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1、(完整word)新概念英语一课一练2 Lesson11-20Lesson11I 根据括号内所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式.1。Iamgoingtothe (银行)thisafternoon。2.Onegood (行为)deserveanother。3.Mybrotherhasbeena (律师)formanyyears.4。Shesaysthatshegetsagood (工资)inthatbigcompany。5。Whentheboysawme,heranaway .(立刻)6.Ioftengotothe (饭馆)tohavedinnerwithsomefriends

2、.7.Thatyoungmanalways (借)moneyfromothers。8.Tomy (惊奇),hegaveuptheEnglishcompetition。II 单项选择。1.Theteachergaveme tofinishmyhomework。A。twohourstime B.twohourtime。 C。twohourstime D.twohourstime.2.-Wouldyouplease somemoney me?Ofcourse。Howmuchisok,Tom?A.borrow,from B.lend,from C。borrow,to D.lend,to3.Wehave

3、learned1000Englishwords theendofthisterm。A.by B。in C.aton4.Howmuchdidyou the shopkeeper(店主) allthesethings?A。askfor B.paidfor C。askedfor D。payfor5.Weallthinkthatthisyoungmandeserves .A。tobepraised B.praisingto C。praisebeing D.praised6。Iwasreadingabook anoldfriendofminecametovisitme。A。while B.when C。

4、 that D。since7。Haveyoumurderedintothenewhouse?-notyettheroom now.A。arebeing B.paintedare painting C.arepainted D。havebeenpainting8。Youmustreturnthisbookifyouwanttoborrow 。A.theother B.therest C。other D.another。9.Youdontneedtodescribeher.I herseveraltimes.A。hadmet B.havemet C.met D.meet10。CanI you he

5、lpmewithmyworkPlease?-Ofcourse,idliketo.A。order,to B.ask,to C.ask,/ D。order,/。III 看中文填词。1。Arethese (学生们的书包)?2.Thatis (汤姆和李雷的教室)3. (教师节)isonSeptember10th。4。Heisin (老师的办公室)now.5。Pleaseopen (教室的门)。6. (赵敏的鞋)arewhite。7.Imgoingto (理发店)thisweekend。8. (约翰的母亲)isAmerican。9.peteris (我父亲的一个老朋友)。10,Isthis (你的好朋友

6、的钢笔)?IV 完形填空I was having dinner at a restaurant 1 (while/when) Tony Steele came in. Tony worked in a lawers office years ago, 2 (but/and) he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrow money 3 (from/to) his friends and never pays 4 (them/it) back。 Tony saw me and came and s

7、at at the same table。 He 5 (has/had) never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him 6 (lend/to) lend me twenty pounds. 7 (In/To)my surprise , he gave me the money 8 (immediatel/immediately). “I have never borrowed 9 (any/some) money from you,” Tony said, “so now you can 10 (ask for/p

8、ay for) my dinner!”V 把下列句子翻译成英语。1. 礼尚往来。 2.托尼现在在一家银行工作,工资很高。 3.我向汉斯借50英镑,他立刻把钱给了我。 4.他看见我就走过来和我坐到同一张桌子前. 5。是我惊奇的是,他居然从来都没有做过家务。 Lesson12I 根据括号内所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式.1。Itsvery (重要的)forustolearnEnglish。2。Thereisabig (港口)nearourvillage。3.Iamvery (自豪)ofmyson,whoisgoodatmanythings.4。Hehasbeen (航行)i

9、ntheAtlanticforafewdays.5.Johnisthe (船长)ofthebigship。6。Thereallsaid (好运)lucktomewhenIwasleavingforAmerican。7。Wehaveanew (邻居)whosenameisRobber。8.Imeta (著名的)singerinthestreetyesterdayafternoon。II 用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。1。MymotherandI (clean)ourgardentomorrow。2.NextSaturdayallthestudentsinmyclass (go)toMikesb

10、irthdayparty.3。Whereyouparents (have)learnedtomorrow?4。She (go)swimmingtomorrowafternoon。5。MissSophie (leave)forHongKongnextweek.III 单项选择(从A,B,C和D中选出最佳选项)。1.Imalwaysofourmotherland(祖国)China。A。with B.by C。in D.of2.Hesayshetoseehisparentsinanothercityinadayortwo。A.willgo B。willgoes C.goes D.go3。Weseet

