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1、初中英语动名词的用法 动名词,即“动词原形+ing”变成名词使用,具有双重性,既有动词的某些特征,有动词的各种变化形式;又有名词的某些性质,在句中充当主语、宾语、表语、定语。同时也能被副词修饰或者支配宾语。 一、动名词的名词的性质 1. 作主语 动名词作为主语有以下几种表现形式: 1) 直接作为主语。 例如: Taking exercise everyday is a good habit. Finding work is difficult these days. Walking is a good form of exercise for both young and old. 句中Wal

2、king(散步)作为句子主语,直接出现。句意:散步对年轻人和老年人是一项很好的运动。 2) 用it作形式主语,真正的主语作为后置主语。 例如: It isnt easy trying to climb the mountain. 句中It作为形式主语,动名词短语trying to do sth. 才是真正的主语。 能用于上述结构的形容词有:better,wonderful,enjoyable,interesting,foolish,difficult,useless,senseless,worthwhile等。但是important,essential,necessary等形容词不能用于上述结

3、构。 用it代替动名词作形式主语的除了上述句型外,还有一种句型为: It is no use/ useless/ useful/ no good/ great fun/ a waste of time/ nice/ good+ v-ing 例如: Its no use trying to argue with him. 3) “There be”的结构 这种句型一般是否定形式,There是引导词,作为形式主语,动名词做真正主语。意思是“不可能”。 例如: There is no joking about such matters. 4) 告示或简略的警告用语中,动名词在祈使句中作主语一般是否定

4、的、省略的形式。 例如: No climbing. (No climbing is allowed.) 5) 组成复合结构 动名词有自己的逻辑主语时,可在其前面加上所有格,使之变成复合结构,可作为句中主语。 例如: Does our helping mean a lot to all of you? My repairing the radio made it worse. My repairing作为复合结构出现,作为句子主语,此时非谓语动词的形式,要特别注意。 2. 作宾语 1) 动名词可以作为动词的直接宾语,可接动名词作宾语的动词有:admit,complete,finish,image

5、等。 例如: You can easily fake up an excuse to avoid going out with him. Richard turned of the computer after he had finished writing the email. I kept thinking of what David would say when he came back. 2) 动名词也可以作为介词的补足成分,但是except和but两词需慎重考虑,情况需要多方面考虑。 有些词组后必须跟动词的动名词形式,如:give up,put off,burst out,get t

6、hrough,cant help,insist on,feel like,be good at,be tired of,be fond of,be afraid of,pay attention to,get to,get/ be used to,used to等。 例如: I cant help recalling the words. Please excuse me for opening your letter by mistake. I do not feel like sleeping now. 3) 作为形容词的宾语 例如: The book is well worth read

7、ing more than once. be worth doing是“很值得做某事”,形容词worth后加动词的动名词结构做宾语。 3. 作表语 动名词作表语时,多表示主语的职业、功能、行为等等性质,可以与主语互换位置,但不影响句子的意思。 例如: Her hobby is playing volleyball. playing volleyball作为表语,是hobby的内容。二者可以互换位置,而不影响句子的意思。 The most important Easter tradition is giving each other Easter eggs,because eggs are th

8、e symbol of new life. giving each other Easter eggs作为表语,是tradition的内容。二者可以互换位置,而不影响句子的意思。 4. 作定语 动名词作定语时,表示作用、用途,作为前置定语出现,指什么样的。 例如: a washing machine the reading room All the students are now busy reviewing their lessons for the coming examination. be busy doing sth.是“忙于做”,coming作为前置定语,修饰examinatio

9、n意为“即将到来的考试”。 二、动名词的时态语态 1. 动名词的一般式 1) 表示动作与谓语动词同时发生。 例如: Everyone is practicing speaking English. Seeing his mother, the baby could not help laughing. 2) 表示在谓语动词所表示的动作之后发生,与动名词的完成式用法相似,此时通常相关的动词有advise,delay等。 例如: He denied telling/ having told me. (他否认告诉过我。) I regret not coming/ having come earlie

10、r. (我后悔没有来早点。) 3) 在明确表示时间的动词和介词如after,on,upon或for之后,常用一般式代替完成式,表示动作发生在谓语动作之前。 例如: After answering his question, she asked back. 2. 动名词的完成式 动名词的完成式就是将“have+过去分词”中的助动词have改为动名词即可,如having been,having come,having gone,having left等。动名词的完成式所表示的是动作或状态在谓语动词之前完成或结束。 例如: Im sorry for having wasted your time. 动名词用完成式表示“浪费你的时间”在先,“感到抱歉”在后。 3. 动名词的被动结构 当句中的逻辑主语是动作的承受者时,用被动语态。 例如: After having been interviewed, he was offered the job. No one enjoys being laughed at.

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