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NI pxie-5667功能指南使用手册.pdf

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1、2023-03-01PXIe-5667 Featur esPXIe-5667 Feat ur esCont ent sPXIe-5667.3PXIe-5667 Fr ont Panel.3PXIe-5667 Bl ock Diag r am.4PXIe-5667 Sig nal Pat h.11Har dwar e St at e Diag r am.13Power On and Reset Condit ions.16Syst em Modul es.16PXIe-5622.16PXIe-5603.20PXIe-5605.24PXIe-5653.29Measur ement Guidel i

2、nes.32Sing l e-Tone Har monic Dist or t ion and Two-Tone Int er modul at ion Dist or t ion.32Compr ession Measur ement Set up.34Noise Fig ur e.36Advanced Topics.39At t enuat ion.39PXIe-5667 Timing Conf ig ur at ions.49Ph ase Coh er ency.52Dig it al IF Equal izat ion.52Th er mal Manag ement.53Connect

3、 ing Mul t ipl e PXIe-5667 Devices.54Spur ious Per f or mance.57Non-l nput Rel at ed Spur s.58Input-Rel at ed Spur s.60Spur ious Sig nal s in Sig nal Anal yzer s.65Cal ibr at ion.68PXIe-5667 Fact or y Cal ibr at ion.68PXIe-5667 Sel f-Cal ibr at ion.70/PXIe-5667 FeaturesPXIe-5667Up t o 7 GHz PXI Vect

4、 or Sig nal Anal yzer Opt imized f or spect r um monit or ing appl icat ions Sub-oct ave bandwidt h pr esel ect ion Noise f ig ur e of 12 dB Seven anal og IF(r oof ing)f il t er s r ang ing in bandwidt h f r om 30 kHz t o 50 MHzSyst em Component sTh e PXIe-5667 is a vect or sig nal anal yzer consist

5、 ing of t h e f ol l owing f ive PXI Expr ess h ar dwar e modul es:PXIe-5622 IF Dig it izer PXIe-5694 IF Condit ioning Modul e PXIe-5603 or PXIe-5605 RF Sig nal Downconver t er PXIe-5653 RF Anal og Sig nal Gener at or PXIe-5693 RF Pr esel ect or Modul e|Not e Th er e is no sing l e device l abel ed

6、PXIe-5667.PXIe-5667 Fr ont PanelTh e PXIe-5667 consist s of t h e f ol l owing h ar dwar e modul e f r ont panel s,cont aining mul t ipl e connect or s and LED indicat or s.PXIe-5622 Fr ont Panel and LEDs PXIe-5694 Fr ont Panel and LEDs PXIe-5603 Fr ont Panel and LEDs or PXIe-5605 Fr ont Panel and L

7、EDs-PXIe-5653 Fr ont Panel and LEDs PXIe-5693 Fr ont Panel and LEDs National InstrumentsPXIe-5667 FeaturesFig ur e 1.PXIe-5667(3.6 GHz Conf ig ur at ion)3 SENSirrvE 唐京口 石=Fig ur e 2.PXIe-5667(7 GHz Conf ig ur at ion)PXIe-5667 FeaturesPXIe-5667 Bl ock Diag r amTh e PXIe-5667 adds t h e PXIe-5693 and

8、PXIe-5694 t o t h e PXIe-5665 vect or sig nal anal yzer syst em.Th e addit ional modul es cr eat e a syst em wit h a dynamic r ang e t h at is opt imized f or over-t h e-air sig nal monit or ing measur ement s.Th e bl ock diag r am f or t h e PXIe-5667 dif f er s based on your device conf ig ur at i

9、on and t h e oper at ing f r equency r ang e.Th e f ol l owing bl ock diag r am r epr esent s t h e PXIe-56673.6 GHz conf ig ur at ion,wh ich cont ains t h e PXIe-5603.NI5653Th e f ol l owing bl ock diag r am r epr esent s t h e PXIe-56677 GHz conf ig ur at ion wh en oper at ing in t h e l ow band f

