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1、大学英语六级超全复习资料六级在考试内容方面与与四级的区别一、要求的词汇量不同四级需要4500词汇量左右,而六级至少需要5500左右的词汇量。二、题型和结构有所差异英语四、六级考试的题型基本相同,但是在具体形式上也存在一些差异,主要在体现在阅读和作文部分:三、难度区别快速阅读仔细阅读A部分文章篇幅作文四级7个选择题选词填空(15选10)字数要求120左右六级7个选择题3个填空题短句问答六级阅读文章 的篇幅普遍比 四级长字数要求150左右六级考试的难度明显高于四级,这也是为什么很多考生不用怎么花力 气,凭借以前的积累也能通过四级的及格线,而在六级考试中则感到 相当吃力。因为词汇的积累是基础,词汇量

2、的大量增加必然会要求提 高词汇记忆的难度,否则在听力和阅读过程中就会困难重重。听力和阅读是四、六级考试中分值比例最高的两部分,六级的难度增 加也主要体现在这两个方面:1、听力:六级听力材料的语速要略快于四级考试,四级的很多是直 线思维,一步到位的找到正确答案,而六级考试时常要求你多绕几个 弯,这对反应力和速度的要求多提高了。同时,听写部分的3个句子 的长度,六级长于四级。2、阅读:前面已经提高词汇量和阅读材料篇幅的增加必然导致阅读 难度的增加,因为时间并未变化,相比于四级,要求考生在相同的时 间里阅读更多。由选择题变为填空题和短句问答,要求考生能够不仅 能掌握文章的总体大意,还要能注意细节,能

3、迅速回到原文找到相对 应的句子,还可以用自己的语言表达出来。难度明显大于四级的选择 题型。最重要是,六级加大了主观性试题的测试,偏重听说读写实际应用能 力的考查。2Part I Writing(3 0 minutes)一、篇章连贯:可以通过文章内容的内在联系来表现篇章的 连贯性。1、具体到一般:表现形式为先举例具体的事例进行分析、说明,进而得出论证或结论,在段末往往以主题句的形式表 现出来。2、一般到具体:表现为在文章段首以主题句的形式出现,然后通过具体的叙述、说明、举例使主题句变得具体、明白、易懂。二、常用句型1、开头Its well known to us that.Recently,.h

4、as been brought to popular attention/has become the focus of public concern.One of the universal issues we are faced with/that cause increasing concern is that.Peoples view/opinions/ideas on.vary from person to person.Some people think that.they hold this opinion because.However,others hold that.32、

5、主要论述方法A is to B what C is to DAccording to but there is no evidence whatsoever to show.The example cited,while suggestive of these trends,is insufficient to warrant their truth because there is no reason to believe that the data drawn form.is representative of.As it stands,this argument suffers from

6、 three critical flaws.3、结尾In my opinion,it is more advisable to do.than to doTaking into account all these factors,we may reasonably come to the conclusion that.It is time to take the advice of.and to put special emphasis on the improvement of.We should solve the problems that we are confronted/face

7、d withIt is high time that we put an end to.Otherwise,.开篇句1)Recently,sth./the problem of.has been brought to popular4attention/has become the focus of public concern.A(e.g.Recently,the problem of unemployment has been brought to such popular attention that governments at all levels place it on the a

8、genda as the first matter.)2)One of the universal issues we are faced with/that cause increasing concern is that.(e.g.One of the universal issues that draw(cause)growing concern is whether it is wise of man to have invented the automobile.)3)It is a traditional practice to.in our society.(e.g.It is

9、a traditional practice for young people to be financially dependent on their parents for anything like marriage and housing.)4)When it comes to.(sth.),most people(the public)maintain(s)/contend(s)that.5)A public debate has arisen as to/over/concerning.(e.g.A public debate has arisen as to whether on

10、e should step forward bravely in the event of crime.)6)Once in a newspaper/magazine,I hit upon the report that.(e.g.Once in a newspaper,I hit upon the news that a quick witted policeman spotted a suspects spittle in the street blotted it up and ran a DNA test on it which led to the man*s arrest fbr

