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1、 重庆科技学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告题 目 The Interpretation to Criminal Discrimination in the Movie Crash 电影撞车中的种族主义歧 视隐喻解读 学 院 外国语学院 专业班级 英语普2012级1班 学生姓名 向粤婷 学号 2012444180 指导教师 张琪 2015 年12月29日开题报告填写要求1.开题报告作为毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一。此报告应在指导教师指导下,由学生在毕业设计(论文)工作开始后2周内完成,经指导教师签署意见及系主任审查后生效。2.开题报告内容必须用黑墨水笔工整书写或按教务处

2、统一设计的电子文档标准格式(可从教务处网址上下载)打印,禁止打印在其它纸上后剪贴,完成后应及时交给指导教师签署意见。3.学生查阅资料的参考文献理工类不得少于10篇,其它不少于12篇(不包括辞典、手册)。4.“本课题的目的及意义,国内外研究现状分析”至少2000字,其余内容至少1000字。毕业设计(论文)开题报告1.本课题的目的及意义,国内外研究现状分析1. Purpose of this studyCrash is a famous film won the Best Filmat the78th Oscar Award. The film was inspired by a real-lif

3、e incident, and is aboutracialand socialtensions inLos Angeles,California. In the film, several characters stories interweave during two days in Los Angeles. Crash differs from many other films about racism in its rather impartial approach to the issue. Rather than separating the characters into vic

4、tims and offenders, victims of racism are often shown to be prejudiced themselves in different contexts and situations. Also, racist remarks and actions are often shown to stem from ignorance and misconception rather than a malicious personality. While this is exactly the reason why the author write

5、 this thesis. Racism is ubiquitous in America, many researchers have studied the film and wrote many papers about the film. Most of the papers are about how the film acted to eliminate the racial discrimination caused by ignorance and misconception, and finally the characters in the film did it with

6、 the misunderstanding was resolved. However, no one discovers the underlying meaning that the rasicm in the film can not be eliminated for itself is a film with racial discrimination.Consequently, based on the theory of metaphor, the author will take all kinds of interpersonal relationships in the f

7、ilm as the research object, then analyze the specific plot and the cultural conflict in the film, finally to explain the underlying meaning of the film-racial discrimination can not be resolved under the social interpersonal conflict and cultural conflict. This thesis aims to unscramble the racial d

8、iscrimination in America society through the film Crash, then achieve the purpose that people should face their racism so that they can finally learn to change the situation.2. Significance of this studyIt is well known that Crash is a famous and significant film, and it was thought highly of by mas

9、sive media at home and abroad, so, a lot of researchers write various papers about this film. But no one find the underlying meaning of the film, and use metaphor to unscramble the racial discrimination in the film. While the author find that the creation intention and the essence of the film was no

10、t well demonstrated, therefore, it is necessary and significant to write this thesis to reveal the creation intention and the essence of the film.Ametaphoris a figure of speech that identifies something as being the same as some unrelated thing for rhetorical effect, thus highlighting the similariti

11、es between the two. The Philosophy of Rhetoric(1937) byI. A. Richardsdescribes a metaphor as having two parts: thetenorand thevehicle. The tenor is the subject to which attributes are ascribed. The vehicle is the object whose attributes are borrowed. Moreover, some theorists have suggested that meta

12、phors are not merely stylistic, but that they are cognitively important as well. InMetaphors We Live By,George Lakoffand and Mark Johnson argue that metaphors are pervasive in everyday life, not just in language, but also in thought and action. A common definition of a metaphor can be described as a

13、 comparison that shows how two things that are not alike in most ways are similar in another important way. They explain how a metaphor is simply understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another. The authors also suggest that communication can be viewed as a machine: Communicatio

14、n is not what one does with the machine, but is the machine itself. (Johnson, Lakoff, 1980).Since metaphors are so important and pervasive in our daily life, there must exist uncountable metaphors in the film Crash. Whats more, no one has studied the metaphors in this movie. Therefore, this thesis w

15、ill choose some representative plots, and use metaphor to analyze them, and then find out the underlying meaning of the film. Under the underlying meaning, it will definitely reflect that racial discrimination can not be eliminated. In addition, the significance of the study is to analyze and study

16、the representative plots in Crash based on the theory of metaphor and the movie Crash.3. Previous StudiesA lot of people have written some papers that are related to the movie Crash. Some wrote about the clash of civilization, some multiculture in America, some human nature. On the contrary, this th

17、esis will focus on the racial discrimination revealed in Crash. 3.1 Studies about the clash of civilizationYanxin who comes from College of Liberal Arts, Southwest University wrote a paper named On Consciousness from Collision-Reading and Analysis of Crash. He points out that collision can be seen e

