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1、人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit1SectionB巩固练习Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?Unit 1 Section B巩固练习EXERCISES:一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填词。1.We can h you with your English.2.Are you good w kids?3.If you like doing sports,you can come to the StudentsSports C .4.Our school needs help to t kids on summer holiday.5.He can speak Engli

2、sh and he can a play basketball.6.We can help the old at the old peoples h .7.Jim can sing well and he wants to be a famous m .8.Can you play the v ?9.Can you come and join us at the party (在周末)?10.You can (交许多朋友)if you join the English club.11.We need a pianist for (学校音乐节).12.In the school music cl

3、ub,I can (敲鼓和弹钢琴).13.Ma Huan likes to talk to (人们).14.Miss Wu (教)us music.15.Then we need you (帮助进行体育运动)for English-speaking students.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.We need two students (clean)the classroom.2.They need help at the old (people)home.3.Do you make many (friend)here?4.Mr.Wang teaches (they)math.5.Sall

4、y is busy (do)her homework.6.Are you a (music)?三、选择填空。( )1. you play piano?No,I cant.A.Need;the B.Can;/ C.Can;the D.Can;a( )2.What can Mary play? .A.The drumps B.The basketball C.Guitar D.The football( )3.Can Mike play the guitar?No,he cant.But he .A.cant play the guitar B.can play the guitar C.cant

5、 sing D.can sing( )4.What does she like doing?She doesnt like playing the trumpet the piano .A.and B.but C.or D.so( )5.Can your brother play the ?A.tennis B.violin C.soccer D.chess( )6.Peter play soccer.A.can also B.also can C.can too D.too can( )7.We need her with music.A.help B.helping C.to help D

6、.helps( )8.Are you good children?A.for B.in C.at D.with( )9.Please call Mr.White 584-896.A.in B.at C.on D.with( )10.Who teaches English? Miss Yao.A.you B.your C.yours D.our( )11.Do you play piano in your free time? No,I like sports.I often play soccer with my friends.A./;the B.the;/ C.the;the D.a;a(

7、 )12.He was born in Italy,but he has made China his .A.family B.address C.house D.home四、句型转换,每空一词。1.Bill can play the guitar. (改为否定句) Bill the guitar.2.Frank can play the piano. (改为一般疑问句) Frank the piano?3.Jack can do kung fu. (对画线部分提问) Jack ?4.Can Lucy and Lily draw pictures? (作肯定回答) Yes, 5.I can s

8、ing and speak English. (改为否定句) I sing speak English.6. Ioftenhelphimdohishomework.(改为同义句)Ioftenhelphimhishomework.五、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。1.你会弹钢琴还是拉小提琴? you the piano the violin?2.你能帮忙教教音乐吗? Can you music?3.莉莉善于与老人相处。 Lili old people.4.萨姆想在周末弹吉他。 Sam wants the guitar .5.这个星期天你忙吗? you this Sunday?六、根据对话内容,选择

9、适当的句子完成对话。A.Cay you play the piano? B.But I can play the piano.C.I can play the drumps. D.Can you sing?E.What can you do,Jennifer?A:I want some students for the school concert.What can you do,Bill? (1) B:No,I cant.But I can play the guitar.A:You can play the guitar!Good. (2) B:I can sing and (3) A:Y

10、ou can!Great,Jennifer. (4) B:No,I cant.Victor can play the piano. A:Victor ,can you play the piano?B:Yeah,I cant sing or dance. (5) (KEYS:DECAB)七、阅读下面的招聘广告,根据广告内容,选用适当单词填空。soccer chess guitar dance sports sing musician basketballStudents Wanted for All Kinds of ClubsAre you a ?Can you and ?Can you p

11、lay the ?If you arent interested in music,how about ?Can you play or ?Can you play them well?Maybe you can play .Thats an intelligent game.(KEYS:1.musician2.sing或dance3.dance或sing4.guitar5.sports6.soccer或basketball7.basketball或soccer8.chess八、作文。假如你是鲍勃(Bob),想参加学校的国际象棋俱乐部,请根据对话所提供的信息,给史密斯先生(Mr.Smith)写

12、一封50词左右的自我推荐信。Mr.Smith:Hi!Can I help you?Bob:Yea ,please.Im Bob Smith.I want to join the chess club.Mr.Smith:How old are you?Bob:Eleven.Mr.Smith:Can you play chess?Bob:Yes ,a little.I want to learn about chess.Mr.Smith:How can we contact(联系)you?Bob:My telephone number is 3555108.My e-mail address is

13、 Bob.Mr.Smith:Write down(写下)all your information(信息),please.Bob:OK.(KEYS:Dear Mr.Smith, My name is Bob Smith.Im eleven years old.I like playing chess very much,but I cant play it very well.I want to learn more about it and I really want to join the chess club.My telephone number is 3555108.My e-mail address is Bob.Can I join your club? )- 3 -

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