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1、初中英语同义词组1. arrive in/at=get to=reachI arrived at the airport at 10.=I reach the airport at 10.be fine=be well=be OKIm fine=Im well.=Im OK.2. be from=come fromHe is from China.=He comes from China.3. be in=be at homeHe is in.=He is at home.同理:be out= be not at home4. be full of=be filled withThe bott

2、le is full of orange.=The bottle is filled with orange.5. be late for=come late forIm sorry, Im late for the meeting.=Im sorry, I come late for the meeting.6. be on a visit to= visitHe is on a visit to China.= He is visiting China7. be able to=canHe was able to ride a bike at the age of 5.=He could

3、ride a bike when he was 5.8. be away=be out=be not at home如49. be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.He is busy doing his homework.=He is busy with his homework.10. be pleased=be glad=be happyThe coach was pleased with their performance.=The coach was glad with their performance.=The coach was happy w

4、ith their performance.11. buy sb. Sth.=buy sth.for sbMy mother buys me a book.=My mother buys a book for me.12. be up=get upBe up, Tom!=Get up, Tom.13. catch up with=keep up withI can catch up with others.=I can keep up with others.14. catch a bus=take a busCan I catch a bus?/Can I take a bus?15. ca

5、tch a cold=have a coldOh, no! Youve caught a cold.=Oh, no! Youve had a cold.16. come into=step intoHe came into the classroom.=He stepped into the classroom17. come down=get downCome down! Thats dangerous.=Get down! Thats dangerous.18. do well in=be good atHe does well in swimming.=He is good at swi

6、mming.19. do the shopping=go shoppingIll do the shopping.=Ill go shopping.20. drop off=get off21. enjoy doing sth.=like doing sth.I enjoy reading.=I like reading.22. have a good time=enjoy oneselfWe had a good time at the party.=We enjoyed ourselves at the party.23. fall down=fall offI fell down.=I

7、fell off the bike.24. get the telephone=answer the telephoneI got the telephone.= I answered the telephone.25. give sb.sth.=give sth.to sb.26. give sb.the message=give the message to sb.27. give sb. a talk=give a talk to sb.28. give a concert=have a concertThey gave a concert.=They had a concert.29.

8、 get on well with sb.=be good toI got on well with my neighbors=Im good to my neighbors.30. givea call=givea ringI gave a call to you.=I give you a ring.31. go down=go along32. go for a swim=go swimming33. go on doing sth.=go on with sth.34. go up=go along35. go to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleep36.

9、have a look (at)=look at37. have a swim=go swimming38. have got=have39. hear from=receive a letter from=have a letter from=get a letter from40. help sb with sth=help sb to do sth41. hold a meeting=have a meeting42. hold on=wait a minute43. hurry up=be quick44. knock at=knock on45. last fromto=be fro

10、mto46. like doing sth=like to do sth47. look out=be careful48. love to do sth=like to do sth49. make up ones mind to do=set ones mind to do50. pay for=spend on51. preferto=like better than52. ring up=call sb53. send for sb=ask sb to come54. show sb sth=show sth to sb55. take care of=look after56. ta

11、ke exercise=do sport57. take a message=leave a message58. think about=think of59. teach oneself=learn all by oneself60. turn off=turn down61. turn right at thecrossing=take the turning on the right62. walk on=go on63. walk to=go to on foot64. walk along=go along65. at school=in the school66. a lot o

12、f=lots of67. a lot=very much68. a quarter past two=two fifteen69. at times=sometimes70. at last=in the end=finally71. a bit=a little=a few72. a moment ago=just now73. at once=right now74. at noon=in the middle of a day75. at that moment=at that time=just then76. at the moment=at the same time77. at

13、the doctors=in the doctors office78. all over the world=across the world=around the world=in the world79. a moment later=later on80. after a while=a moment later81. all the same=all the time82. as soon as possible=as quick as possible83. in line=in a queue84. in the southern part of=in the south of8

14、5. in the day=in the daytime86. much of China=many places of China87. more than=over88. no longer=notany longer=no more=not any more89. not far from=near to90. North China=the north of China91. of course=certainly92. plenty of=quite a few=a lot of=lots of=large number of=a great many of=a good deal of93. two and a half years=two years and a half94. get ready for= be ready for95. so as to = in order to 96. stop sb. from doing sth.= keep sb. from doing sth.97. because of = thanks to98. in my opinion = I think99. be pleased with = be satisfied with 100. in a hurry = hurry to do sth.7

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