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1、听力教程4答案施心远(113)Unit 1Section 1Listening and Translation1.A college education can be very costly in the United States.2.Rising costs have led more and more families to borrow money to help pay for college.3.There are different federal loans and private loans for students.4.Interest rates on some of t

2、hese loans will go up on July 1st.5.There are growing concerns that many students graduate with too much debt.1.在美国,大学教育的费用会很贵。2.费用的上涨使越来越多的美国家庭通过借钱来支付上大学的费用。3.有各种各样的联邦贷款和私人贷款可供学生挑选。4.在这些贷款品种中,有些品种的利率将从7月1日起上调。5.人们越来越担心,很多学生将背负沉重的债务从大学毕业。Section 2Part 1 Dialogue 1-8ACDCBCBAPart 2 passage Ex C:1-8FFT

3、TFTTFSection 3News Item 1China*s wasted no time insetting put the latest plans for its ambitious space program.A senior official said the next manned mission will be in 2007,when the astronauts will attempt a space walk.After that,scientists will focus on developing the capability to rendezvous*and

4、dock*with other spacecraft.He added that China also wanted to recruit female astronauts in the near future.The announcement comes just hours after the countrys second manned space mission touched down in the remote grasslands of Inner Mongolia.The returning astronauts have been given a heros welcome

5、,riding in an open car in a nationally televised parade.Thousands of soldiers and groups of schoolchildren lined the route,waving Chinese flags.Its a sign of the great importance China attaches to its space program,viewing it as a source of national pride and international prestige.A:.about Chinas a

6、mbitious space program.B:1.Landing spot:in the remote grasslands of Inner Mongolia2.Significance:a source of national pride and international prestige(威望)Future plan1.1)Time:20072)Goal:The astronauts will attempt a space walk.2.Focus of further development:the capability to rendezvous and dock with

7、other sacecraft3.Recruitment of astronauts:to recruit female astronauts in the near future.News Item 2Chinas economy has recovered earlier and more strongly than any other.This latest data is further evidence of that trend.The rise in industrial output confirms what factory owners have been saying f

8、or some time now,that customers have been restocking*their inventories and confidence is returning.There are still question marks though over the stability of the recovery.The property*sector*is showing signs of overheatina.The government this week announced measures to try to cool it.At the same ti

9、me officials decided to extend tax subsidies*for purchases of small vehicles and aDDliances suggesting that some here still believe Chinese manufacturers need government support.Growth was strongest in heavy industries such as coal,steel,power generation and automobiles.Consumer prices rose in Novem

10、ber for the first time since February.But the rise was small and probably reflected higher food prices caused by early snowstorms which destroyed crops and disrupted transport.A:.about the growth of Chinas economy.News Item 3If you visit almost any marketplace in Africa,many of the consumer goods on

11、 sale,from buckets to razor blades to hurricane lamps,are likely to be Chinese.In a very large number of African capitals,the main football stadium is likely to have been built with Chinese aid money.Sino-African trade,and aid,is large and growing.Some estimates put it as high as 12 billion dollars

12、a year.Although direct comparisons are difficult,the links between the world*s largest developing country,China,and the worlds largest developing continent could grow to challenge the post-colonial links between Europe and Africa.The meeting in Addis Ababa*had heard Chinese promises to cancel debts,

13、grant duty-free access into China for African products and increase Chinese investments in Africa.A:.about Chinas laree and qrowing trade with and aid to Africa.B:1.Tn many African capitals,the main football stadium is likely to have been built with Chinese aid money.2.Tt is estimated that Sino-Afri

14、can trade,and aid,amounts to as high as 12 billion dollars a year.3.The links between China and Africa could grow to challenge the post-colonial links between Europe and Africa.4.On the meeting in Addis Ababa,China promised to cancel debts,grant duty-free access into China for African products and i

15、ncrease Chinese investments in Africa.2Unit 2Section 1Listening and Translation1.Some people fear they do not get enough vitamins from the foods they eat.2.So they take products with large amounts of vitamins.3.They think these vitamin supplements will improve their health and protect against diseas

16、e.4.Medical experts found little evidence that most supplements do anything to protect or improve health.5.but they noted that some do help to prevent disease.1.有些人担心他们并未从所吃的食物中获取足够的维生素。2.因此他们服用大剂量维生素制剂。3.他们认为这些维生素制剂能够增进健康、预防疾病。4.医学专家没有发现多少能证明这些制剂中的绝大多数能保障或增进健康的证 据。5.但是他们注意到其中一些确实有助于预防疾病。Section 2Pa

