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1、2021届高考英语二轮复习 增分强化练(六)阅读理解+阅读七选五+语法填空(含解析)2021届高考英语二轮复习 增分强化练(六)阅读理解+阅读七选五+语法填空(含解析)年级:姓名:增分强化练(六)阅读理解2阅读七选五语法填空(限时35分钟).阅读理解AThe year 2019 was a year of teen power.Young people spoke up about big problems and adults began to listen.Greta Thunberg, the seventeenyearold Swedish schoolgirl, was perhap

2、s the most powerful example last year of this teen power.At the UN.Climate Action Summit in September 2019, she told world leaders, “You are failing us young people” by not taking enough action against climate change.Greta gained worldwide attention for her impassioned (激昂的) speech and was named Tim

3、e magazines 2019 Person of the Year.In the United States, teen groups have formed organizations to pressure politicians into changing gun laws to stop school shootings.“The adults know that were cleaning up their mess,” says Cameron Kasky, an 11thgrader who started the Never Again movement after sur

4、viving the deadliest high school shooting in American history in 2018.“Its like theyre saying, Im sorry I made this mess, while continuing_to_spill_soda_on_the_floor,” adds another survivor Emma Gonzalez.These problems are not new and politicians have been dealing with them for years.However, as wit

5、h the most big problems, there are no easy solutions, and each solution may create more problems.Fighting climate change by reducing fossil fuels (化石燃料)no more cars, airplanes or big industriescan have a negative effect on peoples lives and even increase poverty.And prisons would fill up quickly if

6、we locked up every person who was considered to be a potential criminal.Teen power is a good thing.However, it will take more than youthful passion to solve the worlds problems.If you are also ambitious to make the world a better place, it is important that you speak up when necessary.But just as im

7、portant is the need to grow in our learningto study and to always remain humble.Apart from enthusiasm for bringing about change, you still need the maturity, wisdom, knowledge and skills to make good decisions. 语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了青少年参与政治活动,督促政府改进社会弊端,这是好的一面。但是,青少年不仅需要热情,更需要加强文化学习,提升自己的知识技能,才能更好地帮助解

8、决世界上的各种问题。1Why does the author mention Greta Thunberg in Paragraph 1?ATo show the success of teen power.BTo inform readers of 2019 Person of the Year.CTo introduce the UN.Climate Action Summit.DTo encourage readers to speak up about big problems.解析:推理判断题。第一段第一句提到“The year 2019 was a year of teen pow

9、er.(2019年是见证青少年力量的一年)”,接着作者提到Greta Thunberg在2019年的联合国气候行动峰会上的演讲,为她赢得了时代杂志的2019年年度人物。通过这个例子,证明了作者的观点“The year 2019 was a year of teen power.”,展示了青少年力量的成功。由此可知,作者在第一段提到Greta Thunberg是为了展示青少年力量的成功,故选A项。答案:A2What does the underlined phrase in Paragraph 2 mean?AThe adults like soda very much.BThe adults

10、fail to clean up their mess.CThe politicians havent stopped making a mess.DThe politicians have been working on the shooting.解析:句意猜测题。根据上文“The adults know that were cleaning up their mess”可知,成年人在不断犯错,把一切都搞得一团糟,要靠青少年来帮着解决问题;再由画线部分所在句“Im sorry I made this mess, while continuing to spill soda on the fl

11、oor”可推知,他们一方面承认自己的过错,但是另一方面又不知悔改,继续犯错。由此可知,画线部分意思是“政客们没有停止制造混乱”,故选C项。答案:C3What is the authors opinion about reducing fossil fuels?AIt makes no difference to peoples life.BIt will bring about other new problems.CIt will make the prisons fill up quickly.DIt is effective in fighting climate change.解析:细

12、节理解题。根据第三段中“However, as with the most big problems, there are no easy solutions, and each solution may create more problems.”可知,作者认为大部分的问题都没有简单的解决方案,每一种解决办法都带来新的问题。下文列举了一个例子,比如,为应对气候变化,可减少化石燃料的使用,但这又会导致交通工具的停运,对人们的生活产生负面影响,甚至加剧贫困。由此可知,作者认为减少化石燃料,将带来其他新问题。故选B项。答案:B4What does the author want to stress

13、 in Paragraph 4?ATeen power is a good thing to change the world.BPassion is important in solving the worlds problems.CWe should speak up to make the world a better place.DWe need to study to be mature and wise to decide well.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段内容尤其是最后一句“Apart from enthusiasm for bringing about change, y

14、ou still need the maturity, wisdom, knowledge and skills to make good decisions.”可知,作者想强调青少年参与政治是很好的,但是要解决世界上的问题,不能光靠热情,还需要提升自己的素养和能力,需要加强学习才能更好地决策。由此可知,在第四段中,作者想强调我们需要学着成熟,并且明智地做决定。故选D项。答案:DBEngineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a new method that doesnt require any spec

15、ial equipment and works in just minutes to create soft, flexible, 3Dprinted robots.The innovation comes from rethinking the way soft robots are built: instead of figuring out how to add soft materials to a rigid robot body, the UC San Diego researcher started with a soft body and added rigid feature

16、s to key components.The structures were inspired by insect exoskeletons (外骨骼),which have both soft and rigid partsthe researchers called their creations “flexoskeletons (柔性外骨骼)”The new method allows for the construction of soft components for robots in a small bit of the time previously needed and f

17、or a small bit of the cost.“We hope that these flexoskeletons will lead to the creation of a new class of soft robots,” said Nick Gravish, a mechanical engineering professor at the Jacobs School of Engineering at the UC San Diego and the papers senior author.“We want to make soft robots easier to bu

