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1、 DAY 1EXERCISE 1.1 根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.在国外_ 2.在(船、飞机等)上面 _ 3. 报道;账户 _ 4.会计;会计师 _ 5. 吸收;掌握_ 6. 控告; 指责_ 7.疼痛_ 8.学术的;大学的_ 9.陪同;陪伴_ 10. 住宿;住处 _ 11. 事故;意外 _ 12. 接受;认可 _ 13. 口音;腔调 _ 14. 取得;实现_ 15. 通道;入口_ 16. 存取(计算机文件)_EXERCISE 1.2 将方框中单词前的序号填写在下面相应汉语释义后的横线上,使其匹配。(例如第一小题)(1)abstract (adj.) (2)abstract (n.) (

2、3)accustomed (4)academy (5)accumulate (6)abrupt (7)accomplish (8)absolute (9)abuse (10)absurd (11)abandon (12)abolish (13)accelerate (14)abundant (15)abnormal (16) abortion 1.专科院校;学会;研究院 (4) 2.取消;废除_ 3.绝对的;确实的 _ 4.反常的;变态的 _ 5.突然的;粗鲁的 _ 6.荒谬的 _ 7.加速;促进 _ 8.抽象的;深奥的 _ 9.积累;积聚 _ 10.抛弃;舍弃_ 11.习惯的;惯常的 _ 1

3、2.滥用;辱骂 _ 13.完成;实现 _ 14.充足的 _ 15.堕胎 _ 16. 梗概, 摘要 _EXERCISE 1.3 根据句意和句子结构的语法性, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。1. Maria will be a fine musician, because she shows a lot of _ ( able) 2. The test measures childrens _ ( achieve) in reading, spelling and maths. 3. Hes been _ (absence) from school for three d

4、ays now. 4. We need to get some more_ ( accuracy) information. 5. The department store district is easily _(access) from our house. 6. You must be_(absolute)silent or the birds wont appear. 7. As a matter of fact, Columbus discovered America _ accident 8. Flights were delayed three hours _ account o

5、f the thick fog9. When do you want to meet? _ about Tuesday afternoon? 10. It is said that there is _ 800-meter-long bridge over the river.Keys:EXERCISE 1.1 1. abroad 2. aboard 3. account 4. accountant 5. absorb 6. accuse 7. ache 8. academic 9. accompany 10. accommodation 11. accident 12. accept 13.

6、 accent 14. achieve 15. access 16. accessEXERCISE 1.2 1. (4) 2. (12) 3. (8) 4. (15) 5. (6) 6. (10) 7.(13) 8. (1) 9. (5) 10. (11) 11.(3) 12. (9) 13. (7) 14.(14) 15. (16) 16. (2)EXERCISE 1.3 1. ability. 2. achievements 3. absent 4. accurate 5. accessible6. absolutely 7. by 8. on 9. How / What 10. an D

7、AY 2EXERCISE 2.1 根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.活动;活力_ 2.地址;致辞_ 3.承认;准许(入场)_4.优点; 好处_ 5.劝告;建议(v.) _ 6.忠告;建议 (n.)_ 7.成年人_ 8. 钦佩;羡慕_ 9. 实际的;真实的_ 10. 管理;经营 (n.)_11. 前进;促进 _ 12. 积极的;主动的_ 13. 穿过;横过_ 14. 为做广告_ 15. 冒险(活动) _16. 敏锐的;剧烈的 _EXERCISE 2.2 将方框中单词前的序号填写在下面相应汉语释义后的横线上,使其匹配。 (1) adolescence (2) adolescent (3) ade

8、quate (4) acknowledge (5) acquisition (6) actress (7) acre (8) acid (9) addicted (10) AD (11) acquaintance (12)adopt (13) adapt (14) acquire (15) admission (16) adore 1.获得;得到 (n.) _ 2. 获得;学得(v.)_ 3. 熟人;相识的人_ 4. 收养;采用_ 5. 上了瘾的_ 6. 入场费 _ 7. 崇拜;爱慕_ 8. 足够的;充分的_ 9. (使)适应 _ 10. 承认;认为_ 11. 青少年_ 12. 酸的_ 13.

