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1、(完整版)新概念英语第三册第15课Lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble1. pence 1. (often in compound) pl。 of pennye。g。 (1) 两便士 twopence (2) 十一便士 eleven pence (3) 几个便士 a few pence2。 pence 便士价钱的e。g。 (1) 一枚13便士的邮票 a 13-pence stamp (2) 一枚5便士的硬币 a 5-pence piece (=coin)注:英语中的便士有两种复数形式 pence 和 pennies ,但用法不同。如:a fifty pe

2、nce 指1个50便士的硬币fifty pennies指50个1便士的硬币2. worth worth of 指值一定金额数量的;相当于特定单位数量的worth 为名词,常用介词of搭配使用,构成以上意义。worth n。 u value 价值e。g. (1) 价值极高的宝石 jewels of great worth (2) 这场暴风雨造成数千英镑价值的损失. The storm did thousands of pounds worth of damage。adj。 worth1。 having a value in money 有价值;值钱e。g。 我们的房子大约值10万美元。 Our

3、house is worth about 100000.2.sth。 / doing sth。 (指行动)值得,有价值e。g。 这是部很值得看的影片。 Its a film that is really worth seeing.antonym: worthless adj. 没用的,无价值的3. appreciate v。 欣赏;领会;感激。后接名词、代词或动名词,不可使用动词不定式,如:(1) 我们当中没有几个能真正欣赏京剧。Not many of us can appreciate Beijing opera。(2) 运动员极为珍稀能有空休息一下。The players really a

4、ppreciate having time to relax.appreciate v.1. 向表示感谢,感激e。g。 (1) 对你的帮助我们表示感谢。 We appreciate your help. (2) 我们非常感激在这么困难的时候有这么好的朋友. We appreciate having such good friends at this difficult time。2。 欣赏,赏识e。g. 他们确实欣赏威尔士平和、宁静的农村生活. They really appreciate the peace and quiet of rural Wales.3. (充分)意识到,体会e.g。

5、 我知道令你焦急不安的原因。I appreciate the reasons for your anxiety.4. provide a regular supply of 定期供应/提供e。g. 过去政府总是定期向那一落后地区提供救济粮.The government used to provide a regular supply of relief grain for that backward area。(give them pocket money regularly 按时给他们零花钱)supply v。1。(to) to provide (sth that is needed)供应(

6、所需物品)e。g。 政府免费给学校供应书籍。The government supplies free books to schools。2. (with) to provide things to (a person) for use向某人提供某物e。g。 给新招聘人员发放了制服. The new recruits were supplied with uniforms。supply n. of (一般用复数)an amount for use 供给量,供应量e.g。 你要带大量的食品来。Bring a large supply of food with you。2. in short sup

7、ply difficult to obtain because of shortage 供应不足,短缺e.g。 由于收成不好,现在马铃薯供应不足. Potatoes are in short supply because of the bad harvest。5。 source n。 of a place from which something comes; means of supply 来源,出处e。g. 我们不得不寻找新的收入来源。We ll have to find a new source of income。the place where a stream of water st

8、arts.溪流的发源地,泉源,水源e。g.我们逆流而上,寻找河流的源头。We followed the river back to discover its source。6。 extra adj. ,advadditional(ly); beyond what is usual or necessary额外的(地);特别的(地)e.g. (1)我需要一些额外的钱。I need some extra money。(2) 我要特别努力地工作。Im going to work extra hard。as well as the regular charge 外加的e。g. (1)晚饭的价钱是三英镑

9、,酒水另计。 Dinner costs 3 pounds, and wine is extra。 (2) 他们对酒水另外收钱。They charge extra for wine. (3) 用于名词后 我不得不另付三英镑。I had to pay 3 extra。extra n。 1。sth added, for which an extra charge is made另外收费的事物e.g. 在这家旅店热水浴另外收费。 At this hotel a hot bath is an extra。2. a special edition (=one printing)of a newspaper

10、报纸的号外e.g。晚间最新号外!Late evening extra!7。 with 对于,就来说。介词with可用来表示与所谈话题看起来相关的事物,如:e。g. (1)(对)他们(来说)一切都进行得很顺利。 Everything was going on well with them。 (2) 对那些不思进取的人来说都一样。 With those who dont hope to make any progress, its the same。8。 go a long way 耐用,经用(通常用来指食物或钱财能维持很长时间)e。g. 那两个人从他们正在下沉的船上打捞的食物的确能维持不少时日.

