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1、2021届高考英语二轮复习 增分强化练(十九)阅读理解+阅读七选五+完形填空+短文改错(含解析)2021届高考英语二轮复习 增分强化练(十九)阅读理解+阅读七选五+完形填空+短文改错(含解析)年级:姓名:增分强化练(十九)阅读理解阅读七选五完形填空短文改错(限时40分钟).阅读理解It doesnt take decades of life experience to have a great idea, as many of these young inventors have proved.The Electronic TelevisionThe electronic television

2、 was first designed by a 14yearold kid in 1920.Philo Taylor Farnsworth shared his concept of an image transmitting (影像传送) device, an early design of the electronic television, with his science teacher, drawing diagrams on several blackboards in class.By the age of 21 Farnsworth had a working model w

3、hich served as a basis to all later development and versions of electronic televisions. After discovering a collection of technology magazines in the attic (阁楼) of his familys new home, he developed a passion and interest in electronics, which led him to explore inventions in the field of, specifica

4、lly, the image transmission.In 1927, a few years out of high school, Farnsworth was the first inventor to transmit a television image of a dollar sign, composed of 60 horizontal lines.Braille LanguageLouis Braille suffered a serious eye injury when he was just 3 years old.Not only did the accident c

5、ause him blindness on that side, but the infection spread and blinded the other eye as well.After more than a decade of struggling with the slow system of tracing his finger over raised letters, Braille was 12 when he learned of a method of silent communication originally created for the French mili

6、tary.He simplified it, and in 1824 the Braille language was born.Popsicles (冰棍)A lot of kids are easily distracted (分散注意力)and thanks to the short attention span of 11yearold Frank Epperson, we now have popsicles.In 1905, Epperson, a San Francisco native, was stirring powdered drink mix into a cup of

7、 water when something else caught his attention.The mixture was forgotten outside the door, and when Epperson rediscovered the drink in the morning, it was a deliciously portable frozen popsicle.After years of making the frozen treats for friends, and eventually his own children, Epperson filed for

8、a patent in 1924. 语篇解读本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了三个由年轻男孩发明的东西。1Who contributed his intelligence to the invention of TV?APhilo Taylor Farnsworth.BFarnsworths science teacher.CLouis Braille.DEpperson.解析:细节理解题。根据The Electronic Television部分的“The electronic television was first designed by a 14yearold kid in 1920.P

9、hilo Taylor Farnsworth shared his concept of an image transmitting device, an early design of the electronic television (1920年,一个14岁的孩子首次设计了电子电视。Philo Taylor Farnsworth分享了他关于影像传送设备的概念,这是一个早期的电视设计)”和“In 1927,a few years out of high school,Farnsworth was the first inventor to transmit a television ima

10、ge of a dollar sign, composed of 60 horizontal lines.(1927年,高中毕业没几年,Farnsworth是第一个把美元符号传输到电视上的发明家)”可知,Philo Taylor Farnsworth致力于电视的发明。故选A项。答案:A2Which invention was accidentally made because of poor concentration?AThe Electronic Television.BThe Braille Language.CDollar Sign.DPopsicles.解析:细节理解题。根据Pops

11、icles部分的“A lot of kids are easily distractedand thanks to the short attention span of 11yearold Frank Epperson,we now have popsicles.(很多孩子都容易分散注意力由于11岁的Frank Epperson缺乏注意力,我们现在有了冰棍)”可知,冰棍是因为一个孩子缺乏注意力而产生的。故选D项。答案:D3What do the three inventions have in common?AThey were all designed for the sake of ki

12、ds.BThey were all made by young boys.CThey were all made in the 20th century.DThey were all created within a few years.解析:细节理解题。根据The Electronic Television部分的“The electronic television was first designed by a 14yearold kid in 1920.(1920年,一个14岁的孩子首次设计了电子电视)”,Braille Language部分的“Braille was 12 when he

