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1、16 Let both sides, for the first time, formulate (v.制订) serious and precise (adj.精确的,一丝不苟的) proposals (n.建议书) for the inspection (n.视察,检查) and control of arms (n.武器)-and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations. 让双方首次为军备检查和军备控制制订认真而又明确的提案,把毁灭其他国家的绝对

2、力量置于所有国家的绝对控制之下。17 Let both sides seek to invoke (v.调用,利用 ) the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts (n.沙漠/v.放弃,遗弃), eradicate (v.根除,消灭) disease, tap the ocean depths (深海) , and encourage the arts and commerce (n.贸易).让双方寻求利用科学的神奇力量,而不是激发科学

3、的恐怖因素。让我们一起探索星球,征服沙漠,根除疾患,开发深海,并鼓励艺术和商业的发展。18 Let both sides unite to heed in all corners of the earth the command of Isaiah (n.以赛亚书(圣经旧约);圣经男子名)-to “undo (v.取消;解开;破坏;撤销) the heavy burdens (n.负担;责任) and to let the oppressed (adj.受压制的;受压迫的) go free (获得自由).让双方团结起来,在全世界各个角落倾听以赛亚的训令“卸下沉重的负担,让被欺压者得到自由。”1

4、9 And if a beachhead(n.滩头阵地) of cooperation may push back the jungle(n.丛林) of suspicion(猜忌的), let both sides join in creating a new endeavor(n.努力), not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure(adj.安全的) and the peace preserved(adj.保藏的). 如果合作的滩头阵地能逼

5、退猜忌的丛林,那么久让双方共同作一次新的努力,不是建立一种新的均势,而是创造一个新的法治世界,在这个世界中,强者公正,弱者安全,和平将得到维护。Unit 8B1 Personal transportation (n.运输工具) is truly a marvel (n.奇迹) of the twentieth century. Advances in many fields of technology have made automobiles (n.汽车,发动器) and channels of transportation available to almost anyone. Howev

6、er, the freeways (n.高速公路) in major cities, on which so many people depend for getting them to work or school every day, were not designed for the amount of traffic they now required to accommodate (v.适应,调解). Because of this there are many problems with heavy traffic and we experience difficulty in q

7、uickly responding to problems that occur.个人交通工具确实是20世纪的一个奇迹。在许多领域的技术进步使汽车和运输渠道提供给任何人。然而,主要城市的高速公路,很多人所依赖的让他们每天工作或学校,没有设计的流量现在他们需要适应。因为这个和拥挤的交通有很多问题,我们经历困难迅速应对出现的问题。2 Even with the technology embedded (v.嵌入) in todays automobiles, driving can be a frustrating (adj.令人沮丧的) and potentially (adv.可能地) dea

8、dly experience. This is especially true in large metropolitan (adj.大城市的) cities, where the criss-crossing (交叉回交,十字形交叉) network of highways creates an amazingly complex system, just waiting for something to go wrong. And things will go wrong, theres no avoiding that, the system depends on far too man

9、y elements (n.基础,原理).即使技术嵌入在今天的汽车,开车可以是一个令人沮丧的和潜在的致命的经验。特别是在大型城市,公路纵横交错的网络创造了一个非常复杂的系统,只是等待出错。事情会出错,没有避免,系统取决于太多的元素。3 However, there are still things that can be done to minimize(v.最小化) the risk and effects of the occurrences(n.发生,出现). Generally the solution for reducing traffic has been to widen hi

10、ghways. But, this merely postpones(v.使延期,把放在次要地位) the problem; the number of people and cars on freeways will continue to increase. A national program called Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) attempts to solve these problems through engineering and technology. ITS achieves this by combining th

11、e hardware, software, and networking necessary to gather(v.收集,聚集), process, and distribute(v.分配,散布,分开) information important to the parties involved.然而,仍然有事情可以做事件的风险和影响降到最低。一般的解决方案减少公路交通已经扩大。但是,这仅仅是推迟的问题;以及高速公路上的汽车的人数将继续增加。国家项目叫做智能交通系统(ITS)通过工程和技术试图解决这些问题。其达到这样的目标,结合硬件、软件和网络需要收集,过程,和分发信息重要的当事人。4 The

12、 official goals of all ITS organizations are to improve the safety and efficiency (n.效率;功效) of traveling on city freeways. These are serious issues (n.问题) and have an effect on citizens of large cities on a daily basis (每天 指一起共事). When there is an accident on the road, the response time of medical s