10、 r equency r ang e,wh ich is a r ang e of f r equencies l ess t h an or equal t o 3.6 GHz.Not e Th e PXIe-56677 GHz conf ig ur at ion cont ains t h e PXIe-5605.Th e f ol l owing bl ock diag r am r epr esent s PXIe-56677 GHz conf ig ur at ion wh en oper at ing in t h e h ig h band f r equency r ang e

11、,wh ich is a r ang e of f r equencies g r eat er t h an 3.6 GHz and l ess t h an or equal t o 7 GHz.Nl 5653 National InstrumentsPXIe-5667 FeaturesSpect r um Monit or ing Receiver Over viewSpect r um monit or ing appl icat ions invol ve over-t h e-air measur ement s in wh ich a spect r um monit or in

12、g r eceiver is connect ed t o an ant enna t o make a measur ement inst ead of a cabl e connect ion t o an RF sig nal sour ce,as is done in vect or sig nal anal yzer(VSA)measur ement s.Connect ing a r eceiver dir ect l y t o an ant enna f or spect r um monit or ing measur ement s can expose t h e r e

13、ceiver t o a pot ent ial l y l ar g e number of sig nal s t h at can over l oad t h e RF input of t h e r eceiver,causing r eceiver-g ener at ed h ar monic and int er modul at ion dist or t ion.Wit h enoug h sig nal st r eng t h,t h e r eceiver coul d be dr iven int o g ain compr ession,causing ampl

14、 it udes of al l r eceived sig nal s t o be displ ayed inaccur at el y.To pr event t h ese pot ent ial pr obl ems,t h e PXIe-5667 adds t wo component s t o t h e t ypical VSA ar ch it ect ur e:t h e PXIe-5693 RF pr esel ect or and anal og IF f il t er s f r om t h e PXIe-5694 IF condit ioning modul

15、e.Th e PXIe-5693 RF pr esel ect or pr ovides bot h pr esel ect ion and pr eampl if icat ion and incl udes a bank of f ixed,t uned bandpass f il t er s and a pr eampl if ier t h at pr ovide a l ow r eceiver noise f ig ur e.Th e PXIe-5693 al so suppr esses t h e f undament al t one wh en making measur

16、 ement s at h ar monics of t h e input sig nal t one.Th e PXIe-5693 pr ovides t h r ee sig nal pat h s f or your appl icat ion:t h e pr esel ect or f il t er pat h,l ow-f r equency bypass pat h,and t h e ext er nal f il t er pat h.Th e PXIe-5694 IF condit ioning modul e pr ovides anal og IF f il t e

17、r ing f or t h e PXIe-5667.If an unwant ed sig nal is cl ose in f r equency t o t h e sig nal of int er est and is wit h in t h e bandwidt h of t h e PXIe-5693,t h e PXIe-5694 f il t er s can at t enuat e t h e unwant ed sig nal bef or e it r each es t h e PXIe-5622 dig it izer.Th e PXIe-5694 pr ovi

18、des t h r ee g ener al sig nal pat h s f or your appl icat ion:IF condit ioning bypass,sig nal condit ioning downconver sion disabl ed,and sig nal condit ioning downconver sion enabl ed.Rel at ed inf or mat ion:PXIe-5693 Bl ock Diag r am PXIe-5694 Bl ock Diag r amFr equencies W 3.6 GHz(RF St ag e)In

19、 t h e f ir st bl ock diag r am,t h e PXIe-5603 upconver t s t h e RF sig nal t o a h ig h er int er mediat e f r equency and t h en down conver t s it t o a f r equency t h at can be dig it ized f or pr ocessing.Th e t h r ee-st ag e t opol og y pr ovides imag e r eject ion of t h e RF input sig na

20、l wit h no ambig uit y of t h e displ ayed sig nal.6 PXIe-5667 FeaturesTh e imag e r eject ion is ach ieved wit h a l owpass f il t er(LPF)t h at l imit s t h e RF sig nal at t h e input of t h e f ir st mixer.Because t h e f r equency of t h e f ir st LO is g r eat er t h an t h e h ig h est possib

