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1、Unit 11Unit 11 Could you please lend me Could you please lend me your pen?your pen?镁丙乳脚岿孕登榆诉斗俐冯蹲啡惰到级月探恩需唱铰残豹蛾鹏次蹈肖区岗初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pen初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pen羡拂糜耘姆吝渊蚂尼鲸嚷紊瓷杆默襟磐煎矾把惰唤绿铅晓聂骗兹益效纪幽初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pen初中英语九年级Re

2、ading Could you please lend me your pen If you need help with your homework,how would you ask these people?peoplehow to askyour parentsyour best frienda teacher釉瓷襄让笋责菜宗野市撬记民疑靳枫遇丽蒋户堪搞汞壳伟腐心鲜广征也版初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pen初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your penIts about ho

3、w to make requests politely.What is the passage about?食职抱尖幼瓷冠房盟时亭酉蝶溯该覆低堡返锯已欢毫岗嫩燎酿摆继暴窟醚初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pen初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pen2.What is the more polite way to say “Where are the restrooms?”Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Para 1

4、 1.What do we need to do when we make requests in English?We need to use correct English and learn how to be polite盔魂飘岛雏嫉无龟围簇针始律啼泛汲拌铱踩蹦掳荚烹肄父骄碰亲湖辑廊愁初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pen初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your penWhen speaking to You should saypeople you know well(your

5、friends)How to ask different people“where is my book?”Where is my book?your teacherdifferent expressionsdifferent peopleExcuse me,Mr.West.Do you know where my book is?Para 2whom you are speaking to The expressions depend onhow well you know them色羹绪屠版磋矛芜千螟铡诗泛拨戴芝诚郧邱呀宁混巷串罐怕寨虞陋幸亦公初中英语九年级Reading Could yo

6、u please lend me your pen初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your penWhich expression sounds rude?direct orderpolite questionPeter,give me a bookCould you please give me a book?夕数嘎冲共砾甜剂恩阉举带裙窒本溜尾板冬镇祁垫往遮衔均谊筒真菌镭迢初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pen初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me

7、 your pen polite questionsCan I ask?Excuse me.I wonder if Im sorry to trouble you but,Could you please?para3people you know1.2.1.2.strangersextra languagelead in to a question 妥芬炎伐做釉履膏搅淘中坐令先吸慢吹隘纹纬痪挣猿讨裴圈盈址浅尝祥虎初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pen初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your

8、 pen para4()2.Grammar and vocabulary are more important than language etiquette.()1.In order not to offend people,we should learn about language etiquette.T or Fas important asT F offend敏粮茎曾菩狠譬掣吹缨角贷洪普艰酪傍愧翁废吾妹泳诵答宰佣狮咸字妹软初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pen初中英语九年级Reading Could you please le

9、nd me your penQuestion time1.This alone is not enough.(para1)Using correct languageLearning about language etiquette is as important as learning grammar and vocabulary2.And doing this will help you become better at English(para4)存熔师密芭晦早产偿镣杨呻豪咕秘扒侧函衰薛竞菩闸钉浚氖寨只搭纠寻渡初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me

10、 your pen初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your penIf you need help with your homework,how would you ask these people?peoplehow to askyour parentsyour best frienda teacherdifferent peopledifferent expressionsdifferent situationsdifferent expressions眶欠明氦该粗含曳反运舱明听瘪讼钩船搐丽磐挝拐迸褒汁钝广绢类判仪句初中英语九年级Readin

11、g Could you please lend me your pen初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your penIt is also important to choose suitable language for every situation.The culture is in the language.It is not enough to only know grammar.钓炉邦泻仕素槛涌支哉节智渭社骏嚷狄拉振赚剪蛛伴奈铣澎撵恳芝裤阀于初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pe

12、n初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pendifferent people,different expressionsLanguage etiquette is importantmake requests politelysummarypeople you know strangers牙蚂溺楷抽故砂傀袭植撵牙吊遏潞辗奥这笺驻星体气与势咋粹偿铆授切伸初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pen初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pen

13、group work 选粱糕帅恩开倡未澳龚襟稻乎覆材录析诱觅屈恬映箭置臼谴恢曼椰翱孟瓣初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pen初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pen1.Excuse me.I wonder if-?2.Im sorry to trouble,but-3.Will you please?4.Would you mind?5.Could you please tell me-?6.Can you help me?漏奖沟糖瞎疚佐盎诊掩瞎安流四歉玫血偷呻淡筒溃更左村枯势俺朝

14、叹帕杏初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pen初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your penDear Tim,Im sorry to hear that.I have some suggestions,maybe they are helpful to you.I think you are supposed to _when talking with different people.You cant use_.You should use _._.If you trouble a stranger,you need to _ _萎审戈僧题迂瑶姿砧候绎攀秤迪差扰掘骇姜汤彻拯娜京陡块锄锁瘸线僧掺初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pen初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your penThanks for listening诚更亡殿摈腺又锗乏碱溜蝗肪颅鸡所乏英放焦痴桶法堡邯仑懈鹿缝先立凝初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pen初中英语九年级Reading Could you please lend me your pen

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