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1、2015年度武汉市九年级四月调考英语试卷以及答案2015年度武汉市九年级四月调考英语试卷以及答案 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(2015年度武汉市九年级四月调考英语试卷以及答案)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为2015年度武汉市九年级四月调考英语试卷以及答案的全部内容。2015年度武汉市九年

2、级四月调考英语试卷分析二、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分)26. lets go swimming. _。A。 Its a pleasure B。 Youre welcomeC。 Thanks a lot D. Its a good idea27。 Is your aunt a teacher?- Yes, she is. She _ junior students。A。 taught B。 teaches C。 will teach D。 is teaching28. A nice car! Is it yours? - No, it isnt. I _ it from a f

3、riend of mine.A. borrow B。 have borrowed C. will borrow D。 borrowed29. Where are the flowers? - You see, someone _ them at the window。A。 movesB。 had moved C. has moved D。 would move30. I hear Tim is leaving. - _ why?A. And B。 ButC。 Or D. So31. Would you like tea or coffee? _. I really dont mind。A。 B

4、oth B. NoneC。 EitherD。 Neither32. -Could I borrow your bike, please? - _.A. Of course you canB。 It doesnt matterC。 Yes, Id love toD。 No, thanks33。 Hi! My names Tim. Its my first time to be here。 _。A。 Very well, thank you. B。 Its all right.C。 That would be very nice. D。 Nice to meet you。34。 The stude

5、nts are fed up with their studies because they are _ to do far better than they can。A. hoped B。 promised C。 expected D。 suggested35. I feel really _ about the exam tomorrow, dad.-Never mind, dear. Believe in yourself.A。 excited B。 embarrassed C。 strange D. nervous36. What should I buy here?-If you h

6、ave friends who smoke, Winston is wellknown _ of cigarette here.A。 sign B. type C。 brand D。 example37. Why are you taking a basket with you for shopping?-The stores dont _ free plastic bags for shoppers to protect the environment.A. sell B. support C。 provide D. collect38. What do you do in the club

7、?- One of my jobs is to _ the prizes to the winners。A。 hand out B. hang out C. put out D。 get out39。 It is usually quite warm in my homework in March, but It _ be rather cold sometimes。A. must B. can C. should D. need40。 What were you and the policeman talking about?-He asked me _。A。 why was I stayi

8、ng thereB。 what I have seenC. how could he get through the buildingD. whether I could help him三、完型填空(本题共15分;每小题1分,满分15分)Mel Kiser was driving along a busy highway in Columbus, Ohio。 He saw an armored truck(运钞车)a few cars ahead of him. Suddenly the back door of the armored truck _41_, and a blue plas

9、tic bag fell out of the truck. A car in front of Mr. Kiser hit the bag。 And money soiled(洒落)out of it。 Then another bag fell out of the truck, and another. Money was _42_ everywhere。At first, drivers thought the _43_ papers on the highway were leaves. Then they realized that the papers were not leav

10、esthey were money! Drivers quickly stopped right in the middle of the highway and jumped out of their cars。 They began _44_ money! They were putting ten, twenty, and one-hundred-dollar bills into their pockets。 Mr. Kiser also got out of his car。 He took hold of a bag of money, put the bag in his car

11、, and drove away.Later, Mr。 Kiser_45_ the money. He had 57,000. For the next two hours Mr。 Kiser thought about the money。 He_46_about spending it。 He needed a new TV set for his house. He wanted to take a vacation in Florida。 But he decided to return the money. He drove to the police station and gav

12、e the police the 57,000。 There other people _47_ money, too. But most of the moneyalmost one million dollars were still missing. The truck company _48_ a 10 percent reward. “If you return 1,000, for example, we will pay you 100, the company said.Then the company got some _49_. A man telephoned and s

13、aid, “ I was driving along the highway when I saw the traffic jam and the money。 People were _50_ everywhere。 I had a camera in my car and I took some pictures。 Would you like the pictures?” “Yes!” answered the truck company。 The company gave the pictures to the police. The police looked _51_ at the

14、 pictures。 They looked at the cars, the license plates, and the peoples _52_. They tried to find the people who had taken the money, but they didnt have much _53_.One man who had taken money _54_ a Columbus newspaper。 The man did not give his name. “ I took two bags of money,” he said. “ Im going to

15、 take this money and _55_ Columbus。 I have enough money for the rest of my life.”41。 A. brokeB。 droppedC. shutD. opened42. A。 lyingB. fallingC. flyingD。 showing43。 A。 greenB。 yellowC. redD。 white44。 A。 looking forB. picking upC。 putting awayD. laughing at45. A. spentB。 hidC. countedD. exchanged46。 A

