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1、New Glasses-Free 3-D Approach Could Work on Thin, Flexible Displays新式3D眼镜变得透薄柔性3D television was heralded as the breakthrough technology of the 2010 Consumer Electronics Show. Hot on the heels of James Camerons eye-opening Avatar, 3D HDTVs were everywhere on the show floor.3D电视被誉为2010消费电子展的突破性的技术。当年

2、詹姆斯卡梅隆的阿凡达令人大开眼界,掀起3D热潮,3D电视在展会上随处可见。One year later, at CES 2011, 3D was back again this time iterating. We saw bigger 3D HDTVs, 3D displays that didnt require special glasses, and camcorders that captured 3D content.一年后,在CES 2011上,3D又回来了-这一次我们看到更大的3D电视,3D显示器,不需要特殊的眼镜,和3D摄像机拍摄。But where is 3D now? I

3、ts certainly not showing up big on our CES 2012 radar, and now looks like over-hyped technology in hindsight especially to those of us who always thought 3Ds natural home was in the movie theater, not the living room.但是现在的3D展现在哪里?至少在CES 2012上,并没太多亮点。人们似乎开始察觉到,3D技术也许被过分追捧。有些人认为,3D技术源生适合于影院而非客厅,更加不看好3

4、D电视技术。Indeed, a variety of obstacles high prices, a lack of 3D content, and uncomfortable viewing experiences have kept 3D TV adoption in the single digits nationwide. Manufacturers and content providers are working to address these issues, but one has to wonder if 3D was nothing but a flash in the

5、CES pan a technology story rather than anything consumers actually wanted.事实上,有许多因素导致3D电视销售不好-价格太高、内容缺乏、体验较差等等。虽然厂商和电视制作人正努力解决这些问题,但人们不得不怀疑,3D电视是否是用户真正的需要,抑或只是科技史上的传说、CES展厅的昙花一现呢?In 2010, consumers purchased a paltry 1.1 million 3D TV units, and although sales have grown in the two years since, the

6、widespread 3D fervor that TV manufacturers were anticipating never took root.2010年,消费者购买仅了110万3D电视设备,虽然近两年这个数目有所增长,但TV开发商们已然后悔进入3D电视市场。According to a January Display Search report, just more than 23 million 3D TVs were shipped in 2011 worldwide, with only 3.6 million shipped in the U.S. 根据Display Se

7、arch一月份的报告显示,全球总共发货2300万3D电视设备在2011年,但只有360万是发往美国。Display Search analyst Paul Gagnon says that U.S. household penetration for 3D TVs is at about 3 percent. “To be fair, 3D TVs have only been available for sale in a significant way for about 18 months, so thats why the penetration is so low,” Gagnon

8、says. “That said, its still lower than what many in the industry had hoped for.” Display Search分析师保罗Gagnon说,美国家庭普及3D电视是百分之3。“平心而论,3D电视只出售了18个月,渗透非常低,”Gagnon说。“也就是说,它仍然低于许多行业所希望的。”Markets like China and western Europe are seeing far more enthusiasm for 3D TV than in North America, but worldwide adopt

9、ion is still likely less than 2 percent.中国和西欧市场,对3D的热情更胜于美国北部,但在世界各地推广仍有可能低于百分之2。So whats to blame?那么,到底应该怨谁呢?The content, for one. 电视内容难辞其咎。“We have disappointed our audience multiple times now, and because of that I think there is genuine distrust whereas a year and a half ago, there was genuine e

10、xcitement, enthusiasm and reward for the first group of 3D films that actually delivered a quality experience,” Dreamworks animation chief Jeffrey Katzenberg said in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter. “我们已经让观众失望很多次了,我觉得他们真的是失望了。反而一两年前,3D电影有着很棒的体验,那真是观众激动、市场狂热、收获颇丰,”Jeffrey Katzenberg,梦工厂首席动画设

