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1、施心远主编听力教程1(第2版)Unit 6文本和答案Unit 6Section 1Part 1 PhoneticsComplete the following short dialogue as you listen to it.Pay special attention to the weak forms,link-ups and contractions.Professor Archer is having lunch with the Director at the Restaurant Avenida.Director:What would yen like,Professor?Arc

2、her:What do you suggest?Director:Perchaps caldeirada?Archer:Whats that?Director:Fish soup.Archer:That sounds nice.Director:And you must have some feijoada.Archer:Whats that?Director:Ifs a local speciality-pork with black beans.Archer:Yes,Id like some of that.Director:Is there anything you cant eat?A

3、rcher:I dont like chili.Director:Thats all right-theres no chili in feijoada.Do you mind if I smoke?Archer:Not at all.Would you excuse me for a moment?(To waiter)Excuse me,can you tell me where the toilets are?Waiter:Over there,sir.Part 2:Listening and Note-TakingTAPESCRIPTEric:Excuse me.What times

4、the first train to London?Clerk:Eight thirty.Eric:I see.And are there any other trains?I want to arrive before lunch.Clerk:Well,now.there*s one at nine fourteen,.nine twenty,.nine fbrty-two.Eric:Oh,just a minute.You*re saying them very quickly.Er,yes.and after nine forty-two?Clerk:After nine fbrty-t

5、wo,theres.there*s one at ten fifteen.and eleven twenty.Eric:Ten fifteen and eleven twenty?Clerk:Yes,thats right.Eric:OK.Thanks very much.Exercise A:Listen to Eric and the booking-clerk at the railway station.Look at the timetable.After each bleep,draw a ring round the time of the train.BIRMINHAM-LON

6、DON1 2 3 4 5 6Birmingham 8.13/8.30 9.14/9.40 9.20/9.30 9.32/9.42 10.15/10.50 11.20/11.30TAPESCRIPTOperator:Hello!Can I help you?Nancy:Yes.Whafs the number of the Leicester Hotel,please?Operator:The Leicester?Thats 837 5234.Nancy:I see.And what about the New Norwich Hotel?Operator:Thafs 785 2491.Nanc

7、y:Thanks.And the Royal Buckingham?Operator:Just a minute.thats.um.249 6360.Nancy:Uh-huh.and the Gloucester?Operator:The Gloucester.um.564 8844.Nancy:Thanks,.oh.heres one more.the,um,the PeterboroughHotel.Operator:Oh,thats 684 2549.Nancy:Oh.and the last one,the Old Bedford?Operator:The Old Bedford?Th

8、afs 327 6975.Nancy:Well,thats all now.Thanks very much for your help.Bye.Exercise B:Listen to the operator.After each bleep,write down the phone number of the hotel,1.The Leicester Hotel 837 52342.The New Norwich Hotel 785 24913.The Royal Buckingham Hotel 249 63604.The Gloucester Hotel 564 88445.The

9、 Peterborough Hotel 684 25496.The Old Bedford Hotel 327 6975Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 What a Super FlatAnn Morris and her friend,Sheila,have been invited to Jack and Rebeccas for supper.Although they know each other well,it is the first time Ann and Sheila have visited the couples fl

10、at.Jack:Hi,Ann!Hello,Sheila!Come on in.I say,you*re both looking very smart!Ann:Thanks.It*s nice to be invited out.What a super flat youve got,Jack!Sheila:Yes,you never told us you lived in such luxury.Its so cosy*!Jack:Pm glad you like it.Sit down and Ill get you a drink.Ann:Wheres Rebecca?Jack:She

11、 wont be long.Shes just popped*out for a few things at the last minute.(Later)Sheila:Mm!This spaghetti*is really good.I didnt know you could cook.Jack:Im afraid it had to be something cheap.You know how it is!Ann:Ifs delicious.Is it your own recipe*,by any chance?Jack:No,I just followed what is said

12、 in the book.Sheila:Can you give me the name of the book?Rebecca:Sure,Italian Cooking Made Easy-it has to be,for him!Exercise A:Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true or false.Write Tor F in the space provided.Discuss with your classmates why you think the statem

13、ent is true or false.F 1.Jack and Rebecca live in the country.(They live in a flat,so probably they live in the city.)T 2.The guests are surprised to see that Jack and Rebecca live in such a nice place.(Ann:What a super flat youve got,Jack!Sheila:Yes,you never told us you lived in such luxury.Its so

14、 cosy!)T 3.Jacks spaghetti is very delicious.(Sheila:Mm!This spaghetti is really good.)F 4.The guests know Jack is a good cook.(Sheila:I didnt know you could cook.)Exercise B:Listen to the dialogue again and answer the following questions.1.What did the guests think of the flat?(They thought the fla