18、verywhere in the movie, the car is not only symbolizes material wealth but also the image of Americans social life. Although the collision is separate, behind them it represents the whole points of American society. All the characters in the movie hope not to be seen by others with coloured spectacl

19、es, on the other hand, they treat others with coloured spectacles unconsciously. They switch their roles among justice and evil, victims and assailant.Xu xiaojun, from College of Art, Sichuan University, in her paper The Ultimate Conversation Under the Mask of Culture Collision thinks that the movie

20、 shows audiences the ultimate conversation under the mask of racial discrimination and culture collision from essentially speaking. It revealed the essence from different ethnic groups such as white people and black people, and expresses each groups views. Just as the movie Crash shows to us: it is

21、not the differences among civilizations that cause conflicts, on the contrary, it is the common things-selfishness and hostility.3.2 Studies about multiculture in AmericaYang danxiu, from College of Art, China Three Gorges University, his paper The Passion Collision in Multicultural Society demonstr

22、ates that freedom is scarce in todays society. Everyone has his or her own space, so it is impossible for them to communicate. The only way to let people walk out their own space is traffic collision, the mechanical impact lead the collision of profits, moreover, the collision of hearts are stronger

23、. Most of the collision plots in the film revealed the essence of the crash-multiculture. All the main characters in the movie from different country, so they have different culture. In fact, crash is also a collision inside the humans deep heart. Zhou zhilian who comes from Foreign Language College

24、, Guangxi Normal University wrote a paper named Personality Problems in Multicultural Society. In her paper, she points out that the movie Crash reflects the collision, reconcile and collision among different ethnic populations under the multiculture in America. At the same time, it also embodies th

25、e deviant changes of minority populations personality structure in face with white people.Pan yali, a college teacher in Henan, in her paper An Analysis of Multiculture Society in America Based on Crash gives points that the racial discrimination and the specific historical background caused the col

26、lision, everyone more or less is discriminated against before, whats more, America is a country of immigrants, it is natural that contradictions and conflicts can be seen everywhere among different nations.3.3 Studies about human natureGuo jianfei, from Foreign Language College, Three Gorges Univers

27、ity, in her paper Angel Love the Devil-Comments on Crash, she points out that the primary coverage of the film is racial conflicts apparently, while deep inside it, the film shows us that humanity is a mixture of good and bad qualities. The theme of this movie is more like a film about love and unde

28、rstanding among people than a film mainly about anti-discrimination. What is more, she thinks that even though the movie director choose the racial discrimination as a main cause of conflicts, what reflect the underlying meaning is well above racism. Li xiaoli who comes from Communication University

29、 of China wrote a paper named Crash: Human Nature Reflected on the Pieces. In her paper, she conveys that humanity is an eternal subject, posesess timeless charm. The director of the movie begin with car collision, metaphor crisis relationships among people, and brings forward racial discrimination

30、as the point of penetration, explores a deeper level and more complex problem of love and hate. Crash is not only about racial discrimination, it is more about human nature.Xie lijun, from University Of Science and Technology of The Inner Mongol, in his paper An Analysis of Human Nature Based on the

31、 Movie Crash, he wrote that even though the movie does not mention anything about human nature, there is an inextricable connection with humanity in the whole movie. He wrote this paper based on the narrative mode of the film, he mentions that on the face of racial discrimination, the director has a

32、 deep reflect on humanity-only in the specific social relationships, can humanity be the root cause of contradiction of racial discrimination, only the humanity shine in people and understanding can eliminate the contradiction and collision.毕业设计(论文)开题报告2.本课题的任务、重点内容、实现途径 TasksBased on the theory of

33、metaphor, watch the movie again and again, and analyze the representative plots in this movie, then study the metaphors in these plots.FocusThis thesis will focus on the racial discrimination in the movie Crash, and find some representative plots that metaphor racial discrimination cannot be elimina

34、ted under the specific social circumstance. Then analyze the relationships among the characters and the relationships among different cultures, finally reveal the underlying meaning of the movie-racial discrimination can never be eliminated.ConstructionIn the first part of this thesis, the author wi

35、ll provide some background information about the movie Crash and the theory of metaphor. Secondly, a brief literature review about the previous studies and some comments related to the movie Crash and racial discrimination will be stated.The third part also the most important part will be concentrat

36、ed on the representative plots of the movie and analyzing all kinds of relationships among various people and cultures. Then, studying the real subject and underlying meaning of the film.The last part will come to the conclusion that even though the director of the movie exhausts his ability to elim