9、 英亩 _ 14. 女演员_ 15. 青春(期) _ 16. 公元_ EXERCISE 2.3 根据句意和句子结构的语法性, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。1. The young man has been _ (active) looking for a job for six months.2. I think the girl showed _(admire) self-control in her answer.3. Well see how this schedule works, then well make _( adjust) as necessary

10、. 4. It is reported that he is the highest-paid _( act) in Hollywood.5. Most working environments are improved by the _ (add) of a few pictures.6. We must take _ (act) to deal with the problem before it spreads fast.7. The process of _ (adapt) to a new school is difficult for some children.8. He cam

11、e _ an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning.9. If youre going to come, please let me know _ advance.10. My aunt speaks French she can act _ interpreter.KEYS:EXERCISE 2.1 1. activity 2. address 3. admit 4. advantage 5. advise 6. advice 7. adult 8. admire 9. actual 10. administration 11. ad

12、vance 12. active 13. across 14. advertise 15. adventure 16. acuteEXERCISE 2.2 1.(5) 2.(14) 3.(11) 4.(12) 5.(9) 6.(15) 7.(16) 8.(3) 9.(13) 10.(4) 11.(2) 12.(8) 13.(7) 14.(6) 15.(1) 16.(10) EXERCISE 2.3 1. actively 2. admirable 3. adjustments 4. actor 5. addition 6. action 7. adaptation 8. across 9. i

13、n 10. asDAY 3EXERCISE 3.1 根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1. 影响;(使)感动_ 2. 事;事情_ 3. 负担得起;抽得出_ 4. 后来;以后_ 5. 靠着;依着(prep.) _ 6. 目的;目标_ 7. 警报 _ 8. 飞机场;航空站_ 9. 飞机;航空器_ 10. 过敏的;厌恶的_ 11. 活着的;活跃的 _ 12. 年龄;老龄_ 13. 主张;拥护_ 14. 非洲人 _ 15.援助;救护 _ 16.(去做想做的事)干吧;行动吧(phr.)_EXERCISE 3.2 将方框中单词前的序号填写在下面相应汉语释义后的横线上,使其匹配。 (1) aggressive

14、 (2) alcoholic (3) alcohol (4) agent (5) agenda (6) airline (7) airmail (8) alike (9) album (10) algebra (11) airspace (12) airplane (13) agriculture (14) ahead (15) agency (16) all over 1. 航空邮件_ 2. 代数_ 3. 很相似地;同样地_ 4. 领空;(某国的) 空域_ 5. 遍及;到处_ 6. 在前;向前;领先_ 7. 酗酒者;酒鬼_ 8. 农业_9. 议事日程_ 10. 代理机构_ 11. 航空公司;

15、航线_ 12.相册;唱片集 _ 13. 代理人;经纪人 _ 14. 侵略的;积极进取的_ 15.含酒精饮料_ 16. 飞机_ EXERCISE 3.3 根据句意和句子结构的语法性, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。1. We have an _ (agree) to always tell each other the truth about everything.2. This countrys economy is mainly _ (agriculture) and depends on crops like coffee.3. _ (alcohol ) drin

16、k can have a bad effect on your body. 4. It is widely known that small children often behave_(aggressive).5. The old lady is now able to walk with the aid_ a walking stick. 6. In order to keep the flowers fresh, they are sent all over the country _ air.7. Everyone seems to be afraid _ the new class

17、teacher.8. They received 1,550 in cash and promises of another 650, making 2,200 _ all.9. The old lady is now able to walk _ the aid of a stick.10. A decision will not be made until everyone is _ agreement.KEYS:EXERCISE 3.1 1.affect 2.affair 3.afford 4.afterward(s) 5.against 6 aim 7.alarm 8.airport

18、9.aircraft 10.allergic 11.alive 12.age 13.advocate 14. African 15.aid 16. go aheadEXERCISE 3.2 1.(7) 2.(10) 3.(8) 4.(11) 5.(16) 6.(14) 7.(2) 8.(13) 9.(5)10.(15)11.(6) 12.(9) 13.(4) 14.(1) 15.(3) 16.(12)EXERCISE 3.3 1. agreement 2. agricultural 3. Alcoholic 4. aggressively 5. of 6. by 7. of 8. in 9.

19、with 10. inDAY 4EXERCISE 4.1 根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1. 总共;总计_ 2. 愿望;抱负_ 3. 古代的;古老 _ 4.允许;准许_ 5.几乎;差不多_ 6.在(三个以上)之间_ 7.令人惊异的_ 8.单独的;孤独的_ 9.生气的;愤怒的_ 10. 角度_11.虽然;尽管_ 12.数量;总额 _ 13.已经_ 14.二者择一的_ 15.救护车 _16. 午前;上午 _EXERCISE 4.2 将方框中单词前的序号填写在下面相应汉语释义后的横线上,使其匹配。 (1) alphabet (2) amateur (3) ample (4) anecdote (5