11、hemoffattheairportandwavethem.A。visit B.goodbye C.welcomemeeting4.CaptainCookhasalreadysailedtheAtlanticmanytimesinthissmallboat.A.across B.through C。over D.by5。Hegaveherabeautifulhatonhernextbirthday。A.gives B.gave C。willgiving D。isgoingtogive.6。WeregoingtosetupintheearlymorningnextSunday。A.setup B

12、.setout C.setabout D.satdown7.Wedonthavetobeinahurry,westillhavetime.A。aplentyof B.agreatmanyof C.plentyof D。alargenumberof8。Timandhisfamilieswillgooutforabouttwoweeks。A。goout B。beaway C。leave D。beleft9.Ihavethecompetition,butnowIdontwanttoit。A。takenpartin,enterfor B。takenpartin,takepartinC。enteredf

13、or,enterfor D.enteredfor,takepartin10。Ifaileditintheexam。-Imsorrytohearthat,butgoodnexttime.A.matter B。try C.wish D。luckyIV 完形填空Our neighbour,Captain Charles Alison, 1 from Portsmouth tomorrow,We will meet him at the harbour 2 in the morning。He will be in his small boat, Topsail。Topsail is a famous

14、little boat.It 3 across the Atlantic many times.Captain Alison will 4 at eighe oclock,so well have 5 time。well see his boat and then well 6 him。He will be 7 for two months。We are very 8 him,He will 9 an important race 10 the Atlantic。V 把下列句子翻译成英语。1.明天下午我要去机场接一个朋友。 2.老师要求我们积极参加这次的英语竞赛。 3.这对我来说是一次很重要的

15、聚会。 4。他明天就要出发去澳大利亚了。 5。我所有的朋友都来车站为我送行。 Lesson13I 根据括号内所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1. A (小组)of people are gathering in the big hall。2. They gave a very good (演出) the day before yesterday.3. We often go to me (俱乐部) in China.4. Jay Chou is a famous (流行歌手) in China。5. You must pay attention to your beha

16、vior on these (场合)。6. This problem is very (困难的) for me。7. Success doesnt come from good (运气)。II 用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空.1. By this time tomorrow, Ill (lie) on the beach。2. What your (do) this time yesterday。3. He (meet) her at the station at six oclock tomorrow afternoon.4. I (do) my homework this time nex

17、t Monday。5. She (help) her mother with some some housework at the moment。III 单项选择(从A,B,C和D中选出最佳选项)。( ) 1. will take part in the race next week.A. Most the students B。 Most of the students C。 Most of students D。 The most students( ) 2。 He is ill today, but he goes to work as early 。A. as usual B。 usu

18、ally C。 as usually D. usual( ) 3. All of us had at Toms birthday party las night。A. good time B。 the good time C. a good time D. good times( ) 4. There are always lots of policemen to when the singers give performances。 A。 keep out B。 keep order C. keep away D.keep of( ) 5。 Youd better wear suitable

19、 clothes on that . A. situation B。 condition C. occation D. position( ) 6。 By this time tomorrow they football match. A. will be watching B. watches C。 is watching D。 is going to watch( ) 7。 It is from my place to the Workers Club. A。 twenty minutes drive B。 twenty minutes drive C. twenty minute dri

20、ve D. twenty minutes drive( ) 8。 The police at the spot five minutes after the accident happened. A. arrive B. arrived C. arrives D。 had arrived( ) 9。 I to your house in about five minutes. A。 come B。 have come C. will come D。 am going to coming( ) 10。 He says he usually goes to travel train. A. by

21、B. on C。 with D。 inIV 完形填空(熟读课文,然后在横线上填入适当的词语或短语,使行文连贯自然)。The Greenwood Boys are a 1 of top singers。 At present, they are visiting 2 the country。 They will 3 arriving here tomorrow. They will be coming 4 train and 5 the young people in the town will be meeting them at the 6 。 Tomorrow evening they w

22、ill be singing at the Workers Club. The Greenwood Boys will be staying 7 Five days. 8。 this time, they will give five 9. . 10 usual , the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep 11. 。 It is always the same on these 12。 。V 把下列句子翻译成英语。1. 在这种场合请不要大声说话。 2. 她们明天这个时候出发。 3. 和往常一样,我早上

