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1、2021届高考英语二轮复习 强化练完形填空说明文专练课时优化作业2021届高考英语二轮复习 强化练完形填空说明文专练课时优化作业年级:姓名:强化练(十五)完形填空说明文专练AAs human beings, we are alike in many ways._1_ our similarities, no two people are exactly the same.Even identical twins _2_ different life experiences.Just because of these _3_, the “one size fits all” solution w

2、ill rarely be the most _4_ answer to our problems.One of my life _5_ is to find what works for me best, and forget the rest.Just that something works well for someone else, doesnt _6_ mean that it will work well for me too.I have found that I am successful when I _7_ any new method or strategy I lea

3、rned to my _8_ situation.A perfect example of why its best to find what works for you is when it _9_ to trying to pick a diet and an exercise plan.There are _10_ diet plans and exercise programs out there to _11_ from, and it can be quite overwhelming (令人不知所措的)When choosing a diet plan you have to c

4、onsider food allergies, how _12_ the food is if you are away from home most of the time, and many other _13_.When choosing an exercise program you have to consider your starting level of fitness, and health issues that might _14_ your ability to do the program, and whether you actually enjoy the exe

5、rcise enough to _15_ with it.Many people like jogging, but it is probably my least _16_ form of exercise.By finding more suitable and enjoyable _17_ that give me the same _18_ or better, it is easier to stick with my exercise program.You _19_ yourself better than anyone, so dont be afraid to experim

6、ent with different solutions to whatever you are trying to achieve.Dont _20_ use something because it is “the best”, or because it works well for someone else.Find what works best for you, and forget the rest.语篇解读人都有相似之处,但世界上没有两个人是完全一样的。因此,找到一种方法来解决所有问题的想法是不实际的。我们需要使用适合自己的方法,只有适合自己的才是最好的。1A.Beyond B

7、Above CDespite DThrough解析:根据语境可推知,此处应指尽管我们都有相同点,但不存在完全一样的两个人。此处与上文为让步关系。另外,下句中的identical twins和different也是提示。despite意为“尽管”,符合语境。beyond意为“超出”;above意为“在上方”;through意为“穿过”。答案:C2A.come up with Bput up with Cgo on with Dend up with解析:由语境及常识可知,即使是同卵双胞胎,生活经历也是不同的。end up with意为“最终处于”,符合语境。come up with意为“想出,想

8、到”;put up with意为“忍受”;go on with意为“继续做”。答案:D3A.differences Bsimilarities Cexperiences Dcharacters解析:根据语境可知,此处表示正是由于这些不同点,“一刀切”的解决方案很少成为最切实可行的方法。difference意为“不同点”,符合语境。similarity意为“相似点”;experience意为“经历”;character意为“人物;性格”。答案:A4A.technical BpracticalCphysical Dmedical解析:参见上题解析。practical意为“切实可行的”,符合语境。t

9、echnical意为“技术的”;physical意为“身体的”;medical意为“医学的”。答案:B5A.solutions Bexperiences Cemotions Dprinciples解析:根据下文语境可推知,找出对自己最有效的方法,忘掉其他的,这是作者的生活准则之一。principle意为“原则”,符合语境。solution意为“解决方法”;experience意为“经历”;emotion意为“情感”。答案:D6A.unfortunately Beventually Cnecessarily Dimmediately解析:根据该句中的“works well for someone

10、 else”与“doesnt _6_ mean that it will work well for me too”的对比可知,此处表示对别人有效的事物未必对“我”也有效。not necessarily意为“不一定;未必”,符合语境。unfortunately意为“不幸地”;eventually意为“最终”;immediately意为“立即”。答案:C7A.refuse Badopt Cexamine Ddiscover解析:根据上下文可知,适合自己的才是最好的,此处指作者采用新方法或策略来解决问题。adopt意为“采用”,符合语境。refuse意为“拒绝”;examine意为“检查”;dis

11、cover意为“发现”。答案:B8A.personal Bnatural Cmusical Dpolitical解析:根据语境可知,此处应表示作者运用新学到的方法和策略来解决自己的个人问题。personal意为“个人的”,符合语境。natural意为“天然的”;musical意为“音乐的”;political意为“政治的”。 答案:A9A.adds Bcomes Cleads Dcontributes解析:此处举例说明为什么找到适合自己的方法才是最好的。when it comes to doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“当涉及做某事时”,故comes符合语境。add to意为“增加”;le

12、ad to意为“导致”;contribute to意为“贡献”。答案:B10A.various Bunique Cboring Dcolorful解析:句意:可选择的饮食计划和锻炼项目通常有很多种,这会让人非常不知所措。various意为“各种各样的”,符合语境。unique意为“独一无二的”;boring意为“无聊的”;colorful意为“丰富多彩的”。答案:A11A.take Bobtain Cchoose Dlearn解析:根据上文中的“its best to find.an exercise plan”可知,此处指有各种各样的饮食计划和锻炼项目可供选择。choose意为“选择”,符合