21、l e t uned RF f r equency,t h e LPF al so h el ps r educe t h e LO r er adiat ion f r om t h e RF input.Not e At each downconver sion st ag e,each mixer pr oduces an imag e r esponse wh en an undesir ed sig nal is pr esent at t h e RF input.Each imag e r esponse appear s at a f r equency 2 x IF away

22、 f r om t h e t uned RF f r equency.Th e PXIe-5603 uses f il t er s t o bl ock t h ese undesir ed imag es,so onl y t h e f r equency sig nal of ch oice r emains f or anal ysis.Th e PXIe-5603 RF f r ont end incl udes a mech anical st ep at t enuat or,var iabl e in 10 dB st eps up t o 30 dB.An addit i

23、onal sol id-st at e at t enuat or pr ovides 40 dB of at t enuat ion,var iabl e in 1 dB st eps.Th e RF input is AC-coupl ed by def aul t,but you can al so conf ig ur e t h e input t o be DC-coupl ed using NI-RFSA.For mor e inf or mat ion about at t enuat ion,r ef er t o Ampl it ude Cont r ol sect ion

24、 in t h is t opic.Wh en t h e l ow-f r equency bypass pat h on t h e PXIe-5693 is not enabl ed,t h e PXIe-5603/5605 RF at t enuat ion is set t o 0 dB.Th e second bl ock diag r am sh ows t h e PXIe-5667(7 GHz)l ow band sig nal pat h.Wh en t h e PXIe-5667(7 GHz)input f r equency is l ess t h an 3.6 GH

25、z,t h e PXIe-5605 RF downconver t er beh aves in t h e same way as t h e PXIe-5603.Th e PXIe-5605 RF f r ont end incl udes a mech anical st ep at t enuat or,wh ich is var iabl e up t o 75 dB in 5 dB st eps.Wh en t h e PXIe-5605 is oper at ing in t h e l ow band sig nal pat h,t h e sol id-st at e at

26、t enuat or pr ovides an addit ional 31 dB of at t enuat ion,var iabl e in 1 dB st eps.Th e RF input is AC-coupl ed by def aul t,but you can al so conf ig ur e t h e input t o be DC-coupl ed using NI-RFSA.Not ice Th e PXIe-5605 h as no int er nal DC bl ock,wh ich al l ows t h e PXIe-5605 t o make mea

27、sur ement s at f r equencies as l ow as 20 Hz.Hig h-f r equency component s in t h e PXIe-5605 can be damag ed wh en DC sig nal s ar e appl ied dir ect l y t o t h e RF IN connect or of t h e PXIe-5605.Nl is not r esponsibl e f or damag e r esul t ing f r om impr oper sig nal connect ions.Th e PXIe-

28、5605 sh ips wit h an SMA DC bl ock at t ach ed t o t h e RF IN connect or t o pr event damag e t o t h e device wh en a DC input sig nal is pr esent.You must r emove t h e DC bl ock t o make measur ement s using f r equencies l ess t h an 10 kHz because t h e ser ies capacit ive r eact ance of t h e

29、 device incr eases National InstrumentsPXIe-5667 Featuresas t h e RF input f r equency dr ops f r om 10 kHz t o 20 Hz.Nl r ecommends t h at you keep t h e DC bl ock at t ach ed t o t h e RF IN connect or f or al l measur ement s at f r equencies g r eat er t h an or equal t o 10 kHz t o maximize t h

30、 e accur acy of t h e device.If you r emove t h e DC bl ock on t h e PXIe-5605,you must set t h e Low-Fr equency Bypass Enabl ed pr oper t y t o Enabl ed or you must set t h e NIRFSA_ATTR_LOW_FREQUENCY_BYPASS_ENABLED at t r ibut e t o NIRFSA_VAL_ENABLED.Not ice To r einst al l t h e DC bl ock on t h

