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1、(完整版)中考英语专项练习-数词基数词的构成及用法构成 一、基数词的构成 1112的表述1-12各有各的形式,即one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve。 213-19的表述13-19的数字皆以-teenti:n结尾,其中,fourteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen和nineteen分别由four,six,seven,eight,nine加后缀-teen变成的,eighteen中只保留一个t。thirteen,fifteen分别由three和five转花而来. 320-90数字的表达

2、2090的数字皆以-ty结尾,其中,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety分别由six,seven,eight和nine加后缀ty构成,eighty中只保留一个t.其他同上. 42099之间的数字的表达2099之间的数词须在十位和个位之间加连字符“-”,如twentyfive。 5百位以上的数字的表达以及读在表达百位以上的数字时,必须在百位,十位和个位之间加and,在读音时也应读上and,如:104可表达为one hundred and four,486读作four hundred and eighty-six. 6 “万”的表达。英语中没有万和亿单词,只有百(hundred)

3、,千(thousand),百万(million),十亿(billion)。英语中表示“万”时,用10千.如:forty thousand四万。表示“亿时需用百万来表示。如:two hundred million两亿。 7 7.1,000以上的数字,从后向前数。每三位数加“,。第一个“,”前为thousand,第二个“,前为million,第三个“,前为billion。3,333,333,333读为three billion,three hundred and thirtythree million, three hundred and thirty-three thousand,three h

4、undred and thirty 8。hundred,thousand,million 前有若有具体数字时,要用单数形式,但如果他们后面有of ,则要用复数形式。同时,前面不能再加具体的数目。二、基数词的用法(1)基数词在句中主要用作主语、宾语、定语、表语、同位语,例如:ThirtyofthemarePartymembers。(主语)-Howmanywouldyoulike?-Three,please(作宾语)ThenineboysarefromTianjin.(定语)Sixplusfouristen.(表语)Wefourwillgowithyou.(同位语)(2)表示一个具体数字时,hun


6、isearlythirtiesHediedstillinhisfortiesThistookplacein1930s(4)表示时刻用基数词。例如:Wegetupatsix.Theworkersbeginworkateight.表示“几点过几分,用past,但须在半小时以内.例如:ten past ten, a quarter past nine, 表示“几点差几分用to,但分数须在半小时以上。例如:twentytonineaquartertoten表示几点几分用基数词。例如:sevenfifteen,eleventhirty,ninetwenty序数词的构成及用法一、序数词的构成1第一,第二,



9、third,five-fifth,eight-eighth,nine-ninth,twelve-twelfth。(4)表示年,月,日时,年用基数词表示,日用序数词表示。例如:1949年十月一日读作:October(the)first,nineteensixty2004年九月十日读作:September(the)tenth,twothousandandfour(5) 表示分数时,分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示.分子大于1时,分母加-s.例如:threefourths,onesecond,twofifths(6)序数词缩写形式:first1stsecond2ndthird3rdfourth4t

10、htwentysecond22nd分数的表示法1分数的表示法:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大与一时,分母用复数形式.2|3twothirds3|5threefifths2整数与分数之间用and连接。One/anhourandahalf3分数的用法结构为“分数+of+the+名词”表示“。.。的几分之几,当其作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于短语中名词的复数1. About_studentsinourclasscandescribethatplaceinEnglish.2. A.three-fifthsB。three-fifthC。thirdfiveD.third-fifths2。Nine_



13、anD.The;the8.Thereis_appleandsomepearsonthetable。A.theB。/C.aD。an9。Davidhas_cat。Itsverynice.A.aB.anC。theD。/10. Imreading_novel。Itis_interestingstory。A。a;anB.a;aC.the;theD。/;an11。ItissaidthatSARShaskilledmorethan_peopleworldwide。A.threehundredsB.threehundredsC.threehundredsD.threehundred12。Howmanywork



16、ober1,1949C.August1,1927D。May1,192218。Iwas8yearsoldwhenmyfatherwas31.Thisyearmyfatheristwicemyage.HowoldamI?A。21B。22C.23D。2419._ChinesearelookingforwaystolearnEnglishwellbeforeBeijing2008Olympics。A。ThousandB.ThousandsC.ThousandofD.Thousandsof20. Bothofthetworulersarebroken.Iwanttobuya_one.A. threeB.

17、thirdC。forthD./数词跟踪练习1。 There are _ days in a year. A。 three hundreds and sixty-five B。 three hundred and sixty five C。 three hundred and sixty-five D。 three hundreds and sixtyfive2。The volunteers sent _ books to a mountain village school on Childrens Day. A. two hundreds of B. two hundred of C. two

18、 hundreds D。 two hundred3.I went to college in _ and began to work in _。A. the 1990s; twentyB. the 1980s, twentiethC. 1980; my twentiesD. 1980s, my twenties4.Audrey Hepburn passed away peacefully in her_ (sixty).5. The earthquake happened on the _(20) of April。6. December is the _(twelve) month of a

19、 year。7.We had a big family celebration on my grandpas _(ninety)birthday.8。 On January 9th this year, London Underground celebrate its _(one hundred and fifty) birthday。9.Two thirds of the water_(be)polluted.10.Two thirds of students _(like)football。11. About _of the students in Grade Nine this year

20、 were born in the_。A。 three five; 1996。 B. three fifths; 1990s C。 third fifth; 1997. D。 third fifths; 1990s 12。 There are days, in a week and Tuesday is _ day of the week. A。 seven ,third B. seven ,the third C。 seventh ,three D. the seventh, three 13. Please turn to Page _ and look at the _ picture

21、in this unit.A. twentieth; one B. Twenty; oneC. twentieth; first D。 Twenty; first14. - How was your weekend? - Great! It was my grandfathers _ birthday. We enjoyed ourselves。 A。 seventy B。 seventieth C. the seventieth D。 seventeenth15。 The chairperson received about three _ applications to join the

22、Bird watching Club. A。hundred B。 hundreds of C. hundred of D。 hundreds16. He wrote his _ novel when he was _. A。 five; fiftiesB. fifth; fifty C。 fifth; fiftieth17。 _ visitors come to Xingyi during May Day holidays every year。 A。 Thousands of B. Two thousands C。 Thousand of D. Thousand18。 About _of t

23、he students in Grade Nine this year were born in the_。A。 three five; 1996.B。 three fifths; 1990s C. third fifth; 1997. D。 third fifths; 1990s用所给词的适当形式填空1They live on the _(five) floor。2On my sisters _(nine) birthday, I gave her a useful book.3_ (hundred) of people come here to read books on weekends

24、。4About two _(thousand) trees have been planted along the river。5. Three _ (four) of the students in our class like basketball。6Fathers Day is on the _(three) Sunday of June.7They live on the _ (twentysix) floor of the tall building。8In the _ (eight) picture, you can see many young trees.9He left his parents when he was _ (seven) years old。10Its the _ (thirty) song that he has written。11My _ (one) name is Linda. What about yours?12She became very famous in her _ (forty)13。 Three quarters of fruit juice _(eat) by him just now。

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