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1、(完整版)2018体育单招英语第一次模拟试题试题版全国高等院校运动训练、武术与民族传统专业考试模拟题(一)英 语题号一二三四五总分得分注意事项:1.本卷分为第一、第二两卷,第一卷三大题,满分120分;第二卷两大题满分30分,共150 分。 2.答卷前请将密封线内的项目填写清楚。3。本卷考试时间:90分钟 第一卷(三大题,共120分)评卷人得分I. 单项选择(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。11. Peter usually gets up early _ the morning。 A. on B。 in C。 at D。 of2.Ou

2、r teacher suggested that we _ the paper before handing in it。 A. to check B. checking C。 will check D. check3。Jack is afraid of flying. He feels _ before he gets on the plane. A. surprised B. excited C。 proud D。 nervous 4。 You can have _second try if you fail _first time。 A. the; / B。 /; a C。 the; a

3、 D. a; the5。_ he left school at 16, he still managed to become a very successful business man。A。 Unless B. Even though C. As if D. Until6. Steve works very hard because he has a big family _.A. to support B. supporting C. support D. supported7. The fish tasted good. I mean it is _.A. available B。 de

4、licious C。 warm D. cheap8。-Could you carry this box of books for me? -_, but I have a pain in my back。A。 Thats easy B。 Id like to C. Ill help you D。 No problem9。 With the help of Project Hope, _poor children can go to school or return to school。 A。 The number of B。 a great many C. a good number D。 a

5、 great number 10.The accident resulted _the death of twenty five passengers。 A。 from B。 by C. to D. in 11. In the city, the prices of vegetables are _ than those of meat.A。 higher B。 highest C。 the highest D。 high12。 Women are smoking two extra cigarettes a week, _ with four years ago。A。 compares B.

6、 compared C。 comparing D. to compare13。 You did well in the math exam; you _ have done a good job of preparing for it.A。 will B. should C. would D. must14。 A successful man is one who had a chance and _it.A。 put B。 gave C. took D。 brought15。 Bring the flowers into a warm room _ theyll die。 A. or B.

7、and C。 but D. for16。 Dont leave for tomorrow _ you can do today. A. if B。 what C. that D。 unless 17。 He has such a big dog _ no one dares to go near his house。A. which B。 that C. as D。 so18。 -Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?-Thank you_.A. it couldnt be better B. of course you can C。

8、Id love to D。 My pleasure19. The meeting has been _ until Friday morning.A。 put away B. put off C。 put on D. put up20. My watch stopped, and I was late _ school this morning。A. to B. for C. at D. in 评卷人得分II. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Why do I wa

9、nt to go to college? No one has ever asked me _21_ a question. But many times I have asked myself。 I have _22_ a whole variety of reasons. _23_ important reason is that I want to be a better man。 Many things make human beings different _24_ or better than or even superior to animals。 One of the most

10、 important things is _25_ .If I fail to receive higher education, my education _26_ 。 As I want to be a fully _27_ man, I must get a well-rounded education, which good colleges and universities are supposed to _28_ . I know one can get educated in many ways, but colleges and universities are _29_ th

11、e best places to teach me how to educate myself. Only when I am welleducated, will I be a better human being and _30_ fit into society。 21. A。 quite B。 so C. such D。 another 22. A. come up with B。 agreed with C。 been fed up with D. got on well with 23. A。 Most B. The most C. More D. Much 24. A. to B

12、。 around C。 between D. from 25. A。 education B. weather C。 temperature D. science 26. A。 finished B. dont finish C。 will not finish D. has finished 27. A。 develop B。 developed C. developing D. experience 28. A。 improve B. graduate C。 hear D. provide 29. A。 between B. among C. inside D. outside 30. A

13、. can good B。 may better C. be able to better D. be able to best 评卷人得分。阅读理解(共15小题,每题4分,满分60分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A We do not usually think about how our language works。 Talking is such a natural, everyday activity that we do not often stop to consider how talking actually

14、 works。 When we do study our language, though, we are often surprised that we are able to understand our conversations。 Words can mean so many different things。 However, it turns out that the speaking situation helps a lot in making language work. First, the speaking situation helps make words more

