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1、2021届高考英语二轮复习 话题专项复习(十七)(含解析)2021届高考英语二轮复习 话题专项复习(十七)(含解析)年级:姓名:2021高考英语话题专项复习(十七)目录内容Part 1话题相关词汇Part 2话题相关短语Part 3话题相关句式Part 4话题相关写作Part 5话题相关阅读学生默写版一:相关词汇1 vt.吸收;理解;使全神贯注;吸引(注意)2 adj.充足的,丰盛的,充裕的3 n.口音;腔调;重音4 vt.完成5 vt.&vi.积累;积聚6 adj.准确的,精确的7 n.准确,精确8 n.字母;字母表9 v.接近;靠近;n.接近;方法;途径10 vt.分类11 v.咨询12

2、n.改正13 n.课程;过程14 n.文化15 n.听写16 n.&vi.训练,操练17 adj.有效的18 adj.不同的,有差异的19 adj.困难的;不易相处的20 n.困难,困境21 n.方言,土语22 vt.扩大23 vt.使充实24 adj.精确的;确切的25 adj.极好的,优秀的26 vt.解释,说明27 adj.清楚明白的,易于理解的28 v.表达;表示29 n.表达;表示;表情;词语,措辞30 vt.领会;掌握31 n.流利32 adj.流利的33 adv.流利地34 adj.频繁的;惯常的35 adv.逐渐地36 n.成语,习语37 vt.&n.输入38 n.知识,学问3

3、9 vt.精通,掌握;n.大师;主人40 n.意义41 v.记忆42 n.错误43 vt.&n.输出44 v.克服,解决45 n.文章46 adj.完美的,极好的47 n.短语;词组48 n.&v练习49 adj.准确的,精确的,确切的50 vt.发音二:相关短语(1)1 学习态度2 做某事的有效方法3 扩大词汇量4 开阔视野5 英语口语6 英语角7 使具备8 培养兴趣9 养成阅读习惯10 充分利用11 放弃12 熟能生巧。13 查词典14 用英语流利地表达自己的思想15 关于给某人提出建议16 在取得很大进步17 增强自信心18 精通19 弄懂,理解20 集中注意力于21 用心记22 从获益

4、23 偶然学会24 逐步地25. 语言学习26. 文化差异/多元文化27. 培养跨文化意识28. 尊重他人的文化和风俗(2)1. 目前;现在2. 重视3. 习惯于4. 因为;由于5 提出;走近6. 文化差异7. 养成.的习惯8. 精通9. 通晓10. 坚持11. 记住12. 背诵,记住13. 查阅;向上看14. 努力15. 取得进步16. 充分利用17. 母语18. 官方语言19. 偶然)学得;拾起,捡起;接收20. 使用.21. 查字典22. 写下,记下23. 例如;像(3)1. 培养对英语的兴趣 2. 如何记单词 3. 参加英语演讲比赛 4.写英语日记 5.扩大某人的词汇量 6. 每天练习

5、英语口语 7. 尽可能经常使用英语 8. 大胆而自信地说英语 9. 提高写作能力/技巧 10. (通过实践)学会法语 11. 强调语法学习 12. 有效的学习方法 13. 良好的学习态度 14. 阅读技能/策略/能力 15. 更好地了解这两种不同文化 16. 就如何学好英语给我们提些建议 17.提高学习效率 三:相关句式1 随着世界正在变成一个地球村,英语变得越来越重要。因此,掌握英语意味着我们可以通过一个新的窗口看世界。2 只有通过学英语我们才能够开阔我们的视野,增加我们各领域的知识。3 他们认为学习英语是现代社会的要求之一,它将有益于我们未来的职业。4 .首先,你应当尽可能经常地大声读英语

6、,因为这能增强你的语感。5. 我们理应学好英语,因为精通英语意味着在将来有更多的机会。6. 有几条学好英语的建议。首先,你应当不遗余力地阅读有趣的英语新闻,这 有助于增加你对英语的兴趣。7. 正是由于我在班上的努力使我在最近学校举办的英语竞赛中获得了第一名。8. 众所周知,学好英语对我们大家都有益处。9. 我的经验告诉我10. 我觉得学习英语语法最难。11. 一个人动机越强,学习外语就越快。12. 在语法方面有一点/很大的差别。13. 对于这两者的区别,我感到很迷惑。14. 文化在语言学习中担任重要角色。 15. 文化的了解使我们能够16. 是我们珍惜和保护文化遗产的时候了。四:相关写作假设你

