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1、大等美得四人公考祺然 q作文送(金)天津科技翻译出版公司.大学英语四、六级考试丛书主编张文起张东昌CONTENTS议论文1.P o llu t io n.(1)2.Smo king and Cancer.(2)3.smo king(1).(4)4.Smo king(2).(5).5.P o pu lat io n Co nt ro l.1.(7)6.Traf f ic and P o pu lat io n.(8)7.Birt h Co nt ro l:Key t o Chinas Develo pment.(9)8.Ho w t o So lve t he Ho u sing P ro bl

2、em in Big Cit ies.(10)9.We Need t o Bro aden Ou r Kno wledge.(12)10.My F avo rit e Ho bby.(13)11.The Benef it o f Reading Bo o ks.(15)12.On Gt xxl Bo o ks.(16)13.So cial P ract ice in Edu cat io n.(17)14.Save t he Wild Animals.(18)15.What Wo u ld Happen If There Were No Elect ricit y.(20)16.F riends

3、.(21)17.On Making F riends.(22)18.Mo t o rcycles.(23)19.Heavy Traf f ic.(24)20.Can Ro ad Accident s Be Avo ided?.(25)21.Bicycle-t he Mo st P o pu lar F o rm o f Transpo rt at io n To o l in Ou r Co u nt ry.(27)22.Weat her.(28)23.F ake Go o ds.(30)24.The Impo rt ance o f Co nf idence.(31)25.Diligence

4、.(33)26.Lo o king F o rward t o t he Twent y-F irst Cent u ry.(34)27.P u nct u alit y.(35)128.Man Is t o Su rvive.(37)29.Advert isement s(1).(38)30.Advert isement s(2).(39)31.P ro t ect io n o f Enviro nment.(41)32.The Valu e o f Time.(42)33.Exercise in Ou r Daily Lif e.(43)34.Land Reso u rces.(44)3

5、5.Making Go o d Use o f Ones Time.(46)36.The TV P ro gram 1 Like Best.(47)37.Televisio n.(48)38.Televisio n f o r Ent ert ainment.(49)39.The Wat er Cycle.(51)40.Energy Reso u rces.(52)41.The Su bject 1 Like Best.(53)42.F ailu re and Su ccess.(55)43.Healt h.(56)44.Spo rt.(57)45.P hysical Training.(58

6、)46.Early Rising.(60)47.Spo rt s in Ou r Co u nt ry.(61)48.The Two-day Weekend.(62)49.The Dict io nary.(63)50.Why 1 Take t he Co llege English Test Band 6.(64)51.Vio lent F ilm Is Harmf u l t o Children.(65)52.Where t o Live-in t he Cit y o r in t he Co u nt ry.(67)53.Travel.(68)54.Glo bal sho rt ag

7、e o f F resh Wat er.(69)55.Learning English at Co llege.(71)56.At t he Library.(72)57.Where There Is a Will There Is a Way.(73)58.The P lace o f Science and Tecbno lcy in Mo dem Lif e.(74)59.P ract ice Makes P erf ect.(76)60.Hast e Makes Wast e.(77)61.Co mpu t ers.*(78)262.Learning(79)图表作文63.Changes

8、 in P eo ples Diet.(81)64.The P ro blem o f Hu man P o pu lat io n.(82)65.Cars Are t he Mo st Impo rt ant Transpo rt at io n To o ls in t he Unit ed St at es.(84)66.The Impro vement o f Lif e in a P easant s F amily.(86)67.The F o reign Trade o f China.(87)68.Healt h Gains in Develo ping Co u nt rie

9、s.(89)69.The F amilies o f St ars.(90)70.Average Mo nt hly Rainf all.(91)71.P ro du ct io n o f Radio s and TV Set s in F act o ry A.(93)72.The Cit y I Like Best.(94)关键词作文73.Eart hq u akes.(96)74.Enviro nment al P o llu t io n.(97)75.A Clever Bo y.(98)76.The Advant ages o f Travel.(99)77.F inding a

10、P art icu lar Bo o k in t he Library.(100)78.A F ew Remarks o n Co mpet it io n.(101)79.The Helpf u l F eat u res o f Text bo o ks.(102)记叙文80.My Mo t her.(104)81.My Teacher.(105)82.My English Teacher.(106)83.Visit ing a Mu seu m:.(107)84.The Seaso ns.(108)85.Go Ou t ing.(109)附I 1997年大学英语四、六级考试作文真题.(

