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6、升产品价值的关键。此外,配合作为一种有效的产品效益的评估,在产品升级中通过有效的企业与消费者产品配合产生价值,它的作用是不容忽视的。图1是以产品为导向的营销战略的理论框概述了利益的价值,也介绍了产品利益的关键要素和产品渠道的价值以及配合发挥的中介作用。4P 营销策略功能利益经济利益情感利益产品利益配合产品价值图1:基于产品利益的价值导向营销战略理论框架研究3.1 产品价值和4P营销理论美国管理大师德鲁克在1954年指出,客户是购买价值而不是产品,企业之所以存在的原因是为客户提供更多的价值。企业和客户所有行为的价值都进行了。在营销上,现有的文献表明杰克逊是第一个提出价值观的人,他认为客户在收益和


8、希望以最低的成本换取最大的利益,这样他们的需要会最大限度得到满足。综上所述,我们可以看到,产品是企业为不同的消费者的利益所提供的产品或营销活动的价值,而消费者利益被预计结合起来创造价值。因此,它可以帮助企业和消费者去确定一个真实的统一目标,为营销活动的主体去制定有效的营销策略,以提供一个新的理论框架。很显然,产品营销活动的价值的定义体现了企业的根本目标,只有围绕“价值”这一中心,在这一原则的基础上最大限度地发挥其营销战略的价值,使企业在市场上处于良好的地位。3.2 产品利益和4P营销策略4P营销策略的开发是以产品利益为基础。王裘(2005)从顾客价值角度将实用价值分为功能价值、经济价值和心理价


10、假设1a功能利益对产品价值有积极的显著的影响假设1b经济利益对产品价值有积极的显著的影响假设1c情感利益对产品价值有积极的显著的影响3.3 产品利益配合和4P营销策略(1)配合理论在牛津词典中,配合是指相适应或胜任的位置。本文承认了阿吉里斯的配合定义:企业与顾客之间隐含的、非正式的、未注意预期的共同利益是一种心理契约。配合预期合作伙伴双方(顾客和企业)获得的利益与补充后实际收到的利益一致。本文研究了4P策略配合度对于产品价值的影响。我们可以从2个方面来描述它的含义。一、互补配合。互补配合指双方有需求,而这些需求可以由对方提供。二、补充配合。配合的一致性是为了创造利益,以达到客户期望提供的一致性



13、通过有效产品的发展和实施形成效益的。产品价格渠道促销4P 营销策略配合根据企业的4P营销策略,对消费者的产品利益的产品价值而言,如何选择产品及其相关利益(差异性)将自己的产品的不同产品利益的价值最大化,这需要4P营销策略业务发展带来的实际利益与消费者的期望实现“配合”状态。图5:配合驱动4P营销策略因此,我们可以看到,企业具体选择哪个(或哪几个)产品的配合来实现产品价值最大化的利益,主要基于消费者的预期和企业市场营销的4P营销组合策略的判断。首先,消费者的利益是三种价值,三个产品配合必须最大限度地提高产品价值情况的利益;如果消费者关注经济利益和情感利益,必须使经济利益满足和情感利益在相同的时间


15、4.1 示例程序基于探索性研究和小组访谈,本研究采用问卷调查方式调查汽车买家。选择汽车为研究对象,主要是因为:汽车是工业社会一个典型的产品;目前汽车市场竞争非常激烈,已经成为人们关注的焦点。为了确保量表使用的可靠性和有效性,本研究试图学习使用对国内外学者成熟且多数采用过的Likert量表5。另外,其他再结合汽车的特点,在探索性研究的基础上,最后确定本研究的问卷(限定长度,调查问卷不显示)。正式调查选择我们学校的工商管理硕士(车辆买家)作为调查对象。首先,这些工商管理硕士学生来自该国,样本分布比较好。其次,它可以节省研究成本。本次调查共发放问卷298份,收回278份问卷,排除受访者不完整和科目填

16、写严重不明确的问卷,共有255份有效问卷,91.73%的回报率。4.2 测量性能评价这一理论模型的总体拟合优度较好,具体如表1所示。表1:整体模型拟合指数拟合指数CFIGFIRMSEA数字1.9050.9250.9130.055注:反映模型的拟合效果的程度,CFI在1-3之间;GFI是0-1之间,越接近1,拟合较好;RMSEA越小越好。总的来说,CFI0.90,GFI0.90,RMSEA0.08,可能是该模型具有较好的拟合结果。(1)可靠性分析。综合可靠性的分析表明,测量的内部一致性系数的变量(克拉纳赫的一)均大于0.70,说明本研究结构的测量变量有很好的可靠性。(2)有效性分析。对于所有的测