16、. complainedB。 dreamedC. worriedD。 cared47。 A. madeB. receivedC. refusedD. returned48。 A。 paidB. offeredC. acceptedD. wasted49。 A. helpB. troubleC。 moneyD. time50。 A. runningB. jumpingC. watchingD. stealing51. A. quicklyB. carelesslyC。 angrilyD. closely52. A。 pocketsB. faceC. namesD. ages53. A。 chan

17、ceB。 funC. luckD。 experience54. A. visitedB. helpedC. telephonedD. invited55. A.leaveB。 buyC。 travelD. develop四,阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列材料,从各小题所给的(A、B、C、D)四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。56. We may read the above material mostly _。A。 in a airport reportB. on buses and in taxisC. in a picture-story bookD. in a Cam

18、bridge newspaper57. Its clear that the advertisement is given by _.A. London Train StationB。 London Stansted AirportC. Cambridge UniversityD。 Stansteds checkin58. The advertisement suggests that people go to Stansted _。A. by trainB. by taxiC。 by planeD. by bus59。 The train services are available _.A

19、。 only at the train stationB。 at any time of travel returningC. in about four weeksD. to people who walk to the checkin60. If one wants to know about the train services, he can _.A。 save 14.5B。 get on the trainC。 take the plane to M。A。GD. check onlineB Five years ago, Rachel Lopez graduated from col

20、lege with a degree in history. Today sheworks for a large software company. Now twenty-seven, Rachel takes classes twice a week after work。 She is learning to use the computer program PowerPoint。 “I enjoyed college, but my job doesnt use information I learned when I was doing my degree,” Rachel says

21、 , “This course is helping me to do my job better. In the future, I might go back to school and got an MBA。” In the past, when students graduated from college and got a job, they usually stopped studying. Today, lifelong learning is becoming more common。 In the United States, people can return to sc

22、hool in their late twenties, thirties, or older to get a higher degree, such as a masters or PH.D。 Like Rachel many more are taking training courses to improve their workplace skills.With many classes now available through the Internet, it is easier for people to get degrees or training by distance

23、learning。 Mayumi Hosoya, who is forty teaches Japanese at a community college in New York。 “Next term, Ill be teaching some of my classes using the internet. This is new for me.” says Mayumi. “At the moment, I am taking a course to learn how to teach this way。” At the same time, Mayumis seventyyearo

24、ld mother and father are taking a distance learning course in Art History. “We love the subject. says Mayumi father, “and now we can study with people from all over the world. I never thought learning could be this much fun.”61。The reading is mainly about _。A. Rachel Lopezs studying and working expe

25、riencesB. the education in the United StatesC. peoples life in New YorkD。 lifelong learning becoming more common62。Rachel is sure that _.A. getting an MBA is necessary for her job nowB. college studies didnt prepare her well for her jobC。 its not clever to get a masters or Ph。 D.in late thirtiesD. s

26、tudents neednt to study when they get a job63.The underlined words “distance learning” in the reading means_.A. studying in community collegesB. learning for higher degreesC. studying away from classroomsD. learning in the workplaces64。Mayumis parents are taking a course in _。A. the using of the Int

27、ernetB. the workplace skillsC. Japanese teachingD. Art History65. We know from the reading that _.A. many people go back to school to take training coursesB. Rachel graduated when she was twentyC. Mayumis teaching how to use the Internet nowD. many students stopped studying when looking for jobs. C

28、At a day care center in Texas, children were playing outside. One of the children was Jessica McClure。 She was18 months old。 Jessicas mother, who worked at the day care center, was watching the children。 Suddenly Jessica fell and disappeared。 Jessicas mother cried and ran to her. A well was in the y

29、ard of the canter。 The well was only eight inches across, and a rock always covered it。 But children had moved the rock. When Jessica fell, she fell right into the well。 Jessicas mother reached inside the well, but she couldnt feel Jessica。 She ran to the phone and dialed 911 for help. Man from the

30、fire department arrived。 They discovered that Jessica was about 20feet down in the well. For the next hours, the men talked and planned Jessicas rescue(营救)。 Then they told Jessicas parents their plan。 “We cant go into the well,” they said “Its too narrow. So, were going to drill(钻)a hole next to the

31、 well. Then well drill a tunnel across to Jessica. Then well bring her up through our hole。” The men began to drill the hole on a Wednesday morning. “Well reach Jessica in a few hours,” they though. The men were wrong。 They had to drill through solid rock。 Two days later, on Friday morning, there we