11、a murder.This case best counts as a practical application of the DNA technique.)5高分作文标志1:是否长短句交叉;2、是否会使用插入语;3、用词是否多样,准 确,形象,尽量使用能够吸引阅卷老师眼球的闪光词;4、关键词是 否换用,切勿老用重复词;5、句型使用是否准确、地道。写作常用方法1.适当用被动替换主动,这样能更客观的反映事实,句子开头不要总 是用 we/I(比如写结尾时不用 we should pay attention to而用 Attention should be paid to.)举个经典结尾2004年

12、六月六级作文的最 后一段:It is therefore,high time that some applicable approaches were implemented by the service industry like that.By doing so,its competitive edge will be sharpened effectively.2,善于使用插入语,比如说把副词、连接词等,作插入语放在中间,一般放在主语、动词或者助动词后,两边分别加上逗号。如 however/therefore/fbr example/I believe 做插入语放在中间,一般 放在动词,

13、助动词后,两边分别加上逗号。匕匕或口说:Other individuals,however,take the attitude that.3.一定要学会换词,换形象,具体的替换太宽泛的。(考试中一般不 要出现 good,bad,many,thing,think,people,opinion等等)比如上面例子中,applicable替换proper,6approaches 替换 ways,implement 替换 carry out,sharpen ones competitive edge 替换 enhance ones competitiveness(提高某物竞争力)3 0个最经典的替换词1

14、.individuals,characters,folks 替换(people,persons)2:positive,favorable,rosy(美好的),promising(有希望的),perfect,pleasurable,excellent,outstanding,superior 替换 good3:dreadful,unfavorable,poor,adverse,ill(有害的)替换 bad 如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing gam

15、es,enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms.When it approaches to graduation,as a result,they find their academic records are less impressive.4.(an army an ocean a sea a multitude of,a host many,if not mo st)替换 many.注:用many,if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词。Eg.Many indivi

16、duals,if not most,harbor the idea that.同理 用 most,if not all,替换 most.5:a slice quiet a few,several 替换 some6:harbor the idea that,take the attitude that,hold the view that,it is widely shared that,7it is universally acknowledged that)替 think(因为是书面语,所以要加that)7:affair,business,matter 替换 thing8:shared 代

17、common9.reap huge fruits 替换 get many benefits)1 0:for my part,from my own perspective 替换 in my opinion1 1:Increasing(ly),growing 替换 more and more(注意没有 growingly 这 种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing.修饰形容词,副词 用 increasingly.Eg.sth has gained growing popularity.Sth is increasingly popular with the advance

18、ment of sth.1 2.little if anything,或 little or nothing 替换 hardly1 3.beneficial,rewarding 替换 helpful,1 4.shopper,client,consumer,purchaser,替换 customer1 5.exceedingly,extremely,intensely 替换 very1 6.hardly necessary,hardly inevitable.替换 unnecessary,avoidable1 7.sth appeals to sb,sth exerts a tremendous

19、 fascination on sb 替换 sb take interest in/sb.be interested in1 8.capture ones attention 替换 attract ones attention.1 9.facet,deme ns ion,sphere 代 aspect20.be indicative of,be suggestive of,be fearful of 代 indicate,suggest,fear821.give rise to,lead to,result in,trigger 替换 cause.22.There are several re

20、asons behind sth 替换.reasons fbr sth23.desire 替换 want.24.pour attention into 替换 pay attention to25.bear in mind that 替换 remember26.enjoy,possess替换have(注意process是过程的意思)27.interaction 替换 communication28.frown on sth 替换 be against,disagree with sth29.to name only a few,as an example 替换 fbr example,for i

21、nstance30.next to/virtually impossible,替换 nearly/almost impossible常用优秀词组1.随着经济的繁荣 with the booming of the economy2.随着人民生活水平的显著提高with the remarkable improvement of peoples living standard3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology4.为我们日常生活增添 了情趣 add much spice/flavor to our daily life5.人们普遍认为 It is com

22、monly believed that.6.我同意前者(后者)观点 I give my vote to the former/latter opinion.7.弓I起了 广泛的公众关注 Sth.has aroused wide public concern./Sth has drawn great public attention.8.不可否认 It is undeniable that.9.热烈的讨论/争论 a heated discussion/debate91 0.有争议性的问题 a controversial issue1 1.就我而言/就个人而言 As far as I am con

23、cerned,/Personally,1 2.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons1 3.双方的论点 argument on both sides1 4.发挥日益重要作用 play an increasingly important role in.1 5.对必不可少 be indispensable to.1 6.正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes:1 7.对产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive/negative effects on.1 8.利远远大于弊 The advantages far outweigh the