13、语境。故选C项。答案:C12A.comfortable Bportable Cchangeable Dreasonable解析:由空后的“if you are away from home most of the time”可知,此处指当你要选择饮食计划时,要考虑当你大部分时间都不在家的情况下饮食的便携性问题。portable意为“便于携带的”,符合语境。comfortable意为“舒服的”;changeable意为“多变的”;reasonable意为“有道理的”。答案:B13A.factors Bfacts Cproblems Dprograms解析:根据语境可知,除了考虑食物的过敏性和便携

14、性之外,还需要考虑很多其他的因素。factor意为“因素”,符合语境。fact意为“事实”;problem意为“问题”;program意为“节目”。答案:A14A.improve Badapt Caffect Dpromote解析:根据语境可推知,在选择锻炼的项目时,你需要考虑你的起始身体状况以及可能影响你从事项目的健康问题。affect意为“影响”,符合语境。improve意为“改善;提升”;adapt意为“(使)适应”;promote意为“提升”。答案:C15A.chat Bcommunicate Cagree Dstick解析:根据语境可推知,此处应表示还要考虑你是否确实足够喜欢这项运动

15、,从而能坚持下去。stick with意为“继续,坚持”,符合语境。chat with意为“和聊天”;communicate with意为“与交流”;agree with意为“同意”。答案:D16A.favorite Bharmful Cdifficult Dexpensive解析:根据空前的like,but以及least可知,此处指作者最不喜欢的运动方式。favorite意为“最喜欢的”,符合语境。harmful意为“有害的”;difficult意为“困难的”; expensive意为“昂贵的”。答案:A17A.challenges Balternatives Cdiets Dexperim

16、ents解析:根据语境可知,作者不喜欢慢跑这项运动,故要找出其他更适合的、更有乐趣的运动形式来替代慢跑。alternative意为“可供选择的事物”,符合语境。challenge意为“挑战”;diet意为“日常饮食”;experiment意为“实验”。答案:B18A.grades Bresults Cmarks Dsigns解析:根据上文可推知,选择更适合、更有乐趣的替代运动是希望达到(和慢跑)一样的或更好的结果。result意为“结果”,符合语境。grade意为“等级”;mark意为“分数”;sign意为“迹象”。答案:B19A.observe Bexpress Cteach Dknow解析

17、:根据常识及语境可知,此处表示你比任何人都更了解你自己。know意为“了解,知道”,符合语境。observe意为“观察”;express意为“表达”;teach意为“教”。答案:D20A.just Bstill Cyet Dalready解析:句意:不要只是因为某些东西是“最好的”而采用它。just意为“仅仅,只是”,符合语境。still意为“仍然”;yet意为“还”;already意为“已经”。答案:ABThey may have text, email, Facebook and Twitter, but young people are still lonelier than any o

18、ther age group.The Loneliness in New Zealand report, _1_ by Statistics New Zealand, showed under 30s were more _2_ to feel lonely than older people because loneliness decreased with _3_.Loneliness and poor mental health were strongly _4_ across all ages.Young people were not likely to feel lonely be

19、cause of _5_ hardship, but among older people, lack of money has a significant _6_ on loneliness.Women were more likely to feel lonely than men.Philip Walker, spokesman _7_ the General Social Survey, said because the report was relatively new, it was hard to know whether loneliness among young peopl

20、e was a new _8_.But overseas research has found that _9_ of loneliness in youth today are growing.Mr.Walker said the _10_ needed more exploration, including looking _11_ the role of technology and social media.“It could be that peoples _12_ of connection have gone up, so we expect increased levels o

21、f connection,” he said.“While _13_ like cell phones could help young people stay _14_, on the other hand for those who do get bullied (欺辱), especially bullied online, its quite _15_.A lot of the time potentially it is a big _16_ to loneliness.”Figures from online dating website FindSomeone also _17_

22、 more young people were looking for _18_.Manager Rick Davies said, younger dating hopefuls were the fastest growing _19_ on the site. The Statistics New Zealand report also _20_ people who didnt have facetoface contact with family and friends were more likely to feel lonely, as were those who lived

23、alone.语篇解读本文主要讲述的是不同的群体对孤独的感受情况。研究表明,年轻人比年龄大的人更可能感到孤独;与家人和朋友缺少面对面的交流的人和独自生活的人更可能感到孤独。1A.published Bannounced Cfound Dwritten解析:此处指新西兰统计局公布的报告。publish意为“发表,公布”,符合语境。announce意为“宣布;播报”;find意为“发现;找到”;write意为“书写”。答案:A2A.sure Blikely Cpossible Dclosed解析:句意:表明30岁以下的年轻人比年龄较大的人更可能感到孤独,因为孤独感会随着年龄的增长而降低。be lik