32、re still drilling。 And Jessica McClure was still in the well。 During her days in the well, Jessica sometimes caller her mother. Sometimes she slept, sometimes she cried, and sometimes she sang。 All over the world people waited for news of Jessica。 They read about her in newspapers and watched her re

33、scue on TV. Everyone worried about the little girl in the well. At 8 P.M on Friday, the men finally reached Jessica and brought her up from the well. Jessica was dirty, hungry, thirsty, and tired。 Her foot and forehead was badly injured。 But Jessica was alive。 A doctor at the hospital said, “Jessica

34、 is lucky she is very young. She s not going to remember this very well.” Maybe Jessica will not remember her days in the well。 But her parents, her rescuers, and many other people around the world will not forget them. After Jessicas rescue, one of the rescuers made a metal cover for the well。 On t

35、he cover he wrote, “To Jessica, with love from all of us.”66. Jessica fell into the well because_. A。 her mother was not watching herB. she was too weak C. the rock cover was moved awayD. other children played with her67。 To rescue Jessica, the rescuers_. A. had to dig another hole next to the well

36、B。 spent hours making a rescue plan C。 kept the secret of the rescue D。 tried to make the well big enough68. What the doctor said meant that_. A。 Jessicas parents should help her forget that B. no medicine could help Jessica to forget that C。 the hospital was lucky to help Jessica D. young Jessica w

37、ouldnt remember that for long69。 We learn from the reading that_. A. Jessica got many peoples attention B。 Jessica didnt make a sound in the well C. it took the whole Friday for the men to rescue Jessica D。 Jessicas parents made a new cover for the well 70. Which of the following can mostly probably

38、 be the title for the reading?A。 Rock CoverB. Dangerous WellC。 Everybodys Baby D. Careless Mother第卷非选择题(共35分)五、词与短语选择填空。仔细阅读下面五个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构、句意和逻辑上正确。(提示:选项中有一个是多余的)belong to/absent /use / make /humorous /send for71。 If you dont_ a flash, then it may be OK。72。 When it began to rain

39、, Ben was helping his mom _dinner.73. It could be Meis hair band. Or it might_ Linda。 They both have long hair.74. The British teacher is very_。 He always tell us interesting jokes.75. If you are always _from class, you will fail the examination.六阅读理解填词(共10题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读短文, 在其后空白出写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个

40、字母已给出。 Just before Christmas in 1971,a German girl called Juliana was flying over a big forest of America.The plane was flying high in the skySuddenly,there was a loud noise.Juliana found herself falling through the a 76.She closed her eyesShe b 77 that she was going to die She fell 3,000 meters.Whe

41、n she opened her eyes againshe found she l 78 in a tree in the middle of a forestShe was not dead! She was g 79 surprised that she was not only alive,but She wasnt badly h 80 .She was still sitting in her s 81 She was holding a bag of sweets She managed to stand on a big branches of the tree and c 8

42、2 down。 But she could see nobody else.She was alone except for a few dead b 83 here and there She began to walkAt first she had nothing to eat except the sweetsLater she found a little fruitShe had never seen this kind of fruit beforeShe found that the fruit was s 84 after she saw some monkeys eatin

43、g it After four days,she came to a deep riverShe walked by the side of the river for six m 85 days and at last arrived at an Indian villageShe found safe!答案: 76.air 77.believed 78.landed 79.greatly 80.hurt 81。seat 82。climbed 83.bodies 84。safe 85。more七书面表达(本大题15分) 加入你是李明。明天是周六,你打电话邀请好朋友Tom去看电影。请你用英语草

44、拟电话内容。要点如下:1. 上午9:00中华码头碰面,一起乘船去汉口新华电影院;2. 可能下雨,带伞;3. 电影完后去旁边的图书馆;4. 一部有趣的美国电影狮子王上映;5. 其他可能的建议或者安排活动。要求:1.不要逐条翻译,内容要连贯2。词数:60-80.参考词汇:图书城 Book City “狮子王”the Lion King 码头port2015年武汉市部分学校初中毕业生学业调研考试英语试卷 参考答案一、听力测试 (共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分)1 5 BABCB6 10 BBCAA11 15 CBBCB 1620 CCACC2125 ABCCA二、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)26 30 DBDCB31 35 CADCD3640 CCABD 三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 41 45 DCABC46 50 BDBAA51 55 DBCCA四、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 56 60 DBACD61 65 DBCDA66 70 CADAC五、词与短语选择填空(本题共10分,每小题2分) 71。 use 72。 make73. belong

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