13、ervices is extremely important. Seconds can make the difference between life and death; Emergency Medical Services (EMS) need to be on the scene (在场,到场) right after the accident has occurred. If the system is integrated into the transportation infrastructure (n.基础设施,公共建设) so that EMS is alerted with

14、in seconds of a traffic accident, many lives can be saved.所有组织的官方目标是改善旅游城市高速公路的安全性和效率。这是很严重的问题,影响公民每天的大城市。当有事故在路上,医疗服务的响应时间是非常重要的。秒能让生与死的区别,紧急医疗服务(EMS)需要在现场对事故发生后。如果系统是集成到交通基础设施,EMS提醒在几秒内的交通事故,可以拯救许多人的生命。5 The next step to make transportation safer is to reduce the risks that can cause such accident

15、s. This includes reducing traffic congestion (n.原因), clearing accidents more quickly, and routinely checking the transportation channels for dangerous areas or obstructions (n.难题,引起麻烦的人). The problem is that it would require a massive workforce to successfully implement (adj.这样的) this sort of progra

16、m in a major city like Los Angeles.让交通更安全的下一步是减少风险,可能会导致这类事故的发生。这包括减少交通堵塞,清理事故更迅速,并经常检查运输危险区域或渠道障碍。问题是,这需要大量劳动力来成功地实现这种计划在洛杉矶这样的大城市。6 Luckily, there is a better solution. ITS proposes (n.建议) to work towards solving these problems through the application of technology. ITS does this by combining sens

17、ors to gather important information about traffic and accidents, a data network to transfer that information, and a base of operations with mainframe (n.大型计算机) computers to process and distribute this information. This network of sensors and computers can provide instant and comprehensible (adj.可理解的

18、) access to a large set of complicated data.幸运的是,有一个更好的解决方案。它提出了努力解决这些问题通过技术的应用。通过结合传感器收集交通拥挤和事故的重要信息,数据网络传输信息,并与大型计算机的基础操作处理和分发这些信息。这个网络的传感器和计算机可以提供即时和理解大量的复杂的数据的访问。7 To understand how an ITS system would operate (v.运转), it is helpful to look at how all the parts work together. First, there is the

19、information gathering stage (n. 阶段). Here, many cameras and sensors around the whole city study and collect data 24 hours a day. This data can be visual (adj.视觉的) or infrared images (红外图像) of traffic, or electronic sensors that measure traffic speed and density.了解一个系统操作,它有助于看看所有部分一起工作。首先是信息收集阶段。这里,很

20、多摄像机和传感器整个城市研究和收集数据一天24小时。这些数据可以是视觉或红外图像的流量,或电子传感器,测量流量的速度和密度。8 It is important for the computers and engineers studying the data that the visual images be not only clear and crisp (adj.脆的,新鲜的,易碎的), but that the visual coverage of the freeway is as complete as possible. If an accident happens on a p

21、art of the road that is not visible, the whole system is pretty much useless. Infrared (adj.红外线的) cameras can provide information that a conventional (adj. 符合习俗的) visible light camera might miss, however, they also require different processing than regular cameras.重要的是电脑和工程师研究视觉图像的数据不仅清脆,但视觉覆盖尽可能完整的

22、高速公路。如果事故发生在路上的一部分是不可见的,整个系统都是无用的。红外摄像机可以提供信息,传统的可见光相机可能会错过,然而,他们也需要不同的处理比普通相机。9 Besides cameras, loop detectors can be used to determine (v.下决心) traffic flow (交通流量) and density. These are loops of metal wire under the road; a small computer monitors the change in inductance (n.电感,感应系数) in the loop

23、caused by the magnetic (adj.地磁,有磁性的) field of a metal object (in this case a car) passing by. By measuring the time it takes for each car to pass by and the number of cars that pass by in a given amount of time, a computer can determine the average speed and density of traffic on the road. However,

24、these computers cannot perform a useful function (n.功能) without the data from the sensors. 除了相机,回路探测器可用于确定交通流量和密度。这些循环道路下的金属线,一个小电脑显示器造成的循环中电感的变化磁场的金属物体(在这种情况下,一辆汽车)经过。通过测量时间每辆车经过和汽车的数量,经过在给定的时间内,一台计算机可以确定车辆的平均速度和密度。然而,这些计算机无法完成一个有用的功能没有来自传感器的数据。10 Once this information gathering (信息收集,情报收集) hardwar

25、e has been put in place, all the information needs to be transmitted (v.传送,传输) somewhere. This is a massive undertaking ()大事业; imagine connecting a huge number of sensors spread out over (分为多少时间付清) the freeway system of an entire city! For security reasons, this network is typically kept separate fr

