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1、Unit 2 Empathy and JusticePre-class exploration2. Look at the people around you. Select one of them and make a carefulobservation of this person such as his or her appearance, clothing, hairstyle, facialexpression and behavior (such as chewing gum or typing a text message). As youlook at the person,

2、 what general impression do you get? Do you like his or her lookor not? Does the person make you smile, chuckle, frown or feel annoyed? Then writedown your observations and discuss them with your partner.Suggestions for instructors:1 The instructor can ask students to describe someone in class in de

3、tail and let the others guess who that person is.2 The instructor can provide some pictures from newspapers or magazines so that the students can use those as discussion materials. Ask one group to describea certain character in words and another group to draw the characterbased on the description.P

4、art I: Learning the SkillsActivity 1 Beaver Goes ShoppingRead the following story and discuss with your partner the techniques used in developing the character Beaver.What Beaver saysBeaver talked to different animals about what food to buy. He communicated with several animals about his food.What B

5、eaver doesBeaver talked and acted and kept trying different food after listening to different peoples advice.What Beaver thinks and feelsHe felt sad ( unhappy) when he couldnt find the food he wanted and happy when he got the carrots.Activity 2The following two passages are about two best friends, D

6、eanna and Beverly. Read thetwo passages carefully and discuss with your partner the techniques the authors useto develop the characters in each passage. In Passage 2, highlight those sentences thatcan correspond tothe sentences (1, 2, 3 and 4) in Passage 1 and think about theimpact of these differen

7、ces on readers impressions of the two characters.The technique here is whether using showing or telling in character development. While the first uses telling, the second mostly used showing with specific details and dialogues.Part II: Case AnalysisActivity 3Read Text A and consider how the author k

8、eeps moving the plot of the story forward. What techniques are employed to develop the characters?Task 1 Understanding the textCharacter(s):A policeman, the man waiting for his friend.Setting:Adimly-lightedstreet corner in New York at a chilly night.Plot:Beginning: A policeman was patrolling the str

9、eet.Middle: The man who was waiting for his friend talked to the policeman.Ending: The man turned out to be a man wanted by the police.Point of view:Objective third point of view.Theme:Justice comes before friendship.Task 2 Responding to the textWrite your answer to each question in full sentences.

10、Then discuss your answers withyour partner.1) What had happened in the past 20 years to Jimmy and Bob?Jimmy became a policeman while Bob got rich by involving in criminal activities.2) What kind of person was Jimmy in the eyes of Bob? Could you imagine Bobsfeeling while he was waiting for Jimmy?Jimm

11、y was a nice and honest guy. He was excited and proud that he had been “successful”.3) How did Jimmy deal with the awkward situation? He did not reveal his real identity.4) If you were Jimmy, how would you deal with the awkward situation? Answers may vary.Activity 4Read Text B and consider how the a

12、uthor presents the change of the Selfish Giant. What techniques are employed to develop the character Giant?Task 1 Understanding the textComplete the chronological outline of the text. Include the most important events in the story.1) Children liked to play in the Giants garden.2)One day the Giant c

13、ame back and _put a sign up to keep the garden to himself_. 3)Then the Giant had a long winterandspringnever came.4) One morning the Giant heard some lovely music and saw a most wonderful sight.5) Every afternoon, when school was over, the children came and played withthe Giant.6) Years went over, a

14、nd the Giant grew very old and feeble.7) One winter morning he looked out of his window he found a tree covered with lovely white blossomsand underneath it stood the little boy he had loved.8) When the children ran in that afternoon, they found the Giant lying deadunder the tree, all covered with wh

15、ite blossoms.Task 2 Responding to the textWrite your answer to each question in full sentences. Then discuss your answers with your partner.1) Why was the Giant unhappy to see the children playing in his garden when he cameback from his visit to his friend? Have you ever seen a similar phenomenon in

16、 your life?He thought the garden was his and he did not want to share it with others.2) How did the author present the Giants realization of his selfishness?Through a monologue “my own garden is my own garden” and his action of putting a no trespassing sign.3) What did the Giant gain by allowing the

17、 children to play in his garden? He gained happiness.4) What role did the little boy play in the development of the story?The little boy changed the selfish giant into a loving giant and as a symbolic figure(angel); he was very important.Part III: Language StudyActivity 5Read Text A and Text B and f

