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1、 Ballast water management plan 目 录Contents章节 标题 页Chapter Title Page1. 介 绍 2Introduction 2. 船舶资料 4Ships particular 3. 负责人员及职责 5 Responsible officer any their duties4. 培训和教育 6 Training and education5. 压载水管理的手段 8Ballast water management measures 6 安全措施 13 Safety Precautions7 更换压载水程序 19 Procedure For Ba

2、llast Water Exchange8 记录和报告程序 20 Recording and Reporting Procedures9 附 录 23APPENDIXES 压 载 水 管 理 计 划BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN1. 介绍与目的Introduction and object1.1数个国家的研究显示在船上压载水和淤泥中的多种细菌、植物和动物,虽经过数个月的海上旅程,仍能存活。随后在各港口国水域排放压载水或淤泥,将产生对当地的人类,动植物生态,及海洋环境构成威胁的有害水生有机体和病原体。虽然其他媒介已被确定引起有机体在分隔水体之间的传播,但船舶排出的压载

3、水却被列于最显著的媒介之中。Studies carried out in several countries have shown that many species of bacteria, Plants, and animals can survive in a viable from in the ballast water and sediment carried out in ships, even after journeys of several months during. Subsequent discharge of ballast water or sediment in

4、to the water of port States may result in the establishment of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens which may pose threats to indigenous human, animals and plant life, and the marine environment. Although other media have been identified as being responsible for transferring organisms between geo

5、graphically separated water bodies, ballast water discharge from ship appears to have been among the most prominent.1.2 为了减少船舶压载水在各海区之间传播对当地海洋中的动植物及海洋环境有危害的海生物的可能性,并符合国际海事组织为减少有害水生物和病原体传播的对船舶压载水控制和管理的指南(RESOLUTIONA。686(20)的要求。本公司制定了船舶压载水管理计划,计划规定了船舶压载水控制与管理的方法和要求,旨在为船舶提供压载水管理的安全和有效措施,本船船员必执行本计划, To

6、minimizing the possibility of transfer aquatic organisms and pathogens which harmful to local animals / plants and marine environment by ships ballast water ,and in order to comply with the required of the IMO The Guidelines For The Control and Management Of ShipsS Ballast Water To Minimize The Tran

7、sfer Of Harmful Aquatic Organisms And Pathogens(Resolution A 868(20) ),this company launched this SHIP BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN. This plan specifies methods and requirements for the control and management of ships ballast water, and intended to provide safe and effective procedures for ballast

8、water management .All seafarer on board this vessel are required to perform accordingly 1.3本指南依据IMO2004 年船舶压载水和沉积物控制和管理国际公约的要求,以及MEPC/Circ.329和 MSC/Circ.806(1997 7 30)的要求编写。以MEPC.127(53) 决议通过的“压载水管理及制定压载水管理计划导则”的要求而制定This plan have been prepared in accordance with The Guidelines For The Control and

9、Management Of ShipsS Ballast Water To Minimize The Transfer Of Harmful Aquatic Organisms And Pathogens (resolution A 868(20) ) adopted by the IMO ,Guidelines For The Preparation Of ShipS Ballast Water Management Planissued by CCS,MEPC/Circ.329 and MSC/Circ.806(1997 7 30)。2. 船舶资料:船名SHIPNAME:船舶种类KIND

10、OF SHIP:GENERAL CARGO船舶登记号REGISTRY NO船籍港PORT OF REGISTRY:BATUMI船旗国FLAG STATE:GEORGIA船东SHIP OWNER:船舶管理人SHIP MANAGER: 海事组织编号IMO NO:总长LOA:104.30垂线间长LBP:96.00型深 MOULDED DEPTH 16.20夏季吃水SUMMER DRAFT6.68总吨位GROSS TONNAGE3720净吨位NET TONNAGE22433. 负责人员及职责Responsible officer and their duties.3.1 本公司指定船长为本船舶压载水操