24、disadvantages.1 9.导致,引起 lead to/give rise to/contribute to/result in20.复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon21.责任感/成就感 sense of responsibility/achievement22.竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation23.开 阔 眼界 widen ones horizon/broaden one*s vision24.学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills25.经济/心理负

25、担 financial burden/psychological burden26.考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into consideration27.从另一个角度 from another perspective28.做出共同努力 make joint efforts29.又寸有益 be beneficial to/be conducive to.30.为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society31.打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for.io32.综合素质 comprehensive qualit

26、y33.致力于/投身于 be committed/devoted to.34.应当承认 Admittedly,35.不可推卸的义务unshakable duty36.满足需求 satisfy/meet the needs of.37.可靠的信息源 a reliable source of information38.宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources39.因特网the Internet(一定要由冠词,字母I大写)4 0.方便快捷 convenient and efficient4 1.在人类生活的方方面面in all aspects of human lifb

27、4 2.环保的材料 environmentally friendly materials4 3.社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progress4 4.大大方便了 人们的生活 Sth has greatly facilitated peoples lives.4 5,对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue4 6.在一定程度上 to some extent4 7.理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice4 8.必然趋势 an irresistible trend

28、of.4 9.日 益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly keen social competition50.目艮前知J益 immediate interest/short-term interest51.长远利益 long-tem interest52.有其自身的优缺点 has its own merits and demerits/pros andiicons53.对有害 do harm to/be harmful to/be detrimental to54.交流思想/情感/信息 exchange ideas/emotions/information55.跟上的最新发展 ke

29、ep pace with/keep abreast with the latest development of.56.的健康发展 the healthy development of.57.重视 attach great importance to.58.社会地位 social status59.把时间和精力放在_h focus ones time and energy on.60.扩大知识面 expand one*s scope of knowledge61.身心两方面 both physically and mentally62.有直接/间接关系 be directly/indirect

30、ly related to.63.导致彳艮多 问题 give rise to/lead to/spell various problems64.可以替d弋 think 的词 believe,claim,maintain,argue,insist,hold the opinion/belief/view that65.缓解压力/减轻负担relieve stress/burden66.优先考虑/发展give(top)priority to sth.67.与.比较 compared with./in comparison with68.可降解的/可分解的材料 degradable/decomposa

31、ble material69.代替 replace/substitute/take the place of70.提供就业机会 offer job opportunities71.反映 了 社会进步 的 mirror the social progress/advance1 272.增进相互了 解 enhance/promote mutual understanding73.充分利用 make full use of/take advantage of74.承受更大的工作压力 suffer from heavier work pressure75.保障社会无急定和繁荣 guarantee th

32、e stability and prosperity of our society76.更多地强调 put more emphasis on.77.适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the social development78.实现梦想 realize ones dream79.主要理由列举或口下 The main/leading reasons are listed as follows:80.我们还有很长的路要走 We still have a long way to go.文章主体段落三大杀手铜一、举实例思维短路,举实例!提出一个观点,举实例!提出一个方案,举实例!而且

33、者也是我们揭示一个观点最好的方式,任何情况下,只要我们无 法继续文章,不管三七二十一,尽管举例子!In order to attract more customers,advertisers have adopted every possible stimulative factor in making ads,such as sound,light,colo urs,cartoon films and human performance.For instance,to advertis e a certain food,advertisers will ask an actor or act

34、ress to sit at a table and devour the seemingly delicious food while they fime hi m or her.更多句型:1 3To take as an example,One example is-,Another example is,for example二、做比较方法:写完一个要点,比较与之相似的;又写完一个要点,再比较与 之相反的;世界上没有同样的指纹,没有相同的树叶,文章亦同,只有通过比较,你才会发现二者的相同点(through comparison)和不同点(through contrast)o下面是一些短语

35、:相似的比较:in comparison,likewise,similarly,in the same manner相反的比较:on the other hand,conversely,whereas,while,instead,nevertheless,in contrast,on the contrary,compared with,三、换言之没话说了,可以换一句话再说,让你的文章在多一些字,或者文邹邹 地说,是让读者更充分的理解你的观点。实际就是重复重复再重复!下面的句子实际上就三个字I love you!I am enthusiastic about you.That is to sa

