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1、专业文档江苏省溧阳市2015高考英语单项选择训练(8)及答案江苏省2015高考英语课时作业及解析08.单项填空1According to a UN report,30 percent of the world population have no _to clean drinking water and health care.Asense Bchance Caccess Dstandard答案C句意:根据一份联合国的报告,世界上30%的人口没有干净饮用水和健康保障。have no access to没有机会利用。access使用;sense意义,感觉;chance机会;standard标准,

2、与句意不符。2He holds the view that the literature of a period_its values and tastes.Apronounces BsatisfiesCreflects Drecognizes答案C考查动词词义辨析。句意:他认为某一时期的文学可以反映出该时期的价值观和审美观。pronounce发音;satisfy使满意;reflect反映;recognize认出,识别,所以选择C项。3Mary cant afford the film as she is _a translation of an English novel.Abusy in

3、Babsorbed toCoccupied with Ddevoted by答案Cbe occupied with sth忙于做某事。be busy with,be absorbed in,be devoted to都可译为“从事于,忙于”,注意正确搭配。4They tried to _hard plastics for metals in manufacturing machine parts.Areplace BsubstituteCtake the place of Dgive way to答案Bsubstitute A for Breplace B with A用A来代替B;A tak

4、es the place of B用A代替B。give way to “让路,让步”。5How are you getting on with your business,Tom?Im glad to say it is _after several months depression.Apicking up Bmaking upCtaking up Dturning up答案A考查动词短语。pick up“恢复健康,情况好转”。make up“占据,弥补”;take up“开始从事”;turn up“出现”。句意:汤姆,生意进行得如何?很高兴在几个月的萧条之后,正在好转。6Did you e

5、njoy yourself at the party?Yes,Ive never been to _one before.Aa more excited Bthe most excitedCa more exciting Dthe most exciting答案C考生易误选A项或D项,其实本题是对形容词比较级及动词ing、动词ed型形容词的考查。动词ed型形容词表示被动的含义,多用于说明人的感受,意为“(人)感到”动词ing型形容词表示主动的含义,多用于说明事物的性质,意为“令人”。由于题中的one指代party,为表示事物的词语,故选项A和B首先被排除;分析句意“我还从没有去过比这更让人兴奋

6、的聚会”可知,横线处应为一个比较级结构,故选项C为本题的正确答案。7What puzzles me is _he was a thief when you first saw him.Ahow you could tell Bhow could you tellCwhat could you tell Dwhat you could tell答案A句意:使我迷惑不解的是,你怎么会第一眼看见他就判断他是个小偷呢?考查名词性从句,名词性从句用陈述语序,因此B和C可以排除。根据句子结构可知is后是表语从句,从句中又包含一个宾语从句,he was a thief是tell的宾语,因而不用what,故选

7、A项。8Everyone in the village hoped that he would_after a few days treatment.Apick up Bcome upCkeep up Dmake up答案 A 句意:村里的每一个人都希望他能在几天的治疗后好转。pick up好转,恢复;comp up走上前来,发芽,发生;keep up保持;make up编造,弥补,化妆,构成。故A项符合句意。9John says he has just arrived,but it has been raining for hours,and his shoes are completely

8、 dry.He _be joking!He _be telling the truth.Acan;mustnt Bmust;cantCshould;mustnt Dmust;mustnt答案B考查情态动词。在情态动词表推测时,must只用于肯定句中;而can用于否定句或疑问句中。A、C、D中均有不正确项mustnt。故只有B项正确。答句句意:他一定是在开玩笑,他不可能在说实话。10Over two thirds of the population were believed to have no_to the health care in the west rural areas in Chi

9、na.Aaid BbasisCbelief Daccess答案 D 句意:人们认为,中国西部农村地区三分之二以上的人口享受不到医疗保健。have access to“得以使用”,符合句意。aid帮助;basis基础;belief信念。11This kind of medicine,_by American chemist Professor Carl in 1951,saved millions of peoples lives.Abeing invented Bto be inventedCinventing Dinvented答案D句意:这种药1951年由美国化学家卡尔教授发明,挽救了数百

10、万人的生命。medicine和invent之间存在逻辑上的被动关系,应该选择过去分词作定语,发明的动作是在1951年,意味着动作早已完成,所以选择invented,既表被动又有完成的含义。12Even some of the casual garments we wear have brand names_them which turn us_walking advertisements.Aattached to;into Battaching to;toCappealed to;into Dcontributed to;to答案 A attach to贴在上;appeal to吸引;cont

