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1、2022高考英语一轮复习 必修5 Module 6 主观题组合练要规范优质练习外研版2022高考英语一轮复习 必修5 Module 6 主观题组合练要规范优质练习外研版年级:姓名:必修5Module6必修5Module6主观题组合练要规范(40mins).语法填空Needless to say,the trip to the Great Barrier Reef (大堡礁) was a great experience.The first day 1 (begin) early at a dive shop in Cairns.2 took a few hours to get to the

2、first reef,so we had a good chance 3 (meet) the people wed be hanging out with.Diving was great.Even from the surface of the water,I had a 4 (wonder) view of the reef.Between the fish 5 the endless coral,there was something interesting and beautiful to look at in every 6 (direct).When the sun hit th

3、e reef,everything seemed even more bright and alive.As we swam around,tons of colorful fish were diving in and out of the coral and I also saw starfish dancing in the waves as sharks swam past.I couldnt believe how 7 (relax) I felt! Everything moved slowly.It was so enjoyable.I still remembered that

4、 day 8 I dove deep into the Great Barrier Reef with great courage.Going diving for my last Australian adventure was the 9 (good) decision I made.If I had to describe the experience in one word,Id say diving in the Great Barrier Reef was 10 (simple) unbelievable.短文改错Dear Eden,Im awful sorry that I ha

5、ve to ask a favor for you in the hope that you can be kind to help me.As you know it,Im apply for a part-time job.In addition,I have to pass a oral test.However my speaking English is very poor.Otherwise,I hope you will give me some advice on how to speak better and that I can practice it with you t

6、ogether.I had promised to be a diligent student.If you are available,please call me as soon as possible.I hope that I can visit you in the following two day.I would appreciate very much if you could help me.Im looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Dave.书面表达假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Henry来信说他寒假期间将来中国旅游,并借此了解中



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