20、) aluminium (6) altitude (7) anchor (8) ambassador (9) allocate (10) alley (11) analyse (12) ancestor (13) ambiguous (14) alongside (15) allowance (16) aloud1.祖先_ 2.意思含糊的_ 3. 大使_ 4. 拨给;划归_ 5. 小巷;胡同_ 6. 在旁边 _ 7. 津贴;零用钱_ 8. 大声地_ 9. 海拔高度_ 10. 铝_ 11.业余的_ 12.逸事;趣闻_ 13. 字母表_ 14.充足的_ 15. (抛)锚_ 16. 分析;解析_EX

21、ERCISE 4.3 根据句意和句子结构的语法性, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。1. Mike reacted _( angry ) to the suggestion that he had lied. 2. He felt a lot of _ (angry) towards his father who treated him very badly as a child.3. The _ (amaze) thing is that it was kept secret for so long. 4. _ (amaze) enough, no one else

22、has applied for the post.5. I couldnt have managed at college if I hadnt had an _(allow) from the government.6. They were dancing and singing in the car, much to the _ (amuse) of passers-by.7. I was interested in the headmasters _(analyse) of the situation.8. She was angry _ herself for making such

23、a stupid mistake. 9. The wounded soldier was rushed to hospital _ ambulance.10. The old lady sitting in the armchair raised her voice _ anger.EXERCISE 4.1 1. altogether 2. ambition 3. ancient 4. allow 5. almost 6. among 7. amazing 8 alone. 9. angry 10. angle 11. although 12. amount 13. already 14.al

24、ternative 15. ambulance 16. am. / AM.EXERCISE 4.2 1.(12) 2.(13) 3.(8) 4.(9) 5.(10) 6.(14) 7.(15) 8.(16) 9.(6)10.(5) 11.(2)12.(4) 13.(1) 14.(3) 15.(7)16.(11)EXERCISE 4.3 1.angrily 2. anger 3. amazing 4. Amazingly 5. allowance 6. amusement 7. analysis 8. with 9. by 10. inDAY 5EXERCISE 5.1 根据所给汉语释义写出下列

25、单词。 1.忧虑的;焦急的_ 2.靠近;接近(v.)_ 3.任何地方 _ 4.鼓掌;喝采 (v.)_ 5.公寓_ 6.宣布;宣告_ 7. 道歉;谢罪 _ 8.出现;显得_ 9.申请;适用(v.)_ 10. 申请 (n.)_11.一年一次的_ 12. 方法;接近(n.)_ 13. 欣赏;感激(v.)_ 14. 认可;赞成 (v.) _ 15. 任命_16. (使)烦恼 _EXERCISE 5.2 将方框中单词前的序号填写在下面相应汉语释义后的横线上,使其匹配。 (1) apology (2) applicant (3)anniversary (4) appetite (5) appeal (6)

26、 anxiety (7) ankle (8) appropriate (9) apparent (10) appendix (11) ant (12)antique (13) Antarctic (14) anyhow (15) approval (16) apart1.古董_ 2. 蚂蚁 _ 3.显而易见的 _ 4. 南极_ 5. 附录_ 6.无论如何_ 7.歉意_ 8.胃口_ 9. 周年纪念日_ 10. 呼吁;恳求_ 11. 分开;相隔_ 12. 足踝_ 13. 申请人 _ 14.担忧(n.)_ 15.合适的;恰当的 _ 16. 赞成; 批准_EXERCISE 5.3 根据句意和句子结构的

27、语法性, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。1. Children normally feel a lot of _ (anxious) about their first day at school. 2. So lets have a round of _ (applaud), please, for a very lovely and talented young lady who is going to sing for us.3. I have an _ (apologize) to make to you - Im afraid I opened your l

28、etter by mistake. 4. Theyre very alike in_ (appear), but quite different in character.5. Ive got an _ (appoint) to see Ms Edwards on Saturday evening. 6. Children rarely show any _ (appreciate) of/for what their parents do for them.7. Have you filled in the_ ( apply) form for your passport yet?8. It

29、 might be appropriate_ him to attend the course.9. Apart _ the ending, its a really good film. 10. She apologized sincerely _ having to leave at 3.30 p.m.Keys:EXERCISE 5.1 1.anxious 2. approach 3. anywhere 4.applaud 5. apartment 6. announce 7. apologize 8. appear 9. apply 10. application 11.annual 1

30、2. approach 13. appreciate 14. approve 15. appoint 16. annoyEXERCISE 5.2 1.(12) 2.(11) 3.(9) 4.(13) 5.(10) 6.(14) 7.(1) 8.(4) 9.(3) 10.(5) 11.(16) 12.(7) 13.(2)14. 15.(8) 16.(15)EXERCISE 5.3 1.anxiety 2.applause 3.apology 4.appearance 5.appointment 6. appreciation 7.application 8. for 9. from 10. fo