11、ribute to捐赠,有助于。根据句意可知,应该用attach to,且attach to和brand names之间是动宾关系,因此要用过去分词(这里的过分词短语attached to them作names的定语)。turn.into.“把变成”,是固定短语。13Cinderella has been learning Chinese in Beijing University for the past four years.No wonder she _above her colleagues in Chinese.Astands out Bsticks outCcomes out Ds

12、orts out答案A答语句意:难怪她的汉语比她的同事们学得好。stand out突出,杰出,符合句意。14Choosing the right dictionary depends on _you want to use it for.Awhat Bwhy Chow Dwhether答案A句意:选择合适的词典取决于你想要用它做什么。考查宾语从句,what引导宾语从句,并在从句中充当for的宾语。15_we like a particular piece of news or not,all we have to do is sit in front of the TV set and “le

13、t it happen”AEven if BWhetherCHowever DNo matter答案B句意:不管我们喜不喜欢一条新闻,我们所能做的只是坐在电视机前,“让它发生”。whether.or.不管还是,引导让步状语从句,符合句意。1(201*年山东实验中学一模)The more expensive articles are not _better.Aevidently BnecessarilyCpossibly Doriginally解析:句意:比较贵的东西未必更好。necessarily必然地,必要地,not necessarily未必;evidently明显地;possibly可能

14、地;originally原始地。答案:B2(2011年北京东城区示范校联考)Children are _to meet with setbacks as they grow up,so their parents dont have to worry about it.Apossible BdueCnecessary Dbound解析:句意:孩子们在成长的过程中一定会遇到挫折,所以父母不必担心。be bound to“注定,一定”,是固定搭配。答案:D3(2011年浙江六校联考)Were you satisfied with the exam result?Not a _.I should h

15、ave done much_.Alittle;better Bbit;badClittle;bad Dbit;better解析:句意:你对考试成绩满意吗?一点也不,我本应该考得好得多。not a bitnot at all一点也不;not a little非常。第二空:much后修饰比较级而非原级(bad),根据句意也可知此处为“好得多”,故选D。答案:D4(2011年安徽江南十校联考)_,the excited crowds in the square suddenly became so quiet.Its still puzzling.APersonally BNaturallyCSom

16、ehow DAnyway解析:句意:不知为什么,广场上激动的人们突然安静下来,真是令人费解。somehow不知为什么,不知怎么地;personally就个人而言;naturally自然地;anyway无论怎样。答案:C5(2011年山东临沂模拟)I am very sorry we made such a _decision,but there was really no time left for us.Aprecise BworthyCcasual Dtight解析:句意:很抱歉,我们做出了这么一个草率的决定,但我们的确是没有时间了。casual临时的,随便的,武断的;precise精确的

17、;worthy值得的,有价值的;tight紧的,牢固的。答案:C6(2011年江苏南通二次调研)Were you disappointed when you received the book bought through the Internet?Well,yes,_.The back cover was a bit torn,but it didnt matter really.Asort of Bvery muchCnot at all Dnever mind解析:句意:当你收到从网上买的那本书的时候失望了吗?噢,是的,有点儿。封底有点破了,不过并无大碍。sort of有几分;very

18、much修饰动词;not at all一点也不;never mind没关系。答案:A7(2011年东北三校二模)The volunteers will do _to help those injured in the earthquake.Aeverything possible humanlyBeverything humanly possibleChumanly possible everythingDhumanly everything possible解析:句意:那些志愿者愿意做力所能及的事情来帮助地震中受伤的人。首先,不定代词的修饰词应置于其后,故C、D不对;其次,单个副词修饰形容词

19、时置于其前,故选B。答案:B8(2011年安徽江南十校联考)Wow!Jerry got full marks again!How lucky he is!Not exactly!_.He makes full use of his time to study.AHe is more lucky than hardworkingBHe is not so much lucky as hardworkingCHe is far less hardworking than luckyDHis classmates are no more hardworking than he解析:句意:哇!Jerr