7、班最近举行了一次班会,讨论怎样使英语学习变成一件轻松、快乐的事。请你根据下面所提示的信息,为某英语网站写一篇短文,谈谈你们的讨论情况并提出你的建议。讨论情况:1. 课内互动;2. 课外活动;3. 运用英语。注意:1.应对所给要点逐一陈述,不要简单翻译;2词数100左右,开头已经写好,不计入总词数。参考词汇:互动的 interactive 五:相关阅读AVisitors to Hot Springs National Park in Arkansas really follow the crowd.The park contains 47 hot springs.And tourists can

8、 take relaxing soaks at a bathhouse in the park that uses warm water from the nearby hot springs.Great SpringsAt 5,550 acres,Hot Springs National Park is the smallest national park in the United States.People have been coming to the area for hundreds of years to enjoy its natural hot baths.Starting

9、in the 19th century,several bathhouses that offered baths with spring water opened in the region.Many visitors with illnesses went there,believing that the waters could help cure them.The area became a national park in 1921.People arent allowed to take baths directly in the springs.But you can still

10、 visit the one bathhouse that remains in operation at the park.You can also drink the spring water from special fountains (喷嘴式饮水器) around the park.And dont worry about burning your tongue.When the water flows from the ground into the pools,its very hot.But it cools before reaching the parks baths an

11、d fountains.Home at Hot SpringsBesides the springs,visitors to the park can also see some pretty cool wildlife.Sounds like there are a lot of ways to have fun at Hot Springs National Park!Fees & PassesThere is no entrance fee for the park.Camping FeesYour stay is limited to 14 days at a time.Longer

12、stays require you to move to a different campground outside of the national park.All sites can be used for tent camping.All sites are $30 per night or $15 per night with a Senior Pass or Access Pass card.Senior and Access passes can be bought at the park store.1.What do we know about Hot Springs Nat

13、ional Park?A.It was set up in the 1920s.B.Its bath water is very hot.C.It is the smallest national park worldwide.D.Its bathhouses were opened in recent years.2.What can visitors do at the park?A.Take baths in the springs directly.B.Have their illnesses cured.C.Visit many old bathhouses.D.Drink its

14、spring water.3.If visitors want to camp at the park,they should .A.bring their own tentsB.go to the park store firstC.stay for no more than 14 daysD.change campgrounds every dayBIf you visit the new Mummies (木乃伊) show at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH),in New York City,dont miss the Gi

15、lded Lady.Scientists say she probably died of lung disease when she was in her 40s about 2,000 years ago in Egypt.They even have a model of her skull.Based on that,an artist was sure how she may have looked when she was alive.And yet,the mummys coffin has never been opened.Instead,scientists used a

16、machine called a CT scanner to look inside.CT scanners were developed to help doctors examine patients.But the machines turned out to be perfect for studying mummies,too.“A hundred years ago,scientists would usually open mummies coffins.This did a great deal of harm to those mummies,” says AMNH pres

17、ident Ellen V.Futter.“We just dont do that anymore.We can do so much better.By using CT scanners,scientists can know about an ancient persons diet from some of a mummys hair.Pieces of bone can show who was related to whom.”Some mummies in Peru were buried with a skull hanging from their neck.Scienti

18、sts thought these mummies wore the skull of an enemy.But DNA evidence showed that the mummies were buried with the skull of an ancestor.The 19 mummies in the show are from Egypt and Peru.They had completely different reasons for mummifying the dead.The ancient Egyptians believed that mummification a

19、llowed an ancestor to live on in the next world.The people who prepared the Gilded Lady thought she would continue to see,hear,and smell.In ancient Peru,people practiced mummification to stay connected with their ancestors.Some families kept mummies in their home.Futter calls the mummies in the show

20、 “messengers from another time.” With the help of technology,scientists will continue to uncover mummies secrets so we can understand it.4.What did scientists find about the Gilded Lady?A.She was a great artist.B.She died a natural death.C.She lived in ancient Egypt.D.She had an amazingly long life.