31、rDAY 6 EXERCISE 6.1 根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.争论;争吵 (v.)._ 2. 文章_ 3.安排;策划(v.)_ 4.到达(v.)_ 5. 到达(n.) _ 6.睡着的_ 7.扶手椅_ 8.惭愧的_ 9.亚洲 (人) 的_ 10.方面_11.地区;区域_ 12. 军队_ 13.艺术家;画家_ 14.出现;升起_ 15. 帮助;援助(n.)_16.四月 _EXERCISE 6.2 将方框中单词前的序号填写在下面相应汉语释义后的横线上,使其匹配。 (1) artificial (2) apron (3) arch (4) assist (5) architect (6)

32、 arbitrary (7) architecture (8) arrest (9) aside (10) ash (11) arrow (12) assess (13) Arctic (14) approximately (15) assistant (16) arithmetic 1.近似;大约_ 2. 估计;评定_ 3. 在旁边;到旁边 _ 4.算术_ 5. 逮捕;拘留_ 6. 北极圈_ 7. 箭;箭头 _ 8. 灰;灰烬_ 9. 助手;助理_ 10.围裙_ 11建筑师;设计师 _ 12.帮助;协助 _ 13. 任意的;主观的 _ 14.建筑风格 _ 15. 人工的_ 16. 拱门_EX

33、ERCISE 6.3 根据句意和句子结构的语法性, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。1. I had a big _ (argue) with my cousin yesterday evening. 2. It may be necessary to make alternative _ (arrange).3. The new manager carried out an _ (assess) of the sales department.4. With the _ (arrive) of Johns friends, the party became reall

34、y enjoyable.5. Mr Green asked his personal _ (assist) to deal with the problem.6. Most mushrooms sold in supermarkets have been grown _ (artificial) in manure.7. We made the decision to go to Italy quite _ ( arbitrary). 8. She was so ashamed _ cheating in the test that she went and told the teacher.

35、9. Kittys got so thin. And as _ Carl, he always seems to be ill.10. Some people find it difficult to ask _ help sometimesKeys:EXERCISE 6.1 1.argue 2.article 3.arrange 4.arrive 5. arrival 6.asleep 7.armchair 8. ashamed 9.Asian 10.aspect 11 area 12.army 13. artist 14.arise 15. assistance 16.AprilEXERC

36、ISE 6.2 1.(14) 2.(12) 3.(9) 4.(16) 5.(8) 6.(13) 7.(11) 8.(10) 9.(15) 10.(2) 11.(5) 12.(4) 13.(6) 14.(7) 15.(1) 16.(3)EXERCISE 6.3 1. argument 2. arrangements 3. assessment 4. arrival 5. assistant 6. arbitrarily 7. artificially 8. of 9. for 10. forDAY 7EXERCISE7.1 根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.观众_ 2.很坏的;可怕的_ 3.

37、知道;意识到(adj.)_ 4.可用的_ 5.态度;看法_ 6.躲开;逃避_ 7.醒着的_ 8.出席;参加_ 9.作者_ 10.吸引;引起_11.奖品;奖金_ 12.权威_ 13.攻击_ 14.大气;气氛: _ 15.试图;尝试_16.八月_EXERCISE 7.2 将方框中单词前的序号填写在下面相应汉语释义后的横线上,使其匹配。 (1) average (2) awesome (3) astonish (4) awkward (5) assume (6) astronomy (7) athlete (8) automatic (9) association (10) authentic (1

38、1) attain (12) avenue (13) associate (14) attach (15) attractive (16) Atlantic 1. (经过努力)获得,得到_ 2. 附上_ 3. 联想;联系_ 4. (都市的)大街_ 5. 真的;可靠的_ 6. 有吸引力的_ 7. 大西洋的_ 8. 使人敬畏的 _ 9. 假定;假设 _ 10.使惊讶_ 11.令人尴尬;棘手的_ 12. 自动的 _ 13.平均的;普通的_ 14.天文学_ 15.协会;社团_ 16.运动员 _EXERCISE 7.3 根据句意和句子结构的语法性, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空

39、。1. Life in London has so many _ (attract) nightclubs, good restaurants and so on. 2. The tall girl with red hair looks very_ (athlete).3. These calculations are based on the _ (assume) that prices will continue to rise.4. Mrs White looked _ (astonish) when she heard the news.5. To learn_ (autonomous) in the network environment is totally new to students. 6. The football team played _ (awful) throughout the game.

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