11、The food the two men saved from their sinking boat could really go a long way.此外,go a long way还常被用来表示“有很大作用”“大有帮助之意 如:e.g. 好的意愿与协作有益于你顺利取得成功。 Goodwill and cooperation can go a long way to(wards) smoothing your way to the success。9。 exchange v. T (for, with) to give and receive in return (sth of the

12、same type or equal value)交易;交换,调换e。g.(1)两队在开赛前交换礼品. The two teams exchanged presents before the game。 (2) 我们经常在圣诞节互寄信函。 We often exchange letters at Christmas。 (3) 我同比尔互换了座位。 I exchanged seats with Bill.exchangefor以(用)换(取)e.g. 我想把这套裙子换号大些的。Id like to exchange this dress for one in a larger size。如同介词

13、with则表示“同换”之意e.g。 玛丽同约翰换了座位. Mary exchanged seats with John。exchange n。1. c;u (a case of) the act of exchanging交换,互换e.g。 他给我一个苹果,交换一块蛋糕。 He gave me an apple in exchange for a piece of cake.2。 交易所e。g. 股票交易所the Stock Exchange10。 sweet n.1. c BrE 糖果a small piece of sweet food made of sugar or chocolate

14、e.g. 吃糖果对牙齿有坏处。 Eating sweets is bad for your teeth.2。 c; u BrE sweet food served at the end of a meal, dessert. (餐后的)甜食,甜点adj。 1. having a taste like that of sugar 甜(味)的e.g. 一个甜苹果 a sweet apple2。 pleasing to the senses悦耳的;惬意的;芬芳的;令人感觉愉快的e.g。 悦耳的音乐 sweet music3。 (esp. of small or young things) charm

15、ing, lovable 尤指小的事物或年幼的孩子可爱的e。g.你们的小男孩穿上新外套,样子真可爱。 Your little boy looks very sweet in his new coat。4. gentle, kind, or attractive in manner举止、态度和蔼可亲的,温柔的,体贴的e.g. 你没忘记我的生日,多么体贴人啊! How sweet of you to remember my birthday.adv. -ly11。 rattle v。 1.I; T to (cause to) make a number of quick sharp noises

16、like small hard objects hitting each other repeatedly(使)咯咯作响, (使)互相碰撞发出短促细小的声音e.g. (1) 几扇窗子在风中作响. The windows rattled in the wind. (2) 那个乞丐把罐子里的硬币摇得咯咯响. The beggar rattled the coins in his tin。2. to move quickly while making these noises咔哒咔哒地迅速移动,嘎啦嘎啦地快速行进e.g. 那辆大车嘎啦嘎啦地沿着石板路快速驶过。 The cart rattled al

17、ong the stony road.3。 T (informal) to make anxious and cause to lose confidence 使慌乱,使紧张,使窘迫不安e。g. 考试不及格使她感到极度不安。 She was badly rattled by her failure in the exam.n。 1.a rattling noise 咯咯声,嘎嘎声 2。 c a babys toy that rattles 咯咯响的幼儿玩具,拨浪鼓12. thrifty adj。 using money and goods carefully and wisely; showi

18、ng or practicing thrift节俭的,节约的e.g. 节俭的主妇 a thrifty housewife 简单的饭菜 a thrifty mealthriftily adv。 thrift n。 u (fml) wise and careful use of money and goods; avoidance of waste 节俭,节约13. fill up v.1.I; T(=fill sth。 up) to make or become completely full (使)充满,装满e.g. (1) 房子很快就挤满了(人). The room soon filled

19、up (with people). (2) 请把车子加满油。 Fill the car up, please。2. T (fill sth up) esp. BrE to complete (a form) by answering the questions in the spaces provided 填写【表格】副词up同某些动词搭配使用时,通常表示出“完全”、“彻底之意 如:tear up (撕碎), eat up (吃光), drink up (喝光),use up (用光) 等e。g。 (1) 把杯子里的水喝光,然后我再给你倒上. Drink up, then Ill refill

20、 your glass。 (2) 谁把牛奶都倒光了? Whos used up all the milk?14。 for most of对大部分/多数来说。介词for在这里表示“就而言”、“对来说” 之意e。g. 就篮球运动员而言,他矮了点儿。Hes a bit short for a basketball player.15. bar n。 1. a piece of solid material that is longer than it is wide。 条状硬物,棒,杆,条e.g. 一条肥皂; 一块条形巧克力; 一根铁条 a bar of soup a bar of chocolat

21、e a bar of iron2。 a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic and other drinks酒吧16. have found their way there被放进那里边find ones way to常用来表达:1.设法到达;努力达到e。g。 放心吧,她能自己找到你家的。 Take it easy。 Shes able to find her way to your house by herself。2. (由于外界力量而) 进入,流入e.g。 那条大河流入大海。 That long river finds its way t