11、作的总负责人, The Master of the ship is nominated as the overall responsible officer for all ballast water operation of this ship。船长应负责收集港口国主管机关关于压载水方面的信息。包括港口对压载水的管理的标准和要求,压载水管理的细节,港口的其他应急布置,压载水和沉淀物接收设备的位置,容量和费用,更换压载水的区域位置和使用年限,港口有关压载水的的报告程序及资料。Ship master should responsible for obtain information on bal

12、last water management from port state authorities 。including any standards and requirements on ballast water management, details of ballast water management ,any other port contingency arrangements, location capacities of and applicable fees relevant to reception facilities for ballast water and ass

13、ociated sediments location and terms of use of alternative exchange zones, form and procedure and information for ballast water report.船长还应负责向有关的港口国主管机关报告本船压载水管理情况。Ship master should also responsible for report ballast water management of the ship to port state authorities。若无港口资料,应在抵港前向有关港口主管机关索要。If

14、 not available on board the ship ,the above information is to be requested from the authorities of the port concerned。船长应对有关港口当局的检测提供适当的协助。Master should provide reasonable assistance for the port states monitoring .船长应安排对有关船员进行压载水管理方面的培训。Master should arrange training of persons engaged in ballast w

15、ater management.3.2 大副是具体实施操作的负责人,必须 :The chief officer is responsible for the implementation of the operation. chief officer should: - 组织有关人员执行压载水管理计划 To organize persons engaged in ballast water operations to implement the ballast water management plan。 -做好并保存适当的压载水管理和处理记录。 To make and keep record

16、s on ballast water management and treatment as appropriate。-协助船长对压载水操作的有关人员进行培训。To assist the master in training persons engaged in ballast water operations。 4 培训和教育Training and Education4.1船长应就压载水和淤泥管理和处理程序方面对大副及进行压载水操作的有关人员进行训练与指导。训练内容应包括以下:Master should provide training, instructions on ballast w

17、ater and sediment management and treatment procedures to chief officer and crew who are associated with filling or discharging ballast water operation. The training should including follows:4.1.1IMO为减少有害水生物和病原体传播的对船舶压载水控制和管理的指南(RESOLUTIONA。686(20)IMO The Guidelines For The Control and Management Of

18、ShipsS Ballast Water To Minimize The Transfer Of Harmful Aquatic Organisms And Pathogens (resolution A 868(20) )4.1.2本船压载水管理计划的内容ContentsofthisBallastWaterManagementPlan4.1.3船员熟悉压载水系统布置图,该布置图应包括有关的空气管,测量管,各压载水舱室位置,舱室吸口位置和各舱室接驳至压载水泵的管路。Crew should familiarize with the ships pumping plan, which should

19、 show ballast pumping arrangements, with position of associated air and sounding pipes, positioned of all compartment and tank suctions and pipelines connecting them to ships ballast pumps.4.1.4确定测量管畅通,空气管及其止回装置在良好状态的方法。The method to ensuring that sounding pipes are clear, that air pipes and their n

20、on-return devices are in good order.4.1.5对船上压载水记录保存,报告和常规测量的方法。The method of on-board ballast water record keeping, reporting and recording of routine soundings.4.1.6港口国主管机关在压载水管理方面的规定或信息。Any regulations or information on ballast water management from port state authority 4.2培训和教育计划Training and educ

21、ation plan应制定对有关船员进行压载水管理培训的计划。A scheme for crew training on ballast water management should be available on board. 4.3培训与教育记录Traning and education record.对在船工作的船员进行的培训与教育应留有记录Training and educationfor present Crew should be recorded 5 压载水管理手段 Ballast water management measures 5.1 控制吸入及排放含有有害机体和病原体的

22、压载水及淤泥。 Avoid up-taking ballast water may contain harmful aquatic organisms ,pathogens and sediments may contain such organisms.5.1.1 减少水中有害机体和病原体的吸入Minimizing uptake of harmful aquatic organisms, pathogens and sediments当打进压载水时,应尽量采取措施避免或减少吸入水中有害机体和病原体及含有此种有机体的淤泥。When taking in ballast water, every

23、effort should be made to avoid the uptake of potentially harmful aquatic organisms, pathogens and sediments that may contain such organisms.在以下区域内和情况下应减少吸入的压载水量,如情况允许,避免吸入压载水:The uptake of ballast water should be minimized or, where practicable, avoid in areas and situations such as:港口国确认的下列海域:Follo

