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1、。高一完成句子综合练习(一)1. Only when the meeting began _ ( 他才意识到 ) that he had left his paper in the office. (realize)2. Rescuers_ ( 担心)the safety of the children trapped in the dangerous building when the earthquake happened. (concern )3. Their three years hard work finally paid off. We all _(向他们祝贺成功). (cong

2、ratulate)4. I _ ( 不会泄气 ) and give up trying even if I fail a hundred times. (lose)5. His father insisted that he_(应该学医,不学法律) in university. (instead )6. It was the first time in a year and half that Anne_( 面对面看到夜晚)with her own eyes. (see) 7. _ (是他姐姐首先有了这个想法 )to cycle along the entire Mekong River fr

3、om where it begins to where it ends? ( who)8. The old man lives on his own and _( 只有一条狗做伴). (company)9. _(你很慷慨) to lend us so much money to buy the car. ( of )10. Her husband was the only person in his company_( 受邀请) attend the meeting.(invite)11. _(正如我们所能看到的) from the graph, the number of TV watche

4、rs is increasing rapidly compared with the film-goers. (see)12. It is the first time that _ (我下决心) to give up smoking. (mind)13. It is well known that Asia is _as (四倍大) Europe. (large)14. My classmate David asked me _(我是否厌倦)school life.(tired )15. It was in the stone house which was built as a schoo

5、l by local villagers _ (他完成) his primary school. (finish)16. That day we got separated in London, but it was _ (没过多久) we reunited again. (long)17. There was a lot of fun at yesterdays party. You _ (本应该来) , but why didnt you ? (come)18. _ (多么有趣的角色) she played in the film ! No wonder she has won an Os

6、car. (role)19. It is reported that the schools, _ (正在被建) in my hometown, will open next year. (build)20. This boy _(梦想成为) a police officer since he was just a boy. (dream)21.Elias is a poor black worker _(Mandela提供过指导)on the legal problems.(whom)22. You need to pack your things in the suitcase very

7、quickly, Lucy. We _(要去)London. (leave)23. It is requested that every student (求助于)the dictionary while having difficulty in reading.(turn)24. When the earthquake shook my hometown, I (碰巧) away from my home and escaped.(happen)25. It was so nice to hear from her. (信不信由你), we last met more than 30 yea

8、rs ago.(believe)26. I am really proud of our country!I feel the same way. That was the first time that the Chinese people (行走) in space. (walk)27.He _(请求我让他加入)join the club we set up last year.(beg)28.With more and more problems ,(提出) the government has a hard time now. (come)29. _ (正是她的美) that attr

9、acted many tourists. (beauty n.)30. Only then (他意识到) that his stubbornness caused such great damage to the basketball team.(realize)31Nobody likes _(被作弄)in public places(fun)32Hes said_(派往)to London already(send)33It was the first time that_(他访问我国)(visit)34The building _(你过去住的)has been public down(l

10、ive)35The terrible earthquake _(使整个城镇成为一片废墟)(leave,whole)36A determined person always tries to finish the job,_(无论多难)(matter)37He _(决心要)to go into business when he leaves college(make)38He is a kind person and he _(总是为别人着想)(think of)39We considered_(被邀请到这里来非常荣幸)(honour)40_(是你)let out the secret to h

11、er ?(that)41.Mary _(喜爱) travelling and she always keeps a travel journal of what she does each day during her trip.(fond)42.It is requested that every student _(求助于)the dictionary while having difficulty in reading.(turn)43.Anne stayed awake_(故意) until half past eleven to have a good look at the moo

12、n by herself.(purpose)44.When the earthquake shook my hometown, I _(碰巧) away from my home and escaped.(happen)45.Only then _ (他意识到) that his stubbornness caused such great damage to the basketball team.(realize)46.Geography also _(起作用)in making dialects.(play)47.He talked about some writers and work

13、s_(不知道)us all.(unknown)48.You need to pack your things in the suitcase very quickly, Lucy. We _(要去)London. (leave)49.There are more girls than boys in the school, _ (其中五分之三是)girls.50.Elias is a poor black worker _(Mandela提供过指导)on the legal problems.(whom)51._(从判断)the teachers expression, he has a go

14、od chance of winning. (judge).52. Tom insisted what he said was true but we insisted he _ (去核对) the data. (check)53. Its not just the size of the Olympic Games _(使它们) unique, but what they mean to us. (make)54. The students have been told that under no condition_ (他们可以用) the mobile phone in class. (

15、use)55. Do you believe that Asia is _ (四倍大) Europe. (as)56. The survival of Robinson Grusoe,_ (他生活了)on the lonely island for 27 years, was really a miracle. (live)57. _ , (所有的家务都做完了), Jane sat down, listening to light music. (with)58. In the book, Stephen Hawking asks readers _(发现是如何产生的). (make)59.

