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1、(完整word)外研版英语选修7重点短语选修7短语 Module 11. defend sb。/sth.from.。. 保护某人免遭defend sb./sth.against.。 保护某人抵御2. of value=valuable 有价值的,有用的value sth。at+价钱 给估价为value sth. 重视3. on(an/the) average 平均起来above / below the average 在一般水平以上/以下4. deserve sth./to do 应得/理应 deserve to be done=deserve doing 值得被,应该5. at one po

2、int 曾经,一度on the point of doing sth. 正要做某事之时off the point 离题,偏题to the point 中肯,扼要There is no point in doing sth. 做某事没有用,没必要6. There is no doubt that. 对没有疑问There is no doubt about sth. 对某事没有疑问There is much doubt whether. 有人怀疑I dont doubt that. 我不怀疑I dont whether / if. 我怀疑without / beyond doubt 毫无疑问7.

3、rely on/upon。.=depend on/upon。. 依赖,依靠rely on sb. to do sth。 指望某人干某事= rely on sb。 / ones doing sth。rely on sb. for sth。 指望某人某事rely on it that.。. 相信 8. for an instant 片刻,一瞬间in an instant 立即,马上the instant。 一就= the moment = the minute = as soon as9. appoint sb.(to be)/(as)。.。 任命某人为appoint sb. to do sth。

4、 委任某人做某事appoint some time / some place for sth.为某事确定某时间 / 地点make/fix an appointment with sb. 与某人约会keep / break an appointment 守约/失约10. commit suicide 自杀commit a mistake 犯错commit sth。 to sb. 把某物托付给某人11. apologise to sb.for sth。 因某事向某人道歉make an apology to sb. for sth。 因某事向某人道歉accept/refuse an apology

5、接受/拒绝道歉12. take possession of 占有,占据,拥有in possession of 拥有,占有in the possession of 被占有/控制come into possession of 占有 come into ones possession 被某人占有13. be based on/upon 根据,以为基础14. if so 如果这样的话if any 假如有的话if not 如果不是这样if possible 如果可能的话15. grow up 长大16. rescue from 把 某种状况下解救出来17. set (up) a record 创记录18

6、。 name sb。 after 用给某人命名Module 21. settle down 坐下;定居;(使)安静下来settle down to sth. 开始认真对待;定下心来做settle sth。 with sb。 与某人解决某事2. elect sb.+ (as) n./ 职位 推选某人为 3. be suitable for.。 适合 4. attract/draw ones attention 吸引某人的注意力attract sb. to sth. 把某人吸引到某事上去5. consider+sb./sth.+ (as)名词 认为是 consider + sb。/sth。+ (t

7、o be)名词/形容词 认为是consider + it +形容词或名词+不定式 认为 consider sb. to have done.。 认为某人做了某事 consider sth。/doing 考虑(做)某事 6. look back at = look back on 回顾,回忆bring back sth。 使回忆起,回想起call sth。 to mind 回想起某事7. have fun doing sth。/with sth. 开心地做,愉快地做make fun of sb. 开某人的玩笑for fun 为了娱乐,为了好玩8. as/so far as sb。 is conc

8、erned 就某人而言as/so far as I know 据我所知as/so far as I can remember/see/tell据我所记/依我看/依我说9. in my view 我认为,在我看来in view of 鉴于,考虑到,由于10. be likely to do sth 有可能做某事It is likely that。.。 可能sth。 is likely to do. 某事可能要发生sb. is likely to do sth。 某人可能要做某事11. seem to be + adj。/n. 好像,似乎seem to do.。. 好像,似乎It seems (t

9、o sb。) that。. (在某人看来)好像It seem as if/as though。. 看样子似乎是There seems (to be)。. 似乎有12. What a pity! 真可惜What a pity (that) 。. 真是遗憾13. cheer on sb。 为某人加油cheer up. 高兴起来,振作起来14。 in a few days time = in a few days 过几天 = a few days away15. find oneself 突然发觉自己处于某种处境或在做某事16. have problems with 在某方面有问题17. have

10、fun doing sth. 开心地做某事18. in other words 换句话说,换言之19。 get on with 与相处20。 play an important in 在 起重要作用Module 31。feed sb。with/on sth 用某物喂养某人feed sth。to sb 把食物给某人吃feed up 供给食物be fed up with 感到厌烦feed on 以为主食2. serve sb。 with sth. 用某物招待某人,给你端上 = serve sth。 to sb。serve as(=work as,act as) 担任,当作,起作用3。 be eag

11、er for 渴望得到be eager to do sth. 渴望做be eager that 渴望4. whisper sth。to sb。= whisper sb.sth 向某人密谈某事whisper in ones ear 跟某人耳语in a whisper/in whispers 耳语地,低声地5. in reward 作为报答,作为奖赏in reward for 作为报答, 作为奖赏reward sb.for sth. 因某事奖赏某人reward sb.with sth 用酬谢某人6。 hold on to 紧紧抓住,抱住,守住7. in a voice 用声音说at the top

12、 of ones yoice 高声地,大声地be in good voice 嗓子好,声音嘹亮raise ones voice 提高嗓门说话8. in need of 需要9. no sooner than 一就 = hardly when = scarcely when10。 eacape from/out of 从逃跑 escape doing/sth. 逃脱干某事/某事narrowly escape 九死一生a narrow escape 死里逃生,九死一生11。 (1)intend to do sth 打算做某事intend sb。to do sth 打算要某人做某事 (2)had i

13、ntended to do 本来打算做=intended to have done (3)be intend as/to be 打算使(成为)be intend for 为打算/设计12. be of concern(to sb) 令(某人)感到担心的be concern about/for 关心,担心concern oneself with/in/about 从事于;参与;干涉13。in huge amount of 大量的(修饰不可数名词)14. bring sth.to the attention of sb 使某人关注某事fix/focus ones attention to sth