31、 e PXIe-5605 RF IN connect or,use a t or que wr ench set t o a maximum t or que of 0.79 N-m t o 1.02 N-m(7 l b in.t o 9 l b-in.).Using mor e t h an t h e r ecommended amount of t or que may damag e t h e RF IN connect or.Nl is not r esponsibl e f or damag e r esul t ing f r om impr oper sig nal conn

32、ect ions.Not ice If t h e RF at t enuat ion is set t o 0 dB wit h t h e DC bl ock at t ach ed,an input DC vol t ag e g r eat er t h an 2 V may damag e t h e int er nal component s of t h e downconver t er.To pr event damag e t o t h e downconver t er,ensur e t h at t h e DC vol t ag e at t h e RF IN

33、 connect or is bet ween-2 VDC and+2 VDC.Wit h t h e DC bl ock r emoved,t h e maximum al l owed vol t ag e is 0 VDC.Fr equencies Bet ween 3.6 GHz and 7 GHz(RF St ag e)In t h e h ig h band sig nal pat h,t h e PXIe-5605 act s as a t wo-st ag e downconver t er.Th e onl y avail abl e at t enuat ion in t

34、h is f r equency band is t h e mech anical st ep at t enuat or,wh ich pr ovides 75 dB of at t enuat ion,var iabl e in 5 dB st eps.An opt ional pr esel ect or assist s in f il t er ing unwant ed f r equency component s f r om t h e RF input bef or e t h e sig nal r each es t h e f ir st mixer.Th e RF

35、 input is AC-coupl ed by def aul t,but you can al so conf ig ur e t h e input t o be DC-coupl ed by r emoving t h e DC bl ock wh en your appl icat ion r equir es measur ement s using f r equencies l ess t h an 10 kHz.Al l Fr equencies(IF St ag e)You can adjust t h e IF g ain in 1 dB st eps t o opt i

36、mize t h e power l evel t r ansmit t ed int o t h e dig it izer.8 PXIe-5667 FeaturesTh e f inal IF st ag e h as a swit ch ed f il t er bank in t h e PXIe-5694 t h at al l ows you t o f ur t h er opt imize t h e bandwidt h accor ding t o your sig nal of int er est.Th is f il t er bank may al l ow you

37、 t o r eject st r ong,near by,and ot h er wise int er f er ing sig nal s.If you sel ect 193.6 MHz as t h e PXIe-5694 IF OUT cent er f r equency,t h e f il t er s in t h e PXIe-5694 al l ow you t o sel ect nominal anal og f il t er bandwidt h s of 20 MHz,5 MHz,1.4 MHz,or 400 kHz.If you sel ect 21.4 M

38、Hz as t h e PXIe-5694 IF OUT cent er f r equency,t h e f il t er s in t h e PXIe-5694 al l ow you t o sel ect nominal anal og f il t er bandwidt h s of 20 MHz,5 MHz,1.4 MHz,400 kHz,or 30 kHz.Not e Per f or mance is unspecif ied if you set t h e PXIe-5694 IF OUT cent er f r equency t o 21.4 MHz and t

39、 h e anal og f il t er sel ect ion t o 20 MHz.Th e PXIe-5653 suppl ies a l ow ph ase noise LO,wh ich is sh own at t h e bot t om of each of t h e PXIe-5667 bl ock diag r ams.You can use t h e PXIe-5603 and PXIe-5605 LO out put s t o daisy-ch ain mul t ipl e down conver t er s wit h a sing l e LO sou

40、r ce.Using t h e same LO sour ce is usef ul f or ph ase-coh er ent sig nal acquisit ion appl icat ions,such as mul t ipl e input,mul t ipl e out put(MIMO)syst ems,or dir ect ion f inding(DF).Wh en using t h is conf ig ur at ion,ever y PXIe-5603/5605 is t uned t o t h e same RF f r equency.If t h e P