16、He is said _ (已经被捕了), and put into prison. (arrest)60. He rushed out of the house, _ (决定再也不回来)back. (determine)61. The doctor asked Ann how long_(她忍受折磨) the terrible disease. (suffer)62. The boss is easy_(相处). (get)63. The poor girl_(经历了) many difficulties since her parents died. (go)64.The teacher

17、requested that the parents_(不应屈服于) their children when they made noises for no reason and asked for things rudely. (give)65. I will never forget those days_(我们在一起度过的) last summer. (spend)66. _ (信不信由你), he walked 12 miles to get help for you. (believe)67. Miss Lee told the students that she _(就要去北京了)

18、 the next month. (leave)68. It was the first time that he_(说服父母) stay for the Christmas meal with him. (persuade)69. The reason why I was late is that I_(被困在) a traffic jam. (trap)70. It was_(在街上) I met one of my old friends yesterday. (street)71It was the first time in a year and a half that I _ (看

19、夜晚) face to face.(see)72.He always offers me help when I _ (处于困境) (trouble)73.It was at midnight _(他们发现山洞)(cave)74.The fans asked Tom _(扮演什么角色) the film.(part)75.I _(发现很难)do well in English listening.(find)76.We find the number of the students _ (对厌倦)their lessons is increasing.(be)77.Jack_(去)Hong K

20、ong the day after tomorrow.(be, leave)78.Do you know_(他跟谁在网上聊天) online yesterday evening?(chat)79.Our headteacher told us if we needed help, we could_ (找他)(turn)80.My parents requested that I _(听老师的)the teachers.(listen)参考答案:1. did he realize2. were concerned about3. congratulated them on their succ

21、ess4. wont/will not lose heart5. (should )study medicine instead of law6. had seen the night face to face7. Was it his sister who first had the idea8. only has a dog for company9. Its very generous of you10. who/ that was invited to11. As we can see12. I have made up my mind13. four times as large a

22、s14. whether/if I was tired of 15. that he finished 16. not long before17. should / ought to have come18. How interesting the role was/ what an interesting the role19. which is being built/ being built20. has been dreaming of/about being has dreamed of/ about being21. to whom Mandela offered guidanc

23、e 26. had walked22. are leaving for27 .begged me to let him23. (should )turn to28. coming up24. happened to be29. It was her beauty25. Believe it or not30. did he realize31being made fun of32to have been sent33he had visited our country34in which / where you used to live35left the whole town in ruin

24、s36no matter how difficult / hard it is37(has)made up his mind38is forever thinking of others39it a great honor to have been invited here40Was it you that41. is fond of42.(should )turn to43. on purpose 44. happened to be45. did he realize46. plays a part47. that were unknown to 48. are leaving for49

25、. three fifths of whom areof whom three fifths are50. to whom Mandela offered guidancewhom Mandela offered guidance to51. Judging by / Judging from52. (should) go to check53. that makes them54. can/ may they use55. four times as large as56. who had lived 57. With all the housework done58. how discov

26、eries are made 59. to have been arrested60. determined not/never to come61. she had suffered from 62. to get along/ on with63. has gone through64. should not give in to 65. (that) we spent together66. Believe it or not67. was leaving for Beijing68. had persuaded his parents to69. was trapped in 70.

