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1、本文为大家整理了一篇关于Report类型的雅思写作高分必备模板。Report类型的写作是雅思写作中最常见的一种,所以准备一个这个类型的写作模板还是非常有必要的。下面的模板供大家参考。首段: (引子)第一句: 描述背景(引子) it is indisputable fact that 替换句型: it is an undeniable fact that it is an irrefutable fact that第二句:(可有可无) the serious consequences of are often felt in our life .第三句:承上启下:In this essay ,

2、I intend to explore the sources of this problem along with some possible solution to it .替换句型: In the following essay , I aim to identify the sources of this problem as well as some viable solution to it .第二段: 分析原因第一句: Chief among the causes of this problem is .替换句型:第二句: In the past , 第三句: Consequen

3、tly , 第四句: Another major contributing factor is that 第三段:提供解决方案第一句: In order to address its root causes. Perhaps the most effective method of doing thiswould be for people to do sth.第二句: Since ,第三句: one further measure would be to 替换句型: one further method of would be for people to do第四段: 总结第一句: In c

4、onclusion , I believe that this is clearly a problem of such complexity that no solution is likely in the short term .替换句型: In reality , this problem is unlikely to be resolved in the short term.第二句: However , I believe that the measures outlined above would constitute a good first step .However , it is by no means insurmountable , and I am convinced that 替换句型: however , I believe that the hard way is sometimes that the best way .以上就是Report类型的雅思写作高分必备模板的全部内容,十分的细节化,几乎每一句怎样写,都有所提及。但是大家在参考的时候一定要注意,要在其中加入属于自己的特色的东西,这样才能在考试中正常应用。

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