15、particular. For example, the word “dog can describe a dog that a speaker saw in a dream. It can also be used to discuss a neighbors dog. No language has a separate word for the idea “dog that I saw yesterday” and another word for the idea “dog that I saw in a dream.” This is because the speaking sit

16、uation makes it clear what speakers mean when they use words。 So, when you have a conversation with your neighbor, the knowledge that you have a dog tells your neighbor what the word “dog” probably means in that situation。 The speaking situation also helps make language clearer。 For example, the wor

17、d “bank” has two possible meanings。 It can mean “a place where people keep money,” but it can also mean “the side of a river。” So the sentence “I went to the bank” is not clear。 It could mean I went to the side of the river or it could mean I went to the place where my money is kept. However, if the

18、 speaker is talking about fishing or going to the mountains, others probably know that “bank means “the side of a river。”The things that speakers say may not always be clear。 Sometimes the words are not very particular, but the speaking situation can provide the meaning。 Other times words may have m

19、any meanings. Then the speaking situation limits the right meaning. This extra knowledge from the situation is very important to understand language.41.The passage is mainly about _.A. he best time and place to talk to others B. how speaking situation helps language work C. what to say in difficult

20、situationsD. what language is42. According to the passage, we can safely say that _。A. a speaking situation does not affect the meaning of wordsB. speaking is not very natural for most people C. a speaking situation is not important D. people often do not consider how talking works 43. By using the

21、example of the word “dog”, the writer wants to show that _。A. a word may need to be explained in a conversationB. a word may have different meaningsC. speaking situation helps people understand the particular meaning of a wordD. the meaning of words is not particular44。 According to the passage, we

22、know the meaning of “bank by referring to _.A. the time and the place where the conversation happensB. the occupation of the person who uses the wordC. what do the speaker is talking aboutD. a reliable dictionaryBI turned 16 on Friday, but the Drivers License Office in my small hometown was only ope

23、n on Tuesday, so I had to wait through that extremely long weekend and an endless Monday before going in for my examination。I came to the Drivers License Office half an hour earlier that Tuesday morning, pacing back and forth on the worn porch waiting for the office to open at eight. I reviewed the

24、drivers manual for the hundredth time. I was ready。 I knew the manual backward and forward; I had made an “A” in my drivers training course, and I was a genius behind the wheel。Finally, the door opened and a wearylooking man in a brown uniform let me in。 “Let me guess。 You want to take the drivers t

25、est. his voice was not enthusiastic.“Yes! I answered in excitement。“OK, fill this out, and if you pass well go for a drive。”I grabbed the test and rushed to the desk where I filled it out in record time。 A quick check showed that my paper was perfect。“Lets get in the car。” He tossed me a set of keys

26、, and I slid behind the wheel。 Everything was going smoothly as we pulled out of the empty parking lot. I signaled a right hand turn, and we were on a deserted street. This was going to be easy。“Turn left and go up Young Blood Hill,” he ordered. My hometown is in the mountains, and Young Blood Hill

27、was almost vertical。 As I eased up the steep hill and came to a stop at the top, I heard the cars engine die. My heart sank。 I would have to start it again without rolling back down the hill。 I swallowed hard and turned the key; as I moved my foot from the brake, the car began to roll。 I suppose I c

28、ould have rolled all the way back to the bottom except for one thing. There was a police car behind me which stopped my roll with a rough shake and crash of glass。The policeman wrote me a ticket as I looked over the damage, and the man from the Drivers License Office slid behind the wheel. Obviously

29、,I failed the driving test。I waited until we had parked before I asked how long a person had to wait before taking the test again。 45。 What time does “that Tuesday morning in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. The morning when he made an “A” in his drivers training course.B. The morning when he knew the driver

30、s manual perfectly well。C. The first Tuesday morning immediately after his 16th birthday.D. The Tuesday morning right before his 16th birthday。46. From the underlined sentence “I grabbed the test and rushed to the desk where I filled it out in record time”, we can know that _ 。 A. the writer didnt l