24、wing Areas identified by port State :- 发生,蔓延或已知流行有有害机体和病原体的区域;Areas with outbreaks, infestations or known populations of harmful organisms and pathogens;- 当时浮游生物蔓延的区域(海藻蔓延,如红潮)Areas with current phytoplankton blooms (algal blooms, such as red tides);- 污水排出口的附近;nearby sewage outfalls;- 挖泥工程的附近;nearby

25、 dredging operations;- 当已知潮流是较混浊时,及潮水流动较差的区域;when a tidal stream is known to be the more turbid; and areas where tidal flushing is known to be poor.- 在黑夜当海床生活的机体可能随水流上升; In darkness when bottom-dwelling organisms may rise up in the water column.- 在较浅水区域;In very shallow waters.- 在螺旋桨可能搅起淤泥之处; Where p

26、ropeller may stir up sediment.5.1.2及时地清除压载舱淤泥Removing ballast sediment on a timely basis当实际可行时,常规清洁压载水舱清除淤泥应在大洋中进行,或当船舶在港口或进干坞时并在监控之下进行。Where practicable, routine cleaning of the ballast tank to remove sediments should be carried out in mid-ocean or under controlled arrangements when ship is in port

27、 or dry dock.5.1.3避免不必要的压载水排放。Avoiding unnecessary discharge of ballast water如果因货物的安全操作而需在同一港口进行压入和排放压载水时,应注意避免不必要地排出在其他港口压入的压载水。If it is necessary to take in and discharge ballast water in the same port to facilitate safe cargo operations, care should be taken to avoid unnecessary discharge of ball

28、ast water that has been taken up in another port.5.2 压载水处理方法的选择Ballast water management options5 .2.1 转换压载水Ballast water exchange将近岸(包括港口和河口)的有机体排出于大洋中,或大洋中的有机体排出于沿岸水域时,有机体一般都不会生存。Near-coastal (including port and estuarine) organisms, released in mid-ocean, and oceanic organisms released in coastal

29、waters, do not generally survive.当情况允许时应更换压载水应在深海进行,或在公海和尽可能远离海岸处进行。如这样做不可能时,应在距岸200NM以外的区域内进行。在与两岸距离不足200海里的海域,应按两区域的协议要求。Where practicable, ships should conduct ballast exchange in deep water, in open Ocean and as far as possible from shore. Where this is not possible, conduct exchange of ballast

30、water in areas within 200 nautical miles from shore. When the distance to both coast line is less than 200nm, ballast water exchange should be meet requirements or agreement between countries.在海上转换压载水时,应注意一些在本计划列出的安全措施并推荐以下的做法: When exchanging ballast at sea, certain safety precautions as listed in

31、this plan should be taken into account. Furthermore, the following practices are recommended: 使用将压载水按一定次序排空再注入海水的排空注入法转换压载水,Use Empty-and-refilled method to change ballast water, in which each ballast tank ,in a certain sequence ,is pumped out and then fully refilled with water .压载水要排放至压载水泵失

32、去吸力,若可能时还应使用扫舱泵或喷射泵扫舱。Ballast water should be discharged until suction is lost, and stripping pumps or eductor should be used if possible. 在外海使用溢流方法,既利用压载水泵打压载水进压载水舱或货舱同时让压载水溢出而达到转换效果时,应至少打进该舱室舱容三倍的压载水。Where the flow-through method is employed in open ocean by pumping ballast water into the

33、tank or hold and allowing the water to overflow, at least three times the tank volume should be pumped through the tank.若在公海不能进行任何一种转换压载水方法,港口当局可能允许在指定海域进行压载水转换。Where neither form of open ocean exchange is practicable, ballast exchange may be accepted by the port State in designed areas.5.2.1

34、.5港口当局批核的其他压载水转换方式。Other ballast exchange options approved by the port State.5.2.2不排放或排放最低量压载水Non-release or minimal release of ballast water当压载水转换或其他处理方法都不可能进行时,压载水可能要保留在船上。如这样也是不可行的,船舶只能按港口国的应急方案,排出必要的最低数量压载水In cases where ballast exchange or other treatment options are not possible, ballast water