26、om any existing networks. A wireless network is an option, but because of the immense (adj.巨大的) quantity of data that needs to be transmitted and the speed at which it needs to be available, optical cables (光缆) are usually used. It requires careful engineering to determine the best way to lay out th

27、e optical cable and space the mini-server (小型服务器) computers that will help combine and transmit all this data to the computers where it can be processed.一旦这个信息收集硬件已经到位,所有的信息需要传播的地方。这是一项巨大的任务,想象连接大量的传感器分散到整个城市的高速公路系统!出于安全原因,这个网络通常是分开任何现有的网络。无线网络是选项之一,但由于巨大数量的数据需要传输,它需要的速度,光缆通常使用。它需要仔细的工程确定最好的方法制定的光缆和

28、空间mini-server电脑将帮助相结合和传输这些数据到电脑,它可以被处理。11 When all the data have been collected and the network is in place to transmit it, there needs to be a central station to collect and process that data. This station needs to be equipped with (配备有) a powerful mainframe (n.主机;大型机) computer and a lot of storage

29、 (n.储存) space. When the data first comes in, it is stored in short-term memory for processing. The computer must analyze frames (n.框架,画面) of video, collections of traffic speed and density, and input from the engineers monitoring (v.监视,监听) all of its outputs. All of this information has to be proces

30、sed with regard to (关于,至于) equivalent data from previous seconds and minutes in order to look for patterns or breaks in patterns; something that would hint at congestion or an accident. Needless to say, this requires very sophisticated hardware and software for the analysis, storage and display of s

31、uch information. 当所有的数据已经收集和网络传输,需要收集和处理数据的中央车站。本站需要配备一个强大的计算机主机和存储空间。数据第一次进入时,储存在短时记忆进行处理。计算机必须分析帧的视频,交通速度和密度的集合,从工程师监控所有的输入输出。所有这些信息关于等效处理数据从之前的秒、分钟为了寻找模式或减免模式;这将暗示拥堵或事故。不用说,这需要非常复杂的硬件和软件的分析、存储和显示这样的信息。12 After the important information has been gathered, the results must be stored in permanent or

32、 semi-permanent (adj.半永久的) memory for long-term analysis. By having this depository (n.受托的) available, programs can look for problems in daily or weekly traffic patterns. Later analysis could show that a certain road becomes very crowded for a few hours at a certain time of the day. Engineers and wo

33、rkers could then instruct (v. 指导) the system to reroute (v.变更旅程) certain incoming lanes to a different route to reduce the congestion. Amazingly, the computer software, with only a minor necessary input of an engineer, could do this whole process autonomously. The possibilities this offers in helpin

34、g reduce traffic congestion are astounding (adj.令人震惊的), but it is important that the engineer is able to accurately (adv.精确地) and quickly monitor the entire system.重要的信息被收集后,结果必须存储在永久性或半永久性的记忆进行长期分析。通过这受托可用,程序可以在每日或每周的交通模式寻找问题。后来分析可以表明,一定的道路变得非常拥挤的几个小时在一天的某个时间。工程师和工人可以指示系统变更某些传入道一条不同的路线去减少交通拥堵。令人惊奇的

35、是,计算机软件,只有一个小的必要输入一个工程师,可以自动完成整个过程。可能这提供了在帮助减少交通拥堵是惊人的,但重要的是,工程师能够准确、快速监控整个系统。13 ITS is next level in developing high capacity (n.能力,容量) transportation freeway systems that are both efficient and safe. The United States government is backing ITS as a more useful method to solve the traffic problem t

36、han just building more roads. Several large US cities, such as Los Angeles, Chicago, and San Antonio, already have systems in place that fulfill (v.旅行,实现) the most important functions of ITS and improvements are constantly being worked on. World-wide, similar systems have been adopted in Europe, Japan, and Australia. Governments and politicians (n.政治家,政客) recognize that we need to make highways smarter, not just wider.开发高容量的是下一个水平交通的高速公路系统,都是有效和安全的。美国政府支持其作为一个更有用的方法来解决交通问题不仅仅是建造更多的道路。等美国大型城市,洛杉矶,芝加哥,和圣安东尼奥,已经系统实现的最重要的功能,不断改进工作。全球,类似的系统已经采用了在欧洲,日本,澳大利亚。政府和政客们认识到,我们需要使高速公路更聪明,而不仅仅是广泛的。

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