13、 learned of a method of silent communication originally created for the French military.He simplified it, and in 1824 the Braille language was born(直到12岁,他才学会了一种最初为法国军队发明的无声交流方法。他简化了它,1824年,布莱叶盲文诞生了)”和Popsicles部分的“A lot of kids are easily distractedand thanks to the short attention span of 11yearold

14、 Frank Epperson,we now have popsicles.(很多孩子都容易分散注意力由于11岁的Frank Epperson缺乏注意力,我们现在有了冰棍)”可知,这三项发明的共同之处是它们都是由年轻男孩发明的。故选B项。答案:B.阅读七选五Take time off school, because your body will fight off the cold virus better if it is well rested.However, if you have to go, avoid close contact with your classmates.1 Me

15、anwhile, wash your hands as frequently as possible.Nonsedating (非镇静) allergy medicine, which you can buy from a chemist, can ease the problems of a runny nose and watery eyes.As soon as you feel a cold coming on, drink plenty of liquid.Water or juice is ideal but hot herbal teas with lemon will help

16、 thin sticky substance and remove it from the body.A warm gargle with salt water will make your throat more comfortable by reducing the swelling.23 Breathing in steam over a bowl of hot water helps a lot, too.For a violent cough, the latest research suggests that honey, either straight from a jar or

17、 mixed with a hot drink, works as well if not better than costly sprays.A good diet is also essential for a quick recovery, so start the day with a healthy breakfast including vitamin C in the form of fresh fruit.4 For dinner, easily digested solid food is recommended, such as rice porridge made wit

18、h vegetables or eggs.5 It not only makes you physically stronger, but enhances your emotional wellbeing.Just remember not to attempt anything that requires a lot of efforts or strength.Finally, to recharge your body and regain your strength, you need a full eight hours sleep.ABesides, a little light

19、 exercise is beneficial as well.BAs we know, the virus can be spread easily from one person to another.CThe name “cold” came into use in the 16th century due to cold weather.DThe warm air generated by a hot shower or bath will help clear blocked noses.ESigns and symptoms may appear less than two day

20、s after exposure to the virus.FFor lunch, chicken noodle soup is good since it helps block cells that cause coughing.GIt also washes out bacteria and viruses so it can be used as a preventive measure as well.答案:1.B2.G3.D4.F5.A.完形填空When my roommates and I left campus for spring break, we told each ot

21、her wed be back soon.Little did we_1_that within the next three days, “soon” would become “who knows when”. Stuck at home from college, we felt filled with a strong_2_to do something to help, but_3_about what we could do.Ever since the coronavirus outbreak_4_, we found ourselves_5_by stories of fron

22、tline workers who remained at their posts and yet their calls for_6_to basic necessities were overlooked._7_, the problems they were facing_8_from daily supplies.Just before midnight on April 8, we_9_Give Essential, an online matching platform where frontline workers can tell us what_10_they need, a

23、nd_11_tell us what they can give.And then we create_12_based on their bestfit needs and donations, with things directly sent to these workers.After glued to our screens for 36 hours and building a website from scratch, we posted the_13_on Facebook, to tell everyone we knew about Give Essential.Withi

24、n 24 hours, we_14_over 300 frontline workers, and many donors have_15_to help with gifts_16_from bars of soap to several grocery gift cards.Give Essential started as an idea, and snowballed into a _17_with hundreds of connections across the country.In this state of lockdown, it is easy to feel_18_by

25、 the four walls and front door that were_19_not to leave.With Give Essential, we wanted to_20_the public that our ability to connect with and help others is not limited in that same way. 语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。由于新冠疫情作者被困在家,得知许多一线工作人员缺乏生活用品,创建了Give Essential在线配对平台,把捐赠者的物品及时送给需要的工作人员。平台迅速壮大,成了在全国各地拥有数百名联系人的团体。平