27、in/ on the street that71had seen the night 72.am in trouble 73.that they found the cave.74.what part he played in 75.find it hard|difficult to 76.who are tired of 77.is leaving for 78.who he was chatting with|with whom he was chatting 79.turn to him 80.(should) listen to 高一完成句子综合训练(二)1. I shall neve

28、r forget those years when I lived on the farm with the farmers, _ (这对我的生活有很大影响) my life. (effect) 2. _(究竟为什么) she began to cry at the birthday party yesterday? ( it; why) 3. Mr. White was seen _ (进入这栋大楼) that night when my house was robbed. (enter) 4. The clever boy made a hole in the wall, _ (通过它他能

29、看到) what was going on inside the house. (which) 5. Last summer we visited the West Lake, _(杭州以此出名的) in the world. (famous) 6. The washing machine, which is in the bathroom, _ (正在修) by the engineer right now. (repair) 7. He _(献身于教书) since he graduated from the college 25 years ago. (devote) 8. The bo

30、ys _(过去常常捉弄) Linda. They hid her shoes and she could not find them. (joke) 9. What is that noise? Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine _ (在检测). (test) 10. Much attention _ (应该注意改善) living conditions for the working class. (improve) 11. _ (说实话), I totally disagree with almost everything weve hea

31、rd from Mr. Winslow. (honest) 12. The girl is said _(被录取了) Beijing University this year. (admit) 13. After school, students are allowed to stay one more hour, _ (参加) all kinds of activities in the open air. (part) 14. The young golfer often competes against famous players but so far he _(总是被打败). (be

32、at) 15. The hall _(已经用花装饰过了) so it looks much more beautiful than before. (decorate16. Mr. Zhang keeps telling his students that the future _ (属于受过良好教育的人). (belong) 17. _ (毫无疑问) he will go abroad after graduation. (doubt) 18. This movie _ (很值得再看). (worth) 19. Lets _ (听取老师的建议) and do more reading to

33、enlarge our vocabulary. (advice) 20. All of your colleagues _(对你的评价很高)(think) 21. Do you like the room _ (窗子朝南的). (face) 22. The operation _(是由负责) Doctor Jackson. (charge) 23. The 1318-kilometre advanced high-speed railway _ (竣工) in the year 2010, when the World Expo is to be held in Shanghai. (comp

34、lete) 24.The computer design problem _ (打算讨论) this afternoon. (discuss) 25. _ (我们所共有的一点) is the habit of early rising. (common) 26. _ (和其他女孩相比较起来), she is tall. (compare) 27. So difficult a question _ (老师给我们出了) that no one worked it out. (give) 28. _ (随着时间的推移), I did research into how to make my rad

35、io. (go) 29. She _ (已经把功课补上了) that she had missed. (make) 30. _ (从他的相貌判断), he must be uncle Wangs son. (judge) 31. I dont know _ (他如何处理了) the old box. (deal) 32. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I _ (被告知) the cloth _ (好洗) (tell; wash) 33. _ (在一位过路者的帮助下), I carried the injured person into a s

36、hop. (help) 34. Many species of animals _ (处在濒临灭绝的危险中). (die) 35. Hearing the good news, they _ (突然大笑起来). (burst) 36. He likes wearing thick gloves _ (保护手不受冻) the cold. (protect) 37. The box contains forty maps, _ (包括两张中国地图). (include) 38. I _ (会感激不尽) if you helped my son with his English. (apprecia

37、te) 39. After he succeeded his father as the king of the country, he _ (成功处理了) the economic crisis. (succeed) 40. It _ (也许要经过许多年) the company can gain a secure foothold in the market. (be) 36. He likes wearing thick gloves _ (保护手不受冻) the cold. (protect) 37. The box contains forty maps, _ (包括两张中国地图).

38、 (include) 38. I _ (会感激不尽) if you helped my son with his English. (appreciate) 39. After he succeeded his father as the king of the country, he _ (成功处理了) the economic crisis. (succeed) 40. It _ (也许要经过许多年) the company can gain a secure foothold in the market. (be) 41.The organization _ (成立) in 1998.

39、(come) 42. He suggested that the person referred to _ (要投进监狱). (put) 43. I used to live in Shanghai, but now I _ (习惯于住在) in Beijing. (live) 44. He refused to take the drug _ (为了不上瘾). (as) 45. They havent decided _ (何时去武汉) so far. ( leave) 46. _ (关掉电视后), Mike began to do his homework. (turn) 47. The radio has broken down badly. It is no use _ (拆开) ( take) 48. Nowadays, a lot of students _ (沉迷于玩) compute

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