18、ind more examples of concrete language and figurative language. Then discuss their functions with your partner.Concrete language:Text AText BHe was a kind of plodder,though, good fellowas he was.There was now a fine, cold drizzle falling, andIt was a large lovely garden, with soft greenthe wind had

19、risen from itsuncertain puffsintograss. and there were twelve peach-treesa steady blow. The few foot passengers astir inthatin the spring-time broke out into delicatethat quarterhurrieddismally and silently alongblossoms of pink and pearl, and in theautumnwith coat collars turned high andbore rich f

20、ruit.pocketedhands.Years went over, and the Giant grew very oldand feeble.The two men started up the street, arm inEvery day for three hours he (thearm. The man from the West, hisHail)rattledon the roof of the castle till heEgotismenlarged by success, was beginning tobroke most of the slatesoutline

21、the history of his career.The birds were flying aboutand twittering withThe other, submerged in his overcoat, listeneddelight.with interest.Downstairs ran the Giant in great joy, and outinto the garden. He hastenedacross the grass,and came near to the child.Figurative language:Text AText BHe and I w

22、ereraised here in New York, just likeHere and there over the grass stood beautifultwo brothers, together.flowers like stars,Ive had to compete with some ofOnce a beautiful flower put its head out fromthesharpestwits going to get my pile.the grass, but when it saw thenotice-board itA man gets in a gr

23、oove in New York. It takeswas so sorry for the children that it slippedthe West toput a razor-edge on him.”back into the groundagain, and went off tosleep.There was now a fine, cold drizzle falling, and“You let me play once inyour garden, todaythe wind had risen from itsuncertain puffs intoyou shall

24、 come with me to my garden, which isa steady blow.Paradise.”And the Giants heart melted as he looked out.Activity 6The following sentences are developed from the sentence Sheila replied, “I dont know where he is.” With different concrete details, Sheila becomes different kinds of person. Discuss wit

25、h your partner your understanding of what kind of person Sheila is in each context.1) Sheila rolled her eyes and sighed loudly, then threw up her hands in exasperation and replied curtly, “I dont know where he is.”Sheila was quick-tempered.2) Staring blankly out of the window, Sheila exhaled softly,

26、 closed her eyes for a moment and replied, “I dont know where he is.”Sheila was gentle.3) Sheila stared at her mother, teary-eyed, shuddering with fear, and sobbingly replied, “I dont know where he is.”Sheila was timid /fearful.4) Sheila continued to pass the items over the scanner, staring down at

27、the counter, and without even looking at the customer, replied indifferently, “I dont know where he is.”Sheila was impolite.Activities 7-8Suggestions for instructors:These two activities would help students to practice the characterization skills as well as characterization through concrete and/or f

28、igurative language.We suggest that the teacher could ask students to work on the two activities themselves first. If in class, the teacher could ask students to select one task from each activity and work in pair about 10 minutes. Then the teacher could ask students to share their work and arrange t

29、he whole class to appreciate their writing.More examples for Activity 8The old woman looked old and sad. A.When I came out of the train, I heard someone sobbing. I headed towards the direction whereby the sobbing came from. I spotted an old woman with wrinkled skin and silver hair. She had teeth tha

30、t had yellowed with age. She also looked miserable and gloomy. The old woman was sitting in a humid corner whereby no one cared about her. As I went closer to her, I could see tears streaming down her face. I realized that she was hunched-back. I could tell from her appearance that she was a burden

31、to her family.B.The frail-looking lady inched forward like she only had a limited space to move her feet. From a far distance, I could see her wrinkled skin and her teeth that had yellowed with age. She looked cheerless with sunken eyes and cheeks. Her sinewy hands looked like she had worked hard fo

32、r many years. She looked really feeble and seemed like she could not even swat a fly without missing it. Her silvery hair was no longer bright and shiny, but instead it was dull. Her face was gloomy and her smile was gone. She hunched her back and took a couple of steps forward. She looked up in dis

33、may and sighed.If time permits, the instructor can ask students to work in groups and list five ways to show that a person is sad, or angry or happy.For example:On entering the door I remembered the doll I had broken. I felt my way to the hearth and picked up the pieces. I tried vainly to put them t

34、ogether. Then my eyes filled with tears; for I realized what I had done, and for the first time I felt repentance and sorrow.The Story of My LifeHe stopped, distracted, seeing that his wife was weeping. Two great tears ran slowly from the corners of her eyes toward the corners of her mouth.The Diamond Necklace

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