14、把注意力集中到pay attention to sth。 注意某事15。 stare at 盯着看16. believe sb。 相信某人说的话 believe in sb. 信任某人17。 in ones twenties 在某人二十多岁时Module 41.the approach to sth./doing 的方法2.decline to do sth。/doing 拒绝做某事3。consist of 由组成,包含,包括4. be bored with 对感到厌烦 = be tired of = be fed up with = be sick of 5. take advantage

15、of 利用 have/win/gain an advantage over 胜过,优于to sbs advantage 对某人有利6。 rather than 而不是7。 would rather do sth。than do sth 宁愿,而不愿would do sth.rather than do sth 宁愿, 而不愿perfer to do sth。rather than do sth 更喜欢做,而不愿做8。 keep in touch with 与保持联系get in touch with 与取得联系lose touch with 与失去联系out of touch 不联系,不接触9

16、。 arise from / out of 起因于10。 be in harmony with 与融洽;与一致out of harmony with 不调和,不一致11. in vain 徒劳地,枉费心机地12. devote oneself/ones life/money/energy to (doing) sth。把自己/一生/金钱/精力奉献给某事 be devoted to sth。 忠实于,专心致志于某事13. quit doing 停止做14. in order 有序地out of order 次序紊乱;不正常in good / bad order 以的顺序putin order 把

17、按顺序排列15. try out 试用,试验,检验try out for 参加。.的选拔try on 试穿(衣服等)try to do 尽力做try doing 试做try ones best to do sth 尽力做某事16。 be blessed with 有幸,受惠于Bless me! 天哪!God bless you! 上帝保佑你17. come out 出版,发行;(显露)出来come about 发生come across (偶然)遇见come on 开始,来吧,加油come into effect 实施,生效come up with 提出,提供18。 far from 远非,完

18、全不;远离as far as 远到;至于;就而言as far as Im concerned 就我而言by far 得多;尤其;更,显然地how far 离。.多远;到什么程度(或范围)so far 到目前为止so far as 就而言19。 by the time (截止)到时20. dance to music 伴随着音乐跳舞21。 in decline 在下降,在衰退中22. make an impression on 给 留下印象Module 51. be in the minority 占少数be in the majority 占多数by /with a majority 以多数票

19、 2. be native to sp。 原产于某地3. be home to 是的生息地,栖息地,产地= be the home of 4. break a custom 破坏习俗 follow /keep up a custom 遵守习俗 5. in use 在使用,在应用come into use 开始使用put to use 加入使用,使用be /go out of use 不再使用be of (no )use 有用/没用make use of 利用6. have a population of 有的人口7. It is apparent /obvious that 显而易见,很显然=

20、 Apparently = Obviously, 8. adjust to sth. 适应某事adjust oneself to sth. 使自己适应某事make an adjustment to sth. 调整,调节某事9. be furnished with 提供,配备(家具等) furnish sb。with sth。 为某人提供某物 = furnish sth。to sb10. from /at a distance 隔一段距离,距离稍远一些in the distance 在远处,在远方 keep sb.at a distance 对冷淡,与保持一定距离11. set off = se

21、t out 动身,出发set about doing sth。/set out to do sth。 着手,开始做12. Its believed that 人们相信 Its hoped that 人们希望 Its reported that 据报道 Its said that 据说 Its supposed that 人们认为 Its thought /considered that 人们认为 Its well-known that 众所周知 13。 make up 组成,构成Module 61. recommend sb。to do sth。 劝告某人做某事 recommend sth.t

22、o sb.。 向某人推荐某物= recommend sb。sth recommend doing sth。 建议做某事 recommend sb.as 推荐某人当 it is /was recommended that 有人建议 recommend that sb。(should ) do sth. 建议某人做某事2. propose doing 提议做某事, 建议做某事 propose that sb。(should ) do sth。 提议某人做某事it is proposed that sb。 (should )do sth.有人提议某人做某事3. make a request for

23、sth. 请求某物by request 依照请求make a request that sb。(should )do sth. 要求某人做某事request sb.to do sth. 要求某人做某事 request sth.from /of sb。 要求,请求某人做某事4. agree on 就达成一致sb .agree with sb ./sb.s words 同意某人/某人的话sth.agree with sth. 与一致sth.agree with sb. 某物适合某人agree to sth. 同意某事5. contribute to sth。 导致,有助于,促进,有贡献 make

24、a contribution to sth。 对某事做贡献6. apart from 除之外= except for 除之外(表示减去,不包括在内)= besides /in addition to 除之外还(表示包括在内)7. make a bid for 努力得到 bid for 努力得到 8. advocate sth./doing sth. 主张某事/做某事 advocate that sb (should) do sth. 主张某人做某事9. make a compromise 作出让步,妥协arrive at /come to /reach a compromise达成妥协,互让和

25、解a compromise between and 是和之间的妥协/折中办法 compromise with sb。on sth. 在某事上和某人妥协 10. undertake sth. 承担,着手做 undertake to do sth. 许诺做某事,同意做某事undertake + that 从句 担保,保证 11. remind sb.of sth。 使某人想起某事remind sb .to do sth。 提醒某人做某事 remind sb 。+ that 从句 提醒某人 remind sb 。about sth. 提醒某人某事 12. at the mercy of 受支配,任由摆布 have mercy on /upon 对表示怜悯 show (no )mercy to sb。 (不)怜悯 sb。without mercy 残忍地 13. in return 反过来,作为回应 in return for 作为对的回报 14. at the moment 目前, 现在15。 suggest that sb (should) do sth. 建议某人做某事16。 be of importance = be important

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