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1、内容为网络收集 仅供参考Employee Training Agreement 员工培训协议(销售代表国内培训)Party A:Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. Intl Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 国际贸易(上海)Party B:Name / 姓名_Gender / 性别_Identity card number _. 身份证号:Whereas, the sales skills and ken in medicinal area of Party B need to be improved in order to success the da

2、ily work in Party A.鉴于, 乙方的医药知识和销售技巧需得到提高以完成其在甲方的日常工作。Whereas, Party A provides a training opportunity to elevatethe above mentioned skillsof Party B.鉴于, 甲方可以为乙方提供培训时机以提高其工作技能。Whereas, Party B is willing to accept the training. 鉴于, 乙方愿意参加培训。Party A and Party B conclude the Agreement as follows:甲、乙双方

3、签订协议如下:1. Purpose / 培训目的The purposes of training are to elevate the sales skills and to broaden the ken in medicinal area of party B / 提高乙方的销售技巧和医药知识;The result of the training examination will be one of important criteria for Party A to evaluate whether Party B is qualified for his / her position.

4、/ 培训考试结果将作为甲方评价乙方是否适合其岗位的重要依据之一。2. 培训期限From _ to _; separated into _ phases which are:自 至 ; 分_阶段进行, 各阶段分别为:3.Right and obligations of Party A / 甲方责任及权利3.1 To pay training fees / 支付培训费;3.2 To arrange training courses for Party B, if the training holds in other city Party A shall take responsibility f

5、or the transportation, meals, accommodation and other training related fees / 为乙方安排培训课程, 如为异地培训那么负责交通及食宿等费;3.3 Has the right to organize and administrate the trainings / 对培训有组织和管理权;3.4 Has the right to evaluate whether Party B successfully passes the training program/ 有权对乙方是否通过培训做出决定;3.5 Has the rig

6、ht to decide whether Party B needs further training ortermination of the labor contract in case Party B fails to pass the training programor violates the disciplines of Party A during training / 假设乙方未能通过培训或违反甲方纪律的, 甲方有权视情况决定是否另行培训或解除劳动关系。3.6 Has the right to claim all the expenses from Party B inclu

7、de but not limit to training fees, meals, accommodation and transportation fees back, in case Party B fails to work for Party A for Six month (including resignation or termination of labor contract due to Party Bs fault or breach of the laws and internal policies) after the completion of the trainin

8、gs or Party B fails the training by whatever reasons and Party A decides to terminate the labor contract by the reason.of failure / 假设乙方在顺利完成所有培训后未在甲方工作满六个月(包括乙方主动辞职或因乙方过失或违反法律及公司规定而导致劳动合同解除的), 或乙方无论因任何原因未能通过培训且甲方因其未通过培训而决定与乙方解除劳动关系的, 甲方有权要求乙方支付包括但不限于以下费用: 培训费, 食宿费和交通费等。4. Right and obligations of P

9、arty B / 乙方责任和权利4.1 To participate training according to the arrangement and disciplines of Party A / 按甲方规定的方式和纪律参加培训。4.2 To obey the administrations and the requirements of Party A / 服从甲方的管理和要求。4.3 To compensate all expenses include but not limit to training fees, meals and accommodation and transp

10、ortation fees etc. to Party A in case the occurrence of articles 3.5 and 3.6 of this agreement / 假设发生本协议第3.5和3.6条的情形,乙方应向甲方支付包括培训费,食宿费,交通费等在内的与培训有关的一切费用。5Compensation / 赔偿5.1 Both parties agree with the followings as the normal compensation standard:乙方向甲方支付培训费的一般标准为:.1Shanghai Local staff /本地员工:RMB

11、3,人民币3000元整;5.1.2 Other staffs / 外地员工:RMB 5,000.00 including transportation, meals, accommodation fees and etc. / 人民币5000元含差旅、食宿等的实际支出;The above mentioned amount is only applicable for the normal situation. If the expenses of Party A is more than this amount Party B shall compensate accordingly.上述金额

12、仅为在一般情况下乙方向甲方支付的金额,假设甲方的支出超过上述金额的,乙方应另行支付。5.2 Party B agrees with the deduction from his / her unpaid salary (including intensive and others) in case the compensation occurred, if the deduction is not sufficient to the compensation Party B shall settle the balance in cash.假设乙方需按本协议承当赔偿责任的,乙方同意甲方从其未付

13、出的工资(包括奖金及其它)中扣除,缺乏局部乙方应以现金补足。6. This Agreement shall be an appendix to the Labor Contract and has the same legal validity as the Labor Contract. Meantime this Agreement shall not be limited by the term of validity of the Labor Contract and may remain effective separately from the Labor Contract. 本协议是劳动合同的附件,与劳动合同具有同等法律效力。本协议不受劳动合同有效性的限制,可独立于劳动合同。7. This Agreement is executed in two originals. Each party shall retain one copy. The two versions shall be equally authentic.本协议一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。日期:年 月 日 甲方:请填入BISPL or BIITSCO 名称乙方:

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