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1、三上Module 1 -Greeting to know you教学目标:学会使用新单词和句式打招呼,学会用句式询问对方名字。重点词汇: hello Miss Mr Mrs fine boy girl日常表达:1.Hello,Im Jim.2. Good morning!/Goodbye!3. -How are you? -Im fine.Thank you.4. -Are you.? - Yes,I am./ NO,Im not.语法:1. 人称代词 I you 2. Be动词 am are 语音发音:a b c d e fModule 2 -My family,my friends,and

2、 me. 教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。2.学会用固定句型描述一个人的外貌。3. 学会用wh - questions询问他人信息。4. 学会用yes/no-questions询问具体信息。重点词汇: 身形 tall short fat thin 家庭成员 father mother sister brother 五官 nose face ear hair eye mouth 重点句型:1.This is Kitty. She is thin.2. -Is she/he.? -Yes ,she/ he is. No, she/he isnt.3. -Who is he? -He is

3、 my brother.4. My hair is long.语音发音:g h i j k lModule 3 -Places and activities 教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。2.学会用祈使句。3.学会用wh - questions询问数量和价格。4.能正确使用不定冠词a、an5.使用句型询问物品归属。重点词汇: 教室物品 blackboard door window 房间物品chair desk pen pencil ruler schoolbag 水果 apple banana orange pear重点句型:1.Close the door,please.5. -

4、How much is it/are they?6. Is this/are these your .?-Yes,it is/they are. No, it isnt/they arent.语音发音:m n o p q r s t Module 4 -The world around us 教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。2学会使用how many 句型询问数量。3.学会用wh - questions 询问动物信息。4.学会四季天气的表达。重点词汇: 数字 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 动物 mouse cat d

5、og rabbit 四季 spring summer autumn winter重点句型:1.-How many boys? -Three boys.2- What is it? - Its a cat.3. -In spring. Its warm.语音发音:u v w x y z三下Module 1 -Using my five senses教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。2学会用wh - questions 问食物味道。3.学会用wh - questions 问物品颜色。4.学会用wh - questions 询问声音。重点词汇: 颜色 black blue green red

6、 white yellow 味道 sweet sour 交通工具 bike bus plane ship car train重点句型:1. -What colour is your ball? -Its red and white.2. -How is it? - Its sweet.3. -What can you hear? - I can hear a plane.语音发音:p b t dModule 2 -My favourite things教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。2学会用一般疑问句询问他人喜爱的动物。3.学会用wh - questions 询问他人喜爱的玩具。4.

7、学会用wh - questions 询问他人爱吃的食物。重点词汇: 动物 bear elephant lion monkey panda tiger 玩具 ball kite robot toy bear 食物 biscuit bread egg juice milk water重点句型:1. -I like.Do you like.? -Yes, I do./ No,I dont. I like.2. -What do you like?- I like.3- What do you have? - I have some.语音发音:k g h f vModule 3 -My colourf

8、ul life教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。2学会用wh - questions 问他人爱好。3.学会用祈使句的否定形式。重点词汇: 爱好 dance paint read sing skate swim 生日 cake card noodles 动物 cow house pig sheep重点句型:1. -What do you like? - I like singing.2.Here is a card for you.3. Dont litter.语音发音:s z m n l rModule4 -Things we enjoy教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。2学会用句型描述身体部位。3. 学会用祈使句。重点词汇: 身体部位 head body arm leg foot hand flower tea photo afraid of house litter 重点句型:1. -I have. 2.Have a cup of tea,Mum. 3.Open the door.

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