22、o the sea。3。(意外地)被发现在,如:e.g.-这不,你的烟在床上。 Here are your cigarettes on the bed。 天啊!它们怎么竟会跑到这儿呢? Good god! How on earth did they find their way there。17. advise v。 I; T to give advice to; say or write (sth) as advice 劝告;忠告;指点;提供意见e。g.(1)(+sb。+to do sth)我劝她等待. I advised her to wait。 (2)+ving 我劝你早些离开。 I a

23、dvise leaving early。+that I advise that you leave early. (3)sb。+that我劝她等待。 I advised her that she should wait.advice n. u 劝告,忠告,意见e。g. (1) 我征求这位女医生的意见. I asked the doctor for her advice. (2) 你要是听我劝告的话,最好别向任何人透露此事。 If you take my advice, you wont tell anyone about this.18. save v.1. T (from) to make

24、safe from danger, harm or destruction救,搭救,挽救,拯救e.g。 医生们竭尽全力挽救她的生命。 The doctors tried their best to save her life.2. I (up, for) to keep and add to an amount of money for later use储蓄,攒钱e.g. (1) 孩子们应该学会攒钱. Children should learn to save. (2) 我们正在为买新车而攒钱。 We are saving for a new car。19。 instead adv.1. i

25、n place of that代替,顶替e。g. 天气太潮湿,不宜去散步,我们改去游泳吧。 Its too wet to go for a walk; Lets go swimming instead.2。 instead of in place of 代替而不是e.g. (1) 你应该工作而不该在床上躺着. You should be working instead of lying there in bed. (2) 你代替我去开会好不好? Will you go to the meeting instead of me?Instead 而,却,为副词,常用于句首或句末。用于句首时,起连接

26、上下文的作用,通常表达出与前一句相反的或不同的情况。用于句末时,常用于两个独立的句子或一并列句中后一句的句尾,表达“本应却”的含义。e.g. (1) 他从不安心工作,整天就是玩。 He never keeps his mind on his work. Instead, he plays all day。 (2) 她原以为他会答应,没想到他却没答应。 She had expected him to say yes, but he said no instead。 (3) 我本想亲自去,但许多事缠身,他就去了。I was supposed to go myself, but she went i

27、nstead since I was tied up with so many things。20。 bounce v。1. I, T (of a ball) to spring back or up again after hitting a surface球弹回,反弹,跳起e.g.球打在墙上又反弹回来。 The ball hit the wall and bounced off it.2。 to cause (a ball) to do this使(球)弹回e。g. 把球往墙上打。 to bounce a ball against a wall 3. to move with a spri

28、nging movement, often suddenly or noisily, 跳上跳下,蹦蹦跳跳e。g. 她蹦蹦跳跳地走进房间. She bounced into the room。n. 1. c 跳起,弹回,反弹 2。 u 弹性,弹力 3. u ifml 活力,精力,朝气bouncy adj. full of life and confidence, and eager for action 生气勃勃的,活跃的e。g. 精力充沛的人 a bouncy person21。 disappear v. I1. to go out of sight消失,不见e。g. 太阳消失在一片云后面。

29、The sun disappeared behind a cloud.2。 to stop existing, come to an end不复存在,灭绝,消亡e.g。 这些漂亮的鸟类正在面临灭种。 These beautiful birds are fast disappearing.3. To leave or become lost, esp. suddenly or without explanation (突然)离去,失踪;丢失e.g。 警察到达时,那帮歹徒已跑得无影无踪。 By the time the police arrived the gang had disappeared

30、。disappearance n. c; u22. roll v. 1. T (up) to form into a tube or other (stated) shape by curling round and round 卷,把卷成筒状e。g. (1) 把地毯卷起来. to roll up a carpet (2) 他收拢了伞。 He rolled (up) his umbrella.2.To turn over and over or from side to side, or move by doing this(使)打滚,滚动,转动e。g。 (1) 那只狗在地板上打滚. The

31、dog rolled on the floor。 (2) 球滚进了洞里。 The ball rolled into the hole。 (3) 司机摇下车窗。 The driver rolled down his window.23。 What is more 而且;更糟的是作插入语,用以通过新的附加信息对前文所述作进一步地强调。应注意的是what is more 为一固定结构,用于任何时态结构的句子中均需使用ise.g. (1)Whats more, he added, There are no signs of any change “而且,”他接着说,“没有丝毫要改变的迹象。” (2)

32、他们不仅误了火车,更糟的是,他们把行李还都丢了。They missed the train, and what is more, they lost all their belongings.24。 crowd n. 1.c a large number of people gathered together人群e。g. (1)事故的现场很快围了一大群人。 A big crowd soon gathered at the scene of the accident。 (2) 剧场里聚着一群一群的人。 There were crowds of people at the theatre. 2。