17、量指标,标准化因子载荷也高于研究所建议的最低临界水平 0.60(最小值为0.8351),这具有很强的统计意义(P0.005),表现出强大的向内看的有效性。(3)平均变异抽取(AVE)分析。每个潜变量的AVE均大于0.60,符合AVE应大于0.50的标准。除了上面提到的内向性大于有效性外,每个潜变量还应表现出较高的辨别效度。根据研究结果,为了确保各种概念和实证之间的内容存在差异,每个潜变量AVE的平方根应该大于潜变量和其他潜变量的相关系数,这条件能满足。4.3 假设检验和结果分析阿摩司7.0统计分析软件用于测试模型,从标准路径系数和假设检验的结果如下表估计:表2:结构方程模型的路径系数和经验结果

18、假设关系系数C.R.PTest1a产品价值 - 功能利益0.4340.6630.456否1b产品价值 - 经济效益0.1250.9070.380否1c产品价值 - 情感利益0.0360.3350.725否2a配合 - 功能利益配合0.5713.2870.001是2b配合 - 经济利益配合0.5433.1590.002是2c配合 - 情感利益配合0.3352.0280.005是2d产品价值 - 配合0.6523.2580.000是从表2中的结果中很容易看到的:在整个提高产品价值的驱动因素的构架中,配合对产品价值的影响远远强于其他结构对产品价值的影响。也就是说:目前我国汽车市场中,最重要的因素是有


20、以归纳为以下几个方面:引入产品效益作为分析营销策略的关键作用。产品利益是如何影响产品价值的提升;本文用4P营销策略描述了配合,验证了配合的中介作用和配合衍生因素的作用(如营销策略);延伸的逻辑框架,探索自己的角色来提升产品价值,和加强4P营销策略是如何影响产品的价值,并反过来帮助企业发展营销策略以创造价值。本文研究以基于产品利益的价值为导向的营销策略理论和实证研究,丰富了现有的营销理论。原文:The theoretical and empirical study on value-oriented marketing strategy based on product benefitsAbst

21、ract-At present, people have shifted from focus on the benefit needs to focus on the value of the ratio of the benefits and costs, which is made that the studies on marketing strategy theory of the earliest development and the most widely used must focus on the value to start. Most studies deem that

22、 satisfaction is pre-variable of the value, but we find fit can create value comparing to satisfaction. From the perspective of 4P marketing strategy, this paper developed theoretical model of value-oriented marketing strategy based on product benefits, and to verify the impact on key Dimensions of

23、product benefits to product value with the vehicle as the empirical object, revealing the mediating effect of fit.I. INTRODUCTIONMarketing deems that developing marketing strategies are the core of business marketing and the key to success. It is all aimed at building, develop and maintain the produ

24、ct exchange activities of business and consumer, consumer or enterprise to meet customer needs (interests) of the powerful weapon. With the increasing products, focusing on the values of the ratio of benefits and costs are quietly active in the transaction, and creating product value becomes the foc

25、us of marketing activities.As marketing strategies are ever-changing, how to develop marketing strategies to create value has become commonly concerned issues for the academic and business. Marketing strategy theory is the starting point of marketing theoretical research, but also the foot points of

26、 marketing theory to be used business practice. To date, however, theorists proposed many theories of marketing strategy, which are analyzed from the perspective of meeting the demand. This article aims to introduce the mediating effect of fit, and to explore effective product benefits that are form

27、atted by the driveling factor of the fit that is marketing strategy, proposed building models of value-oriented marketing strategy based on product benefits, which will expand the marketing strategy theory to a new level.II. THE EXISTING THEORETICAL STUDY OF MARKETING STRATEGYIn 1960, Professor McCa

28、rthy from the University of Michigan made up with 4P theory: the product (product), pricing (price), channel (place) and promotion (promotion) the four key elements, laid the foundation of marketing theory framework 1. 4P theory emphasizes the main commodities (including services and network) of pro

29、duct core, formed through the product price, promotion and channels to expand marketing activities.Subsequently, domestic and foreign scholars around the 4P theory marketing strategy long-term in-depth research, emerged a large number of research results, there are 5P, 6P, l0P, 12P and other points