11、计师接受好莱坞报道采访时这样说道。After Avatar, a string of unsuccessful, rushed-to-market 3D flicks were looking at you, Clash of the Titans zoomed to theaters hoping to cash in on the craze. Moviegoers were left with a bad taste in their mouths (and oftentimes headaches, too, as 3D viewing can cause eyestrain). Si

12、nce then, better-quality 3D films like Tron: Legacy, and, more recently, Tin Tin and Hugo, have tried to improve 3Ds image. Meanwhile, small-screen content providers have branched out to provide live and on-demand 3D offerings. 阿凡达之后,一系列仓促上映、不太成功的3D小制作就是在说你,诸神之战 企图能从影院狂赚一笔,观影爱好者却败兴而出(还常伴有头晕症状,3D视角容易

13、导致视觉疲劳)。此后,一些3D电影质量有所提高,试图改善人们对3D的印象,例如创:战纪和最近的丁丁历险记、雨果。与此同时,小屏幕3D电视内容开始出现,提供3D实时和点播视频服务。Currently, there are 55 3D channels worldwide, including ESPN 3-D. Another 35 channels offer 3D content on-demand.目前,全世界有55个3D电视频道,包括ESPN-3D。还有35个频道提供3D节目点播。If content and a disillusioned audience are the bigges

14、t problem, thats bad news for manufacturers: They have zero control over the content side of the equation.如果电视内容和观众灰心是最大的问题,那么制造商一定会很头疼:他们没法控制电视内容。To this end, 3D TV manufacturers are doing whatever they can to make the 3D viewing experience as pleasing and trouble-free as possible. This includes do

15、ing away with uncomfortable, unattractive 3D glasses, which have also been cited in studies as barriers to consumer adoption. LG, for one, has announced its making 3D glasses that arelighter and more stylish. 为此,3D电视厂商极尽所能使得3D观赏体验能够轻松愉悦。研究包括如何使3D眼镜使用更舒适、外形更具吸引力,这些都是阻碍消费者接受的因素。例如LG公司就宣称,他们的3D眼镜更轻更有型。

16、But even handsome 3D specs cant mitigate the headaches and fatigue suffered by some viewers of 3D content, or the high prices of 3D TVs. 但有型的3D眼镜仍不能缓解部分人群观赏3D视频时的头疼和眼疲劳症状。3D电视高昂的价格也是一种阻碍。So, yes, 3D TVs are expensive. And they can cause headaches. And they arent supported by a lot of quality content

17、. All of which begs the question: Whos buying these things at all? 所以,是的,3D电视价格昂贵,并且能引发头疼、还缺乏足够的内容支持。那么不得不问一声:到底是谁在购买这些东西呢?The existing sales, however paltry, can be attributed to consumer desire to purchase high-end TVs. Consumers dont really want 3D specifically, but if they want that priciest, to

18、p-of-the-line unit, theyll receive 3D capability whether they like it or not. “Sometimes consumers are even unaware that theyre getting a 3D set at the time of purchase,” Futuresource Consultings Fiona Hoy said. 目前的销售情况,很难归因于消费者购买高端电视的消费意图。消费者并不是真正需要3D特性,只是说在选择高价位、高端产品线时,可以接受附带的3D功能。“有时候用户都没有意识到(自己购

19、买的是一台3D电视)。” 英国未来咨询记者费欧娜霍伊说。Whatever the reason for purchase, the most recent studies indicate consumers are slowly warming up to 3D. An October report from the Digital Entertainment Group found that the majority of 3D TV owners say the experience is positive: 88 percent of those surveyed rated 3D p

20、icture quality positively, and 85 percent of those 3D TV owners prefer to watch more than half of their programming in 3D. 无论购买意图如何,最近的调查都表明消费者并不太热衷购买3D设备。十月份的数字娱乐集团报告发现,大多数购买3D电视的用户都表示,价格昂贵不是坏事:88%的被调查用户认为3D影像质量不错,85%用户表示希望以3D形式观赏大部分电视节目。As prices come down, more content becomes available, and 3D g

