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1、。 剑桥少儿英语预备级级(下册)期末测试题 姓名: 分数: 听力部分(15分)一 听音标号(5分)二 听句子圈选图片(5分)1) What do you like? 2) What is this? 3)What can you see? 4) Where are you going? 5)What animal do you like?三 听音连线(5分) door Carrots computer table TV 读写部分(85分) 一. 写出下列字母的大小写字母。(5分) S b m q tD N Z A Y二看图选单词,并写在横线上。(4分) head mouth hair face

2、三按所给格式写出下列字母的前后邻居。(10分)_ G _ _ C _ _ L _ _ j _ _ d _ 四看图和看句子,并写出“YES”或“NO”(4分).1)I can see one onion. ( ) 2) This is a bean. ( )3) 4)It is a tree. () This is our school.()五 写出下面单词的中文。(5分)football pencil pink park window六 .看算式,选正确的答案。(4分)12-8onefourtwo6+2fourseveneight5+4ninesixtwo5+5tennineseven七 选出

3、合适的单词填入相应的类别中.(4分)A.brother B.eye C.pen D.yellow E.lemon1. book pencil ruler _ 2. apple pear banana _ 3. red green black _ 4. nose arm leg _八读短文,选单词。(12分)1)Welcome to the (garden, zoo). The (giraffe, elephant) is behind the tree.Three monkeys run to the (lemon, watermelon). The (fish, frog) is in th

4、e (park,pool). Look! This monkey is eating a (banana, lemon) 2)This is my (bedroom, classroom). In my bedroom, you can see a (desk, TV). The desk is (big, small). On the desk, there is a (bananas, watermelon).On the desk, there is a (dog, cat). It is my best friend! Welcome to (my, their) bedroom. 九

5、.单词分类 (15分)onion sapider mango pear bean banana cat carrot rabbit tomato lemon turtle apple snake pea 水果 蔬菜 动物 八、写出下列单词对应的身体部位(7分)hair eye hand mouth nose ear feet 十.连线题 (10分)cow 猪 dog 米饭horse 母鸡 red 蛋糕duck 马 black 红色hen 奶牛 cake 狗pig 鸭 rice 黑色十一.选出不同类的单词,将字母代号写在括号内 (5分)( ) 1.A. pear B. bag C. apple D. orange( ) 2.A. red B. blue C. watermellon D. yellow( ) 3.A. hen B. orange C. dog D. cat( ) 4.A. two B. one C. five D. room( ) 5.A. book B. pen C. pencil D. carTHANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-

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