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1、 认证标志管理控制程序 Authentication Mark Management Control Procedure1 目的Purpose为了满足CCC、CRCC产品认证质量保证能力和相关的法律、法规要求,确保申请认证的产品与认证标准的符合性和与型式试验样机的一致性,特制定本程序。In order to meet CCC, CRCC product certificate quality assurance capability and related law, regulation requirements, ensure the conformity and consistency o

2、f the authentication product with certificate standard and type test sample, specially formulated the procedure.2 适用范围Application Scope本程序适用于动车组和高速车辆、重型铁路车辆、地铁轻轨的风挡、公交客车折棚和航空登机桥前端折棚等强制性认证产品和铁路客车重要零部件(A类)生产条件的审核认证,自愿性认证和“四防”(防燃、防裂、防脱、防松)要求的产品可以参考执行。The procedure is applied to the audit certificate of

3、 production condition for CRH train, High Speed train, heavy railway, light railway metro gangway, bus bellows and Air bridge front bellow etc. mandatory authentication product and important parts (A class) of railway passenger car. Voluntary certificate and product with “four prevents” (burning res

4、istance, cracking resistance, fall-off resistance, loosen-preventive”) can reference to it.3 规范性引用文件Normative Documents下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。The clauses in the following documents will become the

5、 clauses of the standard via the quote of the standard. All the quoted documents with date, all the future change form( errata contents excluded) or the revised editions are not applicable to the standard. While, encourage the parties who has had agreement acc. to standard to study whether can use t

6、he latest version of these documents. All quoted documents which not notes the data, the latest version is applicable to the standard.ISO9001:2008 质量管理体系要求ISO9001:2008 Quality Management System Requirement 铁路客车零部件生产资质管理办法Railway Passenger Car Parts Production Qualification Management Measures产品认证工厂质

7、量保证能力要求Product Certificate Factory Quality Assurance Capacity RequirementCRCC产品认证实施规则Implementation Rules of CRCC Product Certificate4 术语和定义Terms and DefinitionsCCC:中国强制性产品认证的标志China Compulsory Product Certificate MarkCRCC:中国铁路产品强制性认证的标志 China Railway Product Compulsory Certificate Mark5 部门职责Respons

8、ibility of Dept5.1 管理部是归口管理部门,负责:Management Dept is the centralized administration Depta) 签订认证标志使用协议;Sign certificate mark usage agreement.b) 汇报CRCC认证证书和铁路产品认证标志的使用情况;Report the service condition of CRCC authentication certificate and railway product certificate marks.c) 认证标志的管理。The management of au

9、thentication marks.5.2 生产部质量部负责:Product dept and quality dept are responsible for:按照要求使用认证标志。Using authentication marks according to requirements.5.3 技术部负责 Technology dept is responsible for:认证标志的布局设计。Layout design of authentication marks.5.4 质量部负责:Quality dept is responsible for:a) 申请购买认证标志;Apply f

10、or purchasing authentication marks.b) 对认证标志入库检验;Do incoming inspection for authentication marks.c) 维护认证标志使用管理台帐Maintain .5.5 采购物流部负责:Purchasing and logistics dept is responsible for:a) 下达认证标志的采购计划;Issue purchase plans for authentication marks.b) 认证标志的存储保管 Storage of authentication marks.6 程序要求Proced

11、ure Requirements6.1 本公司经过认证的产品,加施的产品认证标志采用购买标志、印刷标志和标志模压三种方式,由技术部组织根据产品、铭牌、包装物、标签、使用说明书、合格证等的尺寸大小和位置布局进行设计,报给管理部与认证机构签订认证标志的使用协议后申请购买认证标志。There are purchase mark, print mark, and mark mould pressing these three patterns used by the authentication marks of products which pass authentication.Design is

12、 organised by research and development dept according to the dimensions and positions layout of products, nameplates, wrappages, labels, operation instruction, certificate of quality and so on. After the usage agreement of authentication marks between management dept and certificate body signed, app