17、rt 1 Dialogue1.Psychology and psychiatryPsychology and psychologist1)behavior think,behave and feel2)psychology medical trainingPsychiatry and psychiatrist1)mental illness 2)fully trained doctor psychiatry2.Classification of mental illnesspsychoses;neuroses;personality disorder3.SchizophreniaSymptom

18、 1)hearing voices account for environment2)abnormal beliefsTreatment 1)drug reduce or get rid of2)social and family support and help4.Mental illnessSituation 1)common 2)26 consult mental healthproblems3)14 days lost 4)20 expenditureCause 1)many factors 2)vulnerable 3)stresses 4)physical illnesses3So

19、lution 1)difficult 2)a number of different frontsPart 2 passage Ex C:1-8TTFFTTTTSection 3News Item 1Representatives of nearly 150 countries meeting in Hong Kong are still trying to reach a new agreement on global trade.For many countries the biggest prize they realistically hoped for on this meeting

20、 was a date for ending the European Union subsidies(补贝占)to help farmers sell their produce(农产品)on world markets.The EU was already committed in principle to doing this.Now a senior official says they are prepared to name the date as part of a wider deal.If there isnt an agreement here in Hong Kong,t

21、he date of 2013 will be in it,he confirmed.The United States trade representative Rob Portman said he would still prefer a date of 2010,but he is trying to be accommodating.A:.about a meeting in Hong Koni tryinn to reach a new agreement on global trade.B:1.Representatives of nearly 150 countries mee

22、ting in Hong Kong are still trying to reach a new agreement on global trade.2.For many countries the biggest prize they realistically hoped for was a date for ending the European Union subsidies to help farmers sell their produce on world markets.3.An EU senior official says they are prepared to nam

23、e the date as part of a wider deal.4.The earliest possible date will be 2010,and 2013 will be the latest date if an agreement is not reached on this meeting.5.The United States trade representative Rob Portman says he is trying to be accommodating,which means the United States will possibly accept t

24、he new date.News Item 2The G20 have come up with a package of plans that add up to well over a trillion(万亿)dollars to tackle the recession.One key component is an agreement to treble to seven hundred and fifty billion dollars the resources available to the International Monetary Fund for lending to

25、countries in trouble.They also want a tenfold*increase in what are called special drawing rights(特 另ll提款权)which are rather like an IMF currency and which strengthen the foreign exchange reserves(外汇储备)of its member countries.The G20 also plan closer regulation of financial firms with curbs*(控制J)on ex

26、ecutive pay and new oversight%失察)of large hedge 对冲基金).The British Prime Minister,Gordon Brown,described the summit as marking a 4new consensus*(共识)on tackling global problems.A:.about a new consensus reached by the G20 in tacklin?global problems.B:Total amountResources available todollarsthe IMF for

27、 lendingSpecial drawing rights increaseRegulation on financial firmsof largewell over a trillion dollarsto treble to seven hundred and fifty billiona tenfbld increasecurbs on executive pay and new oversighthedge flmdsNews Item 3The conference opened to applause forty minutes late.It began with an en

28、vironmental film from Danish children,a message from the next generation for those delegates whose decisions here over the next fortnight may help shape the lives they lead.34,000 people have tried to get accredited*(公认的)for this extraordinary meeting-an unprecedented*(前所未有的)demand.Hopes are high he

29、re that a deal can be done to lower emissions and raise cash to help poor countries adapt to climate change and obtain clean energy.The question is whether that agreement will be strong enough to meet the expectations of those children of the future.A:.about the oreniiiM of Copenhagen(哥本哈根)climate s

30、ummit.B:FFTTFUnit 3Section 1Listening and Translation1.Girls score higher than boys in almost every country.2.Differences between males and females are a continuing issue of fierce debate.3.Cultural and economic influences play an important part.4.But recent findings suggest that the answer may lie

31、in differences between the male and female brain.5.These include differences in learning rates.1.几乎在所有的国家里,女孩子都比男孩子得分高。2.男女差异一直是激烈争论的焦点。53.文化和经济的影响起着重要作用。4.但是最新的发现提示,答案也许在于男女大脑的差异。5.这些包括学习速度上的差异。Section 2Part 1 Dialoguethree years desperate for romanceRenaissance music(文艺复兴时期的音乐)turned the serenade

32、into an art form for hirementheatre love songsItalian songs chocolate hearts;flowerstrees;fire escapeswhether a musician comes along or nota gondola and a group of musiciansavoid unpleasant situationsmisinterpretedserenader serenademenwomenwhite tie;tails balcony450burst into tearscompletelyPart 2 p

33、assage Ex C:1-8TTFTFFTTSection 3News Item 1The piracy problem looks like its here to stay despite the recent muscular interventions(干预)by the French and American navies.Whether this latest attempted hijacking was the promised revenge for the killing of three Somali pirates by the US navy isnt clear.