36、y,I love you.I am wild about you.In other words,I have fallen in love with yo或者上面我们举过的例子:I cannot bear it.1 4可以用短语表达:I cannot put up with it.因此可以这样说:I cannot bear it.That is to say,I cannot put up with it or I am fed up with it.更多短语:in more difficult language,in simpler words,put it more simply世博会英语

37、作文201 0年我的世博会The World Expo is a large-scale,global,non-commercial Expo.The hosting of the World Expo must be applied for by a country and approved by the international World Expo committee.Expo aims to promote the exchange of ideas and development of the world economy,culture,science and technology

38、,to allow exhibitors to publicise and display their achievements and improve international relationships.Accordingly,the World Expo with its 1 50-year history is regarded as the Olympic Games of the economy,science and technology.Shanghai will host the 201 0 World Expo.The World Expo has a long hist

39、ory but it has never been held in Asia.So the 201 0 World Expo is an honor fbr all of the Asians.Our government has promised that it will be the best one.And Shanghai,as a host city,will have more chances to develop quickly.As a student in Shanghai,I should learn English well so that I can be a volu

40、nteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more.1 5Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes)i,六级快速阅读的命题特征。六级快速阅读的文章篇幅约为1200单词,通常是略多一些的,整个题目的给定时间为15分钟。文章之后是十道题目,这十题可以 会出现两种组合:一种为4道是非判断题(也就是大家所熟悉的 Y/N/NG题)加上6道句子填空题(也可称补全句子);另一种为7道选择 题加上3道句子填空题。至于考试最终会以哪种形式出题,在考纲中是没有明确说明的,从改革之后的几次

41、实考情况来看,06年12月六级开始使用新题型,到09年6月的六级考试中,第一种题目组合形式考了两次,分别是 06年12月和07年6月;第二种题目组合形式考了之后的四次。大家 可以从以上的信息中来分配自己对于每种题型的复习时间。2.六级快速阅读的做题步骤。由于整个快速阅读部分总体时间为15分钟,如果不进行合理的 规划,这样的时间是绝对不够用的。很多考生朋友会问到底应该以一 种什么样的顺序来做题?我们先来了解一下在考试大纲中的说法:“要求考生运用略读和查读的技能从篇章中获取信息。略读考核 学生通过快速阅读获取文章主旨大意或中心思想的能力,阅读速度约 为每分钟120词。查读考核学生利用各种提示,如数

42、字、大字单词、段首或句首词等,快速查找特定信息的能力。”从考纲中我们发现,这里有三个重点信息:略读、查读、速度为16120词/分钟。从这三点上我们基本上可以确实整体的步骤了,那就是 选定信息+回到文章查找信息+对比解题。而且我们应该是看一题,做 一题。这就是所谓的略读、查读。其实这正是我们平时所使用的从题 干中找关键词,回文章定位的办法。快速阅读其实就是考定位。而另外一个信息,阅读速度问题,表面上看到这个120词/分钟,很考生都望而却步,这绝对是一个无法企及的速度,但笔者提醒大家 看它前面的文字,这样读的目的是为了获取文章主旨大意,而不是精 细分析,于是结合大家以往所掌握的英语阅读知识应该知道

43、,在英语 中主旨的位置往往是相对固定的,想要把握1200个单词的文章的主 旨根本不需要全文阅读,只需要看几个位置就可以了,如标题、首段、小标题。所以说这里的阅读速度应该更确切的讲是平均速度。建议做题步骤:1)看题干,划出关键词。2)看一题,定位一题。3)对比原文与题干,找出异同或丢失信息,解题。3.六级快速阅读的解题方法。对历年真题比较熟悉的考生也会发现,在快速阅读中往往会出现 以下三条小原则:1)题目的顺序与文章的顺序高度一致。不论是哪种题目组合,这十道题都是严格的按照行文的顺序,依 次出现,所以大家完全可以好好利用这一条小规律,按照顺序去查找,并且坚决不走“回头路二17如果在做题中出现某道

44、题的关键词不够明确,也可以通过这个小 规律,采用“迂回”战术来解决,那就是先放着无法定位的题目不做,而去做下一道能够明确定位的题目,再利用题目与文章顺序一致,大 概确定上题的范围,再做查找,范围缩小,也就意味着难度降低了。2)解题句几乎是将文章等分。做完一篇快速阅读之后,再重新审视全文,看看定位点,大概也 会发现这个小规律,当然这只是大致的一个认识,十个解题句(定位 点)几乎就是将全文十等分,这一点认识对我们快速定位也会有一定 的帮助,每次找到一个解题句之后,下一道题基本上可以直接在下一 段,或者大约隔十行去寻找了,这样会节省少许的时间。3)正确答案基本是原文再现。这一点无需多讲,一如前面关于