15、t was super,luxury and cosy.)2.How many friends did Jack invite to his home?(Two,Ann and Sheila.)3.What did they have for dinner?(They had spaghetti.)4.Why did Jack cook it instead of buying it?(He thought it was cheaper.)5.Who gave Jack the recipe?(He got the recipe from a book.)Dialogue 2 Back for

16、m WorkIt is seven oclock.Clive Sutton has just arrived home from work.Clive:It*s not good enough,you know.Cathy:Whafs wrong,Dad?Clive:When I came in,the house was a disgrace.One of you was lying on the settee*and the other was nowhere to be seen.Cathy:It wasn*t my turn to tidy.It was Emmas.Emma:I di

17、d it yesterday.Besides,I had a lot of homework to do.Cathy:When I came in,you were in your room listening to records.Emma:At least my rooms tidy.Yours is a real mess.Clive:Look!I dont care whose turn it was yesterday or today.It just wont do!I expect you to sort out*your jobs between you.Youre both

18、old enough now.When I came in,the break-fast dishes were still in the sink and there were clothes lying all over the furniture,waiting to be ironed.*Emma:Im always doing the ironing.Cathy used to help with it,but now she says she*s too busy.Cathy:Ive got exams this year.You haven*t.Clive:Girls,girls

19、,thats enough.Have either of you eaten yet?Emma:Ive had a sandwich.Im trying to lose some weight.Cathy:And I dont feel hungry.Clive:Well,I do.In future,make sure one of you makes a meal.Weve got to live,you know.And Ive got to work to keep us.If you want spending money and holidays,youll have to do

20、your share of the housework!Emma:Fm sorry,Dad.Cathy:Me too.Look,Emma,why dont we make a list of jobs and put it on the wall?Exercise:Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true or false.Write T or F in the space provided.Discuss with your classmates why you think the

21、statement is true or false.T 1.The house was a mess when the father came in.(Clive:When I came in,the house was a disgrace.)T 2.The children do the chores by turns.(Cathy:It wasn*t my turn to tidy.It was Emmas.)F 3.When the father came in,one of the girls was lying on the settee and the other was do

22、ing her homework.(Clive:One of you was lying on the settee and the other was nowhere to be seen.Cathy:When I came in,you were in your room listening to records.)F 4.When the father came back,the girls had done the washing-up.(Clive:When I came in,the breakfast dishes were still in the sink.)T 5.Emma

23、 usually does the ironing.(Emma:Im always doing the ironing.)T 6 Both of the girls are students.(Emma:I had a lot of homework to do.Cathy:Ive gotexams this year.)T 7.Emma is probably on a diet.(Emma:Pm trying to lose some weight.)T 8.The father has to cook dinner for himself(Clive:Girls,girls,thats

24、enough.Have either of you eaten yet?Emma:Pve had a sandwich.Cathy:And I dont feel hungry.Clive:Well,I do.In future,make sure one of you makes a meal.)T 9.The girls will sort out the housework between themselves.(Cathy:Look,Emma,why dont we make a list of jobs and put it on the wall?)Part 2 Passage T

25、he Lost”ReceiptTAPESCRIPTAs my train was not due to leave for another hour,I had plenty of time to spare.After buying some magazines to read on the journey,I made my way to the luggage office to collect the heavy suitcase I had left there three days before.There were only a few people waiting,and I

26、took out my wallet to find the receipt for my case.The receipt did not seem to be where I had left it.I emptied the contents of the wallet,and railway tickets,money,scraps*of paper,and photographs tumbled*out of it;but no matter how hard I searched,the receipt was nowhere to be found.When my turn ca

27、me,I explained the situation sorrowfully to the assistant.The man looked at me suspiciously as if to say that he had heard this type of story many times and asked me to describe the case.I told him that it was an old,brown-looking object no different from the many cases I could see on the shelves.Th

28、e assistant then gave me a form and told me to make a list of the chief contents of the case.If they were correct,he said,I could take the case away.I tried to remember all the articles I had hurriedly packed and wrote them down as they came to me.After I had done this,I went to look among the shelv

29、es.There were hundreds of cases there and fbr one dreadful moment,it occurred to me that if someone had picked the receipt up,he could have easily claimed*the case already.This had not happened fortunately,for after a time,I found the case lying on its side high up in a comer.After examining the art

30、icles inside,the assistant was soon satisfied that it was mine and told me I I could take the case away.Again I took out my wallet:this time to pay.I pulled out a ten-shilling note;and the lost receipt slipped out with it.I could not help blushing*and glanced up at the assistant.He I was nodding his

31、 head knowingly,as if to say that he had often seen this happen before,too!Exercise:Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1.Why did he buy the magazines before getting on the train?A.Because he enjoyed reading.B.Because he needed something to kill the ti