21、lasses improve (or are replaced by glasses-free technology), 3D TV adoption will only increase. Whether we reach the near 50 percent adoption rates that have been projected for 2014 and 2015 is yet to be seen. But whether you like it or not, 3D does not appear to be in its death throes just yet.随着价格

22、的下降,3D电视节目的增多、3D眼睛性能提升(或者被无需眼镜技术取代),3D电视会越来越普及。预计到2014和2015年,3D电视的普及率将达50%,至于能否实现,让我们拭目以待。无论你是否看好,3D显示技术还没到弥留的时候。Yes, well see new 3D displays and accessories at CES next week, but you can rest assured the manufacturers over-reaching hype campaigns are over. 是的,我们会看到最新的3D显示器和各种周边设备,在下周的CES展上,不过你大可放心

23、,3D制造商们胡吹乱嗙的炒作活动是不会再有了。 Three-dimensional television and the like got a major marketing push nearly two years ago from the consumer electronics and entertainment industries, yet the technology still has major limitations. Whereas glasses-free 3-D on television screens and computer monitors is seen a

24、s crucial to generating widespread interest in new consumer electronics, for the most part, viewers still need to wear glasses to experience stereoscopic 3-D images, although glasses-free TVs are starting to hit in Japan. 近两年来,主要在消费类电子产品和娱乐产业市场的推动下,三维电视及相关产品获得了长足发展,但其技术仍然有很大的局限性。尽管3D电视屏幕和电脑显示器等新兴消费类

25、电子产品能否做到无需佩戴专门眼镜对能否引起人们普遍兴趣至关重要,尽管裸眼3D电视已经在日本落户,然而对大部分观众来说,他们仍然需要佩戴眼镜才能体验到3D立体图像。The use of 3-D sans specs has been much more successful in smaller screens such as smartphones and portable gaming devices. But these LCDs must be backlit to work properlywhich can be a big battery drain and limits how

26、small the gadgets can be made. 无需佩戴眼镜的裸眼3D技术已经成功应用在了如智能手机和便携式游戏设备的小屏幕上。但是,这些液晶显示器必须要背光照明才能正常工作,这就带来了更大的电池消耗,以及限制了它们体积的进一步小型化。Now a team of researchers in South Korea is developing an approach to autostereoscopic 3-D using tiny prisms that would enable viewers to see three-dimensional images without

27、glasses on organic light-emitting-diode (OLED) screens. Because OLEDs do not need to be backlitthey get their lighting from organic compounds that emit light in response to electric currentthey can be thinner, lighter and more flexible than LCDs. The innovation is detailed in a paper published in th

28、e August 30 issue of Nature Communications. (Scientific American is part of Nature Publishing Group.) 如今韩国的研究人员正在开发一种自动立体3D显示技术,利用微型棱镜,使观众能在有机发光二极管(OLED)屏幕上欣赏到三维图像。由于有机发光二极管本身能通过电流使有机化合物发光,不需要背光照明,因此可以做得比液晶显示器更轻、更薄,更有柔韧性。(科学美国人是自然出版集团的一部分。)The researchersfrom Seoul National University, Act Company a

29、nd Minuta Technologyused an array of microscale prisms placed on a screen to create a filter that guides light directionally. Using such a prism arraywhich the researchers refer to as a lucius prism after the Latin word meaning shining and brightthey were able to display an object on the screen that

30、 could be seen only when viewed from a particular angle. They were also able to manipulate light intensity such that two distinctly different images could be shown from the same screenone to a viewers left eye and a second image to the right eye. Seeing the two images together creates a sense of dep