31、ike the man from the Drivers License Office。B. the writer was excited and eager to go for the drivers test。C. time for the test was tight.D. the test paper was very easy.47. Why didnt the car roll back to the bottom?A. The engine died.B. It hit a police car。C. The writer braked it hard。D. The man fr

32、om the Drivers License Office helped make it stop.48. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. The man from the Drivers License Office got a ticket。B. The policeman drove the car away after the accident。C。 The writer failed the driving test.D。 The writer didnt want to take the driving test again

33、。 CNANJING, Nov。 4 (Xinhua) - Xi Jinping and Ma Ying-jeou will shake hands in their historic meeting scheduled in Singapore on Saturday, head of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council said on Wednesday。The two-part meeting includes one session open to the media and another behind closed door

34、s, said Zhang Zhijun, who is also head of the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, when interviewed at the Zijinshan Summit for Entrepreneurs across the Taiwan Strait.According to Zhang, Xi and Ma, as leaders of the two sides” of the Taiwan Strait, will exchang

35、e views during the closeddoor meeting.After the meeting, press conferences will be held by both sides. Later, the two leaders are expected to attend a dinner, said Zhang。Zhang said the meeting will lift crossStrait communication to a new high。The landmark meeting is a breakthrough in facetoface exch

36、ange and communication between the leaders across the Taiwan Strait after the relationship became strained following the events of 1949.Zhang said the meeting will improve mutual trust and allow for an exchange of opinions on handling the cross-Strait ties.In addition, the meeting will help strength

37、en the 1992 Consensus(共识), which was reached in talks between the two sides in 1992 and recognizes the oneChina principle, and safeguards the peaceful development of cross-Strait ties, according to Zhang。Zhang added that the scheduled meeting will also benefit regional peace and stability。Also at We

38、dnesdays summit, Chiang Pin-kung, former chairman of the Taiwan-based Straits Exchange Foundation, hailed the upcoming meeting between the two leaders as a milestone for cross-Strait ties.Chiang told the media that he believed the meeting will give a boost to the peaceful development of cross-Strait

39、 ties。 49。 According to the article, the meeting of the two leaders will _。A. be held at the Zijinshan Summit for Entrepreneurs across the Taiwan StraitB. be the first face-toface communication between people across the Taiwan StraitC. improve mutual trust and benefit regional peace and developmentD

40、. be all open to the media50. Which of the following statements about the 1992 Consensus is not true? A。 It was reached in 1992。B。 It recognizes the one-China principle.C. It safeguards the peaceful development of cross-Strait ties.D。 It is an agreement between China and Japan。51. Which can best sub

41、stitute the word “hailed” in the last paragraph ?A. sang high praise for B. was concerned about C. was impressed with D。 got well prepared for52。 Which might be the right sequence of the following events?a. The two leaders shake hands in front of the media。b. The two leaders hold press conferences。c

42、. The two leaders exchange views during the closed-door meeting。d. The two leaders have dinner together。A. a; b; c; d B. a; c; b; d C。 a; d; b; c D。 b; a; c; dD Researchers found that women who had given birth might have a reduced risk of death from several common conditions than those who had not,

43、according to a study released Friday by the Imperial College London (ICL)。The study, led by ICL researchers, was published in the journal BMC Medicine. It investigates the association between the so-called reproductive factors - such as having children and breastfeeding(母乳喂养) and a womans risk of de

44、ath.Researchers analyzed data from 322,972 women across 10 countries, including the UK, France, Germany and Sweden, with an average age of 50.Each woman was followed for an average of 12.9 years. During this period, there were 14,383 deaths overall, which included 5,938 deaths from cancer and 2,404

45、deaths from circulatory system diseases, according to the study。The team compared reproductive factors with risk of death from several common conditions, such as breast cancer, stroke and heart disease.The researchers found that women who had given birth had a 20 percent reduced risk of death than those who had not。 It was also found that there was a reduced risk of death (eight percent) in women who had breastfed compared to those who did not.The risk of death from cancer was lower in those that had given birth compared to those that had not. Within this group,

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