt more heat than a white one.3.Seeing him breaking the invaluable vase,his father in anger.4.She was badly injured and to death.5.He didnt call us but paid an visit.6.Ther

17、e is a ten-minute between periods.7.Its of my wife to prepare an enormous meal when Im off work and go back home.8.Its quite difficult for a child to stay all day.9.A football player should be given training.sneakersabsorbshowledbledabruptintervalconsideratestilladequate22大家好23大家好Read the passage to

18、gether and then fill in the passages about the text.24大家好The first and second paragraphOne reason for this is that the players energy is partly directed_,at a _to the Ground,and over the heads of the others.so theres less_a collision between two players.The players energy moves_to the ground and tow

19、ards their _,so they_which give adequate protection to their heads.upwards90-degree anglerisk ofparallelopponentswear helmets25大家好The third and fourth paragraphBut although basketball players _ which are designed to _when they bound into the air,They wear no other protection,just _.If there is an _c

20、hange of direction in their energy,there is a real danger of personal _.Chandler High was playing St Mary Cental and _the score was 50-52.But St Mary had _a captain who was not a typical basket player.Whereas everyone else was _,Joe Johannsen was _.wear socks and sneakersabsorb energya vest and shor

21、tsabruptinjuryat the intervalappointedtall and slim with short haircutsshort and stout with long hair and a large belly26大家好The fifth and sixth paragraphSackler bounced off him and_.The referee _ the match,and there was a suspension of play.But Joe was unhurt,shot the penalty,and the score was 88-90

22、,_.Joe immediately _ the ball and ran.For a moment,he _,and the referee even checked his pulse,but soon _he was OK.Joe was a_ guy,and apologised as Sackler left,_,either In pain or in mitted a foulinterruptedthere were three minutes to gotook possession oflay very stillconfirmedconsideratesniffing a

23、nd weeping27大家好Smart Expressions令人眩晕的高度令人眩晕的高度其中一个原因是其中一个原因是一部分是垂直向上的一部分是垂直向上的与地面成与地面成90度角度度角度撞击的风险撞击的风险与地面平行与地面平行朝向对手朝向对手戴头盔戴头盔给与头部适当给与头部适当的保护的保护被特别设计被特别设计吸收能量吸收能量跳跃入空中跳跃入空中突然的方向的改变突然的方向的改变从垂直变为水平从垂直变为水平加速穿过球场加速穿过球场dizzy heightsone reason for this is thatbe partly directed upwardsat a 90-degree ang

24、le to the grounda risk of a collision move parallel to the groundtowards their opponentswear helmetsgive adequate protection to their headbe specially designedabsorb energybound into the airan abrupt change of directionfrom vertical to horizontalaccelerate across the court大家好Smart Expressions拍打球拍打球有

25、受伤的危险有受伤的危险tournamentA与与B对阵对阵在中场休息时在中场休息时任命一个队长任命一个队长Whereas留短发留短发控球控球绕过球场绕过球场对方球队对方球队在几秒钟之内在几秒钟之内在下半场在下半场12分钟的时候分钟的时候做了一个有争议的过球做了一个有争议的过球动作动作避让一旁避让一旁bounce the balla danger of personal injury联赛,比赛联赛,比赛A play Bat the intervalappoint a captain虽然虽然(conj.)with short haircutsobtain control of the ballma

26、ke a circuit of the courtthe opposing teamwithin seconds12 minutes into the second halfmake a controversial passstep aside 大家好Smart Expressions低下头低下头犯规犯规比赛暂停比赛暂停罚球罚球占有占有痛苦地大声嚎叫痛苦地大声嚎叫鼻子流着血鼻子流着血一小会儿时间一小会儿时间一动不动地躺着一动不动地躺着把脉把脉在头上绑上绷带在头上绑上绷带抽泣着抽泣着挫败地挫败地罚球得分罚球得分赢得比赛赢得比赛dip his head downcommit a foula suspension of playshoot the penaltytake possession ofhowl loudly in painwith his nose bleedingfor a momentlie stillcheck ones pulseput a bandage round his headsniffing and weepingin frustrationscore with the penaltywin the match大家好结束大家好

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