31、th that the brain perceives as 3-D, without the help of special eyeglass lenses. 首尔国立大学、Act Company 和 Minuta Technology的研究人员利用安置在屏幕上的一个微型棱镜阵列,作为过滤器来定向引导光线。利用这种棱镜阵列(研究人员把它称之为“卢修斯”棱镜,在拉丁语中意思是“闪耀和明亮”),就能够在屏幕上显示一个只有从特定角度才能看得到的物体。他们还能够控制光的强度,这样两个明显不同的图像能够在同一屏幕上显示出来,一个显示在观众的左眼,另一个显示在右眼。左右眼同时看见这两个图像时,就会产生一

32、种大脑认为的立体层次感,而无需佩戴专门眼镜。The lucius prism array described in the paper is a four-centimeter square, yet the researchers estimate the size could be enlarged to that of a smartphone screen or even a video monitor. The prism array was made from photocurable polyurethane acrylate (PUA), although any kind o

33、f transparent polymer could be used, says Hyunsik Yoon, a professor at Seoul National Universitys School of Chemical and Biological Engineering in South Korea and a researcher on the project.文件中所描述的“卢修斯”棱镜阵列是一个4厘米的正方形,但研究人员估计它可扩大到智能手机屏幕甚至视频监视器那么大。这种棱镜阵列由固化聚氨酯丙烯酸酯(PUA)制成,当然任何一种透明聚合物都可用于制作这种棱镜阵列,韩国首尔国

34、立大学化学与生物工程学院教授兼该项目研究员Hyunsik Yoon说道。Another approach to glasses-free 3-D has been to generate 3-D holograms. Researchers at the University of Arizonas College of Optical Sciences (OSC) in Tucson, Ariz., last year reported developing technology that can write and rewrite such holograms onto a photore

35、fractive polymer every two seconds using a laser. Whereas fluid motion via such holographic images remains elusive, OSCs pulsed laser can write information into an array of holographic pixels, or hogels, that convey three-dimensional depth by showing different sides of the object depending on the vi

36、ewers angle to the hologram. It can be used to provide full parallaxviewers can move not only from side to side but also up and down to see different perspectives, according to Nasser Peyghambarian, chair of photonics and lasers at OSC.另一种不用佩戴眼镜产生3D效果的途径是利用生成的3D全息图像。去年曾有报道称在亚利桑那州图森的亚利桑那大学光学科学学院(OSC)

37、的研究人员正在研发一种新技术,利用一束激光把上述的全息图像每隔两秒写入和复写到一种光致折变聚合物上。光学科学学院利用脉冲激光把信息写入到一组全息像素里,观众对全息图像的观察角度不同,物体所呈现出的各个侧面也就不同,这样就能表现出物体的三维立体层次感,但这种全息图像还无法表现流体运动。按照光学科学学院光子学和激光系主任Nasser Peyghambarian的说法,这种技术可用于提供全视差图像,观众不仅可以从一侧移动到另一侧,还能上下移动不同的观察角度。Yoon notes the distinction between his work and that of OSC: The work do

38、ne by Peyghambarian is about the hologram-type autostereoscopic 3-D display. Although it could be the ultimate goal of 3-D displays, our optical film can be used and is applicable for commercialized LCD and OLED devices by just putting the film on the display panel. The 3-D displays resolution can b

39、e improved by shadow mask technology already developed in the OLED industry to deposit materials on selective areas, Yoon adds. One criticism of shadow mask evaporation, however, is that it does not scale well to large-size screens and is not conducive to high-volume manufacturing, although this is

40、not likely an issue yet for Yoon and his colleagues (pdf).Yoon这样评价他的研究成果与和OSC之间的区别:“Peyghambarian研制的是一种全息图像型的自动立体3D显示器。尽管那可能是3D显示器的终极目标,但我们的光学薄膜能运用而且适合运用在商业化的LCD和OLED设备上,仅仅只需在显示面板上装上薄膜。Yoon补充说道,可以通过OLED产业成熟的荫罩技术,在特定区域用沉积法镀上一层特殊材料,来提高3D显示器的分辨率。然而,荫罩蒸镀让人诟病的一点是它不能很好的扩展到大尺寸屏幕,不利于大批量生产,不过这对于Yoon和他的同事来说问题