35、 may be retained in tanks or holds. Should this not be possible, the ship should only discharge the minimum essential amount of ballast water in accordance with port States contingency strategies. 5.2.3 排出至接收设施Discharge to reception facilities如港口当局备有接收压载水和淤泥设施,若适当时,应予使用。If reception facilities for b

36、allast water and/or sediments are provided by a port State, they should, where appropriate, be utilized.5.2.4压载水的紧急处理及新的处理技术Emergent and new technologies of ballast teatments如适当的新的、紧急处理方法和技术可行,该方法可以代替或与现行的选择一起使用。这些处理方式可包括热能方式,过滤,包括紫外线在内的消毒方法,以及港口当局能接受的其他方法。If suitable new and emergent treatments and

37、 technologies prove viable, these may by substitute for, or be used in conjunction with, current options. Such treatments could include thermal methods, filtration, disinfection including ultraviolet light, and other such means acceptable to the port State.6安全措施Safety Precautions6.1 船舶在海上进行转换压载水应按压载

38、水转换的程序进行操作,可行时,应考虑以下的方面:Ships engaged in ballast water exchange at sea should perform in according with ballast water exchange procedures ,take into account the following, as practicable:6.1.1避免压载水舱超压或处于加压状态。Avoidance of over-and under-pressurization of ballast tanks.6.1.2任何时候未满水的舱内的自由液面对稳性的影响及舱内液体流

39、动的冲击力。Free surface effects on stability and sloshing loads in tanks that may be slack at any one time.对在压载水转换过程中会因为部分注满时水的荡动而产生明显的结构负荷的压载水舱或货舱的压载水转换,应在有利的海况下进行,以最大限度地减少结构损坏的危险。Exchange of ballast in tanks or holds where significant structural loads may be generated by sloshing action in the partiall

40、y filled tank or hold should be carried out in favourable sea and swell conditions so that the risk of structural damage is minimized.6.1.3允许的天气状况。Admissible weather conditions.6.1.4船舶航行于受季节性气旋,台风,暴风或严重结冰情况天气的区域Weather routing in areas seasonably affected by cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes, or heavy

41、icing conditions.6.1.5依据审核批准的稳性手册保持足够的完整稳性。Maintenance of adequate intact stability in accordance with an approved trim and stability booklet.应对批准的稳性手册和装载手册中所指明的适航状态下的稳性和强度的安全余量进行评估,在此方面要特别注意任何时候均应保持不小于SOLAS公约要求(或主管当局要求)的稳性数值.An evaluation should be made of the safety margins for stability and stren

42、gth contained in allowable sea going conditions specified in the approved trim and stability booklet and the loading manual. In this regard particular account should be taken that Stability to be maintained at all times to values not less than those required by the SOLAS (and/or required by the Admi

43、nistration)6.1.6经审批的装载手册中的航行中许用的船体剪力和弯矩的极限强度。Permissible seagoing strength limits of shear forces and bending moments in accordance with an approved loading manual.用配载仪计算因在海上转换压载水产生的剪力和弯矩并与许用强度值比较。Use of loading instrument to perform calculations of shear forces and bending moments induced by ballas

44、t water exchange at sea and compare with the permissible strength limit.船体的纵向应力不应超过船级社对上通常海况下的允许值。Longitudinal stress values not to exceed those permitted by the ships classification society with regard to prevailing sea conditions.6.1.7相关的扭曲的应力。Torsional force, where relevant.6.1.8最小/最大的前后吃水。Minimu

45、m/maximum forward and aft draught.6.1.9波浪引起的船壳振动Wave-induced hull vibration.6.1.10对可能影响在海上换压载水的情形的应急程序,影响情形包括:天气变坏,压载水泵损坏,失去动力等情况。Contingency procedures for situations which may affect the ballast water exchange at sea, including deteriorating weather conditions, pump failure, loss of power, etc.6.1.11转换压载水所需的时间或适

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