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1、六上Module 1-Getting to know each other教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。2掌握 某些动词过去式的用法。3.学会用过去时态表述状态。4.学会用过去时态表述做的事。5.掌握写信的格式。6.巩固情态动词 can、should用法。重点词汇: mouth cute pretty handsome catch famous during spend everyone countryside healthy unhealthy Hamburg yesterday sandwich vegetable chicken chocolate重点句型:1. I/He/S

2、he was. You/We/ They were.2. -How was your summer holiday? -It was/was not .3. - What did you have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner yesterday?- I had some.语音发音:e e-e ee ea i y e a ea P b t d k c ck gModule 2-Relationship教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。2掌握 某些动词过去式的用法。3.学会用一般过去时的疑问句。4.巩固wh - questions 在过去语态中的用法。5.掌握

3、数词 hundred,thousand的用法。6.巩固 Would like to.句型和 There be .句型。重点词汇: neighbour son daughter noisy dig thousand hundred wild way die learn send e-friend country other hobby重点句型:1. - Did you +动词原形+过去时间? - Yes,I did./ No,I didnt.2. There was a.in the past. There were many.in the past.3. -Would you like to

4、. -Yes,Id like to./No, I wouldnt.语音发音 a ar u o ue u-e oo u f v thModule 3-Out and about教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。2掌握 Shall we.句型。4. 掌握 What did you+动词原形 句型。4.学会用过去时态表述做的事。5.掌握 How long does it take to.句型。6.巩固副词修饰动词的用法。重点词汇: shall police exciting boring kill asleep bee insect ant kind finger dancer capita

5、l north east west south tourist building 重点句型:1. -What did you 动词原形? - I +动词过去时.2.Shall we +动词原形.3.- How long does it take to get to Shanghai from Beijing by train? -It takes about five hours.语音发音:s z c ts ds or al au oor o a er ir ur or a Module 4-The natural world教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。2. 掌握 make/ke

6、ep+sb+adj 用法。3.学会It is +adj+ to+动词原形用法。4.掌握any 和some 用法。5.掌握 get.from use.to 用法。6.巩固情态动词 should/shouldnt 用法。7.学会stop + v ing 用法。重点词汇: air alive factory smoke fresh plant wood cool match miss Earth part forest land ocean rubbish sick重点句型:1. It keeps them high in the sky. It makes the place clean.2.We

7、 should stop cutting down so many trees. 3. We get wood from trees We use wood to make tables and chairs.语音发音:ch g j sh s tr dr 六下Module 1-Change and difference教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。2掌握某些形容词比较级的用法。3.巩固There be. 句型。4.巩固用过去时态表述做的事。5.掌握某些动词转变为“职业”的名词。6.巩固将来时will+动词原形用法。重点词汇: weigh kilogram centimetre fa

8、n theatre life writer street cleaner drive poor wish carry mountain even space重点句型:1. -How tall are you? - Im .centimetres tall.2.-How much do you weigh? - I weigh.kilograms.3. Im taller than.4. Id like to +动词原形。语音发音:a a-e ai ay eigh i i-e y igh ie o o-e ow ou m n ng n(k) n(g)Module 2-Work and play教

9、学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。2.巩固be going to .句型。3.巩固现在进行时的用法。4.巩固which.选择疑问句的用法。5.掌握情态动词should用法。重点词汇: oil brush paints artist unhappy carefully scissors tape glue tool easily still long race short win long jump high jump重点句型:1. - Which one do you like? - I like the one on the left.2. -What do you want to m

10、ake? - I want to .3.-What are you making? -Im making a toy plane.语音发音 oy oi ear ere eer air ere ear are ure our oor y h w wh l r rrModule 3-Things we do教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。2.掌握情态动词 can/cant 用法。3.学会用一般过去时的疑问句。4.掌握祈使句和祈使句的否定用法。5.学会不可数名词数量的表示法。6.学会区分also,too。重点词汇: praise praise.for bell neck ago speci

11、al lost worry may middle sign reuse envelope plastic rubber cloth 重点句型:1. -How can I.? - You can.2.We must look out for them.3. We shouldnt smoke in the library. 4.Finally,they made us into a piece of cloth.语音发音 (音节、单词重读、句子重读)Module 4-Things we enjoy教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。2掌握 某些动词过去式的用法。3.学会区分 other ,

12、the other,another。4.专有名词开头大写。5.巩固形容词比较级的用法。6.巩固序数词的用法。重点词汇: adult well-known scarf blow off take off western turkey bright laugh at pea excited lazy roof yard hit 重点句型:1. We can usually learn something from these stories.2. I am stronger than you.3. - What is the story about?- Its about.4. Christmas is on 25th December.语音发音 (音调、连读)

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