11、Ill)附口 大学英语四、六级考试作文题评分标准.(114)31.Pollutioni.污染对人类有害。2.为防止污染,近年来采取了一些措施。3.然而污染问懑尚未完全解决。Pollution is harmful to human beings.Polluted water causes many kinds of disse;uses such as diarrhoea,enteritis,etc.And sometimes these diseases even take mans life.Dirty air or air-bom garbage causes stinging eyes

12、 and running nose.Pollutants are destructive,they cause runs in nylon stockings and crack rublier tires,they eat away at stone and rust iron.Measures have been taken to control pollution.In recent years,legislative steps have been introduced to control pollution.Rivers are being cleaned,air is purif

13、ied,ix)llutants are being trapped before they are poured out of chimneys.However pollution problems have not been completely solved.Some factories are still using air as a dumping place for wastes.Some lakes are still dirty,the dirty water causes fishes to die.Quite a few chimneys are still pouring

14、smoke into the air and noise pollution remains serious.Useful Expressions1.to be harmful to 对.有害。注意介词 to W harmful 的搭酉己。女口:Smoking ishcLrmful to your health.吸烟Xd你的健康有害。2.polluted water(air,earth,.)被污染的水(空气、土壤等)。这里的 polluted 是过 去分词,作定语,表示被动含义。本文讲的是污染,要注意下列几个词的使用:dilute 污染(vpollution 污染(n.pollutant 污染

15、物(n.)3.diarrhoea?肚1 enteritis 肠炎.4.take somebody,s life5.air-born garbage 空气中所携带的垃圾6.stinging eyes 刺激眼睛ru nning no se 流鼻涕7.ru ns in nylo n st o ckings尼龙长袜抽丝。这里的ru n作名词用,含义是:抽丝,脱针。8.crack ru bber t ires(使)车胎爆裂9.eat away at st o ne 侵蚀石头 如:The river is eat ing away at t he bank.河水侵蚀着堤岸。10.Measu res hav

16、e been t aken t o co nt ro l po llu t io n.这句话中应注意与 measu re 连用的动词是 t ake 或 ado pt。如:ado pt(t ake)ef f ect u al measu res t o impro ve o ne s wo rk 采取有效措施改进工作。11.legislat ive立法的。与st ep搭配的动词有t ake或int ro du ce。12.P o llu t ant s are being t rapped bef o re t hey are po u red o u t o f chimneys,这句中 t

17、rap 作“使受限制”,“放置在特定地点”解。如果用co nt ro l代替t rap,句子照样通顺,只 是略显平淡。13.q u it e a f ew:相当不少污染对人类有害。污染的水引起多种疾病,诸如泻肚、肠炎等。有时这些疾病甚 至会夺去人的生命。污染的空气或空气中含有的废物引起眼睛刺痛、流鼻涕。污染物 是有害的,它们使尼龙袜子脱丝,使车胎爆裂,侵蚀石头,使铁生锈。为了防止污染,采取了一些措施。近年来,采取了一些立法手段来控制污染。河 水正在变清,空气正被净化,污染物从烟囱中排放出以前,就得到了控制。然而,污染问题并未完全解决。一些工厂仍旧把大气作为垃圾倾倒场。一些湖泊 依然很脏,脏水使

18、许多种鱼类死亡。还有不少的烟囱把烟尘排放到大气中,并且噪音 污染仍然严重。2.Smoking and Canceri.吸烟对健康有害。2.吸烟易患癌症03.世界各国政府应采取严厉措施限制吸烟。Smo king is harmf u l t o t he healt h o f peo ple.It no t o nly po llu t es air,brings abo u t 2su f f erings o f o t her peo ple su ch as children and no nsmo kers,bu t also cau ses diseases o f bro nch

19、it is,lu ng cancer,chest cancer and t hro at cancer.Smo king is asso ciat ed wit h cancers.Smo ke is a mixt u re o f gases,vapo rized chemicals,minu t e part icles o f ash,and o t her so lids.There are a拓 t ar and nico t ine,which are po werf u l po iso ns.As t he smo ke is breat hed in,all t hese c

20、o mpo nent s f o rm depo sit s o n t he membranes o f t he lu ngs.One po int o f co ncent rat io n is where air t u be,o r bro nchu s divides.Mo st lu ng cancer begins at t his po int.Wo rld go vernment s sho u ld co ndu ct serio u s campaigns against smo king.F irst,legislat ive st eps mu st be int

21、 ro du ced.Seco nd,rest rict io ns o n cigaret t e advert isement s mu st be impo sed.Third,pu blic smo kir in cert ain places su ch as t heat res,cinemas,wait ing roo ms at airpo rt s and railway st at io ns sho u ld be banned.In t his way,we may make t he smo kers f eel increasingly u nco mf o rt