24、ely to do sth.意为“有可能做某事”,符合语境。答案:B3A.experience Bability Cage Dknowledge解析:根据语境及空前内容可知,年轻人比年龄大的人更容易觉得孤独,故age符合语境。答案:C4A.hated Brelated Csupported Dcursed解析:根据下文的举例可知,孤独感和心理状况不佳在各个年龄段都有很强的相关性。relate意为“与有种联系”,符合语境。hate意为“憎恨”;support意为“支持”;curse意为“诅咒”。答案:B5A.emotional Bemployable Ceducational Dfinancia

25、l解析:从but后的内容可知,这里说的是经济问题。emotional意为“情绪的;情绪激动的”;employable意为“适宜雇用的”;educational意为“教育的;有教育意义的”;financial意为“金融的;财政的;财务的”。答案:D6A.influence Bharm Cdisturbance Dfear解析:句意:但是在年龄较大的人群中,缺少金钱对孤独感有很大的影响。influence意为“影响”,符合语境。 harm意为“伤害”;disturbance意为“打扰”;fear意为“害怕”。答案:A7A.from Bas Cfor Dby解析:结合语境可知,此处指综合社会调查部门

26、的发言人。spokesman for.意为“的发言人”,为固定搭配。答案:C8A.trend Bdirection Cchoice Dfashion解析:句意:因为(对孤独感的)这个报告相对较新,很难知道孤独感在年轻人群体中是否是一种新的趋势。trend意为“趋势”,符合语境。direction意为“方向”;choice意为“选择”;fashion意为“时尚”。答案:A9A.senses Blevels Cstories Dfactors解析:句意:但海外研究发现,现在年轻人群体的孤独感级别在上升。level意为“程度”,符合语境。sense意为“感觉”;story意为“故事”;factor意

27、为“因素”。答案:B10A.finding Bcontradiction Cresult Dexperiment解析:根据上文中的overseas research可以推出A选项正确。finding意为“调查(或研究)的结果”;contradiction意为“矛盾;反驳”;result意为“结果;成绩”;experiment意为“实验,试验”。答案:A11A.for Bon Cabout Dat解析:句意:沃克先生说这个研究的发现需要更多的探索,包括考虑科技和社交媒体的作用。look for意为“寻找;期望”;look on意为“看作;旁观”;look about意为“环视”;look at意

28、为“考虑;看”。答案:D12A.expectations Bimaginations Ccivilizations Dinnovations解析:句意:这可能是人们对人际关系的期待上升了,所以我们希望联系的紧密程度增加。expectation意为“期待;预期”;imagination意为“想象;想象力”;civilization意为“文明”,innovation意为“创新,革新”。答案:A13A.transport Btechnology Cinformation Dchannels解析:根据第三段第一句中的the role of technology and social media和空后的

29、like cell phones可以推知,B选项为正确选项。transport意为“运输”;technology意为“科技;工艺”;information意为“信息;资料”;channel意为“频道;海峡”。答案:B14A.connected Bknowledgeable Ccomfortable Dinformed解析:根据上文中的“connection have gone up”可以推出A选项为正确选项。connected意为“有联系的”;knowledgeable意为“博学的”;comfortable意为“舒服的”;informed意为“有见识的;有学识的”。答案:A15A.isolat

30、ing Buseful Cfrightening Dexciting解析:句意:另一方面,对于那些确实受到欺负的人,尤其是被网络欺凌的人,那种感觉极为孤独。此处与前面的connection表示相反的意思,isolating意为“孤独的”,符合语境。useful意为“有用的,有益的”;frightening意为“令人恐惧的”;exciting意为“令人兴奋的,使人激动的”。答案:A16A.contribution Bcontributor Cintroduction Dhelp解析:句意:大部分情况下,这也是孤独感的一个很大的潜在原因。contribution意为“贡献”;contributor

31、意为“起作用的原因”;introduction意为“介绍”;help意为“帮助”。答案:B17A.confirmed Bnoticed Cinformed Dexpressed解析:由下文提到的网络上约会成功的年轻人增长最快可推知,这个网站的数据证实了有更多的年轻人在寻找恋人,故选A,confirm意为“证实,确认”。notice意为“注意到”;inform意为“通知”;express意为“表达”。答案:A18A.comfort Bfriendship Clove Dsupport解析:根据下一句中的younger dating hopefuls可知,此处表示寻找恋人。答案:C19A.stud

