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1、(完整word)酒店英语:餐厅迎宾服务相关的英语酒店英语:餐厅迎宾服务相关的英语迎宾入席基本应对1) How many persons, please? 请问有几位呢? 2) Where would you prefer to sit? 您喜欢坐在哪里? 3) Ill show you to y our table. 我来为您领位. 4) This way, please。 这边请. 5) Is this table fine? /How about this table? 这张台如何? 6) A waiter/waitress will come soon to take your orde

2、r。 服务员很快会来为您写菜单。 7) Do you have a meal voucher/ breakfast voucher? 您有餐券/早餐券吗?迎接有预订的客人 1) Do you have a reservation? 请问您有预订吗? 2) May I have your name ,please? 请问您贵姓? 3) We are expecting you。 我们正恭候您的光临。 4) Im afraid the table you reserved is not ready yet。 恐怕您预订的餐位还没有准备好。 5) Im afraid that we let anot

3、her guest sit at your table since you did not arrive at the reserved time。 因为您没有按照预订的时间来,所以我们将座位安排给另外一位客人了。 6) Would you mind waiting until it is free or would you prefer another table? 您介意等会儿吗?或者您去另外一桌好吗?请客人稍后 1) We can seat you very soon. 我们很快就会安排您入座。 2) It may take about 15 minutes。 可能需要 15 分钟才有空

4、位。 3) Could you wait for another 5 minutes, please? 您再等 5 分钟好吗? 4) Could you wait in line until a table is free, please? 请您排队等空位好吗? 5) Im sorry to have kept you waiting。 很抱歉让您久等了。 6) Im afraid this table is reserved for 7 p.m. 恐怕这张餐台有人已经预订了,7 点就来。 餐厅安排 1) Im afraid we cant seat you at the same table

5、。 恐怕没办法让您们坐同一桌。 2) Would you mind sitting separately? 您们是否介意分开坐? 3) Would you like a high chair for your child? 要不要给您的孩子拿一张高椅呢? 4) Im afraid that table is reserved, sir。 恐怕那张桌子已经有人预订了,先生。 5) Would you mind sharing a table? 您介意和别人同桌吗? 6) Some other guests wish to join this table。 别的客人想跟您共享这张桌子. 7) Would you mind moving over a little? 您介意移过去一点吗? 8) Another guest wishes to sit at the counter。 Could you move down one seat, please? 另外一位客人想坐在柜台边.您能够挪过去一点儿吗? 9) Excuse me, sir, but may I pass? 抱歉,先生,我能够从这儿过去吗? 10) Could you move your chair closer to the table ,please? 您能够把椅子拉近桌子一些吗?

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