26、台的应用提醒人们在条件受限的情况下,依然可以想办法帮助别人。1A.decideBknowCagree Dpromise解析:句意:我们不知道在接下来的三天里,“很快”会变成“谁知道什么时候”。decide决定;know知道;agree同意;promise允诺。因为疫情的爆发是人们没有想到的,不知道结果。故选B。答案:B2A.urge BresearchCpity Drelief解析:句意:我们被困在家里,心里充满了想要帮助别人的强烈愿望,但又不知道自己能做些什么。urge强烈的欲望;research研究;pity同情;relief安慰。因为疫情的爆发,许多人需要帮助,作者非常想帮助他们。故选A

27、。答案:A3A.confident BexcitedCunsure Dscared解析:句意见上题解析。confident自信的;excited激动的;unsure不确定的;scared害怕的。but表示转折,作者想帮助别人,但又不确定做些什么。故选C。答案:C4A.turned BleftChit Dwaited解析:句意:自冠状病毒爆发以来,当得知很多坚守在一线的工作人员要求获得基本必需品的呼吁却被忽视的故事时,我们被触动。turned使变成;left离开;hit袭击,打击;waited等候。此处指疫情的袭击,爆发。故选C。答案:C5A.touched BtiredCamused Dfri

28、ghtened解析:句意见上题解析。touched受触动的;tired疲劳的;amused愉快的;frightened害怕的。作者被这些事情触动,有了帮助一线工作人员的想法。故选A。答案:A6A.ability BaccessCright Didea解析:句意见上题解析。ability能力;access进入,通道;right权利;idea想法。表示“接近,获得”是access to,此处指获得基本必需品。故选B。答案:B7A.Fortunately BSuddenlyCEasily DObviously解析:句意:显然,他们所面临的问题来自日常用品。Fortunately幸运地;Suddenl

29、y突然地;Easily容易地;Obviously明显地。根据basic necessities和daily supplies可知,缺乏生活用品是明显地,故选D。答案:D8A.adapted BaroseCheard Ddiffered解析:句意见上题解析。adapted使适应;arose出现;heard听见;differed使不同。此处指出现的问题是缺乏日常用品,故选B。答案:B9A.gave way to Bput up withCcame up with Dwent back to解析:句意:就在4月8日午夜之前,我们推出了一个名为Give Essential的在线配对平台,在这个平台上,

30、一线工作人员可以告诉我们,他们需要什么,捐赠者也可以告诉我们,他们可以捐赠什么。gave way to让位给;put up with忍受;came up with提出,想出;went back to重新回到。此处指作者推出了一个帮助平台,故选C。答案:C10A.positions BplansCsuggestions Ditems解析:句意见上题解析。positions位置;plans计划;suggestions建议;items物品,项目。上文提到一线工作人员缺乏日常用品,此处指他们需要的物品。故选D。答案:D11A.experts BcustomersCviewers Ddonors解析:句

31、意见第9题解析。experts专家;customers顾客;viewers观众;donors捐赠人。根据an online matching platform,they can give和donations可知,此处指捐赠者,下文“many donors have_15_to help”是提示,故选D。答案:D12A.matches BclubsCaccounts Dtasks解析:句意:然后我们根据他们最合适的需求和捐赠来创造匹配,直接把东西送到工作人员那里。matches匹配;clubs俱乐部;accounts账目;tasks任务。根据an online matching platform

32、可知,作者创立的是在线配对平台,故选A。答案:A13A.role BlinkCletter Djob解析:句意:我们在屏幕前待了36个小时,从零开始建立了一个网站,然后我们在Facebook上发布了这个链接,告诉所有我们认识的人有关Give Essential的事情。role角色;link链接,联系;letter信;job工作。根据building a website可知,作者是在Facebook上发布了链接,让它发挥作用。故选B。答案:B14A.employed BchangedCreached Ddismissed解析:句意:在24小时内,我们找到了300多名一线工作人员,许多捐助者提供了

