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1、_PEP五年级英语上册第六单元测试题一、 给下列单词选择正确的中文。(10分)( )1. mountain A. 山脉 B.农场 C.村庄( )2.village A. 公园 B.村庄 C.小河( )3. forest A. 花 B. 森林 C.农场( )4.bridge A. 建筑物 B. 房屋 C. 桥( )5.flower A. 地板 B.花 C.草二、 根据字母组合的发音规则,给下列单词归类。(12分)book day rain zoo house downsay paint cool count flower goodlook_ _ room_ _Monday _ _ sound_

2、_cow_ _ wait _ _三、 单项选择。(30分)( )1. There are _ bridges in our village. A. two B. any C. more( )2. _ there any houses in the village? A. Am B. Is C. Are( )3.There _ flowers near the road. A. am B. are C. is( )4.Are there any rivers in the park? Yes, _ are. A. they B. there C. it( )5. _ there a lake?A

3、 Am B. Is C. Are( )6. There arent _ trees near the house. A. more B. any C. many( )7.当你告诉别人“村子里有很多森林”时,你说:_A. There is a forest in the village.B. There are forests in the village.C. There are many forests in the village.( )8.当你告诉别人“河上有座桥”时,你说:_A There is a river on the bridge.B There is a river.C Th

4、ere is a bridge over the river.( )9. 当你问别人“城市里有很多的建筑物吗”时,你说:_A. There are many buildings in the city.B. Are there any buildings in the city?C. Are there any buildings in the village?( )10. 当你告诉别人“我很喜欢我的村庄”时,你说:_A. I like my village very much.B. There is a village.C. The village is beautiful.四、 排列下列句

5、子,使之成为一段通顺的对话。(10分)( )A. Is there a lake in the park?( )B. Yes, there is a small river.( )C. No, there isnt.( )D. Is there a river?( )E. There is a park near my house.五、 选词填空。(8分)1_(There is, There are) a forest in the park.2. There is a_(lake, desk) in the bedroom.3. There is a river in the _(park,

6、 sky).4. _(Is there, Are there) any houses in the city?六、 按要求完成以下题目。(15分)1. there, fish, Are, any, the, in, rivers(?) (连词成句)_2. Lets go boating.(翻译成汉语)_3. There are some pretty flowers.(变成一般疑问句)_4. Is there a forest in the nature park?(否定回答)_5. Are there any photos in the room?(肯定回答)_七、 阅读短文,并判断下列句子

7、的对(T)错(F)。(15分)This is my city(城市).You can see many tall buildings everywhere. Theyre schools, hospitals(医院)and banks(银行)。There are too many buses and cars. There are too many people, too.Near my home, there is a supermarket(超市).I often go there. My school is far away(离.远)from my home. I go to schoo

8、l by bus. There is a nature park near my school. There are many trees and flowers in the nature park. There is a forest in the nature park, too. Beside the river, there is a small house. In front of the house, there is a big tree. Its very beautiful.( ) 1. There are many tall buildings in my city.( ) 2. There are many buses and people everywhere.( ) 3. My school is near my home.( ) 4. There isnt a nature park in my city.( ) 5. I often go to the supermarketWelcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!精品资料

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