23、六点就起床了。 4. 目前,他们正在全国各地巡回演出。 5. 妈妈说,她明天去琼斯夫人家. Lesson14I 根据括号内所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。There are a lot of different (语言)in the world.These two boys kept talking loudly during the (旅行)。I asked him a question and he (回答) to me immediately。What the old man told us just now is very (有趣的).On the way ho

24、me yesterday, a man gave me a (搭便车)。II 用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。1.We (paint) the house before we (move) in。2.The thief (run away) before the policeman (arrive).3.I (turn off) all the lights before I (go) to bed.4。Paul (go) out with Jane after he (make) a phone call。5。Tom (say) he (read) the book twice.III 单项

25、选择(从A,B,C和D中选出最佳选项).( ) 1. This story everybody in the room.A。 amused; amused B. amused; amusing C. amusing; amused D。 amusing; amusing( ) 2。 I the problem until he explained it.A.understood B. didnt understand C。hadnt understood D。had understood( ) 3。 Could you please me a lift to that small villag

26、e?A。give B.make C.take D。do( ) 4. If you cannot my e-mail, please let me know。 A。replying B。answer to C。reply to D。answering( ) 5. He in the factory for three years before he joined the army. A.has worked B.works C.had worked D。will work( ) 6。 Jim had turned off all the lights he left the classroom。

27、 A.after B.until C。since D。before( ) 7。 I saw a boy stealing something from a woman the way home today. A.on B。in C.by D.to( ) 8。 He is an tourist(旅行者) and he has a great many interesting 。 A.experienced; experience B. experience; experience C。 experienced; experiences D.experience; experienced( ) 9

28、. The students their classroom when the visitors arrived。 A.have cleaned B。 had cleaned C. was cleaned D. have been cleaned( ) 10。 the father nor the son is interested in the film。 A。 Neither B。 Both C。 Either D. NoneIV 完形填空(熟读课文,然后从所给选项A,B,C和D中选择最佳选项)。I had an 1 experience last year。 After I 2 a sm

29、all village in the south of France, I drove on to next town。 On the way, a young man waved 3 me。 I stopped and he asked me for a 4. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him 5 French and he replied in the same language. 6 from a new words, I do not know 7 French at all。 8 of us

30、spoken during the journey。 I had nearly reached the town, 9 the young man suddenly said, very slowly, Do you speak English? 10 I soon learnt, he was English himself.( )1. A.amused B。amusing C。amuse D.amusement( )2。 A.left B。was leaving C.had left D。would leave( )3。 A。for B。in C。to D。on( )4. A。list B

31、。lift C.help D。word( )5。 A.in B。with C.by D。on( )6. A。Apart B。Partly C.Part D.Party( )7。 A。some B。a few C.a little D. any( )8。 A.All B.Either C.Neither D。None( )9。 A. while B.when C.until D.as( )10. A.As B.Since C.For D.IfV 把下列句子翻译成英语.1。除了小王以外,其他人都到了 2.我想他不知道答案。 3.我上班的路上,有人挥手要求搭车。 4.太阳出来之前我们就到达了山顶。

32、5.这两个颜色我哪一个也不喜欢。 Lesson15I 根据括号内所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式.1.Please dont (打扰)me。 I am very busy now。2.I am afraid that I cannot (负担得起) to buy such a big house.3。I felt so (精神紧张的) that I couldnt say a word。4.Miss Sophie is now working as a (秘书) in a big company。5.I dont know what happened, he said i

33、n a (弱的) voice。6。He works at a bank and get a good (工资)7。They were talking loudly when the teacher (进入) the classroom。8。Will you please (回复) to me as soon as possible?II 单项选择(从A,B,C和D中选出最佳选项)。( ) 1. I new dictionary for several days but havent found it yet。A。looked up B.looked for C。looked at D。looked after( ) 2。 I had only 100 pounds and I cant afford this bike。A。buy B.buying C.to buy D.to buying( ) 3. She said that she her work the next day.A。would finish B。finished C。will finish D。was finishing( ) 4。 It is that I want to read it again.

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