18、ild for researchers all over the world.”The new method makes it possible to build large groups of flexoskeleton robots with little hand assembly (装配)as well as assemble a library of Legolike components so that robot parts can be easily swapped.Researchers detail their work in the April 7 issue of th

19、e journal Soft Robotics. The team plans to make their designs available to researchers at other institutions as well as high schools.One flexoskeleton component takes 10 minutes to print and costs less than $1.Flexoskeleton printing can be done on most lowcost commercially available printers.Printin

20、g and assembling a whole robot takes under two hours.The final goal is to create an assembly line that prints whole flexoskeleton robots without any need for hand assembly.These small robots could do as much work as one massive robot on its ownor more. 语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。圣地亚哥加利福尼亚大学的研究人员最近研发了一种新工艺,能够快速、方便

21、地制造出刚柔性兼有的混合机器人。5What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?AThe origin of the new method.BThe function of the new method.CThe advantages of the new method.DThe cost of the new method.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The innovation comes from rethinking the way soft robots are built”以及“The structures were inspired by

22、insect exoskeletons”可知,本段主要叙述这场革新来自重新思考柔性机器人的制造方式,受到了昆虫外骨骼的启发。因此本段主要是介绍这项新方法的由来。故选A项。答案:A6Whats Nicks attitude towards flexoskeletons?AIndifferent.BSkeptical.CCurious. DHopeful.解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中Nick说的话“We hope that these flexoskeletons will lead to the creation of a new class of soft robots(我们希望这些柔性外骨

23、骼机器人能够创造出一种新型的软机器人)”以及“We want to make soft robots easier to build for researchers all over the world.(我们想让全世界的研究人员更容易建造软机器人)”可知,作者希望柔性外骨骼能够更多的应用到实际中,使其得到进一步的发展,可以推断,他对柔性外骨骼是充满希望和期待的。故选D项。答案:D7What will researchers intend to do with flexoskeletons?ABenefit most students.BProduce a lot of flexoskelet

24、on robots.CBuild robots by hand.DCreate many larger ones.解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“The final goal is to create an assembly line that prints whole flexoskeleton robots without any need for hand assembly.(最终的目标是创建一条不需要手工装配就能打印整个柔性外骨骼机器人的装配线)”和倒数第二段中的“Flexoskeleton printing can be done on most lowcost commerci

25、ally available printers.(柔性外骨骼打印可以在大多数低成本的商用打印机上完成)”可知,研究人员的目标是创建生产线大量生产这种柔性机器人。故研究人员打算用柔性外骨骼来生产很多柔性外骨骼机器人。故选B项。答案:B8What can be the best title for the text?ANew Robots Made of Special Equipment and MaterialsBA New Method of Building Giant,Soft and Flexible RobotsCFlexoskeletons Make Soft Robots Fas

26、ter and Cheaper to MakeDFlexoskeletons Create Lots of Soft Robots with Hand Assembly解析:标题归纳题。文章开篇就介绍主题:研究人员研发出一种新方法,可以快速创造出柔性的3D打印机器人。该项技术使得柔性机器人的研发更快捷、便宜。可以推断文章的主题为,柔性外骨骼使机器人的制作速度更快,成本也更低。所以C项最适合作本文标题。答案:C.阅读七选五Talking to yourself may seem a little shameful.According to the wellknown saying, talkin

27、g to yourself is the first sign of madness. 1 Talking to ourselves, whether outloud or silently in our heads, is a valuable tool for thought.Far from being mentally ill, selftalk allows us to plan what we are going to do, manage our activities, regulate our emotions and even create a description of

28、our experience.2As children, according to the Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky, we use private speech to regulate our actions in the same way that we use public speech to control the behavior of others.3 Psychological experiments have shown that the private speech can improve our performance on tas

29、ks ranging from judging what other people are thinking to sorting images into categories.One recent study suggested that selftalk is most effective when we address ourselves in the second person, as “you” rather than “I”4 If you want proof, turn on the sports channel.Youre certain to see an athlete

30、or two cheering themselves up with a bitter phrase or scolding themselves after a bad shot.Conduct a dialogue with ourselves.5 The private speech seems to be a particularly good way of solving problems and working through ideas.The toandfro between different points of view means our thoughts can end

31、 up in expected places, just like a regular dialogue can, and might turn out to be one of the keys to human creativity.AWhat is private speech?BBut there is no need for embarrassment.CPsychologists refer to this as private speech.DAsk questions of the self and provide answers.EWe do a lot of private

32、 speech when we are young.FAs we grow older, we dont abandon this systeminternalize it.GWe internalize the private speech we use as children, but we never entirely put away the outloud speech.答案:1.B2.C3.F4.G5.D.语法填空China is now fighting a war of a different kind.Its against 1.an unseen enemy, which

33、has been named COVID19 by the WHO.Since its appearance at the end of December in Wuhan, the virus 2.causing(cause) this disease has spread to other cities, infecting hundreds of thousands of people and leading to over one thousand 3.deaths (dead)As yet, there is no vaccine (疫苗) to protect people aga

34、inst the virus and the only 4.effective (effect) way to fight it is to try to contain it.The Chinese people should be praised because, 5.for the most part, they refused to panic.Theyve stayed home as much as possible, worn protective masks and washed their hands 6.frequently (frequent) and thoroughl

35、y.The governments response has also been calm and effective.Theyve kept everyone 7.informed (inform) about what has been happening and theyve sent thousands of doctors and nurses to Hubei to treat those 8.who/that have been infected.This terrible virus hasnt been defeated and the fight against it may continue for several more months.Its hoped that 9.when the crisis fades, China and the world will learn that cooperation and hope, not panic or criticism, is the 10.best (good) way to face a common threat.

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