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1、精品文档就在这里-各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-酒店雨伞出借标准操作Guest Expectation 客人期望:I expect that the hotel can provide umbrellas for me during rainy days, notably umbrellas which are not damaged and are well maintained. 我希望酒店能在下雨天为我提供雨伞,尤其是未损坏且保存很好的雨伞。Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什

2、么该任务对你和我们的客人都很重要?Answers回答: 1. We must be able to provide sufficient umbrellas to our guests during rainy days. 我们必须在下雨天为我们客人提供足够的雨伞。2. To be able to increase guest satisfaction. 尽量提高客人满意度。3. Demonstrate my professionalism. 展示我的职业道德。STEPS步骤How / Standards标准1) Position of Umbrella Rack伞架的位置Concierge

3、department are responsible for ensuring umbrellas are neatly stored in a designated area. 礼宾部要负责确保雨伞整齐得存放在指定区域。Concierge must ensure there are sufficient umbrellas stored in the Front Office. 礼宾部要保证在前厅的雨伞够用。Carry the umbrella rack to the main entrance on rainy days. 在下雨天把伞架搬到大门。2) Issue the umbrella

4、发放雨伞When a guest comes to borrow an umbrella, the Doorman must ask for his/her room number. 当客人来借雨伞时,门童必须问他/她的房号。The umbrellas are offered to our hotel guests only. 仅向我们酒店客人提供雨伞。Open the umbrella to ensure it is in a good working condition. 打开雨伞以确保雨伞无故障。Kindly advise the guest to return the umbrella

5、 when he/she comes back. 请告知客人,当他/她回来时,把雨伞归还。3) Quality and quantity control质量及数量控制The Doorman must clean the umbrella after return and regularly review the cleanliness of umbrella checking for mould. 雨伞归还后,门童须清洗雨伞,要长检查雨伞是否清洁、是否发霉。The Concierge must ensure that there are sufficient umbrellas stored

6、in the Front Office. 礼宾部须确保在前厅的雨伞够用。If there are insufficient Umbrellas in storage, contact Chief Concierge, either to order additional Umbrellas from the HK Office or to ensure a Purchasing Request is raised. 如果库存中的雨伞不够,联系礼宾部经理,从客房办公室订购额外的雨伞或者确保采购请求已提交。The general par stock is 50 Umbrellas in the C

7、oncierge Department, although this may vary depending on the size and the frequency of rain in the hotels location). 尽管要根据酒店所处位置的雨量及下雨频率的不同而不同,在礼宾部总平均库存要有50把雨伞。Storage control to be done weekly. 每周要做存量控制。Summary questions问题小结:1. a) Where should the umbrella rack be positioned? 伞架应该放在哪里? b) Whose res

8、ponsibility is it to carry the umbrella rack to the front of the hotel on rainy days? 在雨天把伞架搬到酒店门口是谁的职责?2. a) Is a room number required? 需要房号吗? b) Why should the umbrella be regularly checked for cleanliness? 为什么要定期检查雨伞是否清洁? c) Do we give umbrellas to non-resident guests? 我们可以把雨伞出借给非住店客人吗? d) Do I need to charge the guest when he/she does not return the umbrella? 当他/她未归还雨伞时,我应该向客人索取费用吗?3. a) Whos responsibility is it to clean the umbrella after return? 雨伞归还后,清洁雨伞是谁的职责? b) Whose responsibility is it to ensure there are sufficient umbrellas stored in Front Office? 确保前厅储备的雨伞够用是谁的职责?-精品 文档-

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