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1、精品文档就在这里-各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-酒店英语Unit two Concierge service礼宾服务1. bellboy行李员 2.corridor走廊3. channel 频道 4.brochure小册子5.doorman门童 6.name tag名签7.case 案件,箱子 8.prepayment预付9.master switch 总开关 10.right away马上11.in a minute 过一会儿 12.laundry bags洗衣袋13.take off 起飞,脱下, 14.reconfirmation再次确认15.T

2、his way ,please 这边,请!16.at the end of the corridor 在走廊的尽头17.its nice to see you again , Mr.Smith 很高兴再次见到您,史密斯先生18.very glad to have you here.很高兴您能来我们这儿。19.shall I call a taxi for you,sir?要我为您叫出租车吗,先生。20.Are you going up or down?你要上升还是下降21.After you, sir 先生,您先请!22.Please watch your step,sir.请注意脚下,先生。

3、23.You car is already waiting for you at the main entrance 您的车已经在主要入口处等候您了!Unit three check in 登记入住1. register 登记2. registration form入住登记表3. key card钥匙卡4. reservation record预定记录5. schedule时间表6. arrangement安排;7. breakfast voucher早餐券8. envelope信封9. executive floo行政楼层r10. no show预订了但没来的客人11. wait-in gu

4、est没有预订的客人12. In whose name was the reservation made?以谁的名字预订的?13. Yes,we have the reservation under your name?是的,我们有您名下的预订记录。14. How will you be paying?您要怎么付款?15. by credit/in cash/by a travelers check用信用卡/用现金/用旅行支票支付16. Hope youll enjoy your stay with us.祝您住得开心17. would you please sign your name he

5、re?请您在这儿签个字好吗?18. if you want to make room-to-room calls,please dial 9 first and then the room number .如果您想打饭店内部电话,请先拨9.然后拨房间号码。19. check in 的入住过程: greeting-asking ID-name-nights-room types-rate-how many people-breakfast- non-smoking floor-registration-how to pay-ID card-greeting20. check out 的离店过程:

6、 greeting-check name/room number-how would you stay with us-print folio-ask guest how to pay -folio sign-put folio in the envolope-greeting-have you clean your safety boxUnit four reception desk 前台服务1. take/leave a message 留言2. at the moment 此刻,现在3. extend扩展,延长4. tour group旅游团5. cancellation取消6. in

7、front of在前面7. inconvenience不便8. exchange rate兑换率9. lost and found失物招领处10. setting餐具,餐位11. if you dont mind transferring to another room,we may manage it for you.如果您愿意搬到另一个房间住,我们可以为您安排一下。12. Im very sorry for the inconvenience给您带来不便,非常抱歉。13. how much longer would you like to stay?您想留多久?14. I will sen

8、d a bellboy over to help you with your luggage.我会派一个行李员去帮您拿行李Unit five housekeeping 客房服务1. housemaid客房服务员2. reception desk前台3. suitcase行李箱4. turn-down service做晚床5. draw拉,画画,稻草,吸管,抽奖6. curtain窗帘7. turn on打开(灯,电器等)8. safe-deposit box保险箱9. item物件,商品10. maintenance维修部11. sendup派来12. express service快洗服务1

9、3. charge收费,管理,充电14. permission允许,准许15. folding bed折叠床16. briefcase公文包17. inform通知18. bed spread床罩19. the day shift白班20. valet熨烫21. pillowcase枕头套22. staff员工23. tissue厕纸24. coordinate with与协调25. When would you like me to make up your room, sir? 先生,您想要我什么时候为您做晚床服务呢?26. Would you like me to clean up yo

10、ur room right now, sir? 先生,您愿意我现在为您打扫房间吗?27. Shall I draw the curtains for you, sir/maam? 先生/女士,需要我为您拉上窗帘吗?28. May I turn on the lights for you? 需要我为您打开灯吗?29. Well have the maintenance department check it for you。我们将会叫维修部为您检查。30. We can have it repaired. 我们会修理的。Unit seven food &beverage1. continenti

11、al 欧式的 2.bread rools 面包卷3.croissant 羊角包 4.jam果酱5.cornflake玉米片 5.scrambled炒6.poached 水煮 7.baguette法棍8.pancake 煎饼 9.waffle华芙10.crispy脆 11.hash browns土豆块12.skimmed脱脂 13.semi-skimmed半脱脂14.pepper胡椒 15.omelet蛋饼16.cilantro香菜 17.spinach菠菜18.porridge粥 19.peanut花生20.veggies蔬菜 21.carrot胡萝卜22.almond杏仁 23.strip

12、/ check条/格子24.appetizer 开胃菜 25.vegetarian素食主义26.lean瘦肉 27.mineral矿物的28.sprite雪碧 29.spirits烈酒30.soft drink软饮料 31.napkin餐巾纸32.chopsticks 筷子 33.scone丝康饼34.low tea/high tea下午茶 35.spaghetti意大利面36.well done/medium/rare全熟/五成熟/三成熟 37.pudding布丁38.buffet 自助餐 39.a la carte零点40.black coffee纯咖啡 41.white coffee牛奶

13、咖啡42.sunny-side up单面煎43.let me confirm.我来确认一下44.in the name of liang.以梁女士的名义预订45.how would you like your eggs?您对煎蛋有什么要求吗?46.how many people is it for?有多少人?47.in whose name,please? 以谁的名义登记?48.todays special is T-bone steak.今天的特色菜是T骨牛排49.I would recommend this bish to you.我推荐这道菜给你50.Breakfast can be s

14、erved in your room from 6 oclock to 9 oclock.早餐在6点到9点可以在您房间服务。51.Could you sign for it?您能签它吗?52. Excuse me,may I put your breakfast on the table.打扰一下,我可以将您的早餐放在桌上吗?Unit Eight Bar Service1.bitter 苦啤酒 2.brand 品牌3.blend 混合 4.whisky 威士忌5.cocktail 鸡尾酒 6.brandy 白兰地7.champagne 香槟酒 8.aperitif 开胃酒9.alcoholic

15、 含酒精的 10.rough 烈酒的11.bartender 酒保 12.suggestion 建议13.slim/fit 苗条/匀称 14.wise/clever/smart 聪明15.black tea 红茶 16.lose weight 减肥17.have a change 变换一下口味 18.be classified as 分类19.sparkling wine 气泡酒 20.shake hands 握手21.has an immense impact on 对有巨大的影响22. what tea do you prefer? 你想喝什么茶? 23.why not try somet

16、hing typically Chinese? 为什么不尝试一下地道的中国菜呢?24.I will be right back. 我马上就来。25.would you like to put it on your hotel bill?把费用计入您住店的总账上吗?Unit Eleven health & recreation1. sauna-bathing桑拿浴2. massage推拿3. gym/fitness center健身中心4. towel毛巾5. robe长袍6. wrap裹7. pin sweeper扫瓶板8. pin number密码9. lift/elevator电梯10.

17、badminton court羽毛球场11. snack快餐,点心12. hanger衣架13. we do not charge for the use of towels and soap.我们不收毛巾和香皂的费用14. Would you please inform the attendant if you need to polish shoes or need a massage.如果你需要擦亮鞋子或需要按摩,需要我帮您通知服务员吗?15. would you please show me your deposit receipt,sir?先生,您可以先出示押金收据吗?16. we have a resident coach here.He supervises all the activities.我们有长期教练,他会监督所有在健身房的活动。-精品 文档-

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