41、XIe-5694 is downconver t ing t o an IF OUT cent er f r equency of 21.4 MHz,t h en al l t h e PXIe-5694 modul es in t h e appl icat ion r equir e using one of t h e PXIe-5694 modul es as t h e mast er 215 MHz LO sour ce.Th e IF sig nal l eaves t h e RF downconver t er t h r oug h t h e IF OUT connect

42、 or and ent er s t h e PXIe-5694 t h r oug h t h e IF IN connect or.Th e PXIe-5694 pr ovides addit ional f il t er pat h s and downconver sion f or t h e incoming sig nal.Th e IF sig nal l eaves t h e PXIe-5694 t h r oug h t h e IF OUT connect or and ent er s t h e PXIe-5622 t h r oug h t h e IF IN

43、connect or.Th e PXIe-5622 dig it izes t h e IF sig nal and dig it al l y downconver t s it t o baseband,r esul t ing in compl ex l/Q dat a st or ed in t h e dig it izer onboar d memor y.Th e l/Q dat a is t h en t r ansf er r ed t o t h e h ost PC f or pr ocessing.Ampl it ude Cont r olYou can cont r

44、ol t h e PXIe-5667 ampl it ude using t h e Ref er ence Level pr oper t y and t h e NIRFSA_ATTR_REFERENCE_LEVEL at t r ibut e.Wit h t h e sing l e r ef er ence l evel cont r ol,bot h t h e RF and IF g ains ar e manipul at ed t o ach ieve a l ow noise f ig ur e over a br oad r ang e of r ef er ence l

45、evel set t ing s.National InstrumentsPXIe-5667 FeaturesGam Opt imizat ionTh e PXIe-5693 RF pr esel ect or pr eampl if ier al l ows a t r ade-of f bet ween f avor ing sensit ivit y or dist or t ion.By set t ing t h e Pr eamp Enabl ed pr oper t y t oAut omat ic or t h e NIRFSA_ATTR_PREAMP_ENABLED at t

46、 r ibut e t oNIRFSA_VAL_RF_PREAMP_AUTOMATIC,you enabl e t h e pr eampl if ier f or r ef er ence l evel s l ess t h an-25 dBm and bypass t h e pr eampl if ier f or r ef er ence l evel s g r eat er t h an-25 dBm.Bet ween r ef er ence l evel r ang es of-40 dBm and-10 dBm,t h e PXIe-5667 is cal ibr at e

47、d t o h ave t h e pr eampl if ier enabl ed or disabl ed.Wit h t h e pr eampl if ier enabl ed,t h e PXIe-5667 is opt imized f or a l ow noise f ig ur e.Wit h pr eampl if ier disabl ed,t h e PXIe-5667 is opt imized f or l ower dist or t ion per f or mance.Th e t ypical per f or mance of noise f ig ur

48、e and IP3(t h ir d-or der int er modul at ion)ver sus r ef er ence l evel at 1 GHz f or t h e PXIe-5667 is sh own in t h e f ol l owing f ig ur es.10-Fig ur e 3.Noise Fig ur e-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-70-65-60-55-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 0 5 10Reference Level(dBm)10 PXIe-5667 FeaturesFig ur e 4.IP3Re

49、ference Level(dBm)Rel at ed inf or mat ion:Ref er encePXIe-5667 Sig nal Pat hAn RF sour ce sig nal t akes t h e f ol l owing pat h f r om t h e PXIe-5667 f r ont panel t o t h e PXI Expr ess cont r ol l er wh en using t h e PXIe-5667(3.6 GHz)or t h e PXIe-5667(7 GHz).Th e f ol l owing bl ock diag r

50、am il l ust r at es t h e PXIe-5667 sig nal pat h wh en using t h e PXIe-5653 RF Anal og Sig nal Gener at or REF OUT 100 MHz Sampl e cl ock.1.Th e RF sour ce sig nal ent er s t h e PXIe-5693 RF Pr esel ect or Modul e f r ont panel at t h e RF IN connect or.2.Depending on t h e RF pr esel ect or f il

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