20、y又得了满分!他太走运了!不完全是!与其说他走运不如说他刻苦,他充分利用一切时间来学习。not so much.as.与其不如。答案:B9(2011年湖北黄冈质检)Its wonderful to have a month in the faraway village,_all worries and responsibilities.Acontrary to Bfree fromCfar away Dfar from解析:句意:在遥远的村庄过一个月真好,无忧无虑。free from没有,免于;contrary to与相反;C、D两项中的far指距离远。答案:B10(2011年黑龙江哈九中二模

21、)His humorous closing speech was a welcome addition to the _dull meeting.Atherefore BmeanwhileCotherwise Dnevertheless解析:句意:他幽默的结束语在这次其他方面比较沉闷的会议上受到了欢迎。otherwise在其他方面,除此以外;therefore因此;meanwhile同时;nevertheless然而。答案:C11(2011年山东潍坊诸城测试)To our delight,the result of the experiment is entirely _with what w

22、e expected.Aparticular BenthusiasticCsatisfied Dconsistent解析:句意:让我们高兴的是,实验的结果跟我们预料的完全一致。be consistent with与一致;particular特别的;enthusiastic热情的;be satisfied with.对满意。答案:D12(2011年山东青岛一模)His explanation was so clear that everyone could understand it with _.Apossibly the least effortBthe least effort possi

23、blyCthe possible least effortDthe least possible effort解析:句意:他的解释如此清楚以至于每个人不费吹灰之力就明白了。“the least形容词”构成最高级,意为:最小/最不/。答案:D13(2011年山东东营胜利一中)Punctuality is _a virtue to us.It is a rule of life and our respect for our friends and visitors.Abetter than Bmore thanCno more than Dno better than解析:句意:守时不仅仅是一种

24、美德。它是生活的原则以及对朋友或来宾的尊重。more than不仅仅,多于;better than好于;no more than和一样不,仅仅;no better than和一样不好。答案:B14(2011年辽宁期中)The little girl couldnt work the problem out.She wasnt _clever.Athat BmuchCenough Drather解析:句意:那个小女孩解不出这道题,她没那么聪明。that作副词时,相当于so;much常修饰形容词或副词的比较级以及动词;enough用在形容词或副词后;rather相当。答案:A15(2011年北京西

25、城二模)She is fed up with sharing a house with others;_,she is looking for her own flat.Amoreover BotherwiseChowever Dtherefore解析:句意:她讨厌和别人同住一间房子,所以她在找自己的套房。therefore因此,因而;moreover而且,加之,此外;otherwise否则,不然;however然而。根据句意可知,正确答案为D项。答案:D高考单项选择31.It is _ great shock for all of us to hear _ news that three u

26、niversity students lost their lives because of saving others. A. the;a B. /;a C. /;/ D.a;the32.According to the school rules, no student_ go out of the school after eleven oclock at night without the teachers permission. A. will B.shall C. must D. may33.It was very _ of you to let us know you were g

27、oing to be late for the party. A. particular B. merciful C. considerate D. considerable34.Id like to do something for you_ everything you have done for me. A. in exchange B. in turn C. in return for D. in terms of35. Jasper is a great painter. He is _ Picasso.A. as a great as B. as great painter asC

28、. as great a painter as D. so great a painter as36. He picked up an envelope _50 dollars in it.A. containing B. contained C. which contains D. which was contained37.She did not take the advice that she _ at rush hour, so she got lost.A. not travel B. did not go C. should travel D. goes shopping38.Th

29、e child should be punished. You shouldt let him _ telling lies. A. keep away from B. keep away with C. get away from D. get away with39. The new law has come into _; surely it will have _on industry of the country.A. affect; an effect B. effect; affect C. effect; an effect D. an effect; an effect40.

30、 Can I _, sir?Yes, please. Two dinks.A. order you B. have your order C. obey your order D. order41. What a big surprise to see you here! I _ you _ still abroad.A. think; were B. thought; are C. think; are D. thought; were42.- Did your boss phone you again the next day? - No, it was a fortnight _ he

31、gave me a second call. A.that B. before C. when D. since43. The population of the country is 3 million, _ Kooris.A. 1 % of which were made up of B. 1 % of it were KoorisC. and 1 % of which were made up of D. 1 % of them were44.- Jack, Im going to Beijing to have a trip. Do you have anything _ to your friends. A. to take B. to be taken C.taken D. taking45.This is one of the best films _ this year.A. they have been shown B. that has been shownC. that have been shown D. which have been shown【参考答案】 3135 DBCCC 3640 AADCB 4145 DBABC珍贵文档

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