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1、Oxford English 9B Chapter 5 Language1.She said her parents gave her a generous allowance every month.2.She said they werent a democratic family.3.She told us she got a lot of presents.4.He said his allowance was a bit less than he would like.5.He said he didnt have to do the housework.6.He said he s

2、ometimes argue with his parents and he usually won.Reported Speech If we report what another person has said,we usually do not use the speakers exact words(direct speech),but reported(indirect)speech.Therefore,you need to learn how to transform direct speech into reported speech.The structure is a l

3、ittle different depending on whether you want to transform a statement,question or request.Steps:Steps:1.Statements“I dont like computers,”Sandy said to her friends.Sandy said to her friends that I dont like computers.saiddidntsheSandy said to her friends that she didnt like computers.Exercises:1).B

4、etty says to Harry,I want to borrow your book.”2).My mother said,“I will give you a present.”Betty says to Harry(that)she wants to borrow his Book.My mother said that she would give me a present.2.2.yes/no-Questions:Is it easy to work out the problem?(They asked him)They asked himifIt is easy to wor

5、k out the problem.it is easy to work out the problem.askediswasThey asked him if it was easy to work out the problem.3)She asked me,”Are you going to plant trees with us?”4)Anne asked her mother,“Is there any delicious food to eat?”She asked me if/whether I was going to plant trees with them.Anne as

6、ked her mother if there was anydelicious food to eat.3.3.Wh-Questions:When do you harvest the wheat?(They asked him)They asked himwhenyou harvest the wheatyou harvest the wheat.heharvestedThey asked him when he harvested the wheat.5)“What are you going to do?”he asked.6)“How do you go to school ever

7、y day?”asked Mr.Zhang.He asked me what I was going to do.Mr.Zhang asked how I went to school every day.4.4.RequestsLittle boy,put on your coat.(They ordered)They ordered Little boy Little boy,put on your coat.put on your coat.to putto put They ordered the little boy to put on his coat.hishis 4.4.Req

8、uestsDont talk in class.(The teacher told us)The teacher told us Dont talk in class.dont talk in class.not tonot to The teacher told us not to talk in class.7).Mom said,“Dont chat with strangers”8).“Go shopping with me,please?”said Mr.Wang.Mom told me not to chat with strangers.Mr.Wang asked me to g

9、o shopping with him.We often use reported speech to tell people what newspapers or advertisements say.For example:A:”_ it be fine a day today?”B:_ forecast _ cloudy with rain later.Will No.The says it will becomeA:Can children go to see the film at Shanghai Film Studio?B:_ advert _ not suitable for

10、children.No.The says it isA:_ the flower show start on March the fifth?B:_ advert says it _ March the eighth.Will No.The will start onA:_ the woman in the picture doing a fashion show?B:_ paper _ showing the customers some new cars.Is No.The says the woman is Direct Speech Reported SpeechSimple Pres

11、entSimple Past Present Progressive Past ProgressiveSimple PastPast PerfectPresent PerfectSimple FuturePast Future Direct Speech Reported Speech指示指示代词代词 时时 间间 状状 语语 地点状语地点状语 方向性动词方向性动词 this that these thosenow then today that day this week that week yesterday the day before last week the week before

12、four days ago four days before tomorrow the next/following daynext month the next/following month here there come,go,bring take 情态动词情态动词 can,may,must could,might,had to Keys:1.he,ate 2.told,had,found,his 3.she,had,taken 4.rise,goes 5.told,had,before 6.had,there 7.had,before 8.asked,if/whether,before

13、 9.told,could 10.how,she,had 11.where,I,had,those 12.if/whether,I,lived 13.told,to,stop 14.not,to,tell 15.asked,if/whether,that 1.Forrest _ his Momma _.2.His Momma _ him _.3.Forrest _ his Momma _.4.His Momma _ him _.5.His Momma _ _.6.His Momma said _.7.His Momma _ _.askedwhat the matter was toldto sit down over thereaskedwhy she was dyingtoldnot to be afraidsaid she had done the best she couldhe was going to have to figure that out for himselfsaid she would miss himKeys:Life is a box of chocolates,you never know what youre going to get.

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