32、me.C.Because he needed something to read on a journey.D.Because the magazines were on sale at that time.2.How long did he have his suitcase in the luggage office?A.For 3 days.B.For 3 hours.C.For one day.D.For half a day.3.What was demanded when he wanted to collect his suitcase?A.The receipt.B.The f

33、ee.C.The railway ticket.D.The ID.4.What did the assistant ask him to do when he couldnt find the receipt?A.TO wait until he found it.B.To make an explanation of the situation.C.To continue to search for it.D.To make a list of the main contents of the suitcase.5.What did he say about his suitcase?A.I

34、t had some special marks on.B.It was an old,brown case.C.It was an old,dark brown case.D.It was a new brown case.6.What did it occur to him when he found hundreds of cases there?A.It might be difficult to find his.B.It might be lying among them.C.It might take time to spot this.D.It might have been

35、taken away.7.How did the assistant feel when the case had been examined?A.He was a bit disappointed.B.He was quite relieved.C.He was happy that the speaker had found his case.D.He was convinced that it was the speakers case.8.How did he feel when he found the lost ticket out?A.Shameful.B.Foolish.C.A

36、ngry.D.Annoyed.9.What is the reaction of the assistant then?A.Mocking.B.Joking.C.Understanding.D.Laughing.Keysl.C 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.D 8.A 9.CPart 3 NewsNews Item 1Voters have approved political changes that will establish an elected parliament.State television said(2)more than 98%of the voters a

37、pproved the proposal fbr democratic reforms.The measures also will give women(3)the richt to vote and to be candidates for office,making Bahrain*(4)one of the only Gulf Arab states to do so.And(5)equality will be guaranteed among the different relicious croups in Brunei*.The Emir of Bahrain Hamad bi

38、n Isa al-Khalifa*(7)welcomed the results.The changes are expected(8)to take effect by the year 2004 at the latest.Exercise A:Listen to the news item and complete the following summary.This news item is about democratic reforms in Bahrain and Brunei.Exercise B:Listen to the news item again and comple

39、te the following passage.1)political changes2)more than 98%of the voters3)the right to vote4)one of the only5)equality6)the different religious groups7)welcomed the results8)to take effectNews Item 2Opposition Parties are demanding a new election after a violent protest over voting problems Tuesday.

40、At least 6 people were killed and many injured during the voting.People at over 100 voting places were not able to vote Tuesday.Official said Wednesday that those voting centers would be open soon.Early election results show the ruling General Peoples Congress Party in the lead.Final results are exp

41、ected by the end of the week.Election officials say many people took part in the voting.Voting hours were extended to give people more time to vote.More than 20,000 candidates are competing fbr 7,000 seats in the local council*in Yemen*.Exercise A:Listen to the news item and complete the following s

42、ummary.This news item is about the local council election in Yemen.Exercise B:Listen to the news item again and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1.Opposition parties are demanding a new after a violent protest over voting problems Tuesday.A.election B.selection C.el

43、ector D.selector2.There were at least people killed and injured during the voting.A.six.many B.some.many C.six.some D.many.some3.People at more than 100 voting places.A.were not able to vote Thursday B.were not able to vote TuesdayC.wont be able to vote today D.wont be able to vote4.Officials sais W

44、ednesday that those would be open in a short time.A.those vote centers B.those voter centersC.those voting centers D.these voting sites5.show the ruling General Peoples Congress Party in the lead.A.Final election results B.Final resultsC.Early elections D.early election results6.More than candidates

45、 are competing for 7,000 seats in the local council in Yemen.A.2,000 B.20,000 C.200,000 D.2,000,0001.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.BNews Item 3More than 300 people have been killed and 250,000 displaced following a disputed presidential vote.The government has agreed to hold a new election if ordered by a cou

46、rt.The violence this week in Kenya has thrown the usually peaceful country into crisis.Its economic and democratic progress may be in danger.The crisis began Sunday after election officials declared President Mwai Kibaki the winner of a second term.On Friday Kenyas main opposition party,the Orange D

47、emocratic Movement,called for a new election.A spokesman fbr the president said the government will accept another election if a court orders a new vote.Kenya became independent from Britain in nineteen sixty-three.It has the largest economy in East Africa.Exercise A:Listen to the news item and comp

48、lete the following summary.This news item is about Kenyas election violence that threatens cains in East Africas top economy.Exercise B:Listen to the news item again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.Write Tor F in the space provided.Discuss with your classmates why you t

49、hink the statement is true or false.1.After the elections,300 people have been injured and 25,000 homeless.F(More than 300 people have been killed and 250,000 displaced following a disputed presidential vote.)2.A court might order a new election.T(The government has agreed to hold a new election if

50、ordered by a court.)3.The riot may slow economic and democratic progress of Kenya.T(The violence this week in Kenya has thrown the usually peaceful country into crisis.Its economic and democratic progress may be in danger.4.After President Mwai Kibaki won the first term Friday,the main opposition pa

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