37、inate the racial discrimination by showing the importance of human nature, under the specific social circumstance, on the face of American society, racial discrimination cannot be eliminated by now, in the final analysis, itself is a movie with racial discrimination. Outline1. Introduction1.1 Introd

38、uction about the movie Crash1.2 Introduction about the theory of metaphor2. Literature Review2.1 Previous studies about some comments related to the movie Crash and racial discrimination2.2 Americas racial discrimination2.3 Focus study on this thesis3. The Interpretation to Criminal Discrimination i

39、n the Movie Crash 3.1 The representative plots of the movie3.2 Analyzing all kinds of relationships among various people and cultures 3.3 The underlying meaning and the real subject 4. ConclusionMethods1. Collect information and read reference books. Reference books and materials can be borrowed fro

40、m the library or bought in the store;2. Watch and analyze the movie Crash; 3.Software in need can be bought and installed;4. Keep in contact with the supervisor.5.Set about writing the paper毕业设计(论文)开题报告3.完成本课题所需工作条件(如工具书、计算机、实验、调研等)及解决办法 Working requirementsBooks, given the introductions about the t

41、heory of metaphor are eagerly needed.Computer should be used to watch the movie and analyze the representative plots. Relevant papers and thesis about the movie Crash, human nature and the Americas racial discrimination.There are no enough materials can be downloaded from the core journals and Engli

42、sh papers are extremely less. So I will keep in touch with my tutor to get more information and suggestions.CNKI is an indispensable means in accomplishing this thesis through which materials can be downloaded. The movie Crash should be watched many times in order to deepen the understanding of how

43、metaphors show in this movie and how these metaphors affect the whole movie.References:1 Bulls Eye Entertainment, CrashCD. Argentina: Alfa Films, 2005.2 George Lakoff & Mark Johnson, Metaphors We Live ByM. Chicago: University Of Chicago Press, 2003.3 Thomas Sowellr, Ethnic America: A HistoryM. China

44、: Zhongxin Press, 2011.4 郭建飞. “天使”爱“魔鬼”-评撞车J. 电影评介, 2012, (4): 52-54.5 李彩 心灵的冲突与隔阂 电影 撞车 与 通天塔 的解读与分析J. 成功(教育),2007(1):138.6 李小丽. 撞车 :碎片里折射出的复杂人性J. 当代电影, 2006, (4): 156-158.7 潘亚丽, 何安坤, 杨婷. 论美国多元文化的撞车J. 电影评介, 2014, (20): 35-37.8 塞缪尔亨廷顿. 文明的冲突与世界秩序的重建(修订版)M. 新华出版社, 2010.9 谢利君. 对电影 撞车 中人性的解读J. 环球纵横, 20

45、14, (6): 114-115.10 许小君. “文明冲突”面具下的终极对话J. 电影文学, 2009, (1): 48-49.11 闫新. 在冲撞中感悟-关于撞车的读解和分析J. 重庆工商大学学报 (社会科学版 ), 2006, (8): 112-114.12 杨旦修. 多元化社会的激情碰撞-撞车解读J. 名作欣赏, 2007, (8): 136-137.13 周志莲, 陈金龙. 多元文化社会中的人格问题-评电影撞车J. 文教资料, 2007, (4): 79-80.毕业设计(论文)开题报告指导教师意见:(对本课题的深度、广度及工作量的意见、对设计结果的预测,并明确是否可以开题) 指导教师

46、(签字) 2016年1 月3日系审查意见:同意执行 系主任(签字) 2016年1 月4日目 录1 总论11.1项目摘要11.2 编制依据与研究范围31.3 建设规模41.4 主要建设内容41.5 投资估算及资金筹措41.6 工程效益52 投资环境及建设条件分析62.1 投资环境分析62.2 建设条件分析103 项目建设的必要性与可行性分析153.1 项目建设的必要性153.2 项目建设的可行性164 开发区规划与交通量预测174.1 项目区总体规划174.2 项目影响范围的交通量预测185工程建设方案215.1 设计标准及设计规范215.2 道路设计方案225.3 给排水工程设计285.4 道路照明345.5 电力综合管沟355.6 道路绿化工程355.7 交通安全及管理设施356 节能分析376.1 设计依据376.2 项目概况376.3 项目对所在地能源供应状况的影响376.4 项目用能方案、用能设备386.5 项目能源消耗量、能源消费结构、效率水平和能源管理水平386.6 节能措施分析评价386.7 节能措施建议396.8 结论397 环境保护407.1 大气环境质量407.2 交通噪声417.3 振

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