34、But it does suggest at the very least that the pirates havent been deterred.So why does the problem persist?Put it simply,maritime security analysts say.Piracy will continue as long as the financial rewards for a successful hijacking remain so great and Somalia remains so lawless.Certainly the inter

35、national effort to thwart*the problem is relatively limited.At any one time there are only fifteen to eighteen international warships in the area to police an expanse of sea covering more than a million square kilometres.The reluctance to mount*a major international naval operation in the area may a

36、lso be down to the relatively small scale of the problem.Last year,nearly twenty-three thousand ships passed through the Gulf of Aden.Only 92 were hijacked.A:.about the Somali pirates strike.B:1.Whether this latest attempted hijacking was the promised revenge for the killing of three Somali pirates

37、by the US navy isnt clear.2.No,the pirates haven5t been deterred.63.Because the financial rewards for a successful hijacking remain so great and Somalia remains so lawless.4.At any one time there are only fifteen to eighteen international warships in the area to police an expanse of sea covering mor

38、e than a million square kilometers.5.It may be because of the relatively small scale of the problem.News Item 2The President is making it clear that leaving Afghanistan is not an option;its not on the table.According to one White House source,he told the meeting that he wouldnt shrink the number of

39、troops in Afghanistan or opt for a strategy of merely targeting al-Qaeda leaders.But he wouldnt be drawn on the military request for more troops.There appears to be a frustration that the review of strategy has sometimes been portrayed in black-and-white terms of a massive increase or reduction of t

40、roop numbers.President Obama told the group made up of the most senior Republican and Democrat senators and congressmen that his assessment would be rigorous and deliberate.But its going on too long for some Republicans and members of the Presidents own party are dubious*about committing more resour

41、ces and military personnel to a conflict where there is no end in sight.The word Vietnam is heard more and more on Capitol Hill.A:.about Obamas military plan in Afzhanistan.B:F T T F F TNews Item 3There were traffic iams on the road north,families heading to Gaza City to reunite with friends and rel

42、atives.Long lines of cars backed up at the makeshift*roadblocks the Israelis have left behind.But the tanks are gone,only the deep tracks remain.There were buildings pitted with*Israeli tank rounds*;from the holes that have been punched in the walls it was clear there had also been snipers*waiting f

43、or them.North of Khan Younis we saw some of the Qassam fighters returnin2 home,their rifles slung*lazily around their shoulders.For three weeks the Israelis pounded the tunnel。that run beneath the perimeter*wall but last night we met people who insist that some of these tunnels are still open and st

44、ill some fuel is being pumped from the Egyptian side.If the border crossings remain close,say the Palestinians,these tunnels are their only link to the outside world.A:.about 狂aqile(脆弱的,易毁的)peace that returns to Gaza.B:traffic jams reunite with friends and relatives deep tracks7tank rounds tunnelswa

45、iting for openreturning homefuel only linkUnit 4Section 1Listening and Translation1.Clara Barton made a big difference in many lives.2.She went to the fields of battle to nurse the wounded.3.She wrote letters in support of an American Red Cross organization.4.The United States Congress signed the Wo

46、rlds Treaty of the International Red Cross.5.Today her work continues to be important to thousands of people in trouble.1.克拉拉巴顿极大地改变了许多人的生活。2.她前往战场护理伤员。3.她写信支持建立美国红十字会组织。4.美国国会签署了国际红十字公约。5.今天,她的工作对于成千上万遭遇困难的人来说仍然很重要。Section 2Part 1 Dialogue1-5 ADCDAPart 2 passageExC:1872 literature leaveone of the c

47、hief stewards two months stone throwing6-11 B DAD ACfind the 20-a-term fees 1906hand a petition(请愿书)March 1909 setting fire to pillar boxes1913 ran out grab the bridle(缰绳)hitfractured her skull died consciousnessSection 3News Item 1This morning in the Ingush capital of Nazran,local police were stand

48、ing to attention in the courtyard of their headquarters to receive their orders for the day,when a bomber drove a truck loaded with explosives into the gates of the building.The blast set the building alight*destroying much of it and many of the vehicles parked there.Local officials have warned that

49、 the number of dead could still rise as local apartment blocks were also hit and children were amongst the wounded.The bombing is one of the deadliest in months and damages the Kremlins(克里姆林宫)claims that the Republics new president is bringing the region under control.8The Ingush president Yunus-Bek

50、 Yevkurov,who was still convalescing*after surviving an assassination attempt in June,spoke about the attack this morning.He pointed the finger at the West saying that it was behind the blast.He said that western powers would never allow Russia to reclaim its status as a world power.A:.about a bomb

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