30、of views, these are the expansion of 4P marketing strategy, the core of still 4P. 4P marketing strategy is the research hot point of initial marketing, as enterprise planning the cornerstone of marketing. As the product of increasingly rich and improvement of living standard, peoples desire for an u

31、nprecedented expansion. 1990, U.S. scholar Laut friend (Lauter born) first proposed to replace the traditional use of 4C 4P, for the marketing strategy of providing a new way, comparison, 4C is client-oriented, and product-oriented phase 4P ratio, 4C made great progress in the concept and developmen

32、t. In 2001, the American scholar TangSchultz (DonE. Schultz) at 4C marketing theory based on the theory of a relationship-oriented 4R, described a new marketing strategy of the four new elements, in the new philosophy levels outlined a new framework for marketing 2. From product-oriented to customer

33、-oriented 4P 4C, and then to relations-oriented 4R, formed a relatively complete theoretical system of marketing strategy. 4P, 4C, 4R to meet the needs of people made important contributions, they are not to replace the relationship between each other, but the layers of progressive development, 4P m

34、arketing strategy remains the basis of the theory. Demand-oriented shift in peoples attention from the value of today, marketing strategies must focus on the value of research, 4P marketing strategy is product-oriented, value for differentiated products research, In this article, the perspective of

35、4P marketing strategy to develop products based on the interests of The value-oriented theoretical model of marketing strategy, build a product of interest - fit - product value of the theoretical model, and select the car (typical products of industrial society) as the empirical object, verify the

36、product key dimensions of the products of interest enhance the value.III. THE THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF VALUE-ORIENTED MARKETING STRATEGY BASED ON PRODUCT BENEFITSWith the right marketing strategy research and practice continued to deepen, the pursuit of value for the integration of relevant theoreti

37、cal perspectives and models, and to overcome the above problems and errors to provide a new way to make it possible to maximize the product value, and further defined the ultimate marketing strategy goal the maximization of product value. Meanwhile, the marketing strategy formulation and implementat

38、ion process, the product of interest in the creation and delivery of a pivotal position, the stability is the cornerstone of building product value. Therefore, based on the perspective of marketing strategy, built up the value-oriented marketing strategy is the key to enhancing product value. In add

39、ition, the fit, as an effective assessment of product benefits, through the formation of effective business and consumer products fit the interests of its value in the product upgrade, its role cannot be ignored. Figure 1 depicts the value of benefits based on product-oriented marketing strategy of

40、the theoretical framework, outlines the key dimensions of product benefits and value of the product channels and fit play an intermediary effect.4P marketing strategyFunctional benefitsEconomic benefitsEmotional benefitsProductbenefitsFitProduct valueFig. l. - The theoretical framework of value-orie

41、nted marketing strategy based on product benefitsA. Product value and the 4P marketing strategyAmerican management guru Peter Drucker pointed out in 1954, customers are buying value rather than products, business reason to exist is to provide customers with more value. Businesses and customers aroun

42、d the value of all acts are carried out. In marketing, the existing literature suggests that the value of the first to propose the concept of the Jackson 3, he thought the value customers get the ratio between the benefits and price, where the price includes purchase price and such as access, transp

43、ort, installation, order , there is the risk of failure and so is the cost. Woodruff (1997) 4 that the product value is the product of the functions, features, quality, brands, varieties and styles such as the value generated by its benefits to customers and utility is central to customer needs, cus

44、tomer selection is the primary factor in purchasing the product. Higgins (1998) 5 the benefits and costs of customer value into two parts, the customer benefits, including elements of product value, service value, technical value and identity value; and the customer cost can be divided into two cate

45、gories: the price paid and the customers pay the cost and the various internal cost.Although the concept of value different opinions, its core is a consumer from a particular product, service or network access to a range of benefits and pay the total cost comparison. So, product value = product bene

46、fits / product costs. The pursuit of maximizing the value consumers who purchase products, always want the lowest cost, maximum benefit, so their need to maximize satisfaction. Sum up the above point of view, we can see, the product is the enterprise value of the products or marketing activities to

47、provide for the interests of different consumers, and consumer interest is expected to combine together to create value. Therefore, it can help businesses and consumers to determine a realistic goal of reunification, the main body for the marketing activities to develop effective marketing strategie

48、s to provide a new theoretical framework. Obviously, the definition of the value of the product marketing activities reflect the fundamental goal, and only around the value of the center, based on this principle of maximizing the value of their marketing strategy to enable enterprises in a good position in the market.B. Product benefits and 4P marketing strategy4P marketing strategy developm

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