13、ly for purchasing authentication marks.6.2 物流部下达认证标志的印刷和模压的采购计划。Logistics dept issue purchase plans of print and moulding pressing for authentication marks.6.3 管理部应在复评获准换发新证书时与认证机构重新签订认证证书和铁路产品认证标志使用协议书。认证标志的所有方案(印制、粘贴的部位和图形尺寸等)应在证书签发后的3个月内完成向CRCC备案。Management dept shoule re-sign with certificate bo

14、dy when allowed to renew certificate after re-evaluation. All the programs of authentication marks (the position of print, stickup and figure dimension, etc.)should finish the record to CRCC in the three months after certificate issuing.6.4 认证标志和带有认证标志的合格证采购进厂后,质量部进行标志数量和印刷质量的确认,并在认证标志使用管理台帐中记录认证标志购

15、买数量。Quality dept confirm the mark quantity and print quality, after the purchased authentication marks and certification of quality with authentication marks arriving at the factory, and record the purchase quantity of authentication marks in .6.5 带有认证标志的产品、铭牌、包装物、标签、使用说明书等采购进厂后经过质量部检验合格后,由物流仓库加以妥善保

16、管,生产和质量部根据需要到仓库领用。Products, nameplates, wrappages, labels, operation instruction and certificate of quality which with authentication marks are kept properly by warehouse, after passing the incoming inspection of quality dept. Product dept and quality dept fetch them from the warehouse according to

17、the need.6.6 质量部授权的检验员对认证产品出厂检验合格后,发放认证标志或带有认证标志的合格证给生产部加施在产品的显著位置,并在产品认证标志的管理台帐中记录认证标志的使用情况。The inspectors authorised by quality dept issue authentication marks or certificate of quality with authentication marks to product dept to append to the obvious position of producs, which passed the deliver

18、y inspection, and record the service condition of authentication marks in the management machine account of authentication marks.6.7 质量部应做好认证产品的认证标志使用管理台帐,确保购买、印刷的认证标志不被转让、外借,通过强制性认证的产品必须张贴认证标志后可出厂,未经认证的产品不得张贴认证标志。Quality dept should record well, ensure that the purchased and printed authentication

19、marks are not transferred and borrowed, the products which pass compulsory certificate have to be pasted authentication marks before delivery, the products which havent be authenticated cant be pasted authentication marks.6.8 管理部每年12月份向CRCC报告认证证书和铁路产品认证标志的使用情况,报告应至少包括以下内容:Management dept reports the

20、 service condition of authentication certificate and railway product certificate marks to CRCC every December. The report should include the following content at least:a) 本年度领取的铁路产品认证标志枚数及标志型号;The kind quantity of railway product certificate marks and mark types this year.b) 本年度铁路产品认证标志的实际使用情况(按产品型号

21、分述);The actual service condition of railway product certificate marks (state according to product types) this year.6.9 按铁路产品认证证书和铁路产品认证标志管理办法和获准认证产品的认证实施规则,正确使用认证证书和认证标志:Use authentication certificate and authentication marks correctly according to and authentication enforcement regulation of allowe

22、d authentication products.a) 可在获证产品广告和宣传材料上使用认证证书和认证标志,但不得将某一产品的认证证书作为整个申请方获得某种认证的证明,并加以宣传,从而产生误导作用;Authentication certificate and authentication marks can be used in the advertisement and publicity materials of certificated products, but its forbidden that taking the authentication certificate of o

23、ne of the products as the whole applicant to get the proof of some kind of authentication, and propagandize it, which leads to misguiding.b) 可在获证产品外观表面、产品铭牌、产品包装物、产品说明书、出厂合格证等上使用铁路产品认证标志。Railway product certificate marks can be used on the appearance surface, nameplate, wrappage, instruction and del

24、ivery certificate of quality of certificated products.6.10 当铁路产品认证证书被暂停、撤销或注销后,由管理部通知相关部门立即停止涉及认证内容的广告宣传,停止铁路产品认证标志使用。After railway product authentication certificate being suspended, revocated or logouted, management dept inform related depts to stop the advertisements which refer to authentication content, and stop the usage of railway product authentication marks.6.11 管理部在内部审核时按本程序要求检查认证标志使用的规范性。Management dept check the normalization of using authentication marks according to the requirments of this procedure when internal dudit. 7 相关文件和记录Related Document and Records认证标志使用管理台帐/Page 4 of 4

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