22、able abo u t t heir bad habit s.F inally,cigaret t e price sho u ld be bo o st ed.Useful Expressions1.bro nchit isf bro rjkait is支气管炎lu ng cancer 肺癌chest cancer 胸癌 t hro at cancer 喉癌 以上几个词都是医学术语,但在讲到吸烟造成的危害时,用上这些词,使文章显得 生动、具体。2.asso ciat e.wit h.:与.联合3.vapo rized chemicals蒸发的化学物质4.minu t e读作mainju:t

23、adj.微小的,细微的 minu t e part icles o f ash微小的烟尘颗粒5.t ar:焦油(被认为是香烟中对人体危害最严重的物质。)nico t ine;尼古丁6.As t he smo ke is breat hed in,.也可以写成 As t he smo ke is t aken in,.7.co ndu ct campaigns:发起运动。与 campaign 搭配的动词还有:wage a campaign,lau nch a campaign,等8.impo se加(负担,惩罚)于.ban禁止bo o st提高(物价)3译文吸烟和症症吸烟对人们有健康有害。吸烟不

24、但污染空气,给他人带来痛苦,譬如给孩子及不 吸烟者带来痛苦,而且还引起支气管炎、肺癌、胸癌和喉癌。吸烟与癌有关。烟是一种混合物,其中有气体蒸发的化学物质、微细的烟尘颗粒 和一些固态物质。烟里有焦油和尼古丁,这两种东西毒性很大。烟吸入肺里,所有这 些成分沉积在肺部的粘膜上。集中的一点就在支气管分叉处。大多数癌症就是由此 处开始的。世界各国政府应发起一场禁烟运动。首先,应采取立法措施。第二,严格限制刊 登香烟广告。第三,禁止在某些公众场所吸烟,譬如,不许在剧场、影院、候机厅和候车 室吸烟。这样,我们就会使那些吸烟者对他们的坏习惯逐渐感到不舒服。最后一点 是,应当提高香烟价格。3.Smoking(1

25、)i.吸烟对饨康有害。2.改变吸烟的习惯并不容易。3.为了保护非吸烟者不受其害,应当采取措施减少吸烟的机会。Smo king is harmf u l t o healt h.Medical science has no w pro ved t hat smo king can cau se lu ng cancer and o t her diseases su ch as emphysema.Yo u r chances o f having a heart at t ack also increase t he mo re yo u smo ke.Smo king is def init

26、 ely a healt h hazard.Get t ing rid o f t he smo king habit is no t easy.Many invet erat e smo kers are never able to q u it co mplet ely.Tho se who t ry t o q u it o f t en experience depressio n,severe headaches,and so met imes get a lo t o f weight as t hey t u rn t o f o o d as a su bst it u t e

27、.In o rder t o pro t ect no n-smo kers f ro m being af f ect ed,measu res mu st be t aken t o redu ce t he chances o f smo king.Children mu st be warned abo u t t he dangers o f smo king.Cigaret t e co mpanies sho u ld no t be allo wed t o advert ise o n TV o r radio,o r in newspapers and magazines.

28、Remo ve cigaret t e vending machines.Raise cigaret t e prices by adding higher t o bacco t axes and u se t he mo ney f o r ant i smo king campaigns.4Useful Expressions1.emphysema 肺气肿2.get rid o f t he smo king habit is no t easy,.改变吸烟的习惯并不容易,3.get a lo t o f weight 增加体重还口J说成:gain weight 或 pu t o n w

29、eighto减少体重”可以说成:lo se weight或redu ce weight 4.cigaret t e vending machines 自动售烟机译文吸烟(1)吸烟对健康有害。医学已经证明吸烟能引起肺癌和其它疾病,如肺气肿。吸烟越 多,得心脏病的机会也会增加。无疑吸烟对健康有害。改变吸烟的习惯并不容易。许多烟瘾大的人没有能力彻底戒烟。想戒烟的人常 常感到意气消沉,头疼的厉害,有时还会增加体重,因为他们把食物作为代用品。为了保护非吸烟者不受其害,应当采取措施减少吸烟的机会。应当告诫儿童不要 吸烟。不允许烟草公司在电视上、电台上、报纸和杂志上刊登香烟广告。清除那些自 动售烟机。增加烟