41、不大。In addition to research done by Yoon and OSC, 3Ms Optical Systems Division announced in 2009 that it had developed a 3-D optical film for handheld devices that enabled autostereoscopic 3-D viewing on mobile phone, gaming and other handheld devices without the need for glasses. Seoul National Univ

42、ersitys work differs from 3Ms in that the 3M film cannot be used for OLED devices, which have no backlight unit, Yoon says. 除了Yoon和OSC完成的研究成果之外,3M公司的光学系统部在2009年宣布它开发了一种用于手持设备的3D光学薄膜,无需眼镜就可以在手机、游戏和其他手持设备上实现自动3D立体视觉效果。Yoon称与首尔国立大学的研究成果不同的是,3M的薄膜不能用于OLE设备,因为它没有背光单元。Smartphone makers are already bringin

43、g 3-D handsets to market worldwide. The HTC EVO 3D and LG Optimus 3D feature 11-centimeter displays that use parallax barrier screens to provide a 3-D effect. Such a screen is made with precision slits that allow each eye to see a different set of pixels. When placed in front of an LCD, the screen c

44、reates a sense of depth using the parallax effect (each eye views an object from a slightly different angle). Unfortunately, this approach requires the viewer to look at the screen at a very specific angle in order to experience the 3-D effect.智能手机厂商已经在全球市场上推出了3D手机。宏达的EVO 3D和LG的Optimus 3D 11厘米显示器的特点

45、是利用视差格栅屏幕来实现3D效果。这种屏幕由许多精密的夹缝构成,能让每只眼睛都能看到不同的像素组合。如果在液晶显示器前面安置这种屏幕,由于视差效果(每只眼睛从稍微不同的角度看物体)的缘故,就会产生一种立体层次感。不幸的是,这种方法需要观看者从某个特定的角度去看屏幕,才能体验到3D效果。Microsoft is developing glasses-free 3D technology that follows viewers movements and projects images directly into their eyes.微软正在开发一项裸眼3D技术,该技术能追踪不断移动的观众,将

46、影像直接映入他们眼里。Existing 3D screens that do not require glasses, including Nintendos recently launched 3DS handheld console, can only be viewed from specific angles.现有的裸眼3D技术,如Nitendo最近发布的一款3DS手持设备,所放映出来的影像要求观众必须从特定角度观看。But the new technology from Microsofts Applied Sciences Group in California uses came

47、ras to track viewers positions and alter the angle of projection. Sending different images to viewers right and left eyes creates the 3D effect.但是位于加利福尼亚州的微软应用科学小组开发的新技术能利用摄像头定位观众的位置并即时调整影像的投射角度,向观众的双眼投射不同的影像以制造出3D效果。The technology is scalable and applicable to all device sizes from mobile phones to

48、 laptops to large walls, Stevie Bathiche, the groups research director, told The Engineer. The approach stays low cost even on very big screens“这项技术可广泛应用于手机,笔记本电脑和壁挂型显示器各类大小设备,”该小组研究主任Stevie Bathiche告诉The Engineer说,“即使应用在大尺寸屏幕上,成本也很低。”The system uses a wedge-shaped lens to steer light from movable l

49、ight-emitting diodes (LEDs) to the viewers eyes. Light enters at the thinner, bottom end of the lens and bounces around until reaching the desired angle and emerging from the front of the lens. 该技术的原理是,可移动的发光二极管(LED)发出光线,穿过楔形透镜到达观众眼中。光线在确定合适角度以后,经透镜底部较薄处折射后从透镜前端发出。A camera at the bottom of the lens tracks the viewers by collecting light coming the other way throug

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