32、ents Bconsumers Ccandidates Dgroup解析:本句中hopeful为名词,younger dating hopefuls意为“约会成功的年轻人们”,是一个群体,故选D,group意为“组,团体”。student意为“学生”;consumer意为“消费者”;candidate意为“候选人”。答案:D20A.showed BtoldCdisclosed Dsuggested解析:句意:新西兰统计局的报告还表明,与家人和朋友没有面对面接触的人更可能感到孤独,独自生活的人也如此。show意为“表明,证明”;tell意为“告诉;辨别”;disclose意为“公开,揭露”;su

33、ggest意为“提议,建议”。答案:ACWhat I have learned with my three teens is this:when they are testing me and pushing the limits in a way that feels more aggressive than normal teenage behavior,this is when they need some extra love and _1_.When our kids are young and arent able to _2_ how they are feeling, they

34、 typically behave in a way that makes it obvious that they are sad, _3_,or not feeling like themselves.We parents try _4_ to help them feel better,whatever it _5_.We wont _6_ even though we cant quite understand.As they get _7_ and are able to talk and communicate, I think we raise our expectations

35、a little bit too _8_Ive realized although they can talk and communicate and let us _9_ whether something is wrong, it doesnt mean they will.Not because they dont always want to, _10_ teenagers seem to think they can _11_ it on their own;they think their _12_ wont understand,or they are too embarrass

36、ed to come to us with their _13_ or talk about certain situations.But Ive also had to realize when my teens are disrespectful, they might not know how to _14_ themselves.Even as a 43yearold woman I still _15_ with finding the words or putting a name to my feelings.I mean my teens need me to _16_ the

37、m to tell me whats wrong.Teens, like all of us are looking for bonding, so make sure we are _17_ time with them.This has to be face to face.If connecting with your teen by text messages feels easier,then start there,but dont _18_ there.Put down your _19_ and look at your teen in the eyes to communic

38、ate too, and _20_ will take you and your teens relationship to another level.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。孩子小的时候,他们不能向父母表达自己的感受,就会通过明显的方式来表达自己的难过或不舒服,当他们长大时,他们又不愿意表达他们的感受;因此,父母要关注孩子的成长,及时有效地和孩子沟通。1A.complaint Bpunishment Cpraise Dattention解析:根据语境和前面的“when they need some extra love”可知,此处表示当他们需要额外的爱和关注时。答案:D2A.sing B

39、explore Ccommunicate Dbuild解析:根据语境可知,当孩子小的时候,他们不能表达自己的感受。communicate“传达,传递”。答案:C3A.uncomfortable Bdelighted Cexcited Denergetic解析:根据该句中的“they are sad,_3_,or not feeling like themselves”,并结合语境可知,此处表示他们伤心、不舒服。答案:A4A.something Beverything Cnothing Danything解析:根据后面的“whatever it _5_”可知,我们父母尽一切可能去帮助他们感觉好些

40、,无论付出什么。答案:B5A.offers Btakes Cmakes Dcalls解析:参见上题解析。答案:B6A.give in Bgive up Cgive off Dgive out解析:根据空后的“even though we cant quite understand”可知,尽管我们不是很明白,但我们不会放弃。答案:B7A.smaller Bstronger Colder Dyounger解析:根据空后的“are able to talk and communicate”可推知,当他们年龄大一点时,他们能说和交流。答案:C8A.high Blow Cfast Dslow解析:根据上

41、文的“we raise our expectations”并结合语境可知,此处表示我们把期望提得有点过高。答案:A9A.ask Bsay Cdebate Dknow解析:根据语境可知,他们能讲话和交流,能让我们知道是否事情出了差错。答案:D10A.because Bsince Cthough Dbut解析:根据上文“Not because they dont always want to”和空后的“teenagers seem to think they can _11_ it on their own”可知,空处表转折,此处表示并不是因为他们不想,而是青少年认为他们能自己应付(handle)

42、它。答案:D11A.handle Bhide Cpresent Dexpose解析:参见上题解析。答案:A12A.friends Bparents Cteachers Dteammates解析:根据语境可知,他们认为他们的父母不会理解。答案:B13A.worries Bpossibilities Cexplanations Dassumptions解析:根据该句中的“they are too embarrassed to come to us with their _13_”可知,他们太尴尬不愿带着担忧找父母。答案:A14A.push Bdetermine Cexpress Durge解析:根据语境可知,他们也许不知道怎样表达自己。答案:C15A.argue Bwork Cstruggle Ddream解析:根据上文可知,孩子们也许不知道怎样表达自己,并结合该句可知,作为一个43岁的女士,找到合适的话语表达自己的感受对“我”来说仍然很难。答案:C16A.force Bencourage Crefuse Dforbid解析:根据语境可知,此处表示“我的意思是孩子们需要我鼓励他们

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