30、草税收以提高香烟价格,并且把这些钱投入戒烟运动中。4.Smoking(2)1.众所周知吸烟有害健康2.许多国家的政府已采取措施减少香烟消费c3,但是没有任何国家禁止香烟销售。It is kno wn t o everyo ne t hat smo king is harmf u l t o o u r healt h.Research co ndu ct ed in many co u nt ries has indicat ed t hat smo king cau ses lu ng cancer,heart disease and vario u s respirat o ry illn

31、esses.Respo nding t o o verwhelming medical evidence o f t he harmf u l ef f ect s o f smo king,many go vernment s have t aken act io ns t o redu ce t abacco co nsu mpt io n.So me have impo sed heavy t axes o n t abacco pro du ct s,o t hers have co ndu ct ed ant i-smo king campaigns.In t heat res,ci

32、nemas and so me pu blic places no nsmo king is o f t en demanded by au t ho ri-5t ies.Ho wever,no ne o f t he go vernment s have even co nsidered pro hibit ing t he sale o f t obacco.This is du e part ly t o t he po lit ical po wer o f t he big t o bacco co mpanies and part ly t o t he f act t hat s

33、o many peo ple,part icu larly in inf lu ent ial po sit io n in so ciet y,are habit u al smo kers.To bacco f armers and wo rkers are also st ro ngly o ppo sed t o legislat io n.In f act,smo king is no t o nly a mat t er o f habit bu t also a mat t er o f pro f it s.Useful Expressions1.impo se o n(u p

34、o n)把.强加于She was a harsh mo t her and impo sed severe discipline o n her children.她是位严厉 的母亲,对孩子们给予严厉的惩罚。2.co ndu ct ant i-smo king campaigns 组织禁烟运动co ndu ct(wage)a campaign 组织(发起)一场运动如;She was appo int ed t o co ndu ct t he advert ising campaign.她被指定组织这次广告宣传活动。3.habit u al smo kers吸烟成瘾的人。heavy smo k

35、ers烟瘾大的人;吸烟多的人chain smo kers吸烟很猛的人invet erat e smo kers积习难改的吸烟者文吸烟(2)众所周知吸烟有害健康。许多国家的研究表明吸烟引起肺癌,心脏病和各种呼吸 道疾病。为了对吸烟的有害影响作出反应,许多国家政府已经采取措施减少香烟消费 一 些国家对烟草产品增加了重税,还有一些国家组织了禁烟运动。在剧场,影院和一些 公众场所,当局经常要求人们不要吸烟。但是没有任何国家禁止烟草销售。部分原因是由于大的烟草公司的政治势力,部 分原因是由于许多人,尤其是社会上的显要人物是多年的吸烟者。烟草种植者和烟草 工人们坚持反对烟草立法。事实上,吸烟不仅是个习惯问

36、题,而且也是赢利问题。65.Population Controli.科学的进步和生活条件的改善导致了世界人口的迅速增加。2.但是人口过分增长会对人类社会的存在构成威胁。3.为了保证人类社会的稳定发展。P repress in science and t he impro vement o f living co ndit io ns have led t o t he rapid gro wt h o f t he wo rld po pu lat io n.Mo dern medical science,f o r example,has made it po ssible f o r ba

37、bies t o gro w u p healt hily and f o r peo ple t o live lo nger.Wit h impro ved living co ndit io ns,part icu larly in t he co u nt ryside,peo ple t end t o have larger f amilies.As a resu lt,t he wo rld po pu lat io n has increased so rapidly t hat it has no w exceeded 5 billio n.Bu t t he o vergr

38、o wt h o f po pu lat io n present s a t hreat t o t he exist ence o f hu man so ciet y.A large po pu lat io n demands a great deal o f f o o d su pply and shelt er space.Ho wever,t he limit ed pro du ct ivit y and scarce nat u ral reso u rces can hardly meet t he needs o f t he ever-increasing po pu

39、 lat io n.Thu s in t he lo ng ru n,t he o vergro wt h o f t he wo rld po pu lat io n will o nly harm mankind.To gu arant ee t he st eady develo pment o f hu man so ciet y,mankind mu st realize t he co nseq u ences resu lt ing f ro m a f ast po pu lat io n gro wt h and t he impo rt ance o f carrying

40、o u t a f amily planning pro gramme.Only by ado pt ing ef f ect u al measu res can hu man so ciet y develo p st eadily and have a bright f u t u re.Useful Expressions1.scarce nat u ral reso u rces 自然资源不足2.can hardly meet t he needs o f t he ever-increasing po pu lat io n 几乎不能满足日益 增长的人口的需要3.int he lo