33、从肥皂到几张杂货店购物卡等各种礼物。employed雇佣;changed改变;reached延伸,到达;dismissed解散。此处指在平台上找到了300多名一线工作人员,故选C。答案:C15A.refused BregrettedCpretended Doffered解析:句意见上题解析。refused拒绝;regretted遗憾;pretended假装;offered提供。根据平台的作用和many donors等信息可知,是捐助者给一线工作人员提供日常用品,故选D。答案:D16A.skipping BsharingCflowing Dranging解析:句意见第14题解析。skipping

34、跳过;sharing分享;flowing流动;ranging变化。range from表示“范围从到”,故选D。答案:D17A.group BtrapCstore Dhole解析:句意:Give Essential一开始只是一个想法,然后像滚雪球一样发展成为一个在全国各地拥有数百名联系人的团体。group组,团体;trap陷阱;store商店;hole洞。根据with hundreds of connections across the country可知,Give Essential很快发展成了一个在全国各地拥有数百名联系人的团体。故选A。答案:A18A.depressed Bthrille

35、dCashamed Dsatisfied解析:句意:在这种封闭的状态下,我们很容易因为被建议不要离开的四面墙和前门而感到沮丧。depressed沮丧的;thrilled激动的;ashamed羞愧的;satisfied满意的。此处指在疫情期间,在封闭的状态下,被困在家会让人沮丧。故选A。答案:A19A.invited BadvisedCcontrolled Dtrained解析:句意见上题解析。invited邀请;advised建议;controlled控制;trained训练。疫情期间,人们被建议居家,不出门。故选B。答案:B20A.shock BwarnCremind Dsurprise解析

36、:句意:通过Give Essential,我们想提醒公众,我们与他人联系和帮助他人的能力并不会受到同样的限制。shock震惊;warn警告;remind提醒;surprise惊讶。平台的应用提醒人们在条件受限的情况下,依然可以想办法帮助别人。故选C。答案:C.短文改错We were considering making an English magazine, and without handson experience we didnt know how to start it.To get profession instructions, we left for Beijing to vi

37、sit a chief editor of Beijing Review, the famous English journal.Busy as he was, he showed me around, explaining us the amazing history of the journal and its production process.Beside, he offered us lots of tip, which were practical and valuable.What make us especially happy was that when he promis

38、ed to give us continuous guidance.Filling with confidence, we are now beginning to handle our magazine. 语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了我们想创办一本英文杂志,向北京周刊的一位主编寻求经验的过程。1解析:考查连词。句意:我们考虑做一本英文杂志,但没有实际经验,我们不知道如何开始。根据句意可知,前后句是转折关系,故and 改为but。答案:第一句andbut2解析:考查形容词。修饰名词instructions用形容词,此处指专业的指导,故profession 改为professional。

39、答案:第二句professionprofessional3解析:考查冠词。此处指Beijing Review是一本著名的英语杂志,第一次提到,表示“一个”用不定冠词,且famous发音以辅音音素开头,故the改为 a。答案:第二句thea4解析:考查代词。与上文we left for Beijing一致,可知是主编带领我们四处转转,故me改为 us。答案:第三句meus5解析:考查介词。“向某人解释某事”是explain to sb.sth.或 explain sth.to sb.,故explaining后加to。答案:第三句explaining后加to6解析:考查副词。beside “在旁边

40、”,此处表示“此外”,用besides,故Beside 改为Besides。答案:第四句BesideBesides7解析:考查名词的单复数。tip表示“建议”是可数名词,此处由lots of修饰可知应用复数,故tip改为tips。答案:第四句tiptips8解析:考查动词的时态。本文讲述过去发生的事,此处与全文时态一致,用一般过去时,故make 改为made。答案:第五句makemade9解析:考查表语从句的引导词。句意:让我们特别高兴的是,他答应给我们持续的指导。What make us especially happy是主语从句,was后是表语从句,表语从句句意完整不缺少时间状语,用that引导。故去掉when。答案:第五句去掉when10解析:考查非谓语动词。表示“充满”是be filled with,此处作状语省去动词be,故Filling改为Filled。答案:第六句FillingFilled

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