45、考纲的分析所讲过的,旨在考察 考生快速查找信息的能力,所以重在找,而非转述或分析,只要找到 信息就可以了,那么在答案中往往是以原文原词再现。如:2009年6 月20日六级考试快速阅读中的第一题:18Part III Listening Comprehension(3 5 minutes)大学英语六级考试听力复习四大技巧(一)调整心理状态心理状态就是一个人的心情。心情的好坏,会直接地影响我们工 作、学习的效果。你也能看到,在体育比赛中,由于心理状态的起伏,参赛选手的发挥会跟着有较大的起伏。同样的道理,心理状态的正常 与否对参加听力考试的同学来说也至关重要。心理方面的任何失衡都 会使你手忙脚乱,得

46、分率降低,平时掌握的内容也有可能发挥不出来;相反,保持良好的心态,则会使你如虎添翼,发挥出最佳水平。(二)注意辨别近音同音、近音词句一样,在英语语言中也有许多单词读音很接近。它们在被读出时,很容易对考生造成干扰,使你产生多余的联想。另 外,在对所提问题设定的选项中,通常会出现与听力材料中读音接近 的单词,作为对原句中音或义的干扰。比如:原文:W:r ve got to buy a new car.M:Really?Q:What does the woman mean?选项:A)She purchased a car recently.B)She knew the car was in the

47、lot.C)She always forgets to clean her car.D)She really needs a new car.1 9可以看出,B)项中的knew是对原文中new的近音干扰,C)项中 的forget是对havegot to的近音干扰。因此,在遇到这类题时,要求考生要仔细,不要一看到干扰项就 立即作出选择,从而中了题设陷阱。此外,还要注意语音、语调的问题。中国考生对英语中以语调、语气表意的句子不熟悉,从而难以领会说话者要表达的真实意图,结 果造成失分。因此,应试者应对这一项加以研究,并加强训练。以陈 述句为表达形式而句末用升调,表示说话人的怀疑,不同意或不完全 同意

48、对方的观点。句子结构是陈述形式,但句末用的是降调或低升调,表示说话人的无所谓或乐观的态度,不表示怀疑。感叹句用升调结尾,表怀疑。疑问句句末用升调表示怀疑,而用 降调不表怀疑。如Is he honest?用降调表示说话者认为他是诚实的。同学们对连续和弱读的现象也应有所了解。(三)要做必要记录同学们对于记忆的培养很重要。记有两种形式,一是用脑记,二 是用手记。人的脑力是有时间局限的,超出一定的时间,信息就会弱 化,甚至消失。因此,训练作笔录能力大有好处。在听较长的信息时,一边脑记并理解,一边还要做笔录,只有这样,才能有效地理解和判 断。如果没有记住关键内容,所做的判断当然无凭无据,正确性就会 大打

49、折扣。20在四级考试中,听力两部分都要求考生具有迅速而准确地记录有 效信息的能力。在Section A中,有关于时间,数量推算之类的题目。做这类题 目时,考生要记下有关数字,并作简单计算。否则,等听完之后,脑 中暂歇的信息一经消退,你就可能无法得到正确答案,亦或出现混乱 而出错。例如:W:I only have ten dollars,is it enough for three tickets?M:Well,you can buy three$2 tickets and three$3 tickets,whichever youlike.W:f 11 like the cheaper sea

50、ts,please.Q:How much money will the woman have after she buys the tickets?作这个题时,最好记下几个数字:1 0,3,2,3,分别代表有10 元钱,买3张票,有2元一张和3元一张的,当你听到买票者要便宜 的一种,你立即可得出她还剩四元钱。在section B中,一篇短文被连续地读出来,这时记录关键信息 就显得尤为重要。只有你准确地记下了有关信息,才能顺利地完成后 面的题目。怎样记?记什么?我们说速记,简记;记要点,记关键词。简单到 什么程度,只要是自己能看懂,能为做题服务就足够了,记的要点包 括中心思想、主要人物、主要情节

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