41、 ng ru n从长远的观点看Their po licy wo u ld pro ve very co st ly in t he lo ng ru n.从长远观点看,他们的计划会 证明代价是很高的。4.resu lt f ro m 由.引起,由于.的结果The accident resu lt ed f ro m t he carelessness o f t he driver.车祸是由司机的粗心驾驶造成的。7译文控制人口科学的进步和生活条件的改善导致了世界人口的迅速增长。譬如,现代医学可以 使幼儿健康成长,使人们长寿。由于生活条件的改善,特别是农村生活条件的改善,家 庭人口日渐增多。结果

42、,世界人口增长如此迅猛以致于现在人口超过了 50亿。但是,人口过分增长对人类社会的存在构成了威胁。大量的人口需要大批的粮食 供给和大量的住宅。然而,有限的生产能力和不足的自然资源几乎不能满足日益增长 的人口的需要。因此,从长远的观点看,过多的世界人口将会危害人类。为了保证人类社会的稳定发展,人类必须意识到人口迅速增长所造成的后果和执 行计划生育方针的重要性o只有采取有效措施,人类社会才能稳步发展,才会有光明 的未来。6.Traffic and Populationi.交通问题已经成为大城市的主要问题之一。2.快速增长的人口是造成交通问题的原因。3.应采取措施解决这个问题。Traf f ic p

43、ro blems have beco me o ne o f t he majo r pro blems in cit ies.St reet s are always cro wded wit h vehicles and pedest rains,especially in ru sh ho u rs.What is mo re,t raf f ic accident s have made st reet s beco me o ne o f t he mo st dangero u s places.Bu t why is t his problem beco ming mo re a

44、nd mo re serio u s in spit e o f t he co nt inu o u s impro vement o f t raff ic f acilit ies?The rapid increasing po pu lat io n is a go(M explanat io n o f t he answer.Mo re peo ple means heavier t raf f ic.Mo reo ver,becau se mo re space has t o be u sed t o meet t he needs o f t he ho u sing pro

45、 blem,it is almo st impo ssible co widen t he st reet s,which makes t he sit uat io n even wo rse.Then ho w can we so lve t his pro blem?Mo re measu res sho u ld be t aken t o deal wit h t his pro blem.F o r example,rigid ru les and regu lat io ns o f rewards and penalt ies sho u ld be est ablished

46、t o make peo ple mo re caref u l o n t he st reet s.In addit io n,mu ch mo re ef f o rt s sho u ld be made t o pu t t he po pu lat io n planning po licy int o pract ice.8Useful Expressions1.ru sh ho u rs交通高峰期 2.what is mo re 而且 如:The bill yo u sent me was inco rrect and,what is mo re,t his isn,t f i

47、rst t ime.你给 我的账单不对,而且,这也不是第一次出差错了 03.ho u sing pro blem 住房问题4.rigid ru les and regu lat io ns o f rewards and penalt ies 严厉的奖惩规章译文 交通和人口交通问题已经成为城市里的主要问题之一。街道上总是车辆拥挤,行人如潮,特 别是在交通高峰时更是如此。而且,交通事故使街道变成了危险的地方。尽管我们不 断改进交通设施,为什么交通问题变得越来越严重呢?快速增长的人口是造成这个问题的原因。人口多就意味着交通拥挤。另外,因为 许多地方不得不用来建房以满足住房需要,要扩建街道几乎不可能

48、,这就使情况变得 更糟。那么,我们怎样解决这个问题呢?应采取更多措施解决交通问题。譬如,应制订严格的奖惩规章使人们在大街上更 小心。另外,应当更加努力地把计划生育政策付诸实施。7.Birth Control:Key to Chinas Developmenti,我国在计划生育方面取得了很大成就。2.目前我国人口持续增长带来的影响。3.继续采取措施严格控制人口增长是必要的。Since t he Chinese go vernment drew u p f amily planning as o ne o f t he basic st at e po licies in 1979,t he co

49、 u nt ry has ado pt ed vario u s measu res and achieved great su ccess in birt h co nt ro l.The t o t al birt h rat e has been decreasing gradu ally.Ho wever,at present,China s po pu lat io n is st ill gro wing rapidly.It is repo rt ed t hat every year t he po pu lat io n o f t his co u nt ry increa

50、ses by an ext ra 15 millio n and China is enco u nt ering a birt h peak du ring t he 90)s o f t he 20t h.It is o bvio u s t hat Chinas eco no mic 9 develo pment and t he impro vement o f peo ples living st andards have Ijeen and will be great ly af f ect ed by t he po pu lat io n.Theref o re,t o co

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