21、5.What do Futters words suggest?A.Pieces of bone show a persons diet.B.CT scanners do great harm to mummies.C.Mummies usually wore the skull of an enemy.D.Technology plays an important role in mummy studies.6.Why did the ancient Peruvians make mummies?A.To do traditional medical research.B.To keep c

22、lose ties with their relatives.C.To help their families live a better life.D.To let their ancestors live in another world.7.What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to?A.The technology.B.Their message.C.Their family.D.The show.CFinding motivation,especially study motivation,is

23、not always easy.1Here are some ways of doing it:Offer yourself encouragement.Yes,you should give yourself a prize or some kind of reward when youve done a task.2Remember,you have to know the exact conditions that you need to meet in order to receive the wonderful cake.3You need to feel confident abo

24、ut your studies.I am sure all of us have succeeded on several occasions.Remember these past successes and you will feel more motivated to continue!Write down your goals.Dont just think about them;dont just say them;write them down!4And thats why you find salesmen always want you to write something d

25、own before you actually buy something.By writing your name down,you are in a sense giving your support for their cause.If then you are asked to buy what they are selling,you are more likely to do that than if you hadnt signed the paper!See your goals.5Put them up on the wall and paste (粘贴) small pos

26、t-it notes all over the place.You have to keep on reminding yourself of the purpose behind your studies and what type of results youre expecting to achieve.A.Remember past successes.B.The written word is very powerful.C.Dont forget about buying yourself a gift.D.Dont just write them down and leave t

27、hem like that.E.Moreover,talking about your goals with others helps a lot.F.However,with a little effort we can learn how to increase our motivation.G.It could be something as simple as sweets or something greater like a vacation.2021高考英语话题专项复习(十七)教师版一:相关词汇1absorb vt.吸收;理解;使全神贯注;吸引(注意)2abundant adj.

28、充足的,丰盛的,充裕的3accent n.口音;腔调;重音4accomplish vt.完成5accumulate vt.&vi.积累;积聚6accurate adj.准确的,精确的7accuracy n.准确,精确8alphabet n.字母;字母表9approach v.接近;靠近;n.接近;方法;途径10classify vt.分类11consult v.咨询12correction n.改正13course n.课程;过程14culture n.文化15dictation n.听写16drill n.&vi.训练,操练17effective adj.有效的18different adj

29、.不同的,有差异的19difficult adj.困难的;不易相处的20difficulty n.困难,困境21dialect n.方言,土语22enlarge vt.扩大23enrich vt.使充实24exact adj.精确的;确切的25excellent adj.极好的,优秀的26explain vt.解释,说明27explicit adj.清楚明白的,易于理解的28express v.表达;表示29expression n.表达;表示;表情;词语,措辞30grasp vt.领会;掌握31fluency n.流利32fluent adj.流利的33fluently adv.流利地34f

30、requent adj.频繁的;惯常的35gradually adv.逐渐地36idiom n.成语,习语37input vt.&n.输入38knowledge n.知识,学问39master vt.精通,掌握;n.大师;主人40meaning n.意义41memorize v.记忆42mistake/error n.错误43output vt.&n.输出44overcome v.克服,解决45passage n.文章46perfect adj.完美的,极好的47phrase n.短语;词组48practice n.&v练习49precise adj.准确的,精确的,确切的50pronounc

31、e vt.发音二:相关短语(1)1the attitude to learning学习态度2the effective way to do sth. 做某事的有效方法3enlarge ones vocabulary 扩大词汇量4broaden ones horizons 开阔视野5oral/spoken English 英语口语6English corner 英语角7equip.with . 使具备8develop ones interest 培养兴趣9form the habit of reading养成阅读习惯10make full use of 充分利用11give up 放弃12Pra

32、ctice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。13refer to/consult a dictionary 查词典14express oneself in English fluently 用英语流利地表达自己的思想15give sb. some advice on . 关于给某人提出建议16make great progress in 在取得很大进步17build up ones confidence 增强自信心18have a good command of . 精通19makes sense of 弄懂,理解20concentrate on 集中注意力于21learn by heart 用心记22benefit from . 从获益23pick up 偶然学会24step by step 逐步地25. language learning语言学习26. culture difference /diversity文化差异/多元文化27. cultivate cross-cultural awareness 培养跨

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