33、people in general, esp. when thought of as easily influenced or lacking original ideas.百姓,群众(尤指无主见的人) e。g。 我按照自己的意愿行事,我不随大流。 I do what I like; I dont go with / follow the crowd.v. 1. to come together in large numbers群集,聚集;拥挤 e.g。 他们全都挤进了电影院。 They all crowded into the cinema。2。T (esp. of people) to f

34、ill装满,塞满;尤指人挤满:e。g. 街上挤满了购物的人。Shoppers crowded the streets.25。 gather vt.1. 聚集,集拢e.g. 他们为示威召集了成千上万的人。They managed to gather hundreds of people for the demonstrations.2。 采摘,收集e.g。 (1) 孩子们在外面的田野里采野花。 The children are out in the field gathering wild flowers. (2) 收集这些书花费了我一生的时间。 Its taken me a lifetime

35、to gather all these books。26. rub v。 bb T to put on, over, or into a surface by rubbing 把涂擦在表面;使渗入e.g。 先抹点盐在这块肉上面,然后再煮它. Rub salt into the meat before cooking it.2.I; Tto press ones hand or another surface against (sth), usually with a repeated up-and-down or round-andround movement 擦,摩擦e。g. 我用一块布擦窗

36、子。I rubbed the window with a cloth.27. stick v. (stuck)1。I to become fixed in position; not move卡住,钉住e。g.我打不开这门,它卡住了。I cant get this door to openit keeps sticking。2.I, T to (cause to) be fixed (as if) with a sticky substance粘,粘住,粘贴e。g。 他把那幅画贴到了墙上。 He stuck the picture on the wall3。to push (esp。 a po

37、inted object) into or through sth刺,戳,刺入,刺穿e。g。 她把叉子扎到肉里。 She stuck her fork into the meat.28. brigade n。1. a part of an army, of about 5000 soldiers.旅(约有五千名士兵)2. an organization formed to carry out certain duties (担负特殊使命的) 队,组e.g。 消防队 the Fire Brigade30. free vt. freed fri:d1。(from) to allow to go f

38、ree; release释放,使自由e。g. 他把鸟从笼子里放走了。 She freed the bird from its cage。2。 (from) to move or loosen (a person or thing that is prevented from moving) 解救,使摆脱e。g。 部分旧墙塌在那个工人身上,花了半小时才把他救出来。Part of the old wall fell on the workman, and it took half an hour to free him。3。 to take away conditions that stop so

39、meone doing sth解除, 脱离e。g。 放弃了工作我便能脱出身子,花更多时间跟孩子们在一起。Giving up my job freed me to spend more time with the children.free adj。 /adv. 1. 自由的(地)2。 不受约束的(地)3. 免费的(地)31. grease n。 u1. animal fat when soft after being melted (炼出的)动物油脂2. any thick oily substance, esp. one used to help the moving parts of ma

40、chines to run smoothly 润滑油V。 T to put grease on 给涂油脂32。 own V. T (not in progressive forms)1. to possess (sth), esp. by lawful right (尤指以法定权力) 拥有 (某物)e.g。 谁拥有这栋房子? Who owns this house?2. (fml) to admit 承认e.g。 他承认是他错了。 He owns (that) he was wrong.own determiner, pronbelonging to oneself and to no one

41、 else 属于自己的e。g. 这(完全)是她自己的想法. It was (all) her own idea。owner n。 a person who owns sth. , esp。 by lawful right (尤指合法的) 所有人,物主,业主33. hear about 听说, 用以表达间接地如通过第三者、书报等听说有关某人或某事的一些话,如e。g。 (1) 我们听说来了几位新老师。 We have heard of / about the arrival of some new teachers。 (2) 你哪儿听说过这种事!(气愤) Have you ever heard o

42、f such a thing!34. reward v。 T (for, with) to give a reward to (someone) or for (an action)酬报,酬谢,报答,奖赏e.g. 他们给了那个男孩五英镑,酬谢他把走失的狗送回来. They rewarded the boy with 5 for bringing back the lost dog。通常指因做了某一具体事情而得到报答或酬谢。其后只能以指人或人的行为的词语作宾语。报答或酬谢的物品前需使用介词with; 如为报答或酬谢的原因则使用介词for, 如:e.g。 (1) 谁找到它将得到一百美元的酬金。 T

43、hose who find it will be rewarded with 100。 (2) 对于他的帮助,我答谢了他。 I rewarded him for his help。n. 1. c; u酬报,酬谢,报答,奖赏e。g. 我不指望得到什么报答,我做这件事只是因为我喜欢干。 I dont expect anything in reward; I did it because I enjoyed it。 2. c (for) 赏金,酬金e.g.警方为获得这起抢劫案的线索而重金悬赏。The police are offering a big reward for information about the robbery.9

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